The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

On the edge of the cliff, Lugia, the god of the sea, talked with Wutong for a long time.

Originally, he gave Wutong the silver feather to help him when he was in trouble. As a result, the silver feather was used by Wutong to save his people.

In this regard, Lugia, the god of the sea, was more certain that Wutong had a pure soul.

So Lugia, the god of the sea, gave Wutong another silver feather, and said that he would invite Wutong to visit his palace if he had the chance in the future.

After watching Lugia, the god of the sea leave, Wutong looked at the brand new silver feather in his hand that was emitting a silver-white glow and called Ditto.

"Mou~!" Ditto ran out from under Wutong's cloak, and drooled when he saw the silver feather in Wutong's hand.

Ditto looked at Wutong expectantly.

"Okay, okay, don't look at me like that, it's originally for you." Wutong said and put the new and old silver feathers directly in front of Ditto.

Ditto absorbed the two silver feathers into his body without hesitation. Great, the collection has increased again.

Looking at Ditto who swallowed the two silver feathers, Wutong estimated that after Ditto completely absorbed the power of the two silver feathers, the combat time of the abridged Lugia form could be greatly increased.

Conservatively estimated, it should be able to maintain the abridged Lugia form for more than five minutes, which is already stronger than Oxman.

"But how did that guy named Mu Xiao see that I had a Ditto on me? Ditto, your transformation is not very good, and it was so easy for others to find out." Wutong said to Ditto.

"Mo Wu~?" Ditto looked confused. Is this my fault?

Mu Xiao also told him that he could help Ditto become stronger. Although he had only met him once, Wutong could see that Mu Xiao was a very enthusiastic person.

He was once Interpol and Mo's apprentice. He was the kind of person who could be trusted.

But letting Mu Xiao see Ditto would also mean that Mu Xiao would discover his true identity.

After all, since Mu Xiao could find that he had Ditto, he would definitely have a way to distinguish different Ditto, not to mention that his Ditto was shiny.

So, the question now is whether to have face or strength?

Wutong got the answer after three seconds.

"Hello? Mr. Mu Xiao? My Xiaotong!"

In a resort hotel in Kashado City on Silver Rock Island, Wutong, who had recovered his Pokémon in advance, sat in the lobby on the first floor waiting for Mu Xiao.

Wutong's choice was clear. Of course, he had to have strength. As long as he was strong enough, he would get the respect and face he deserved.

After a while, Mu Xiao appeared, and beside him was Mo, who was still wearing a black suit and staring with dead eyes.

"Sorry to bother you like this, Mr. Mu Xiao, Mr. Mo." Wutong stood up and said politely.

Mo waved his hand as a greeting.

"Don't be so polite, I see you are not very old, just call me Mu Xiao directly." Mu Xiao said.

"Okay, you can just call me Xiaotong directly." Wutong responded.

"You two don't need to say polite words here, let's go, find a place with few people, and don't disturb others when training." Mo said and walked out of the hotel.

Wutong and Mu Xiao looked at each other and followed.

Following Mo all the way to an uninhabited beach, Mo came to the beach and skillfully took out a small stool.

Then he pulled out a black stick from his sleeve, pressed it twice, and the black stick directly bounced and stretched, turning into a fishing rod.

Mo ignored the two people behind him and sat on a small stool to start fishing.

"Mr. Mo seems to like fishing very much." Wutong couldn't help but say.

"Teacher said he likes this kind of leisure feeling, so he often took me fishing at the beginning, and now I also like fishing very much." Mu Xiao said.

"Is that so." Wutong nodded and said.

"Then, Xiaotong, you contacted me because of Ditto." Mu Xiao said.

"Yes, but I'm really curious, Mu Xiao, how do you know that I have Ditto?" Wutong asked.

"How do you know that you have a Ditto? Xiao Yuan, say hello." Mu Xiao said after hearing Wutong's question.

The next second, Mu Xiao's left arm began to twist unnaturally, and a Ditto broke away from Mu Xiao's body and appeared in front of Wutong.

"What is this? Your left arm is a Ditto

! ? "Wu Tong said in shock.

Mu Xiao has always behaved very naturally, and you can't tell that his left arm is from Ditto.

And from the sleeves that fell down, Mu Xiao's entire left arm was gone.

"Hahahaha, are you shocked? The teacher also showed a surprised expression when he saw it for the first time. You know, this is the first time I saw the teacher's expression change so much. "Mu Xiao said cheerfully, not at all sad because he lost an arm.

As soon as Mu Xiao finished speaking, a carp king flew from behind Mu Xiao and hit Mu Xiao's head directly.

"Stinky boy, don't say anything extra." Mo didn't look back, still looking at the sea and said.

"You have a good relationship between master and apprentice." Wu Tong said.

"Yes, I respect my teacher very much, and my teacher is also very good to me. Xiao Yuan, come back. "Mu Xiao said to Xiao Yuan.

"Mo Wu~" Xiao Yuan cried and then climbed back onto Mu Xiao's body and turned into his arm again.

Xiao Yuan's transformed arm looked no different from Mu Xiao's other intact arm, and even clenched his palm like a real arm.

"Excuse me, what is your arm? Ah, if it's a memory that you can't or don't want to talk about, just pretend you didn't hear it, sorry." Wu Tong asked.

"It doesn't matter, it's not a secret that can't be told. About two years ago, I sneaked into a secret laboratory of the Rockets to investigate, and was discovered during the period. On my way to escape, I met Apollo, and I lost this arm in the battle with him, but fortunately I finally escaped successfully and rescued Xiao Yuan, who was the experimental subject." Mu Xiao said.

"The experimental subject of the Rockets? "Wu Tong muttered to himself. He probably guessed what the experiment was. It should be the preliminary experiment of the Mewtwo Project.

After all, Ditto is the Pokémon that is most similar to Mew.

How could Team Rocket, who wanted to create their own mythical beast, not study Ditto?

"Yes, on my way to escape, I passed by the laboratory where Xiao Yuan was being studied. When I saw Xiao Yuan in pain, I snatched him out directly, although the price was the loss of an arm. "Mu Xiao said with a smile.

"So, you said before that you were Interpol because of this?" Wu Tong continued to ask.

"Of course, after all, I lost an arm. Although the battle mainly depends on Pokémon, Interpol who lost an arm still has many inconveniences. "Mu Xiao shrugged and said.

"You are just on leave indefinitely. You can continue to be Interpol when your condition recovers." Mo's voice came.

"Look, I said that the teacher is very good to me. Although the teacher is usually lazy and speaks badly, he is still very kind in his heart. "Mu Xiao said.

Another Magikarp responded to Mu Xiao.

"However, why is your Ditto not pink after it turns into an arm? And it seems that you can control it freely?" Wutong simply ignored the interaction between the strange master and apprentice and continued to ask.

"This is what I plan to teach you. First of all, the color problem you mentioned, isn't it normal for Ditto to change color? Otherwise, how can it turn into other Pokémon?" Mu Xiao asked back.

"That being said, Ditto, come out and turn into an arm guard." Wutong thought it would be more convenient to let Mu Xiao take a look directly.

"Mo Wu~" Ditto appeared and jumped directly onto Wutong's arm, then squirmed and turned into a blue arm guard that wrapped Wutong's left arm.

"You see, that's it, my Ditto is still blue for some reason after it turns into an item." Wutong said after showing Mu Xiao the arm guard that Ditto turned into.

"Emmmm, is there a possibility that you didn't tell it what color to turn into? "Mu Xiao said tentatively. After all, he could only feel that there was a Ditto on Wutong, and he didn't know it was a shiny Ditto.

Who knows if the shiny Ditto will affect the transformation.

After hearing Mu Xiao's words, Wutong fell into deep thought. It seemed that, probably, maybe, almost, he had never talked to Ditto about the color problem.

After all, every time Ditto turned into other Pokémon, it automatically changed its color, so Wutong didn't specifically mention the color problem when he asked Ditto to turn into an item.

Now that Mu Xiao asked this, Wutong was a little unconfident.

[Ditto, change into a black arm guard.]

Wutong communicated with Ditto using his superpowers.

The blue arm guard on Wutong's arm squirmed, and the color gradually

Changed, turned into a pure black arm guard.

The scene was quiet for a while.

Mu Xiao didn't know what to say.

Wutong didn't know where there was a crack in the ground to get into, so stupid, so stupid. The reason was because he didn't say what color he wanted! ?

Isn't it just like the computer at home suddenly couldn't turn on, and after trying various methods, it still didn't work, so he asked a computer repairman to come, and then he found out that the power strip was not turned on!

"Well, then let's talk about your second question, why can Xiao Yuan's transformed arm be controlled by me like my real arm." Mu Xiao began to change the subject considerately.

"Yes, I'm really curious." Wutong said cooperatively.

"At first, I thought it was because Xiao Yuan was transformed by the Rocket Team. Later, after spending a long time together, I found that although Xiao Yuan's transformation was one of the main reasons, ordinary Ditto can also do this through training, but it requires more effort." Mu Xiao said.

Wutong looked serious, waiting for Mu Xiao's explanation.

"Xiao Yuan's mental power is much stronger than that of a normal Ditto because of Team Rocket's experiment. If humans want to control their bodies, they need to transmit signals through the brain. After Xiao Yuan becomes an arm, he can intercept the signals transmitted by the brain and make corresponding reactions. How about it, isn't it magical?" Mu Xiao said.

Wu Tong nodded subconsciously. What the hell is this scientific but unscientific feeling. Can Ditto even intercept the signals sent by the brain!

Is this really Ditto, not a facehugger or parasite?

"Of course, Xiao Yuan can do this because of Team Rocket's experimental transformation, and Team Rocket just accidentally created Xiao Yuan's ability, otherwise they would definitely mass-produce it." Mu Xiao continued. .

"Indeed, Team Rocket can do this with their personality." Wu Tong nodded in agreement.

"So the key is how to make ordinary Ditto do the same thing." Mu Xiao said.

"Yeah!" Wu Tong concentrated, because the next one is definitely the key point among the key points.

"I found that Ditto's mental power can be actively trained." Mu Xiao said.

"Actively train mental power?" Wu Tong was a little confused.

After all, mental power is mainly a patent of psychic-type and ghost-type Pokémon.

If they want to train their own mental power, they also need to constantly practice various skills, meditation, etc.

Wu Tong has tried to let Ditto meditate, but Ditto can't learn the skill of meditation at all. Even if it turns into a Pokémon like Alakazam to meditate, it is just a temporary buff, and it has no effect of meditation for psychic-type Pokémon.

After all, fake is fake.

"Yes, actively train mental power. I think Xiaotong, you should have tried to let Ditto use meditation to practice after transformation?" Mu Xiao asked.

"Yes, I did try many times, but it didn't work." Wu Tong replied.

"Then have you tried to let Ditto meditate and slowly change yourself back to your original appearance?" Mu Xiao asked.

"Change back to the original form during meditation!? This should interrupt meditation directly." Wutong asked a little surprised.

"Generally speaking, it is like this. After all, Ditto wants to use other skills based on transformation. But meditation is an exception. Perhaps it is closely related to mental power, so Ditto can actually change back to its original form during meditation." Mu Xiao said.

"But if Ditto changes its transformation during meditation, it should be directly out of meditation." Wutong continued.

"So, this requires a long period of practice. You can not change back to the original form at once, and slowly try to change the appearance of the body little by little. Make the transformation a subconscious behavior and don't affect meditation." Mu Xiao said.

"This is indeed a difficult training. If Ditto completes it, can it also do what Xiao Yuan did?" Wutong asked.

"In principle, it is like this, but it is difficult, and there is not much need. After all, technology can completely replace this method, so this training method is more about enhancing Ditto's own strength." Mu Xiao said.

Wutong nodded thoughtfully.

There are many factors that affect Ditto's transformation that will be affected by Ditto's own mental power, so if this training method is successful, Ditto's strength will increase significantly.

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