The old man was so angry that he was so angry.

Cong Youtong casually carried the onion blade in his right hand on his shoulder, pointed the onion blade in his left hand at the shocked Xiaohuo and the others and said, "I advise you to quickly give up the idea of ​​letting them go."

Xiaohuo and the others are still too naive. You know, the one who knows them best is not themselves, nor their opponents, but Wutong, their trainer.

To put it bluntly, Wutong, who is both a breeder and a trainer, knows his Pokémon so well that he knows exactly what XP is.

It's not just a simple taste anymore. Wutong knows which one he likes very well.

In addition, as a Pokémon up before rebirth, he is more familiar with the effects and characteristics of various skills than his ID card.

Without the command, there will be a delay. With Wutong's understanding of his Pokémon, he can guess 85% of what skills they want to use in any situation.

In addition to the familiarity with the combat habits of each of their Pokémon, it can be said that beating them is like doing homework according to the answers, easy and enjoyable.

So Wutong thinks this is also a good opportunity to let Xiaohuo and others learn not to be limited to one combat mode, but to learn to adapt to circumstances.

It is definitely not that Wutong wants to be lazy and try to teach Xiaohuo and others to be independent, absolutely not.

"Okay, the next one should take the initiative, come on." Wutong said to Xiaohuo and others.

"Kamei!" Xiaogui took the initiative to stand up, took out the sunglasses and put them on his face.

"Oh, buff, right? You seem to have forgotten who the boss of the Squirtle Corps is!" Cong Youtong said and waved to Wu Yaya.

"Quack? Quack!" Wu Yaya was a little confused at first, then immediately flipped his pocket and took out the sunglasses specially used by the boss of the Squirtle Corps and handed them to Cong Youtong.

Cong Youtong used the green onion blade to pick it up in a chic way. His sunglasses flew into the air and kept spinning, then fell on Cong Youtong's face, pretending to be awesome.

Without anyone's announcement, Cong Youtong and the little turtle started fighting directly.

"Kamei!" The little turtle leaned down, two gun barrels stretched out, and two thick water columns sprayed out.

The two water columns met at one point, forming a thicker water column that shot at Cong Youtong.

Cong Youtong rushed directly to the little turtle, and a rotating energy sword appeared around him, and Cong Youtong himself began to spin.

The energy sword rotated with Cong Youtong, and it was against the little turtle's water cannon. Cong Youtong successfully came to the little turtle.

The black mist wrapped around the two green onion blades, and kept whipping the little turtle's whole body.

The little turtle took the attack and retracted its head and limbs into its shell. Then it rose out of thin air and just as it was about to start spinning, a green onion blade covered with black and purple energy pierced through the hole in its shell.

High-speed spinning failed!

What is a sneak attack on your vitals? It means to force you back into your shell so that you can't see my attack, and then I can attack your vitals openly.

The little turtle whose shell was pierced by the green onion blade seemed to have springs installed, and its head and limbs popped out instantly.

Xiaohuo and the other Pokémon who were still watching took a breath of cold air instantly. It was so scary. Their trainer was so scary today.

After the little turtle's head emerged from its shell, it was greeted by a green onion blade that shone from top to bottom with white light.

The winner has been decided!

"Next one!" Cong Youtong said to Xiaohuo and the others, ignoring the little turtle with a big bump on his head and two claws trying to comfort his anus but unable to reach it.

"Da Na~" Xiaowa stretched out two vine whips, rolled up the turtle that was temporarily unable to move, and dragged it back to the melon-eating table.

"Why does Wutong look so familiar in fighting?" Xiaoli, who was watching the show with the melons, said in surprise.

After losing two generals in succession, Xiaohuo, Xiaobai and Ditto began to discuss who to send next.

"Roar!" In the end, the conclusion was to let Xiaohuo appear. As a member of the three little groups, its other two brothers had already failed. How could the guy be a turtle in the back? Wouldn't it be embarrassing if someone stabbed him? (Bluse Turtle: Who are you?)

"Very good, you just need to have momentum." Seeing Xiaohuo's appearance, Cong Youtong said with satisfaction. There was no difference in hard power. It was completely a matter of experience and brain. If he didn't dare to fight, it would be too disappointing.

"Roar!" Xiaohuo didn't hesitate. His whole body was directly covered with blood-red flame-like energy, and the blue-purple energy on his two claws

It extended to form energy claws, flames came out of its mouth, and even its tail had a metallic luster.

"Wow, you're working hard." Seeing Xiaohuo's appearance, Cong Youtong couldn't help but exclaimed.

He opened the fierce fire directly, and was also ready to use the dragon claws, fire teeth and iron tail at the same time. Xiaohuo was ready to do his best.

Xiaohuo flapped his wings and rushed directly to Cong Youtong. Facing the rushing Xiaohuo, Cong Youtong's two green blades were entangled in black mist, and under the black mist was a faint yellow-green light.

The next second, the two sides came into contact with each other. Xiaohuo used teeth, claws, and tail at the same time, while Cong Youtong danced back and forth with two green blades, perfectly parrying Xiaohuo's attack.

Cong Youtong's well-trained fighting ability was finally demonstrated. The original Cong Youtong learned excellent "software" from Ma Zhishi, Xiba, and Ah Si, but the body as "hardware" could not keep up with the "software".

Now, when using the body of Onion Soldier, the "software" can finally run perfectly.

Found that all his attacks were blocked, Xiaohuo's unwillingness to admit defeat came up, and his attacks became more and more fierce.

Onion Soldier's pressure increased instantly. Obviously, Xiaohuo's way of cracking it was to attack, attack again, and not give Onion Soldier a chance to play with it.

Although it was very brainless, it was effective.

After all, Xiaohuo had an advantage over speed, so it was difficult for Onion Soldier to pull by walking.

But this was not enough, and a gleam of light flashed in Onion Soldier's eyes.

In his eyes, the world changed, Xiaohuo's attack seemed to have become slow motion, and the gaps in the attack were infinitely magnified. Is this the world after Onion Soldier used See Through?

If it was a normal Pokémon that used See Through, it would dodge through the gaps in this attack, while Onion Soldier with the power of flash would find the weakest point of the attack, break this point and directly interrupt the opponent's attack.

So Cong Youtong successfully discovered the electricity that could break the balance. A burst of inexplicable energy appeared, causing the onion blade in Cong Youtong's hand to pierce out at a very fast speed.

Xiaohuo, who was still attacking fiercely, suddenly felt a sense of imbalance and his attack stopped involuntarily.

Cong Youtong obviously would not miss this opportunity. The white light extended from the wings to the two onion blades. Cong Youtong turned 360 degrees and left two slash marks on Xiaohuo's chest.

The winner has been decided!

Xiaohuo felt the pain in his chest and knew that he still lost. However, looking at the little turtle lying on the ground and twitching, Xiaohuo felt that he was still honored in defeat.

Feeling Xiaohuo's gaze, the little turtle showed a malicious look, bastard, sooner or later I will let you know what it means to have a broken chrysanthemum and wounds all over the ground.

"Then there are only two of you left, who will come first?" Cong Youtong said to Ditto and Xiaobai.

"Roar~!" Xiaobai shouted to cheer himself up and walked forward.

"Xiaobai, come on then." Cong Youtong said.

"Roar!" Xiaobai nodded obediently and flapped his wings to fly into the air.

A blue flame appeared in his mouth, and the next second a blue column of fire shot towards Cong Youtong.

"Are you choosing guerrilla warfare in contrast to Xiaohuo?" Cong Youtong said as he began to dodge Xiaobai's attack.

In order to attack Cong Youtong, Xiaobai has always maintained a suitable distance, and this distance is also Cong Youtong's opportunity.

While dodging Xiaobai's jet flame attack, Cong Youtong slowly closed the distance between him and Xiaobai.

After feeling that the distance was almost right, Cong Youtong began to counterattack, with white light bursting out of his body, and Cong Youtong's speed suddenly increased.

Instantly came to the bottom of Xiaobai, and then two onion blades were thrown out with force and shot towards Xiaobai in the air.

"Ga! Ga! (My big onion!)" Wu Yaya couldn't help shouting when she saw Cong Youtong's operation.

Facing the onion blades that were shot, Xiaobai subconsciously chose to dodge.

This gap gave Cong Youtong an opportunity. Without the burden of the green blade, Cong Youtong jumped high, flapped his wings and rushed directly towards Xiaobai.

White light covered the two wings, and the wings were used properly.

Xiaobai's training allowed it to dodge Cong Youtong's attack again.

However, this attack was still just a bait. Cong Youtong, with wings emitting white light, grasped the two green blades that began to fall, turned around, and the two green blades passed in front of Xiaobai's face.

The attack did not hit, and Cong Youtong had already fallen back to the ground.

"Okay, next one." Cong Youtong said directly.

The attack did not hit? Of course it was intentional. My daughter is used for pampering. Cong Youtong only needs to make Xiaobai understand his thoughts, and it is not necessary for him to be hurt.

(Little Frog, Little Fire,

Little Turtle: So love will disappear, right? )

Seeing Xiaobai fall back to the melon-eating table, Ditto knew that some things could not be avoided after all.

What is coming will eventually come, and Ditto seemed to have made up his mind, and a firm look appeared in his eyes.

"Your eyes are very good, let me see how much you can do in my own battle." Cong Youtong said as he looked at Ditto's eyes. Ditto can be said to be the weakest but also the strongest in terms of fighting alone.

Because as a Pokémon, it certainly cannot be as familiar with the various skills of Pokémon as Cong Youtong, and it may not even have memorized the attribute restraint table.

It is completely whatever it thinks of, and it uses whichever skill it wants to use, which is completely full of uncertainty.

The upper limit is extremely high, and the lower limit is also extremely low. It can be said to be very extreme, but there is nothing to do about it. After all, Ditto does not look like a Pokémon with a particularly good brain.

You can't expect Ditto to be as brainy as a computer as Metagross, right?

However, it is precisely because of this uncertainty that Cong Youtong has become cautious.

Although he did not suffer any damage in the battle with Xiaohuo, Xiaobai, Xiaogui and Xiaowa, the use of skills back and forth also consumed a lot of physical strength.

In addition, Cong Youtong tried to fuse the dance and the continuous slash, and although he successfully used it, it also caused Cong Youtong to feel that his wings are a little sore.

Pokémon fighting is more difficult than expected, Cong Youtong couldn't help thinking in his heart.

"Mo Wu~" Ditto jumped in front of Cong Youtong and shouted.

Cong Youtong tightly grasped the two green blades in his hands, ready to attack at any time, although he also wanted to try to use the two-sword flow secrets and three-sword flow secrets.

But it was completely impossible. After all, these secrets are not skills, but techniques. Cong Youtong, who has never practiced them, will definitely not be able to use them.

It's a pity. It seems that this thing can't be dyed green.

"Mo Wu!" The prepared Ditto let out a cry, and its body began to twist and deform after emitting white light.

What will it become? Cong Youtong looked at Ditto vigilantly.

The next second, Cong Youtong felt a strong sense of oppression, and then his brain seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer and he was in a trance, and then his eyes turned black and fell to the ground.

Ditto's transformation lasted only a second and then instantly returned to its original state, his eyes spinning and he fell to the ground with Cong Youtong.

"What happened!?" Xiaoli immediately ran to Cong Youtong, with a look of confusion and shock on his face.

"Quack! Quack!" Wu Yaya also jumped up in fear, its body!

I don't know how long it took, Wutong slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the starry night sky, Wutong pondered for two seconds and said, "I've never seen a ceiling like this before, and it's in the starry sky style."

"Are you awake? Don't you have any sequelae? There is no ceiling in the forest." Xiaoli said with concern when she saw Wutong wake up.

"My head hurts so much, Ditto, that bastard, actually cheated." Wutong sat up and touched his forehead with his hand and said.

In the last battle between Cong Youtong and Ditto, when Cong Youtong was still alert, Ditto actually transformed into Mewtwo.

Relying on that one second of transformation time, Ditto in Mewtwo mode used mental strength and directly dealt a heavy blow to Cong Youtong's brain.

You know, Cong Youbing is a fighting type! Double weak super power! Cong Youtong, whose spirit and body are not matched, was directly shocked to faint.

Of course, Ditto is not much better. Although it absorbed a lot of materials from legendary beasts during its trip to the Johto region, greatly improving its physical strength, its spiritual growth is actually very limited.

Even though it can transform into a castrated version of Lugia to fight, it can only last for one second when it transforms into Mewtwo, although this second is enough for the psychic legendary beast Mewtwo to attack.

"Forget it, let's just call it a pass." Wutong said helplessly. After all, Ditto's unexpected action was something that even he, as a trainer, did not expect.

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