The battle was a battle, but the battle was a battle.

After Wutong remembered the story of Zapdos, he asked Rotom to search for any lakes nearby, but Rotom gave a negative answer.

There was no other way, Wutong could only choose other methods.

"Everyone, the target must be clear, and we will specifically pick the ones with electricity!" Wutong said.

"Kamei!?" Turtle showed a questioning expression, targeting it, right, for fear that it was not charged enough?

"Turtle, don't show that expression, look at Xiaohuo and Xiaobai, didn't they do it seriously?" Wutong said.

"Kamei!" Turtle shouted helplessly, there is a big difference between being able to fly and not being able to fly. Forget it, I have to finish my trainer's order even if I cry.

After clarifying the goal, Wutong's Pokémon became significantly more efficient.

One after another, electric Pokémon were killed, and Wutong observed these electric Pokémon to see if they were heading in a clear direction.

Hard work pays off. After Wutong moved forward for a while, he finally saw several electric Pokémon walking together.

Wutong did not hesitate and immediately collected all the Pokémon except Ditto and followed these electric Pokémon.

Ditto jumped onto Wutong's shoulder and turned into a dark shoulder-linked arm guard.

Following several electric Pokémon all the way, Wutong came to a hillside. Climbing up the hillside, Wutong saw the lake that could heal electric Pokémon.

At this time, in the lake, various electric Pokémon were soaking in it, with a comfortable look on their faces.

From time to time, a trace of electricity flashed on the water near these electric Pokémon. Obviously, the crystals in the lake were emitting energy to heal these electric Pokémon.

"I'm suddenly curious about what it feels like to soak in it. Do you want to give it a try?" Wutong said with a little excitement, looking at the comfortable expressions of the electric Pokémon in the lake.

Based on the principle of true knowledge through practice, Wutong decided to try it before making a conclusion.

After finding a suitable place, Wutong put down his backpack and happily took out his swimming trunks that had not been used for a long time.

"Ditto, let's go to the fitting room." Wutong patted his "arm guard" and said.

Ditto obediently slid to the ground, then twisted and deformed its body and turned around Wutong, then jumped up, and a simple dressing room appeared.

After a while, Wutong, who had changed his clothes, walked out of the Ditto dressing room, patted Ditto with his hand, and Ditto directly rotated and wrapped around Wutong's upper arm to become a water blue arm ring.

Since learning about Ditto's transformation knowledge from Mu Xiao, Wutong's Ditto's transformation ability has been greatly enhanced.

At least the changes of various "tools" are more handy.

After entering the lake, the water temperature is not as cold as imagined, but it feels slightly warm, perhaps because of the crystals in the lake.

After soaking in the lake for a while, Wutong felt a weak electric current stimulating his whole body, but he did not feel any pain.

Instead, it felt like a massage, numb and very comfortable.

"The lake is found, but how can I find the lightning bird?" Wutong looked up at the sky and said to himself.

The next second, the originally clear sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds, and lightning flashed in the dark clouds.

A big yellow-haired bird with its hair standing on end slowly fell from the dark clouds, and lightning wrapped around its whole body, looking quite powerful.

"What's going on!? Is my mouth blessed today?" Wutong couldn't help but say as he looked at the lightning bird that suddenly appeared.

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