The weather was very good, but the weather was very good.

Hearing Adu's cold laugh, Wutong was shocked and suddenly woke up.

"Hahaha, the weather is really good today. Mr. Adu, you must be very busy. The justice of the world needs you to maintain it. Go and get busy. I can find Xiaochun if I have anything to do." Wutong said hurriedly.

"No need. It's just one day without sleep. I can bear it." Adu was determined to "guide" Wutong well this time.

Seeing Adu so determined, Wutong could only look for help from Shinji and others.

Seeing Wutong's gaze, Shinji and others raised a thumbs up in unison. The meaning was very clear. You should solve your own death. Go with peace of mind.

Seeing that he was abandoned by his best friends, he had no choice but to save himself. Wutong began to look around for an escape route.

"I have something else to do, so I won't bother you anymore!" Wutong left a message and ran away after picking a route.

Seeing Wutong quickly become a smaller dot, Shinji and the others couldn't help but sigh, worthy of being the champion of death, running so fast.

"Dragonite!" Adu called calmly.

"Woo~!" The wings of Dragonite behind Adu fluttered, and instantly caught up with Wutong who was still running wildly.

After a while, Wutong, who was held in Dragonite's arms, reappeared in everyone's sight.

"Well, what a coincidence." Wutong said awkwardly.

"I'll take this guy away first, Xiaochun, I'll ask you to entertain them." Adu ignored Wutong's awkward greeting, put away the other Pokémon except Charizard and Dragonite and said to Xiaochun.

"Leave it to me, I will entertain these guests well." Xiaochun nodded and replied.

"Well, please, Xiaomao, Shinji and Xiaoming, right? I will return this guy to you later. You should also come to challenge the Yanmo Gym, right? Xiaochun is very strong, I hope you don't take it lightly." Adu said to Shinji and the other two.

"It's okay, it's okay if you don't have to return it." Xiaomao said.

"We will fight seriously." Shinji also replied.

"Wutong, have a good journey." Xiaoming waved to Wutong and said.

"You three ungrateful guys! It's just a dodo! You actually abandoned me like this!?" Wutong shouted desperately.

"It seems that Xiaotong can't wait, so we'll leave first." Hearing Wutong's words, Adu said with veins on his forehead.

Adu directly climbed onto Charizard's back, called out to Dragonite, and the two Pokémon flew directly into the sky and flew away.

"No!!!!" Wutong's miserable cry came from afar.

The Meely sheep in Wutong's arms was startled by Wutong's shout and burst into electricity again.

(ps: The last Pokémon of the pink team finally appeared. The pink electric dragon is still very cute and strong. Its attributes can also make up for the team's attack surface. Perfect.)

In a clearing outside the Dragon Sanctuary, Adu hugged his hands in front of him and looked at Wutong calmly.

"That? Mr. Adu?" Wutong said cautiously.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. Since it is a test, there must be a standard for the test. The first test is very simple. Conquer this Meely sheep and then proceed to the next test." Adu said.

"Eh? Is this Meely sheep wild?" Wutong said in surprise, looking at the big pink marshmallow in his arms.

"It's not wild, it's just that it hasn't been collected in the Poké Ball. This is a Pokémon carefully cultivated by the Dragon Clan." Adu said.

"Is that so? So, what exactly is your definition of dragon Pokémon?" Wutong's hand glowed green and he gently stroked the sheep, then said to Adu.

"In the eyes of ordinary people, our dragon tribe should be a tribe of trainers who use dragon Pokémon. In fact, for the dragon tribe, not only dragon attributes, but also Pokémon with dragon blood in their bodies are the objects we drive." Adu continued to answer.

"No wonder Adu doesn't have many dragon Pokémon himself." Wutong muttered.

Seeing Wutong's look, Adu didn't say anything, but decided to increase the difficulty of the next training.

Wutong slowly soothed the sheep, and under Wutong's caress, the sheep finally stopped curling up.

The sheep carefully stretched out its head from the "big marshmallow", with the light bulb

The tail also popped out and swayed slightly.

The light bulb flickered and emitted pink light, swaying left and right with the rhythm of Wutong's caressing, and the two eyes of the sheep slowly narrowed up, looking very enjoyable.

"The power of Changpan is really powerful." Wutong said as he looked at the sheep who was gradually relaxing.

"No, this should be your own credit. Although the power of Changpan can heal Pokémon, it does not have the power to attract Pokémon and soothe Pokémon's hearts. That is your own characteristic, plus the ability brought by the power of Changpan." Adu, who is also the successor of the power of Changpan, said.

"Really? It's worthy of me, isn't it?" Wutong said with a bright smile.

"Although your complacent look is very annoying, it is true that this sheep is very shy. Xiaochun also had to contact it for a long time before he could hug it. When you first saw it, you could hold it without any obstacles and it was not rejected. When you held it, you did all kinds of idiotic behaviors and it didn't run away. You can be proud of it." Adu continued.

"Wait a minute, Adu, did you add some insults to my words while praising me?" Wutong felt something was wrong and looked at Adu and said.

"I'm just telling the truth." Adu replied.

"Tsk, Meely, are you willing to be my partner and fight with me?" Wutong squatted in front of Meely and said softly.

"Mee~?" Meely tilted its head. It was obviously still young and didn't know what Wutong was talking about, but it felt that Wutong made it feel comfortable and wanted to get close to him.

"Then let's put it another way. Are you willing to live with me?" Wutong thought for a while and asked.

"Mee~" Meely came to Wutong and rubbed Wutong with its little head, looking like it agreed.

"Then, please take care of me." Wutong said and took out a Friends Ball, which can make Pokémon and themselves become close quickly.

The Friend Ball gently touched the head of the sheep, and the sheep was directly collected into the Poké Ball.

The Friend Ball just shook a little and succeeded.

"Did you succeed? Sure enough, the first test is not difficult for you." Adu commented calmly.

"Male sheep, come out." Wutong directly released the successfully captured sheep. After all, it was still a child and it was not suitable to be kept in the Poké Ball all the time.

"Mee~" The sheep that was released again felt closer to Wutong. After a cry, it came directly to Wutong and kept rubbing against Wutong.

"So what is the next test, Mr. Adu?" Wutong asked carefully.

After all, if nothing unexpected happens, he may be beaten next.

"Before the next test, I have to take you to see your grandfather first." Adu looked at the darkening sky and said.

"Indeed, it's a bit late." Wutong also looked up at the sky and said.

This time, because there was no need to guard against Wutong's escape, Wutong sat on Dragonite's back, and Meely Sheep shrank into a big marshmallow and was held in Wutong's arms.

I have to say that the texture of Meely Sheep's fur is really comfortable to hold.

Sitting on Dragonite, following Adu and Charizard, Wutong once again came to the ancestral hall of the Dragon Sanctuary.

At this time, the Dragon Elder was sitting in front of the ancestral hall feeling the tranquility. And the Dragonite who guarded the Dragon Sanctuary was nowhere to be found.

"Grandpa, we are here." Adu called softly.

"Oh, it seems that your business has ended perfectly. You can actually get the trust of this little guy. It seems that Wutong is a very good trainer." The Dragon Elder heard Adu's call and said with a smile.

"You are too kind." Wutong said modestly.

"Adu should have told you the reason why I asked you to come to me, right?" said the Dragon Elder.

"Yes, but I am not from the Dragon Control Clan. Can I really get the Dragon's Blessing?" Wutong asked.

"Oh, don't worry about such details. We in the Dragon Control Clan don't have any rules and regulations. Otherwise, Adu would not have been sent to the Kanto region to be the king." The Dragon Elder said.

"That's right, Grandpa often gives the Dragon's Blessing to the dragon eggs he sees. And strictly speaking, Grandpa has retired from the position of Dragon Priest. There are special people who give the Dragon's Blessing to the dragon eggs of the Dragon Control Clan. Now it's just Grandpa's personal habit." Adu also said.

"Personal hobby? Then trouble you." Wutong said and took out the elf egg and handed it to the Dragon Elder.

"Oh, let's move our bodies after a long time. Old friends, come out!" The Dragon Elder took the elf egg and said.

As the dragon

As the words of the elder fell, six rays of light appeared, and six Pokémon appeared behind the elder of the dragon.

Dragonite, Tyranitar, Garchomp, Triceratops, Slimy Dragon, and Scaly Dragon.

Six pure dragon-type quasi-gods appeared, and the sense of oppression was instantly full.

"Oh oh oh oh oh~!" Wutong not only exclaimed after seeing the six dragon-type Pokémon, but also seemed to have stars in his eyes. This is the real dragon-riding family.

Wutong thought so and looked at Adu again and shook his head helplessly. The dodo still has a long way to go.

"It's really amazing! This is the first time I have seen so many dragon-type quasi-gods appear at the same time, but didn't you subdue Dragonbaruto and Triceratops?" Wutong asked.

"Oh, I came back to inherit the position of Dragon Priest after traveling in Alola, so I didn't have the opportunity to subdue Dragonbaruto and Styracosaurus. Although it's a bit regrettable, sometimes regret is also a kind of memory, isn't it?" The Dragon Elder replied.

"So that's how it is." Wutong nodded. It is estimated that the Dragon Elder does not have a collecting habit, otherwise he would be very uncomfortable without a few dragon-type quasi-gods.

"Then let's start, Adu, Wutong, you guys go to the side and make room." The Dragon Elder said.

"Okay, Grandpa." After Adu said that, he took back Dragonite and Charizard and walked to the side.

Wutong also followed Adu with the Merely Sheep, leaving enough space for the Dragon Elder and his Pokémon.

The Dragon Elder saw the empty space left and walked to the center, and carefully placed the Pokémon Egg on the ground.

The Armored Staff Dragon came to the front of the Dragon Elder, and the scales on its body rubbed and collided, forming an ancient rhythm. Then the Armored Staff Dragon let out a long cry, as if chanting an ancient war song.

"Dragon son who has not yet been born, I am here to grant you protection, and the Dragon of Heaven will give you a strong body--" The Dragon Elder raised his hands and began to chant.



Dragonite and Dragonite flew into the air and let out a dragon roar, and red light covered them.

"The Dragon of Earth will give you a strong body--" The Dragon Elder continued to chant.

"Roar!" Garchomp and Armored Staff Dragon stomped on the ground together, and an orange-yellow light appeared.

"The Dragon of Water will give you a fearless spirit--"

Blue light appeared on the three-headed dragon and the slimy dragon, and they began to dance with a strange rhythm on the spot.

The three colors of light extended and gathered on the elf egg.

"With our expectations and blessings, grow strong!" The Dragon Elder said loudly at last.

The three-color light instantly rushed into the Pokémon egg, and the six Pokémon also stopped.

At this time, the Pokémon egg was shaking slightly, and the three-color light was flowing on it.

"Go, the Dragon's Blessing is over, and your Pokémon egg should be hatched soon." Adu said to Wutong.

"Okay." Wutong immediately ran to the Pokémon egg, first bowed to the Dragon Elder to express his gratitude, Wutong put the Meli sheep at his feet first, and then picked up the Pokémon egg.

"Me~" Meli sheep looked at the Pokémon egg picked up by Wutong curiously, and then found that many Pokémon were looking at it. It shyly shrank into a big pink cotton candy again.

Not bad, cotton defense is very skilled, it's strange! What should I do when I have to fight in this way in the future! ? Looking at the shrunken Meli sheep, Wutong thought tangledly.

There was no other way, Wutong could only pick up the shaking Pokémon eggs and the Meely sheep, one in each hand.

Fortunately, the Meely sheep was still a little guy, and one hand was enough to hold it.

"I'll take Grandpa back first, you stay here to welcome the new companion." Adu said to Wutong and left with the Dragon Elder.

The six dragon-type quasi-gods who were protecting the Pokémon eggs also seemed to have consumed a lot of energy, and the Dragon Elder took back the Poké Balls and took them away.

"Everyone, come out and meet the new companions!" After all, it was time to welcome a new life, so Wutong released all his Pokémon.

The Meely sheep, who had seen Adu and the Dragon Elder leave and poked his head out again, saw so many more Pokémon appear, and it rolled itself into a marshmallow again.

"Dream~?" The Dream Demon flew to the side of the Meely sheep curiously. The new little brother looked a little shy.

"Ho?" "Bana?" "Kamei?" The three little ones also gathered around and seemed to be full of interest in this new companion.

"You three, don't scare your sister. Xiaobai, you can be a big sister this time. You must take good care of the Meely sheep and the brother or sister who will be born soon, okay?" Wutong touched the Meely sheep to comfort it and then said to Xiaobai.


That's right, this Meli sheep is a little female sheep, contributing to the yin and yang balance of the Wutong lineup.

"Roar~!" Xiaobai seemed very happy to hear that he was no longer the youngest, and came to Meli sheep and called softly.

Perhaps attracted by Xiaobai's ethereal voice, Meli sheep carefully poked out her head, and after seeing Xiaobai's appearance, she retracted into her wool.

"Roar~" Seeing Meli sheep's reaction, Xiaobai was a little sad, not knowing where she scared this little sister.

"Don't mind, Meli sheep is shy, just get familiar with it, Meli sheep, these are your future brothers and sisters, they all have good personalities." Wutong said to Meli sheep.

"Mea~" Out of trust in Wutong, Meli sheep poked out her head again, and after seeing Xiaobai's beautiful figure, Meli sheep boldly changed from "marshmallow" back to normal form.

"Roar~" Xiaobai carefully stretched out his claws and reached out to Meliyang.

Seeing Xiaobai's claws, Meliyang trembled, but seeing Wutong's encouraging eyes, Meliyang still tried to maintain its original posture.

After Xiaobai touched Meliyang, Meliyang found that Xiaobai's movements were very gentle, which was the feeling it liked. Meliyang also rubbed Xiaobai in response.

"Roar~!" Xiaobai was very happy to get Meliyang's response. This is the feeling of having a sister, so great~

Looking at the loving interaction between Xiaobai and Meliyang, the three little ones not only left tears of emotion.

"Roar~?" At this time, the tungsten steel snake also leaned over to take a closer look at Meliyang.

However, the dark brain and the scarlet eyes instantly scared Meliyang. Meliyang used "cotton defense" again and turned himself into a ball of cotton candy.

"Roar~!" Xiaobai cast a blaming look at Steelix when he saw his sister was scared.

"Roar!?" Steelix hid aside aggrievedly. It didn't want to evolve to be so scary. It was very beautiful when it was shiny.

Iron Warrior patted Steelix's body to comfort it.

Ditto also came over, looked at Meely Sheep, and then twisted its body and transformed into a pink Meely Sheep.

"Mee~?" Seeing that there was an extra Meely Sheep, the baby Meely Sheep curiously poked its head out.

Ditto also shrank into a ball of cotton candy like Meely Sheep, and the two cotton candy immediately began to communicate, and Meely Sheep gradually relaxed, no longer shy as at the beginning.

"Ga~" Cong Youbing, who was eating melons on the side, looked at Meely Sheep seriously.

"Haha, hahaha! (This child may be a promising material, suitable for making stir-fried mutton with green onions!)" the Scallion Soldier shouted.

"Don't scare the child!" Wutong heard the Scallion Soldier's cry and couldn't help but give the Scallion Soldier a slap to make it behave.

This unlucky child, it's not enough for him to become an ingredient, does he also want to lead other Pokémon astray?

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