The defeated Squirtle recovered quickly. Squirtle was completely worn down by the series of skills of the duckbill baby. It can only be said that Xiaozhi now lacks combat experience and relies on his head to win.

For Wutong, the most anticipated battle is the battle with Xiaozhi in the Kalos region. Although Xiaozhi won the championship in the Alola region later, in Wutong's eyes, Xiaozhi in XY is the peak.

As for the new Wuyin, Wutong doesn't like dogs, so he doesn't watch much of the new Wuyin. And that style of painting also makes Wutong feel a little uncomfortable. Originally, Xiaozhi in XY was already handsome, but Sun and Moon directly changed from Xiaozhi to Xiaoxiaozhi. There is no need to say more about the new Wuyin.

"It seems that you still need to practice, Xiaozhi. Don't let Xiaoyi's talent down." Wutong came to Xiaozhi and said.

"Jenny~" The defeated Squirtle touched his head and called to the duck-billed baby.

"Bubby!" The duck-billed baby comforted Squirtle intimately.

"You are really strong, Xiaotong. I will definitely catch up with you soon!" Xiaozhi said confidently.

Wutong couldn't help but wonder how long it would take Xiaozhi to hear Xiaozhi's words. Although he is an immortal demon boy in the anime and has traveled to eight regions at the age of ten, it would take at least four or five years for Xiaozhi to reach XY in real time.

"Come on, there is a long way to go." Wutong couldn't help but pat Xiaozhi on the shoulder and said.

"What? Are you looking down on me?" Xiaozhi couldn't help but say when he saw Wutong's look.

"Okay, let's go eat. We are already hungry." Xiaoxia interrupted the conversation between the two and said.

"That's right, if you don't eat well, you won't grow up." Xiaogang nodded in agreement.

"Pika~Pika~!" Pikachu was hungry too.

The group came to the buffet area of ​​the Saint Anno, and everyone took a lot of food and found a table in the air to eat.

However, although there was a table, there were no stools. It might be to leave enough space. Anyway, Wutong didn't understand. Wouldn't people in the upper class get tired of standing?

Although there were no stools, it didn't stop the appetite of several people. They stood next to the table and started to eat.

Wutong didn't forget his Pokémon either, and called out Murkrow and Swampert. Murkrow was inconvenient to eat because it had no hands, so it fell on Wutong's head. Wutong shone one hand into his own mouth and the other hand into Murkrow's mouth.

As for the Dream Demon in Wutong's shadow, Wutong put some food on the shadow when no one was paying attention, and let the Dream Demon take it in and eat it himself.

Because Wutong mentioned that Xiaozhi hadn't seen Squirtle for a long time, Squirtle and Pikachu ate together. As for other Pokémon, Xiaozhi didn't seem to want to call them out.

"Hey, the trainer of the duckbill baby, are you having fun here?" A voice sounded. Wutong looked over and saw the gentleman uncle walking towards Wutong and his friends with his arm around his female companion.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Wutong deliberately pretended to be unfamiliar and asked.

"Hahaha, you really know how to joke. I'm the trainer who just fought with you." The gentleman uncle pretended to be cheerful.

"Oh, it turns out to be the uncle who was defeated by me just now. I'm sorry to say that I usually can't remember people who I don't know and are very weak. For example, the mentally retarded boy with a samurai helmet I met in the Evergreen Forest before, his Pokémon was really weak." Wutong said while touching his head, imitating Squirtle.

"Jenny Jenny~" Squirtle nodded when he saw Wutong's look. He was indeed their leader. His patting of the head was smooth and pleasing to the eye.

After hearing what Wutong said, the gentleman's eyes twitched and the lenses on his face almost broke. It was not that he couldn't remember. I think your memory is not good.

"What a humor. Your Pokémon is very strong, little brother." The gentleman continued the topic forcibly.

"Yes, your duckbill baby is really great." The gentleman's female companion may have seen that the gentleman was always frustrated, so she helped.

"It's so beautiful~" After Xiaogang saw the gentleman's female companion, his whole face relaxed, and he looked like a pervert.

"That~ Moshimoshi? Oh, it's here again." Xiaoxia saw Xiaogang's look and shook her hand in front of Xiaogang's face, but Xiaogang was completely attracted by the gentleman's female companion.


"Of course, after all, my Pokémon has been strictly trained." Wutong couldn't help but be moved by the perseverance of the two, and wanted to see what reason these two people wanted to use to trick him into exchanging with his Lada.

"Your duckbill baby is very strong, but my Lada is not weak either. I like your duckbill baby very much. Since both of our Pokémon are very strong, why don't you exchange with me?" The gentleman uncle said directly to the point.

After hearing the gentleman uncle's words, Wutong was a little speechless. Good guy, cheating, just hard cheating, this is not considered cheating, this is just trying to rob openly.

"Uncle, do I look so young?" Wutong asked suddenly.

"You look like you are in your teens, what's wrong?" The gentleman uncle said puzzledly.

"Then why do you treat me as a three-year-old child? No, even a three-year-old child should know that a toy car that can be driven is better than a small broken toy car that can only be pushed by hand." Wutong showed a very artificial expression of curiosity on his face.

After hearing what Wutong said, the gentleman was completely stunned. He didn't expect that this young guy would be so rude.

The lady next to the gentleman also looked a little ugly after hearing what Wutong said. After all, Wutong's words were very clear, that is, it is impossible to exchange with you, unless he is stupid.

"Let's go." The lady forced herself to maintain her image and didn't get angry on the spot, and pulled the gentleman away.

The gentleman didn't resist and walked down the stairs of the lady, and left with the lady without looking back.

"What's the situation with that uncle?" Xiaozhi asked while showing off the food in his mouth.

"That uncle, he just pretends to be a gentleman, and then does rogue things. Don't worry about him." Wutong replied, and then continued to fight with the food in front of him.

Xiaozhi nodded as if he understood, but it was obvious that the food in front of him attracted him more.

Just when Wutong and his friends were full and came to the window to blow the sea breeze.

There was a loud noise caused by the door closing.

Wutong and his companions looked over and saw that the waiters on the Saint Anno had all their clothes exposed, revealing the Rocket Team's uniforms and the strange devices behind them.

Wait, that guy over there, why are you not wearing anything after your clothes were exposed! ?

"Damn it, I had so much fun that I forgot about the Rocket Team." Wutong said to himself as he looked at the Rocket Team that appeared.

"What happened!?" Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

As soon as Xiaozhi finished speaking, the lights went out instantly. Under a spotlight, the energetic Musashi and the listless Kojiro stood on a high platform in sharp contrast.

"Since you asked sincerely!" Musashi said.

"Then, I will be merciful and tell you." Kojiro replied weakly.

"Duckbill baby, spray flames." Wutong whispered to the duckbill baby, after all, Sakaki was monitoring this operation.

It would be bad if he was noticed.

"Bubby~" The duckbill baby obediently shot out a jet of flame and interrupted the lines of Musashi and Kojiro.

"Damn it! Who is so rude!" Musashi shouted after narrowly avoiding the jet of flame.

"Yeah, so rude." Kojiro still said weakly.

Looking at Kojiro's state, he was finally deceived by the liar uncle.

"How long are you going to do this! Give me some energy!" Musashi couldn't help but yelled at Kojiro.

"Hahaha, is this a surprise performance?" A passenger said with a smile.

"Yes, it looks like a funny performance." Another passenger replied.

Sitting in front of several monitor screens, Sakaki touched the cat boss with one hand while watching this action.

After seeing the "performance" of Musashi and Kojiro, Sakaki couldn't help but cover his face, and at the same time began to think about how to drive these two guys out of the Rocket Team as soon as possible.

His Rocket Team is a dark force spanning the two major regions of Kanto and Johto, and it is definitely the world's number one dark organization.

Other organizations that want to conquer the world have to try their best to control the legendary beasts, but Team Rocket creates the legendary beasts themselves.

As a result, such a high-level and high-class dark organization has been turned into a funny organization by these two guys! ?

Don’t I, Sakaki, have any face?

“Be quiet! We are Team Rocket! All the Pokémon here will be taken away by Team Rocket!” Musashi shouted.

The members of Team Rocket began to act, and the strange device behind them began to work, generating a strong suction force that continuously sucked the Poké Balls of the trainers here.

“Give me your Pokémon!” A miscellaneous soldier of Team Rocket

Said to Xiaoxia.

"You too, take out your Pokémon." Another Rocket soldier said to Xiaozhi.

"Pikachu!" Xiaozhi shouted Pikachu directly.

Pikachu understood and electrocuted the two Rocket soldiers to the ground.

Wutong was speechless watching from the side.

You have already started to rob, so why don't you just do it directly? Why do you want to take care of others?

Wutong suddenly felt sorry for Banmu. What kind of people are under his command?

"Instead of being robbed by you, we might as well fight to the end!" Xiaozhi said.

After hearing Xiaozhi's words, the nearby trainers also expressed their agreement and called out their Pokémon to fight back.

"I can't be idle either, Duckbill, Jet Flame, Swampert, Water Wave, Murkrow, Divine Bird Smash!" Wutong began to command his Pokémon to fight.

However, with his intentional restraint, the speed of clearing the soldiers was not too fast.

After all, it is better to be low-key when it is time to be low-key.

"Tree Turtle, Leaf Blade, Nidoran, Double Kick, Caterpie, Flare Charge!" Not far from Wutong, Shinji was also fighting Team Rocket.

But he was much more ruthless, showing no mercy, and the area was soon cleared.

At this time, he also saw Wutong fighting Team Rocket.

"Why is this guy here? And he shouldn't be so weak?" Shinji was a little confused when he saw Wutong fighting with Team Rocket's soldiers.

"Tree Turtle, Leaf Blade, help him." Shinji hesitated for a moment and was ready to "help" Wutong.

Soon, with the efforts of everyone, all Team Rocket were knocked out.

"Strange, it seems like someone was helping me just now." Wutong took back the duckbill and Murkrow and said to himself.

Because according to the plot, the ship is about to sink, so Wutong took back the duckbill who is afraid of water and Murkrow who can't help for the time being in advance.

Sure enough, just as Team Rocket was blown away, the St. Anno began to shake violently.

The captain of the St. Anno, just as Wutong remembered, comforted everyone while running away.

Seeing the captain running away, everyone felt uneasy and ran towards the lifeboat.

Wutong was separated from Xiaozhi and his group at this time, but Wutong didn't care because he knew they would be fine.

He also began to move with the crowd.

However, the people who were eager to escape blocked the passage and it was very crowded.

Wutong thought for a moment and finally tapped his palm. Since it was not easy to go here, he would take a detour.

Then Wutong took the Swamp Jumper and began to move forward along the "memory" route, intending to detour to the lifeboat.

"What is this guy going to do?" Shinji was a little confused when he saw Wutong leaving with Swamp Jumper.

"Is he planning to take a detour?" Shinji said as if he had thought of something and couldn't believe it.

After looking at the crowded crowd in front and the direction Wutong left, Shinji gritted his teeth and caught up with Wutong.

"Strange, it's obviously this direction." Wutong said puzzledly as he looked at the unfamiliar people nearby.

"Numa?" The Swampert on the side was also puzzled. It felt that its trainer didn't seem to have a clear understanding of itself.

"Wutong! Where are you going!" A voice sounded from behind.

"Shinji? What a coincidence that you are also running for your life." Wutong couldn't help but say after seeing the person running back.

"You guys still know the current situation, then why are you walking deep into the Saint Ann!" Shinji couldn't help but say when he saw Wutong's appearance.

"What? Deep?" Wutong was shocked.

Before Shinji could reply, the Saint Ann began to shake violently again.

Wutong and Shinji had to hold on to the wall to maintain their shape.

"Damn, is it too late! It's really no good to meet you!" Shinji said as he looked at the Saint Ann that kept shaking without any intention of stopping.

"In that case, Swampert! Rock Crusher! Duckbill! Flame Jet! Murkrow, Divine Bird Slam!" Wutong released his Pokémon to attack the wall.

"Turtle, Leaf Blaster, Growlithe, Flare Charge!" Shinji also understood what Wutong wanted to do and called out his Pokémon to attack the wall.

With the efforts of the five Pokémon, the wall was soon broken through, revealing the scenery outside.

Wutong and Shinji quickly took back their Pokémon and jumped out of the Saint Annu and landed on the sea.

I don't know if it was because the goddess of victory was too partial to Wutong that the goddess of luck was jealous.

Wutong and Shinji, who had just jumped into the sea, were sucked into a whirlpool.

And when Wutong and Shinji were sucked into the whirlpool

After that, the Saint Ann also sank to the bottom of the sea.

"Where is this?" Wutong opened his eyes and found himself lying on a beach.

And next to him was a Shinji lying.

Wutong sat up with difficulty and looked around.

"Am I stranded on a desert island!?" Wutong couldn't help but say.

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