The two of them were so busy that they had to work together.

Baibiantong dragged Young Kiras along, looking for a place to sleep at night and collecting food along the way.

And Young Kiras simply gave up resistance. He couldn't move anyway, and there was no way to resist. Since he couldn't resist, he might as well enjoy it. Well, no, he might as well just let it go.

As long as I move fast enough, others can't do anything to me.

Feeling the friction of the ground, Young Kiras wondered why this strange guy could still transform, and he turned into a pink-skinned muscle monster.

Why can't it transform itself? If it could also transform, it could beat up all the guys who bullied it.

As for the fruit that the Hundred-Change Tong had stuffed into his mouth and bitten off, the young Kiras wanted to spit it out at first, but when he found that he couldn't do it, he simply chewed it and swallowed it.

Anyway, these fruits were all eaten by this strange guy. Since he dared to eat it, it proved that there was no problem. However, the taste of these fruits is really different. There are sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty flavors.

Some of them want to eat more after eating, and some simply put on the mask of pain after eating.

After being dragged and fed for a while, the young Kiras actually got used to it. As expected, habits are really terrible.

After getting completely used to it, the young Kiras even found a comfortable posture to be dragged by the Hundred-Change Tong. When the Hundred-Change Tong fed him, he also began to open his mouth and wait for the Hundred-Change Tong to put the food in.

If the Hundred-Change Tong couldn't help him chew, he wouldn't even want to move his mouth, and fully exerted his rottenness to the extreme.

Anyway, the friction on the ground couldn't cause any damage to his hard shell, at most a few scratches. The food has been tested for poison, so you can eat it without worry. What are you afraid of? Just put it aside.

The one walking in front of him had a painful expression on his face. There was nothing he could do. Although tree fruits are food for Pokémon, they are rarely suitable for human consumption without processing.

It's not that they are poisonous, but the taste is hard to describe.

Although Ditto is using Ditto's body now, his taste preference is still that of a Wutong.

It's impossible that a person who possesses a dog will really like to eat shit, right? Right?

However, in order to make young Kiras eat, Baibiantong can only use this simple and crude method. I have tested the poison for you in advance. You dare to eat it, right?

Although young Kiras's experience is very tragic, it is still a baby after all. How could it think that the food I eat may have poisons that I am immune to, and you may not be affected by eating it.

So young Kiras also experienced the feeling of eating all you can for the first time.

Dragging young Kiras, under the care of the Lost God, Diva Tong successfully went around a long circle and returned to the tree hole where young Kiras was born.

All this was in Diva Tong's plan! (Lost God: I was actually used!?)

Dragging young Kiras to the tree hole, Diva Tong once again transformed into Swampert mode and moved the boulder to the side, leaving enough space for them to enter.

Then Diva Tong dragged young Kiras into the tree hole.

This is where they will sleep tonight.

After entering the tree hole, young Kiras was stunned. Just like the young Kiras that Xiaozhi met, it could also feel the outside world when it was a Pokémon egg.

But this "outside world" is only a dark and cramped space for young Kiras.

Returning to the tree hole again, young Kiras suddenly became a lot more depressed.

Watching the changes in young Kiras, Diva Tong's body changed, and a emerald green young Kiras appeared.

"Yooooo!" Young Kiras shouted in surprise when he saw that this strange guy had become the same as himself, although the color was still different.

But it seemed that the color was also different from other similar ones.

Could it be that this guy was actually also an alien! ? An alien like himself?

"What's wrong, looking at me with such a silly look, have you never seen a handsome young Kiras like me?" Baibian Tong teased.

"Yooooo!" Young Kiras shouted immediately, handsome as hell! You strange guy!

"What's wrong with the strange guy? Did the strange guy eat their food? Or did he steal their place to live?" Baibian Tong asked back.

"Yoyi~Yoyi?" Young Kiras couldn't help but lower his head after hearing what Baibian Tong said. Yes, it's just a different color, it

It's obviously a young Kiras, why, why do you all bully it?

It obviously didn't do anything bad, why, why do you force those strange things into its mouth, why do you all attack it?

Obviously, it's just because it's too lonely and wants to find a partner, why, why did it encounter those things?

Looking at the young Kiras who was becoming more and more depressed, Baibiantong patted its head and said: "It seems that you are very uncomfortable. It should not be a small matter. Blacken it!"

"Yo!?" Young Kiras shouted with a puzzled look on his face. What the hell is blackening? Do you want it to change its color? Will it not be bullied if it changes to black?

"I'm off topic. So, I'm your boss. What's wrong with being an alien? Aliens also have the right to survive. Isn't it just being bullied? Then become stronger and retaliate!" Baibiantong said.

He doesn't know what it means to repay evil with good. He only knows to repay evil with justice and repay good with virtue!

"Yo-yi?" After hearing what Baibiantong said, Young Kiras called out tentatively. Is it really okay? Are you really willing to be its companion? Do you really not dislike its color?

Seeing Young Kiras' eager but unbelievable look, Baibiantong did not hesitate and gave Young Kiras a slap.

"What a nagging mother, is my color normal? And didn't you notice that our calls are different!?" Baibiantong said.

"Yo-yi? Yo-yi!!!" Young Kiras rubbed his head and suddenly found something wrong. Yes, why is the call of this guy in front of him different!

Because the communication has been so smooth, Young Kiras didn't notice it at all.

And now that Baibiantong has become Young Kiras's appearance, his call is still different from its.

"Tsk, are you a fool, kid?" Baibiantong asked in confusion.

"Yo-yi! Yo-yi Yo-yi!" Although he didn't know what fool meant, Young Kiras keenly felt that it was not a good word.

"Okay, let me see how smart you are. I'll teach you what you can eat and what you can't eat, and see how much you can remember." Baibiantong said and left the tree hole first.

After a long period of recovery, young Kiras was able to move, so it also followed Baibiantong out of the tree hole.

"Yoyi~?" After leaving the tree hole, young Kiras called out to Baibiantong. Why did he go into the tree hole in this case?

"Well, boys always want to go in and see and experience the hole when they see it. You are still too young, and you will understand it later." Baibiantong said to young Kiras.

"Yoyi?" Young Kiras tilted his head to show that he didn't understand.

Baibiantong thought that young Kiras shouldn't know too much at this age, so he started to tell young Kiras about the taste of various fruits and the consequences of eating them.

Because he had eaten a lot of tree fruits along the way, young Kiras had a general impression of these tree fruits, and he quickly remembered most of them after Baibiantong's narration.

"Then, as Young Gilas! We have abilities that other Pokémon don't have!" At this moment, Baibiantong simply forgot that he was actually a Ditto.

"Yo?" Young Gilas called out in confusion.

Meanwhile, Baibiantong took out a piece of ore from nowhere. Under the shocked eyes of Young Gilas, he bit it.

Sure enough, after becoming a Young Gilas, biological characteristics were also obtained accordingly. Baibiantong chewed the ore in big mouthfuls, experiencing the feeling that he would never experience in his life when he was a human.

I just don't know if Ditto can digest it. Baibiantong thought while chewing.

"Come on, try it. If you want to become stronger, eating ore is essential. Although soil is also OK, the amount you need to eat is too much, and the taste should not be as good as ore. After all, who knows if other Pokémon have excreted on that piece of land." Baibiantong said.

Young Gilas looked at Baibiantong chewing and looked at the ore in his hand, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and young Gilas gritted his teeth and took the ore.

Since this guy can eat, why can't I?

After taking a bite of the ore with his eyes closed, Young Kiras found it quite delicious! ? He ate more than those tree fruits and me.

"What do you think? Look at your timid look. I am your boss, how could I possibly lie to you?" Baibiantong said.

"Yo!" Young Kiras nodded vigorously. That's right, this strange guy would not lie to him. He was willing to be his companion!

Young Kiras finally began to accept Baibiantong after a series of actions.

It can only be said that although Baibiantong's method is simple and crude,

, but it is difficult to copy. At least the most basic step, exchanging bodies with a shiny Pokémon is difficult to achieve.

And you have to be willing to sacrifice your taste.

In addition, the way that Baibiantong faces young Kiras is not that kind of deliberate flattery, but a bit rough, but this can gain young Kiras' trust.

Because of a series of experiences, young Kiras has a deep hostility towards all other creatures. The more you show kindness to it, the more it will alert it.

Although Baibiantong's series of behaviors did not take the initiative, it showed that it had no ill will towards young Kiras. In addition, Baibiantong demonstrated everything before letting young Kiras do it.

Instead, young Kiras gradually believed in Baibiantong, and even in the end young Kiras was willing to accept Baibiantong.

"Not bad, you are much more energetic." Baibiantong said happily.

"Yo~" Young Kiras responded and began to continue chewing the ore. This was its first meal in the true sense since its birth.

"Okay, since you are not stupid, then you are indeed qualified to be my little brother, so I will tell you a secret now!" Baibian Tong said to Young Kiras with a mysterious look on his face.

"Yo Yi?" Young Kiras called out in confusion, what secret?

"Actually, I am a human!" Baibian Tong said seriously.

"Yo Yi!?" Young Kiras called out in dissatisfaction. He just said he would not lie to me.

"Look, why don't you believe in Big Brother? In fact, the body I am using now is the body of my partner. We have been swapped bodies by a magic potion." Baibian Tong continued.

"Yo Yi!" Young Kiras looked disdainful. Humph, are you lying to a child here? If it was a baby of one or two weeks, it might believe it, but it is already three weeks old!

"It seems that you don't believe it at all?" Baibian Tong said.

"Yo Yi!" Young Kiras said that it didn't even believe a punctuation mark.

"In this case, let's make a pact. If I'm really a human, then you can be my partner. Don't worry, there won't be any Pokémon bullying you, because they are all aliens in their own tribes." Baibiantong began to set a trap.

"Yoyi~Yoyi!" Young Gilas said that if there really was such a partner, he would be willing to join even without a pact, but he didn't believe Baibiantong's story at all, and it was obviously lying to children.

"Just tell me if you are willing to make a pact?" Baibiantong asked.

"Yoyi! Yoyi?" Young Gilas readily agreed, and asked what if it was fake.

"Then you will be my boss from now on, how about it? Not a loss, right?" Baibiantong said.

"Yoyi~" Young Gilas shook his head, he was not interested in becoming Baibiantong's boss.

"Then what do you say?" Baibiantong asked.

"Yoyi, Yoyi! (If it's fake, then you are not allowed to lie to me again in the future, and you are not allowed to abandon me!)" Young Gilas shouted.

Hearing the cry of young Kiras, Baibiantong was stunned, then smiled and turned back into a blue slime, stretched out his tentacles, rubbed young Kiras's head and said, "I promised, you are really a spoiled child."

"Yo!" Young Kiras immediately shook his head, it doesn't like to act spoiled! It just doesn't like the feeling of loneliness.

Baibiantong didn't care, and continued to teach young Kiras other survival knowledge.

In this way, a night passed, and at night Baibiantong took young Kiras back to the tree hole to sleep.

But young Kiras always slept very lightly. Obviously, this poor child should have been attacked by other Pokémon while sleeping, so he was like this.

Baibiantong stretched out his body to wrap young Kiras, and then stretched out a tentacle to pat young Kiras's body.

Baibian Tong felt like she was a mother. Damn, she actually became a male mother. She had a little son. Oh, no, Baibian Tong was sure that Young Kiras was a girl at night. She should have a little daughter.

The next day, Baibian Tong was still wandering around with Young Kiras. When Young Kiras got tired, he simply lay on the ground and stared at Baibian Tong with an expression that said, "I'm done, you can do whatever you want."

Baibian Tong had no choice but to stretch out his tentacles and grab Young Kiras' tail and drag it around like he did yesterday.

After calculating the time, Baibian Tong felt that she was about to change back, so she asked Young Kiras directly for the time to verify the agreement.

Regardless of Young Kiras's objection, Baibian Tong transformed into the wind speed dog mode, threw Young Kiras on his back, and relied on the strong sense of smell of the wind speed dog to forcibly break through the favor of the lost god and rushed back to the Pokémon reserve ranger camp.

Muto, Shinji and the other two had been waiting here with Wubianguai.

As time went by, Baibiantong appeared in front of them with Young Kiras.

"Yo-yi!" Seeing Muto, Shinji and the others, Young Kiras made a vigilant cry. He didn't understand why Baibiantong brought it here.

"Okay, isn't it time to verify the agreement? It's almost time." Baibiantong put Young Kiras down and turned back into a blue slime.

After Baibiantong's voice fell, Baibiantong and Wubianguai fell to the ground at the same time.

"Yo-yi!" Young Kiras didn't know what happened and kept shaking Ditto's body.

"Mo Wu~? (Who are you?)" Ditto called out in confusion after returning to his body.

"Yo-yi!" Young Kiras was shocked. He could feel that the guy in front of him had changed. He was no longer the guy who had been with him for a day and a night and said he would be his family.

"I say, do you believe it now?" Then the familiar voice of Young Kiras appeared.

Looking in disbelief, he saw the human who had just fallen down looking at him with a familiar expression.

"It seems that he still doesn't believe it. If that's the case." Wutong took out a rope from somewhere, and then directly pushed Young Kiras down, skillfully tied the rope to Young Kiras' tail, and dragged him away.

Feeling the familiar feeling, Young Kiras directly turned on the bad mode and let Wutong drag him away. At this time, he had believed Wutong's words. Sure enough, he really didn't lie to himself, always.

"So, what is this doing?" Xiao Ming asked with a puzzled look.

"Who knows what weird play this guy Wutong is playing again." Xiao Mao also said speechlessly.

"I guess this guy used some idiotic way to solve the problem again." Shinji said bluntly.

"But isn't this behavior a bit too advanced?" Muto also said incomprehension.

Ignoring the complaints of Shinji and the others, Wutong stopped, untied the rope on the tail of Little Kiras, and then sat opposite Little Kiras.

"So, are you willing to be my family now?" He helped Little Kiras up, and the man and the Pokémon did this to each other. Wutong stretched out his hand to Little Kiras and asked.

"Yo!" Little Kiras did not hesitate and threw himself into Wutong's arms. Of course, it was willing.

"Mou?" Ditto called out in confusion, so it was just a tool? And why did it feel so uncomfortable in the stomach?

A 5,000-word chapter! Everyone applauded!

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