The old man was so angry that he had to get rid of the old man.

Wu Tong felt that no matter whether this Pokkigu had the characteristics of Tianen or not, he had to get rid of it as soon as possible.

After all, the Pokkigu tribe has a kind of metaphysical constitution.

"Pokkigu! Take the baton!"

"Congyoubing, two-sword style, two-slash!"

A Xiang and Wu Tong shouted at the same time.

"Gah!" The Green Onion Soldier retracted the green blade that stabbed the Pokkigu's wings, then held one green blade in reverse, rotated his body, and slashed the two green blades at Pokkigu in parallel.

A baton made of energy appeared above Pokkigu's head. Then Pokkigu turned into a red light and returned to A Xiang's Pokkigu's Pokkigu Ball.

However, before Pokkigo returned to the Poké Ball, it was chopped by the onion blade of the Onion Soldier.

"Inferno! Please!" Ah Xiang sent out another Pokémon without hesitation.

"Baka!" Inferno appeared, and the baton composed of energy instantly entered Inferno's body.

Inferno directly inherited the strengthening effect of Pokkigo.

"Onion Soldier, a flash of lightning!" Wutong did not hesitate to command the Onion Soldier to continue attacking.

The Onion Soldier rushed towards Inferno with a white light.

"Inferno, spray smoke!" Ah Xiang commanded.

"Baka!" Smoke exploded around Inferno, with burning flames in the smoke.

The blazing fog rushed to the surroundings. If the Onion Soldier wanted to continue attacking Inferno, he would definitely be affected by the blazing fog.

"Two-sword style·Rhinoceros return!" Wutong commanded.

The green onion soldier kept moving at a high speed, holding the green onion blade in reverse, and the metallic luster covered the green onion blade.

The green onion soldier's body rotated, bringing up a violent airflow.

The flaming fog was driven to both sides by the airflow, and the green onion soldier directly broke a path.

The green onion soldier directly hit the fire beast along the opened path.

However, the power was smaller than expected, and the fire beast only retreated half a step and held on.

"Fire beast! Quickly open the distance!" Ah Xiang noticed something was wrong and commanded.

"Too late, green onion soldier, two swords flow·two cuts·climb the tower!" Wutong commanded.

The green onion soldier kept a normal grip and a reverse grip, and the two green onion blades were lifted up from top to bottom. The fire beast was directly lifted into the air.

"Fire beast! Spray fire!" Ah Xiang shouted.

"Baka!" The Fire Beast didn't even adjust its body shape, and the flames on its back surged, and the fiercely burning flames burned all around.

The attack of the Green Onion Soldier was forcibly interrupted, and the Fire Beast also fell to the ground.

The Green Onion Soldier and the two Green Onion Blades fell from the sky to the ground.

"Fire Beast! Spray flames!" Ah Xiang saw that the Green Onion Soldier also fell to the ground and felt that his counterattack was successful, so he quickly commanded the Fire Beast to pursue the victory.

"Baka!" The Fire Beast lying on the ground opened its mouth and shot a column of fire at the Green Onion Soldier. Although the posture was miserable, the attack was fierce.

The Green Onion Soldier instantly seemed to be like rubber that encountered fire, twitching and melting.

Seeing the state of the Green Onion Soldier, Ah Xiang felt bad.

"The Divine Bird Strike!" The voice of Wutong made Ah Xiang more certain.

In the sky, the second Green Onion Soldier, emitting an orange-yellow light, fell from the sky and hit the Fire Beast directly. This is the real Green Onion Soldier.

After receiving the "oracle" from the Duck God, the Green Onion Soldier used his stand to block the frontal flames for himself, and then put the two green onion blades on the stand.

After that, the Green Onion Soldier flew into the air, but was inevitably affected by the aftermath of the fire.

"Baka!" The Fire Beast was smashed into a V shape and let out a painful whine.

"Peck!" Wutong continued to command.

The Green Onion Soldier standing on the Fire Beast had white energy on his duckbill, which stretched and became sharp. The Green Onion Soldier leaned down and pecked at the Fire Beast.

This was the Green Onion Soldier's first attack with a duckbill in a long time.

The peck became the last straw that broke the camel's back, and the Fire Beast lost its combat ability directly.

"Gah~!" The Green Onion Soldier jumped off the Fire Beast, walked to his two green onion blades with a body of burnt feathers, picked up the green onion blade, pointed at Ah Xiang from a distance, and his pretentious attitude was obvious.

After a second of silence, the whole audience burst into warm applause.

"Inferno has lost its ability to fight, and Onion Soldier has won!" the referee announced.

"It was a wonderful offensive and defensive battle! In the end, the better player Wutong and his Onion Soldier won! Now Wutong has taken the lead in defeating one of Xiang's Pokémon.

, how will contestant Xiang deal with it!" the host said excitedly.

(ps: Why do the host and referee know Onion Soldier? Because the contestants need to report the Pokémon they will use before the game, so even if the host has never seen it, he will probably know which Pokémon it is after seeing it, and the referee must be completely matched.)

Wutong looked at the state of Onion Soldier, it was very embarrassed, but it should still have the strength to fight, but the best choice is to let it rest first.

"Onion Soldier?" Wutong called Onion Soldier.

"Gaga! Gaga!" Onion Soldier also knew what Wutong meant, but it still wanted to continue fighting.

Wutong saw Onion Soldier's firm attitude and did not force it to replace it. After all, it was a situation where it could be replaced or not, and the Pokémon's own opinions and status were also very important.

"Infernape, come back, Senior Wutong is really powerful, I thought Infernape and Pokémon could definitely fight off one of Senior Wutong's Pokémon. "Ah Xiang said.

"If it was the froglets, you might have succeeded. Your growth has been surprising, and you are now a very good opponent." Wutong encouraged.

"Really? I am so happy to get the recognition of Senior Wutong. In this case, I have to work harder! Pokémon! Go!" Ah Xiang sent out Pokémon again.

"Jigu~" After a short rest, Pokémon's condition did not improve much. After all, it was hit by the attack of the Onion Soldier before returning to the Poké Ball.

However, the burns caused by Pokémon are still consuming the physical strength of the Onion Soldier.

"Onion Soldier, sword dance!" Wutong commanded directly without hesitation.

"Gah!" The Onion Soldier danced the barbecue dance again.

"Pokémon! Water wave!" Ah Xiang commanded.

"Jigu! "A ring of water appeared in front of Pokkigu and shot at the Onion Soldier.

"Onion Soldier, see through!" Wutong commanded.

"Gah!" The Onion Soldier stopped the barbecue dance, his eyes flashed, and he cut through the water wave of Pokkigu directly except that the man passed by.

"Three Swords Flow·Purgatory Demon Slash!" Wutong decided to let the Onion Soldier, who was in a bad state, open the big move directly and not continue to delay time.

The Onion Soldier bit a green blade, and then picked up the melted substitute on the ground.

The three swords were ready, covered with metallic luster, and the continuous slash was activated.

The Onion Soldier rushed to Pokkigu with a white light, and the three swords flow·Purgatory Demon Slash was used.

"Pokkigu, original power!" Ah Xiang shouted hurriedly.

"Jigu! "A circular energy appeared around Pokkigu and rushed in all directions.

The Green Onion Soldier withstood the original power, and three sharp blades slashed at Pokkigu continuously.

Pokkigu, who was already in a bad state, lost his ability to fight.

The Green Onion Soldier fought two in a row, completing a double kill! However, the price of the double kill was that the Green Onion Soldier became a spent force.

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