The last time I saw her, I was still typing.

Although it was a little late, I still finished typing|•'-'•)و✧

When they knew that the woman with brown-red hair in front of them was the ice king of Kanto, Kona, Shinji and Xiaomao stopped thinking about continuing the battle.

After all, the attraction of the Four Heavenly Kings is much greater than that of the other party.

"King Kona, please come with me for a coaching battle!" Xiaomao said to Kona without hesitation.

It is not easy to have the opportunity to have a coaching battle with the king. Even if Xiaomao knows that King Kona may refuse, he has to give it a try.

"You should be Professor Oak's grandson, Xiaomao, right? I saw the battle just now. You have a strong learning ability, but I hope you don't indulge in this kind of tactics. The strength of Pokémon is the most important." As one of the four kings, Kona felt that he had to guide the new trainer on the right path.

"I understand." Xiaomao nodded and replied.

"King Kona, please also have a coaching battle with me." Shinji would certainly not miss this opportunity to become stronger and also asked.

"Although I don't know who you are, you are also a very talented trainer. What I said to Xiaomao just now also applies to you." Kona said to Shinji.

"Thank you, King Kona." Shinji replied.

"As for the coaching battle you two requested, I agree, but not here. This is a place for tourists to relax and vacation. As a trainer, you must abide by the rules." Kona agreed to the two people's request for a coaching battle.

Although Kona is on vacation now, she doesn't mind coaching a talented trainer if she meets one.

"King Kona, please let me participate in the coaching battle." Wutong said, of course, not wanting to miss this good opportunity.

"Oh? Really? You should be the grandson of Grandpa Aquan and Grandma Xingzi, Wutong? Shouldn't you want to be a Pokémon breeder? Why do you also want to participate in the coaching battle?" Kona looked at the doll in Wutong's hand and said deliberately.

"King Kona, do you know my grandparents? Oh, by the way, please accept this doll. Although it may not match your temperament, it is a little gift from me." Wutong handed over the doll again and said.

"Since you said so, it would be bad if I didn't accept it. Thank you. I will give you a return gift next time I go to your breeding house." Kona quickly took the doll and said to Wutong.

Seeing Kona's appearance, Wutong confirmed his guess. It turned out that he didn't directly show his love for the doll because he was afraid of affecting his image.

At first, Wutong saw that Kona didn't take the doll away, and even looked a little angry. He thought that this world was different from the setting in his memory.

"Does Wutong's family run a breeding house?" Shinji looked a little unnatural after hearing about the breeding house, because he thought of his brother who gave up his trainer status.

"Don't you know? Wutong's grandparents, Grandpa Quan and Grandma Xingzi, are Pokémon breeders who are ranked at the top in all regions. Their status in the breeding world is equivalent to my grandfather's status in the scientific research world." Xiao Mao said strangely.

Shinji was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Wutong, who always had a seizure, had such a background.

No wonder, although this guy always did some strange things, he was very good at breeding Pokémon and had relevant knowledge about Pokémon.

"But why did Wutong look so surprised that Kona Tianwang knew his grandparents?" Shinji continued to ask.

"According to my grandfather, because Grandpa Quan and Grandma Xingzi prefer simplicity, their houses and clothes are very ordinary, and breeders of their level are not easy for ordinary people to see, so they rarely communicate with outsiders." Xiao Mao said.

I don't know what happened, but after Kona showed up, the relationship between Shinji and Xiaomao actually eased a lot, and they could even start gossiping.

"What does this have to do with Wutong's behavior?" Shinji asked in confusion.

"Don't worry, listen to me. Wutong has loved Pokémon since he was a child, and his family runs a breeding house, so he hangs out with Pokémon every day, and the champion is usually very busy, so he has never seen people like the champion in his own breeding house." Xiaomao continued.

"Then here comes the point. I don't know what happened to Wutong, but he always thought his family was very poor, so he never thought that his grandparents were actually

He is a very powerful person, so they thought it was impossible for them to contact the champion. In fact, he has taken care of almost all the Pokémon of the champion, but he doesn't know it. "Xiao Mao said and looked at Wutong strangely.

"Listen to what you said." Shinji's expression was complicated after listening, and he stopped talking halfway.

"After listening, you feel that Wutong is a little stupid, right? I felt the same way after listening to it." Xiao Mao took over Shinji's words and said.

Shinji nodded and looked at Wutong. Is this the special hobby of geniuses?

Although Wutong looked like this, Shinji had to admit that Wutong was definitely a genius. Genius in various aspects.

For example, training genius, combat genius, lost genius, death genius, etc., it seems that something strange has mixed in.

"Huh? You guys, don't you know that your Grandpa Quan and Grandma Xingzi are the world's top breeders? The champions of our various regions have sent their Pokémon to custody. "This time it was Kona's turn to feel strange.

"By the way, you should know this guy, right?" Kona said, calling out his main force Slowpoke.

A Pokémon with a conch on its head, pink skin, claws behind its back, and a leisurely temperament appeared in front of Wutong.

Wutong instantly recognized the Slowpoke in front of him. Although this Slowpoke is harmless now and looks like a kind and wise man.

But in the breeding house, this guy often instigated different Pokémon to fight, and then stole their food while they were fighting.

This matter gave Wutong a headache for a long time, and later Wutong He found an opportunity to take a photo of Slowking eating food, which allowed other Pokémon to discover his true identity.

No Pokémon would be deceived by it and fight with other Pokémon.

You should know that it is not easy for Wutong to take a clear photo of it eating food. This guy would only eat one or two bites and then teleport away immediately, without any possibility of putting himself in danger.

However, after the incident was exposed, this guy was chased and beaten by other Pokémon in the breeding house for a long time.

"I, I didn't know it all the time!" Wutong was shocked. He felt like he had missed countless good opportunities.

Now thinking back, there are rare Pokémon such as Dragonite, Slowking, Garchomp, Milotic, Gardevoir, etc.

Although there is no shiny Metagross, there is a Boskodora that is obviously strong.

In this way, they can all be matched. No wonder it is an ordinary and even a little simple Pokémon breeding house, but there are so many precious Pokémon sent to foster.

"So that's it, so that's it! What on earth have I missed!" Wutong was Orz again.

"Are you okay?" Kona looked at Wutong who suddenly knelt on the ground with a little worry. After all, he was the grandson of an acquaintance, and he had to care about him when he suddenly became like this.

"Hey, Wutong, are you okay? Grandpa told me to remember to take care of each other when I see you." Xiaomao couldn't help asking when he saw Wutong like this.

"It's okay, King Kona, he just had a little illness, let's find a suitable place to start the coaching battle." Shinji, who knew Wutong, seemed to be unconcerned and said directly to Kona.

"When Wutong and I came here, there was a nice open space, let's go there." Shinji grabbed Wutong's collar and dragged Wutong away.

"Is this okay?" Kona didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Grandpa, you really gave me a difficult task. "Xiao Mao said helplessly as he watched Wutong being dragged away by Shinji.

"Numa~!" As Wutong's main Pokémon, Swampert felt that it was time for him to perform, so how could he watch his trainer being dragged away!

Swampert ran up quickly, used his arms to hold Wutong's feet in his arms and lifted him up.

Wutong now looked like a piglet to be taken away for slaughter, but Wutong was still immersed in the sadness of missing the opportunity to meet many champions, and he had no reaction.

"Bubby?" The duckbill baby looked worried as he watched his trainer being carried away. Is this really okay?

"Ga~!" Murkrow patted the duckbill baby and called out, indicating that he should not care and just smile at this time.

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