Another chapter will be published later.

Another chapter will be published later

Wu Tong, Shinji and Xiao Mao were walking on the way back to Lanpruchi City.

Looking at the strangely shaped ice in his hand, which was emitting a hint of coldness, Wu Tong was tangled.

Kona left after guiding the battle. After all, she was here for vacation. If Wu Tong and the other two were not talented and the children were not her acquaintances, she would not have guided them.

Kona gave each of the three people a piece of ice before leaving. According to her, it was the non-melting ice she tried to imitate. Although it was only half the effect of the original non-melting ice.

And Wu Tong was tangled because he couldn't use this thing.

If Shinji and Xiaomao want to expand the team's response capabilities, they can completely capture a talented ice-type Pokémon.

But Wutong can't do that. After all, it's not him who chooses the Pokémon, but what Pokémon he can encounter. So this piece of pseudo-unmelting ice can only be collected first.

After all, it is Kona's original ice with collection value.

"Xiaomao~" ×6 Just as the three approached the city of Lanpruchi, six girls with different styles appeared in front and called Xiaomao.

"My girlfriends are here to see me. Goodbye, single dogs." Xiaomao greeted the six girls and said to Wutong and Shinji.

"Humph, playboy." Shinji snorted disdainfully.

"Hey, Xiaomao, where are you going next?" Wutong asked curiously.

After all, Xiaozhi's next stop should be to challenge Nancy in Golden City.

If Xiaomao also wants to go, Wutong is very interested in seeing what Xiaomao looks like when he is turned into a doll.

"Me? My next stop is Yuhong City. I heard that the perfume there is very famous. My girlfriends are very interested." Xiao Mao waved his hand and left with his girlfriends.

"This guy." Wutong felt a little sorry. It seems that he should have missed the terrifying period of Nazi.

"I am leaving too." Shinji suddenly said.

"Eh? Are you going to abandon me as a partner and travel alone?" Wutong said deliberately.

"I was going to challenge the Dead Leaf Gym, but because of a guy, I not only failed to challenge the gym but also almost ended up on a deserted island." Shinji looked at Wutong calmly and said slowly.

"I wish you good luck in martial arts! Have a good journey! I will cheer you up in my heart!" Wutong said immediately.

"Come on, too." Shinji nodded with satisfaction and left.

"Then, I will also find a boat to Golden City. Come out, duckbill baby." Wutong called out the duckbill baby and continued to travel alone.

"I want to see you! I want to see you!"

"Dream~!!?" On a passenger ship, Meng Yao suddenly emerged from Wutong's shadow and looked around in doubt.

"What's wrong, Meng Yao? Are you having a nightmare?" Wutong couldn't help asking when he saw Meng Yao's appearance.

After all, Meng Yao usually sleeps in his own shadow during the day and won't get up unless there is something wrong.

"Dream?" Meng Yao looked at Wutong speechlessly.

How could I have a nightmare if I am a Meng Yao?

At this time, the passenger ship was about to arrive at the port of Maiden Gorge, and Wutong also saw the sculpture of the girl.

Wutong looked at the sculpture of the girl and found that it was much more delicate than what he saw in the anime. The girl's beautiful face was perfectly displayed.

"It's really beautiful." Wutong said as he looked at the sculpture of the girl.

"Dream~!?" Meng Yao looked at the sculpture of the girl vigilantly after hearing Wutong's words.

At this time, Wutong found that a girl who looked exactly like the sculpture appeared above the head of the sculpture of the girl.

"It seems that I am also cursed." Wutong was stunned at first, and then laughed.

"Dream!!!!" Mengyao felt that Wutong was very abnormal today. Mengyao decided to resist sleeping today and keep a close eye on Wutong.

"It's really lively." Wutong walked in the festival, looking at the floats, samba, and various stalls. It was indeed a festival.

"Your forehead is black! You will have bad luck!" A short old lady in a purple robe said to Wutong with a magnifying glass.

"Really? I guess I am in a peach blossom disaster. Should I be careful of women?" Wutong said to the old lady with a smile.

"What?" The old lady obviously didn't expect Wutong to play by the rules like this.

"What's wrong? Did I guess wrong? After all, I am so handsome, it is easy to be chased by a group of girls at such a celebration." Wutong said with a shake of his hair.

"Does your family know that you are like this?

Are you really not afraid of getting beaten?" the old lady asked.

"╭(°A°`)╮? ? ? "Wu Tong did not expect that the old lady transformed by Gastly would respond like this.

"Okay, old lady, I have to go to the festival. Let's meet again if we are lucky." Wu Tong waved at the old lady and said.

"Did I choose the wrong person? "After seeing Wutong leave, the old woman looked at her magnifying glass and couldn't help saying.

Wutong was not in a hurry and enjoyed the festival at ease. It can be said that he visited all the stalls in the festival.

Dream Demon also looked at Wutong in confusion, wondering why he could enjoy the festival so calmly.

Until the evening, Wutong came to the cliff where the girl sculpture was.

Beside the small wooden house behind the girl sculpture, Xiaogang sat cross-legged there.

On the other side, the three members of Team Rocket were planning something there.

But looking at Kojiro's face staring at the sculpture infatuatedly, it is estimated that he probably didn't listen to Musashi and Meowth's plan at all.

"Are these two guys hypnotized too?" Wutong leaned against a tree and looked at the two people who were concentrating and muttered to himself.

"Dream? (Hypnosis?)" The dream demon obviously didn't notice Gastly's hypnosis.

"Yes, the beautiful girl I saw when I first arrived at the port of Maiden Gorge and the old lady I saw during the festival were all Gastly, but that Gastly's hypnosis was very powerful." Wutong said to the dream demon.

"Dream! ? Dream~! (I didn't even notice the hypnosis, how did you find it!)" The dream demon looked at Wutong in disbelief.

If Wutong didn't know the plot in advance, he wouldn't have been able to find out that he was hypnotized.

"But this Gastly is a bit too strong, and the effect of its hypnosis has already affected reality." Wutong said to himself.

Wutong waited by the wooden house until midnight, and the door of the wooden house, which had been closed, suddenly opened.

The shadow of a girl floated out of the house.

"I miss you so much, I miss you so much. "The girl's phantom made an ethereal voice.

The awake Meow Meow found the girl's phantom, but was hypnotized directly.

The awake Kojiro and the awake Xiaogang were all brought into the wooden house by the girl's phantom.

Wutong also walked to the wooden house at this time.

"I miss you so much, I miss you so much, I've been waiting for you here." The girl's phantom saw Wutong floating in front of him and said.

"I miss you too." Wutong smiled and replied.

"No, it's not you, it's not you I want to see." The girl's phantom paused after hearing Wutong's words, and then changed her words.

"Hey! What's wrong with you, ghost? Do you have any professional ethics!" Wutong was speechless and couldn't help shouting.

"It's not you~ It's not you~ Leave quickly, retreat! Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!" The girl's phantom waved her hand at Wutong with disdain.

"(▼ヘ▼#)! ! ? ? "Wu Tong's eyes twitched. Which side was the ghost?

The girl's phantom ignored Wu Tong, floated back into the wooden house and tried to close the door to lock Wu Tong out.

How could Wu Tong just let it go? He was coming for it.

Wu Tong took two steps at a time and rushed directly to the door of the wooden house. He pressed the door hard with both hands to prevent it from closing.

The girl's phantom saw Wu Tong pestering her so much, turned around, and shot an invisible wave at Wu Tong.

"Dream~!" The dream demon stood in front of Wu Tong, and used a mental wave to block the attack of the girl's phantom.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Wu Tong also successfully squeezed into the house.

"Hehehe, little lady, just give in to me~" Wu Tong looked at the girl's phantom and rubbed his hands and said.

"Dream~! (Don't play such a vulgar role!)" The dream demon shouted angrily when he saw Wu Tong's appearance, and then sent out a mental wave.

"It hurts! It hurts! If you don't want to act, then don't act. I told you not to use your mental wave on me. "Suddenly, Wutong was backstabbed by his teammate, and he quickly covered his head and squatted down.

"Dream~!" The dream demon screamed, and then turned away from Wutong.

The girl's phantom looked at the man and the Pokémon with confusion. What on earth were these two guys doing here?

"Well, the time for jokes is over, let's talk about business." Wutong stood up again, coughed, and then said with a righteous face.

The girl's phantom looked at Wutong without saying anything.

Wutong glanced inside the wooden house and confirmed that Xiaogang and Kojiro were both fast asleep. Wutong began to tell the girl's phantom a familiar story.

"Two thousand years ago, there was a girl, and the girl had a lover, but the girl's lover went out to fight..." Wutong said slowly.

The girl's phantom heard Wutong's story "

"Myself" story was not impatient, but showed a satisfied look.

"However, I don't know how many years ago, magical things happened in Maiden Gorge. Sometimes it was the legendary girl, sometimes it was a mysterious fortune teller, and sometimes it was an old woman with a withered face, and its true identity was——" Wutong said and looked at the girl's shadow.

"Since it has been discovered, there is nothing we can do! That's right, it's me! Gastly!" The girl's shadow, no, Gastly also understood what Wutong meant, and changed his body shape and turned back into Gastly.

"But do you think I will let you leave safely after you find out my true identity?" Gastly looked at Wutong and said faintly.

"Don't put on such a scary expression. If I was afraid that you would hurt me, how could I come over and throw myself into the trap?" Wutong didn't care about Gastly's intimidation at all.

"What a boring little ghost, but even if you know my true identity, it's useless. If you want to conquer me, I advise you to leave by yourself. "Garsis said to Wutong.

"I'm not interested in an old ghost who has lived for who knows how long. I just want to make a deal with him." Wutong waved his hand and said.

In fact, it can't be said that he has no interest. It's just that the Gastly in front of him can talk and has strong hypnosis, but it is not a flash.

"Trading with Pokémon? This is the first time I've met one. You are quite interesting as a human." After hearing Wutong's words, Gastly turned back and said in surprise.

"You have already made deals with humans as long as you have seen me." Wutong said.

"Little ghost, you have successfully aroused my interest. Tell me, what is the deal you are talking about?" Gastly asked.

"You should want the story of the girl in Maiden Gorge not to be forgotten by others, right?" Wutong asked.

"But don't you think that once a year is a bit too ineffective?" Wutong continued.

"What can I do? After all, I am just a Pokémon. "Gass said.

"So, I will help you spread this story, and you can help me train my Pokémon, how about that?" Wutong asked.

Wutong's Dream Demon is a Pokémon that specializes in a series of skills of hypnosis, and Gastly can also train his other Pokémon to resist hypnosis.

After all, in the real world, Psychic and Ghost are a bit too strong. Those various weird abilities are really hard to guard against.

"You? I don't think you, a little kid, can do anything?" Gastly said unconvinced.

"Don't you know there is an old saying that money can make Gastly turn the mill?" Wutong said.

"Is that what you mean?" Gastly said, turning into a millstone and starting to rotate by himself.

"I didn't say I really let you turn the millstone, anyway, I have a way to spread this legend, how about it, do you want to believe me? "Wu Tong said helplessly.

Gass looked at Wu Tong seriously. Wu Tong showed a sincere look when he saw Wu Tong's appearance, and then secretly used the power of Chang Pan.

"And you can follow me and monitor me. With your strength, I can't stop you even if you want to leave, right?" Wu Tong continued to persuade Gastly.

"Little ghost, you want me to be a free laborer, but I think it's very interesting, but I have two conditions. First, I won't let you receive the Poké Ball, you can't restrict my freedom, and second, I want the latest version of Playboy every week." Gastly stated his conditions.

"No problem, wait? What do you want! ?" Wu Tong agreed without hesitation, but immediately reacted and asked.

"What's wrong? Don't boys of your age know how to read Playboy? That's a pity, you missed a lot of beautiful things~" Gastly looked at Wu Tong with regret and said.

"Okay! No problem! I'll buy it! But I also have conditions!" Wu Tong gritted his teeth and replied.

"What conditions? If it's too much, I can't agree, unless you add two more Playboys. "Gass replied vigilantly.

"My condition is very simple, that is, you must fully cooperate with me during training." Wutong said.

After all, what if Gastly only takes the pornographic books and does nothing.

"No problem, but in this case, you have to add two more Playboys." Gastly bargained.

"You old pervert! What do you want so many books for!" Wutong couldn't help but roared.

"Humph, one for collection, one for appreciation, and one for preaching, isn't that the basics?" Gastly replied as a matter of course.

Wutong suddenly felt a headache.

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