The two Pokémons were in a state of panic, and the battle was over.

After recovering their own state, Pidgeot and Alakazam waited for their trainer's instructions.

"Pidgeot, strange wind!"

"Alakazam, mental power!"

Shinji and Xiaomao shouted at the same time. Although their physical state had recovered, the state of the two Pokémon was not much better. They only had the strength to fight.

Shinji and Xiaomao both gave up the maneuvering and commanded their own Pokémon to start a fierce attack.

"Pi~!" Pidgeot flew into the air and flapped his wings. A twisted purple airflow swirled and blew towards Alakazam.

"Hu~!" Alakazam crossed his two spoons in front of him and shot out mental waves.

As if they had planned in advance, Strange Wind and Psychic Power ignored each other and rushed towards their respective targets.

Pidgeot and Alakazam completely gave up dodging, just wanting to defeat each other first.

The result of this fight to the death was that both Pokémon lost their ability to fight at the same time.

"Come back, Pidgeot."

"Thank you for your hard work, Alakazam."

Shinji and Xiaomao took back their Pokémon the moment they saw the results of the battle.

"Mariluli, prepare for battle!"

"Dragon King, go!"

There was no extra choice, and Shinji and Xiaomao sent out their last Pokémon at the same time.

In front of Shinji, Marilly, whose eyes looked very similar to his, stood in the field. A pair of triangular eyes that looked very fierce stared at the opposite Dragon King.

Xiaomao's Dragon King also stared at Marilly without giving in.

Because of Wutong, Shinji and Xiaomao had been exposed to the fairy system early, so Xiaomao knew that he was overwhelmingly disadvantaged in terms of attributes.

Fortunately, the dragon attribute is not that important to the Thorn Dragon King.

"Thorn Dragon King, pray for rain!" Xiao Mao decisively asked the Thorn Dragon King to change the weather.

Although the opposite Mariluri also has the water attribute, it is more advantageous for the Thorn Dragon King on rainy days.

"Inge!" The Thorn Dragon King raised his head and shot a water ball at the sky.

The water ball did not fall, but exploded in the air. The next second, dark clouds gathered in the sky and heavy rain fell.

"Mariluli, belly drum." Shinji did not let Mariluri stop the Sea Thorn Dragon from praying for rain, after all, she could not stop it.

Although Mariluri has a great advantage in attributes, there is a problem that the dragon-slaying skills that Mariluri, as a dragon-slaying warrior, can only be ice-attributed.

Shinji's Mariluri has not yet learned the fairy-type skills.

This has caused a very embarrassing situation. Because the Thorn Dragon King has the water attribute, it is not weak to ice, that is to say, Shinji's dragon-slaying warrior Mariluri cannot kill this Thorn Dragon King.

After all, there is no attack with excellent effect, so we can only do it normally. The only advantage is that we can seal the dragon skill attack of the Thorn Dragon King.

"Mari~" Mariluri knocked her belly and made a dull drum sound, and Mariluri's attack was directly maxed out.

"It looks fierce, but let's try to see if we can catch up. Thorn Dragon King, move, bubble beam!" Xiao Mao commanded.

"Inge!" Thorn Dragon King slid on the field in a weird posture.

Obviously, he didn't even have a foot, but he was surprisingly fast.

No need to think about it, Xiao Mao's Thorn Dragon King's characteristic is to swim freely.

While sliding in the field, Thorn Dragon King spit out a lot of bubbles, but the target of this bubble was not Mariluri, but the ground of the Rock Field.

"Mariluli, stop it, freezing beam!" Shinji guessed what Xiao Mao wanted to do and commanded quickly.

"Mari~!" The light emitted by Mariluri followed the Thorn Dragon King all the way, but the Thorn Dragon King was too fast, and Mariluri's attack could not catch up at all.

In order to predict the attack, the Thorn Dragon King was as slippery as a loach, and its movement was irregular, making it difficult for Mariluri to predict its direction.

The Thorn Dragon King moved back and forth while spitting foam. After a while, with the efforts of the Thorn Dragon King and Mariluri, the rock field was covered with a layer of foam and ice.

Coupled with the continuous scouring of rain in the air, the schist field has become a slippery field, making it difficult to move freely.

Looking at the appearance of the field, Mariluri and the Thorn Dragon King fell into silence.

The Thorn Dragon King found that it was difficult for it to move freely when the field became like this. It had no legs and feet, and it was really hard to stop sliding on it. It could only rely on its face to brake.

Mariluri also stared with triangular eyes and began

Thinking about the meaning of his belly bulging, given the situation in this venue, let alone giving the Thorn Dragon King a punch, it is a question whether he can safely reach the Thorn Dragon King.

Shinji and Xiaomao also found that the situation seemed to be different from what they expected.

Xiaomao originally just wanted to make trouble for Mariluri, but ended up getting himself trapped.

Shinji didn't expect that the reaction between the rain and the freezing beam would be so good that pieces of ice would appear on the ground.

Now, no one should move, but if you want to fight for long-range attacks, Mariluri is definitely not the opponent of the Thorn Dragon King.

Since you can't walk on the ground, then go underground!

"Mariluli, dig a hole!" Shinji commanded.

"Mari!" Mariluri immediately started digging the ground with her two claws and soon drilled into the ground.

Seeing Mariluri drilled into the ground, Xiaomao felt a little uncomfortable, because the Thorn Dragon King could not learn earthquakes, and the Thorn Dragon King had no way to deal with Mariluri who drilled down.

Even if the Thorn Dragon King could learn Earthquake, it is estimated that no one would specifically teach the Thorn Dragon King this skill.

"Thorn Dragon King, bounce!" Xiao Mao was not helpless, and decisively commanded.

"Yingge!" The Thorn Dragon King curled up, then jumped into the sky and jumped high.

Mariluri, who was underground, suddenly lost her target. She couldn't find the Thorn Dragon King.

There was no way, Mariluri had to dig a hole to find the Thorn Dragon King.

"Thorn Dragon King, Blizzard." Xiao Mao continued to command.

The moment Mariluri showed her head, she was greeted by a blizzard.

Mariluri, who was washed by the blizzard, had no choice but to go back underground.

"Don't let it go, use the water cannon on that one and flush it out!" Xiao Mao decisively commanded.

"Yingge", the Thorn Dragon King bounced to the ground and landed at the entrance of the cave. He stretched his mouth towards the entrance of the cave and wanted to flood the seven armies.

"Mariluli, Freeze Fist." Shinji commanded calmly.

"Mari!" At the moment when the Thorn Dragon stretched out its mouth, a fist with cold air rushed out of the hole.

A punch hit the Thorn Dragon's face.

"Don't stick your head into an unfamiliar hole casually, Mariluli, keep on freezing punching!" Shinji continued to command.

"Mari!" Mariluli grabbed the Thorn Dragon's sharp barrel mouth with one claw and punched the Thorn Dragon's head again and again.

"Thunder Dragon, keep on water cannon, rush it away." Xiao Mao shouted.

However, Mariluli seemed like a gangster familiar with street fights. Seeing that the other side wanted to bite someone, she pinched the other side's mouth without hesitation.

The mouth was blocked all of a sudden, and the Thorn Dragon was dumbfounded. Is this what a serious Pokémon should do?

"Thunder Dragon, bounce!" Xiao Mao continued to think of ways to get the Thorn Dragon out of trouble.

The Thorn Dragon King tried to curl up his body and jumped into the sky again, but because he was carrying Mariluri this time, the height was very low.

Mariluri, who was carried into the sky, didn't care at all and continued to punch the Thorn Dragon King on the head one punch after another.

Before he landed, the Thorn Dragon King lost consciousness directly.

Because he was obsessed with attacking, Mariluri also lost the opportunity to adjust his body balance and reduce the damage of landing.

With a bang, Mariluri and the Thorn Dragon King fell to the ground together.

The Thorn Dragon King had lost his fighting ability in the air, so there was no need to pay too much attention to it.

The real focus was on Mariluri, because of the initial abdominal bulge, plus the face-to-face blizzard that dug out of the hole, and now fell from the air to the ground.

Whether Mariluri could stand up or not determined the outcome of this game.

Mariluri, lying on the ground, pushed the Thorn Dragon King who was pressing on her away with great effort, and stood up staggeringly.

"She can still fight! Mariluri has not lost her fighting ability! Now the situation has taken a shocking turn. Both Shinji and Xiaomao only have one Pokémon left! Who will be the final winner?" the host said excitedly.

"Come back, Thorn Dragon, Blastoise, please." Xiaomao took a deep breath and exchanged Pokémon.

"Cam~!" Blastoise came on the field again.

"It's the last battle. Sorry, Gloomy Monster, I must win this battle." Xiaomao said seriously.

"Wait until you defeat me, Mariluri! Freezing Beam!" Shinji continued to command Mariluri to attack without any care.

"The victory will definitely be mine, Blastoise, high five surprise attack, water ring." Xiaomao said coldly.

"Fuck!" After hearing Xiaomao's command, the usually calm Shinji couldn't help but say the name of a plant.

ps: Bingkuai has seen the words of all the readers. The Silver Conference was indeed written for too long, but the main reason was work.

I plan to finish writing these plots in more than 30 chapters.

But it’s already 11 o’clock every day when I get home and finish cleaning up. In order to ensure daily updates, I can only write about 1,500 words.

It’s inevitable that the original 4,000 words in a chapter may be split into two or three chapters, which is why it’s so long.

I will also try to speed up and enter the plot stage as soon as possible. In fact, I will also vomit from writing battles.

So, please forgive me QAQ

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