After the battle, the two sides were in chaos.

Wu Tong, who ran out of the Golden Gym, was stopped by the superpower uncle Azhi.

"Brother, how is it? Did you succeed?" Azhi said to Wu Tong.

"Of course, but I advise you not to get close to the Golden Gym for a while." Wu Tong showed the golden badge and said.

After all, he didn't know whether Nancy would go berserk.

Wu Tong suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Xiaozhi and his group. When they came, would they be greeted by an angry Nancy?

After hearing Wu Tong's words, Azhi was stunned. What did Wu Tong do to make him stay away from the Golden Gym recently?

Without saying anything more, Wu Tong said goodbye to Azhi and went to the Pokémon Center. He still had to teleport Quick Punch to Professor Oak.

Came to the Pokémon Center and handed his Pokémon to Miss Joy for recovery.

Wutong came to the video phone area on the side, found an empty video phone, and contacted Professor Oak.

After a brief conversation with Professor Oak, Wutong teleported Quick Punch to Professor Oak.

After thinking about it, it seemed that he hadn't contacted his grandparents for a while, so Wutong called his grandparents again.

"It's Xiaotong! Old lady, come quickly, Xiaotong is calling!" After the video call was connected, Aquan's face was revealed.

After seeing that it was Wutong who sent the call, Aquan happily called Xingzi.

"Xiaotong, how are you? Are you tired of traveling outside? Did you eat on time? Did anyone bully you? Do you have enough money?" Xingzi came over and began to ask Wutong about his situation.

Listening to grandma's mumbling, Wutong couldn't help but smile and began to answer Xingzi's questions one by one.

I talked to my grandparents for a long time, telling them what happened during the trip and the story of the Maiden Gorge Port.

Of course, I would never tell them about buying Playboy and stealing panties from Gastly.

"By the way, Xiaotong, you just contacted us. You are still in Golden City, right? An old friend of ours has been in trouble recently. Go and help him." Aquan suddenly said.

"Okay, grandpa, where is your friend now?" Wutong asked.

"On the road between Yuhong City and Golden City, it shouldn't be difficult to find. By the way, where are your Pokémon?" Aquan changed the subject.

"Swamp Jumper and the others, come out." Wutong called Swamp Jumper and Duckbill Baby out directly.

Murkrow and Dream Demon were taken to recover by Miss Joy.

"Oh, it's been a long time since I saw Swamp Jumper and Duckbill Baby. I'll leave Xiaotong to you." Aquan said.

Aquan and Xingzi have seen Wutong's Pokémon except Murkrow, who just joined the team not long ago.



The Swamp Leaper and the Duckbill Baby nodded together.

"Duckbill Baby, we want Xiaotong to go to this place, please." Xingzi pointed to a place on the map and said to the Duckbill Baby.

"Grandma, what are you doing?" Wutong said helplessly. His grandparents are just too worried.

He won't get lost, and what's the point of telling the Duckbill Baby if he's afraid of getting lost.

"Okay, grandpa and grandma, I'm leaving too." Wutong said goodbye to Aquan and Xingzi.

"Be careful along the way." Xingzi said.

"Come on, Xiaotong, you must beat Xuecheng's grandson." Aquan encouraged.

"I'll try my best." Wutong nodded in response.

After hanging up the video call, Wutong's Pokémon recovered.

After retrieving his own Pokémon, Wutong left the Pokémon Center.

Although it was getting dark outside, Wutong decided to travel overnight.

After all, if Nancy figured it out, he didn't think that Changpan's power could protect him from being torn apart by Nancy's superpowers.

"Okay! Let's go to Yuhong City!" Wutong said loudly after he breathed a sigh of relief when he arrived outside Huangjin City.

After that, Wutong chose a direction and started to move forward, but as soon as he took a step, Wutong felt an obstacle.

"Bubby~!" Duckbill grabbed Wutong's trouser leg and pointed in a direction and shouted.

"What's wrong, Duckbill? Do you want to go in that direction? Okay, but if the direction is wrong, you must change it immediately." Wutong thought for a while and said.

The navigation god duck Duckbill set out again and began to lead Wutong.

Wutong released all his Pokémon and used the nocturnal Pokémon on the road for actual combat training and to gain experience.

Perhaps because it was night, the homebound dream demon did not sleep in Wutong's shadow and unexpectedly came out of Wutong's shadow to train together.

While gaining experience and hurrying on the road, Wutong passed by a ranch-like building.

"Bubby~!" The duck-billed baby pointed at the ranch and shouted.

"Are you saying that the friend grandpa and grandma talked about is here?" Wutong asked, looking at the ranch in front of him.

"Bubby~" The duck-billed baby nodded to indicate that it was right.

"It's easier to find than I thought." Wutong said as he walked to the door, looked around and found something that looked like a doorbell and pressed it.

After a while, the door opened, and an old man leaned out half of his body to look at Wutong.

"Who are you? What's the matter?" the old man asked.

"Hello, I am the grandson of Grandpa Aquan and Grandma Xingzi. My name is Wutong, you can just call me Xiaotong." Wutong said.

"Oh, you are Xiaotong. You came so quickly. I thought it would take you a month or two to arrive." After hearing Wutong's self-introduction, the old man welcomed him in enthusiastically.

"Why are you here so late? Come in and have a rest." The old man took Wutong and brought him into the main house in the ranch.

On the way to the main house, Wutong saw many trees similar to linden trees.

However, because it was too late and a little dim, Wutong did not see a Pokémon lying on a tree.

Walking into the house, the old man took a cup of hot milk and gave it to Wutong.

"It seems that I haven't introduced myself yet. Aquan and Xingzi must have forgotten to tell you what my name is, right?" The old man said with a smile.

After hearing the old man's words, Wutong could only smile awkwardly.

Not only did his grandparents forget to say it, but he also forgot to ask.

"My name is Kakuzu. I met Aquan and Xingzi on the way to travel, and then we became friends." Kakuzu introduced himself.

Wutong was also stunned after hearing this. He wanted to ask the old man if he had a partner named Feidan.

"Grandpa Kakuzu, I wonder what trouble you are in?" Wutong asked.

"Hahaha, what a warm-hearted boy, but don't worry, you should have a good rest today and think of a solution tomorrow." Kakuzu said.

Wutong looked at Kakuzu and thought that the matter might not be very serious, so he rested at ease.

The next morning, Wutong got up early.

When he walked outside, Wutong found that Kakuzu had already gotten up and seemed to be preparing something.

"Grandpa Kakuzu, good morning." Wutong walked over and greeted him.

"Oh, Xiaotong is up, good morning." Kakuzu said but did not stop the movement of his hands.

Wutong looked and saw that Kakuzu seemed to be preparing feed. I was free and wanted to see what could stump Kakuzu. Could it be that he met Naruto and Sass?

Helping Kakuzu to carry the feed to the back of the ranch, Wutong discovered that although this place looked like a ranch.

But the Pokémon raised were not cows or sheep, but insect Pokémon.

Looking at the lazy green caterpillars and unicorns, as well as some other insect Pokémon from the Kanto region.

You can also see a few insect Pokémon from the Chengdu region.

"Everyone, come and eat." Kakuzu called the Pokémon, then poured the feed into a specific container and waited for the Pokémon to come and eat.

Wutong was also a little curious, how could someone set up a ranch to raise insect Pokémon?

The insect Pokémon in the ranch heard Kakuzu's call and crawled over slowly.

Obviously, food did not have much appeal to these Pokémon.

After the Pokémon came over and ate a few bites, they all crawled back and continued to lie lazily.

"You saw Xiaotong, I don't know why, my bug-type Pokémon all look a bit anorexic." Kakuzu said helplessly to Wutong.

"Anorexic? But Grandpa Kakuzu, why do you specialize in raising bug-type Pokémon?" Wutong asked back.

"Didn't Ah Quan tell you? I was the owner of the Chengdu area cypress gym a year ago, and my specialty is the bug-type." Kakuzu said calmly.

"What? Grandpa Kakuzu, you said gym owner before?" Wutong said in surprise.

"Yes, but a year ago, because I sprained my waist, I temporarily handed the gym to my grandson A Bi to take care of it. Later, I found that he managed it very well. It's time for me to retire, so I just handed the gym over to him completely. Hahahaha." Kakuzu said.

"Then why did you come to the Kanto area to open a ranch to raise

What about Bug Pokémon?" Wutong was still puzzled.

"Hahaha, that's because Abi thought I was in poor health and should rest at home. What a joke, I'm in good health, so I secretly came to Kanto to buy a piece of land and built this ranch. In addition, I'm the owner of a Bug Gym, so of course I have to raise Bug Pokémon. It just so happens that there are many interesting Bug Pokémon in Kanto." Kakuzu continued to explain

After hearing what Kakuzu said, Wutong didn't know how to comment. He was really an old man with personality.

"By the way, these foods can't be wasted, Heracross! It's time to eat!" Kakuzu took out a bell and shook it.

"Hera! "A cry sounded, and then Wutong felt the sky darken, and then the ground shook.

Wutong looked over in surprise, and a pink, fat rhinoceros beetle fell to the ground.

Then he walked to the food with a trembling step, dived into it and started to eat it.

This Heracross really trembled with every step, but it was not Heracross that was trembling, but its overflowing flesh and the earth that had endured too much.

"Grandpa Kakuzu, what's the matter with this overnourished Heracross?" Wutong pointed at Heracross and asked Kakuzu.

"It, it was something I happened to meet before I came to the Kanto region. It likes to eat and has a big appetite. Although I don't know why other insect-type Pokémon have anorexia, this Heracross still has a good appetite, so I just gave it all the leftover food every day." Kakuzu explained.

"How is it? Are you interested in this Heracross? Ah Quan told me about your special situation. If you help me solve the problem, I will give you this Heracross. How about that? "Kakuzu smiled kindly.

"No problem, I will try my best." Wutong nodded.

It seems that grandpa and grandma should have intended for me to help. However, the first task of this Heracross after following me must be to lose weight.

The belly is almost catching up with Snorlax.

"Then let's start with the Pokémon." Wutong said and walked towards the lazily lying insect Pokémon.

After checking for a while, Wutong found that these insect Pokémon had no problems at all.

Except that they eat less every day and are a little thin, there is no problem.

From the body to the mind, they are very healthy, so the problem should not be with the Pokémon.

Wutong came to the feed and began to check it. He crushed the feed gently and put it to his nose to smell it. A sweet smell came, with a faint sour smell of fruit.

"Hera~! "Heracross suddenly stretched his head over and licked the food residue from Wutong's hand.

"What are you doing?" Wutong said to Heracross helplessly.

After all, there was still a lot of feed, and he just picked one.

"Heracross! (It's shameful to waste food!)" Heracross called seriously.

Wutong was a little helpless when he heard Heracross's call.

There was nothing wrong with the feed in terms of appearance and smell. It smelled sweet, which was the taste that insect-type Pokémon liked.

So where was the problem? Is there a problem with the materials?

"Grandpa Kakuzu, do you mind telling me your feed formula?" Wutong walked back to Kakuzu and asked.

"Of course there is no problem. My formula was given to me by that guy Aquan. "Kakuzu told Wutong the formula very happily.

Wutong frowned after hearing the formula, returned to the feed, took a grain and put it into his mouth.

It tasted very sweet and slightly sour, but soon a very bitter taste filled his mouth.

"Is it really like this?" Wutong said to himself.

"Hera! ?" Seeing Wutong actually took a bite of the feed, Heracross immediately sped up. Using both claws, he swiped it into his mouth.

Seeing Heracross suddenly speed up, Wutong's eyes twitched.

How did it think that it would snatch food from it?

"Grandpa Kakuzu, I know the reason." Wutong said directly to Kakuzu, not wanting to pay attention to Heracross, the foodie.

"Oh? So fast, worthy of being the grandson of Aquan and Anzi. "Jakuzu praised happily.

"In fact, it is because of this formula. This formula is fine in Chengdu, but one of the fruits will produce a very severe bitter taste after being planted in Kanto." Wutong explained.

"Although this kind of fruit is only used as a supplementary ingredient, it will cause this kind of Pokémon food to be severely bitter after eating, and the more you eat, the more bitter it will be." Wutong continued to explain.


Bug-type Pokémon all like sweetness and hate bitterness, so the bug-type Pokémon here will only eat a little bit each time. "Wu Tong concluded.

"So that's how it is, hahaha, it seems that what A Quan said is right, your knowledge is really rich." Kakuzu praised without hesitation.

"Grandpa Kakuzu is too kind, I will write you a new food formula, and you will be fine if you follow this formula in the future." Wu Tong responded with a smile.

This is equivalent to the southern orange being different from the northern orange. Although it is the same kind of fruit, the effect of the fruit is different because of the different places where it is planted.

Wu Tong turned his head and looked at Heracross who was still showing off. Kakuzu's problem was solved, so what should this Heracross do?

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