The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

How to deal with Wutong's high-speed battle commanded by super powers? The answer is simple, just use the same method.

Although Xiaomao does not have super powers, there are not a lot of super-powered Pokémon? And he also happens to have one of the best - Alakazam.

It's really painful to connect with Alakazam with super powers. I don't know how Wutong can hold on.

If Wutong knew Xiaomao's idea, he would definitely want to give Xiaomao a hard time.

You have to know that there is a big difference between human super powers and Pokémon super powers.

The way Wutong connects with his Pokémon with super powers is to try to make his and Pokémon's mental fluctuations consistent to achieve the best mental command.

Xiao Mao completely let Alakazam force his mental power in, it would be strange if this burden was not great.

[Congyoubing, waving wildly. ] Wutong also saw that Xiao Mao could not hold on for long.

Wutong, who did not intend to use any tricks, was ready to end the battle as soon as possible, otherwise it would be interesting if he won because the opponent's trainer could not fight.

"Gah!" The green onion sprinter shouted, and the black mist-like energy emerged from his body, forcibly dispersing Alakazam's mental power.

[Alakazam, Eye of Miracle, Mental Power! ] Xiao Mao was not to be outdone and commanded Alakazam to continue attacking.

"Hu!" Alakazam's eyes became brighter, and the "Energy Glasses" were put on again, and the mental power wave rushed out.

The energy of the psychic system is naturally inferior to the energy of the evil system. Without absolute crushing, the energy of the psychic system is even difficult to have an effect on the evil system.

Although Wutong's Onion Ranger is a fighting-type Pokémon, it also has many Dark-type skills and is good at using Dark-type energy.

With Wutong's fighting style, he might come up with a strange trick that uses Dark-type skills all over his body, so that Onion Ranger's whole body is covered with Dark-type energy to resist Psychic-type skills.

So Xiaomao decisively opened the Eye of Miracle first. Even if it does not have the effect of specializing in Dark-type, the Eye of Miracle still has the ability to accurately hit.

So opening the Eye of Miracle will only be beneficial and harmless.

Onion Ranger danced with two Onion Blades with great force, and did not show weakness in the face of the mental power fluctuations that came over. Onion Ranger rushed towards Alakazam while waving the Onion Blades.

[Alakazam, reflection wall, predict the future. ] Xiaomao continued to command.

With Alakazam's superpower connection, Xiaomao felt that his fighting style would become more flexible.

"Alakazam!" Alakazam crossed his two spoons in front of him, and a series of transparent energy walls appeared to block Onion Ranger's advance.

[Stand, a flash of lightning. ] Wutong commanded calmly.

The Onion Soldier split into two, and the Stand Onion Soldier ignored the reflection wall and rushed to Alakazam.

The Onion Soldier's body brought a white light around the reflection wall and rushed behind Alakazam.

The Onion Soldier's use of the Stand had always made Xiao Mao subconsciously ignore that the Onion Soldier's Stand could actually move.

As a Stand made entirely of energy, the Onion Soldier could not be blocked by the reflection wall. (ps: There is a chapter in the Pokémon Special that is about being exhausted to death. Xiao Chi let Pikachu use the Stand to enter the Golden City covered by the energy barrier.)

So the Onion Soldier's body and the Stand were able to get close to each other quickly.

The Stand Onion Soldier swung towards Alakazam, and Alakazam waved his spoon, and an energy blade appeared.

However, the target of this energy blade was not the Onion Soldier's Stand in front of him, but the Onion Soldier's body behind him.

Xiao Mao chose to let Alakazam take the attack of the substitute Onion Ranger to get a chance to attack the Onion Ranger's body.

[See through! ] Wutong did not want to make such an exchange.

Onion Ranger's eyes flashed, and the Onion Blade raised up. A white light flashed, and the spiritual blade was cut in two. Onion Ranger turned sideways and passed through the two halves of the spiritual blade.

The attack of the substitute Onion Ranger had also hit at this time, but Onion Ranger's substitute was indeed used as a weapon, so the substitute Onion Ranger could indeed move, but the attack power was almost 0.

However, the attack of the substitute Onion Ranger was not intended to cause damage to Alakazam at the beginning.

The attack of the substitute Onion Ranger made Alakazam stagger twice. Taking this opportunity, Onion Ranger bit an Onion Blade and then grabbed the substitute Onion Ranger.

[Three Swords Style: Purgatory Demon Slash! ]

The metallic color covered the three blades, and the black and purple mist spread all over the body. Purgatory Demon Slash

Ghost Slash!

The Green Onion Soldier was like a madman, slashing with his sword one after another.

Alakazam was hit directly from the ground to the air, and then hit back from the air to the ground.

At the moment of landing, Alakazam also lost consciousness.

At the same time as Alakazam lost consciousness, the space around the Green Onion Soldier was distorted, and a beam of energy was shot out.

At this time, the Green Onion Soldier was still in the process of retracting his moves, and there was no way to dodge. The Green Onion Soldier simply gritted his teeth and used the Purgatory Ghost Slash again, forcibly withstanding the attack of the beam of light.

The price was that the Green Onion Soldier's power was almost exhausted, and what he got was a duck that had not lost its combat effectiveness.

The mental power that was forcibly inserted into the brain was suddenly broken, and Xiaomao's body not only shook twice, but also had a momentary blank in his mind.

Fortunately, the battle ended quickly enough, so Xiaomao recovered immediately.

"Sure enough, the effect of cramming at the last minute is not so good. Thank you for your hard work, Alakazam." Xiaomao said and took back Alakazam.

"Cong Youbing, you should come back and rest as well." Wutong also took Cong Youbing back.

After all, he had used a substitute twice, and finally forced to use Purgatory Demon Slash twice in a row. Cong Youbing was almost unconscious, but he was almost as good as losing his combat ability.

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