The next day, at the beach on the edge of the Dead Leaf City, Ma Zhishi came to see Wutong and the others off.

"Hahahaha, what a refreshing morning. How come you guys, at such young ages, don't have any energy at all?" Ma Zhishi said cheerfully while looking at the sea.

The gloomy-faced Wutong four, no, it should be the gloomy-faced Wutong, Xiaomao and Xiaoming, and the doubly gloomy Shinji.

This bastard muscle man recovered really fast. The four Wutongs thought to themselves.

"After your gym inspection is over, come to the Dead Leaf gym to play for two days. It's much more interesting to fight with you than with those little boys." Ma Zhishi said happily.

Only ghosts will come! After the Pokémon battle, you still have to fight with real people. Who can stand it!

Wutong and his four friends immediately called out their flying Pokémon without hesitation and took off and left Vermilion City.

"What a pity." Ma Zhishi said regretfully as he watched the four people leave.

The next stop for Wutong and his four friends is Cerulean City.

What's different from before is that Wutong decided that the four of them would wear their own clothes and go to the Cerulean Gym without revealing their identities as Pokémon inspectors for the time being.

Shinji and his three friends naturally had no objection. It was normal to monitor secretly.

When they arrived at the entrance of Cerulean City, Wutong and his four friends happened to meet an acquaintance.

"Xiaoxia, what a coincidence, your bicycle? Xiaozhi gave it to you as compensation?" Wutong greeted and asked.

"How could that guy be possible? This was fixed by Miss Joy from Viridian City. But how did the four of you appear here together?" Xiaoxia asked curiously after seeing Wutong and his four friends.

"The Silver Tournament just ended, and we haven't been back to Kanto for a long time, so we just wandered around. We were planning to go to the Hualan Gym to watch your sisters' water ballet performance." Wutong said the excuse he had thought of long ago.

"That's a pity. My sisters are traveling. Now the Hualan Gym is unattended, and there is no water ballet performance." Xiaoxia said helplessly.

Her three sisters are too free-spirited and don't take the gym seriously at all.

After hearing Xiaoxia's words, Shinji's face darkened, and he was about to take out his ID to seal up the Hualan Gym on the spot. Shinji still remembered the irresponsible three sisters who came to challenge the Hualan Gym before.

"Then Xiaoxia, you must have come back to take care of the gym, right?" Xiaoming was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and quickly held Shinji down, and then asked Xiaoxia.

"That's right, my sisters don't care about the gym at all, so I decided to stay in the Hualan Gym and let the gym run well." Xiaoxia said seriously.

"Since we have nothing to do, let's go to the Hualan Gym together." Xiaomao also blocked Shinji and said.

"Tsk!" Shinji, who was blocked, made a tsk sound unhappily.

Xiaoxia certainly wouldn't refuse, and led the four people back to the Hualan Gym.

On the way, Xiaoxia saw the news of the P.I.A gym inspection as expected. The Pokémon inspectors of other groups did not know which city to seal a gym. At the same time, Xiaoxia also heard the gossip from passers-by: "I heard that the next target of P.I.A is Hualan Gym!"

"No, let's go quickly! We have to go back to Hualan Gym as soon as possible!" Xiaoxia suddenly became anxious.

Wutong and the four looked at each other, there is a traitor! Someone actually revealed their whereabouts!

The group quickly returned to the Hualan Gym.

And behind them, three sneaky figures followed.

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