The pasture was full of people, and the pasture was full of people.

In the ranch, Kakuzu sat on a wooden bench, holding a cup of tea in his hand, sipping it slowly.

"Xiaotong's method is really good, but isn't it a bit too cruel?" Kakuzu said while sipping tea and watching Heracross running wildly in the ranch.

"Hehehe, although I haven't been with this kid for a long time, I always think this kid is a bit black-bellied." Gastly floated next to Kakuzu with a teacup floating in front of him.

"Really? It seems that you have experienced a lot." Kakuzu continued to sip the tea and said.

"Hehehe, but this is also the fun of traveling." Gastly also sipped the tea and replied.

"Really? By the way, why can you, a Gastly, talk? And where did Gastly drink the tea? Won't it leak out? No, where did Gastly come from?" Kakuzu put down the teacup after taking another sip of tea, and yelled at Gastly who was floating beside him.

"Really, what's wrong with young people nowadays? I have lived for a thousand years after all. Don't you know how to respect the elderly and love the young?" Gastly shook his head and disappeared in front of Kakuzu.

"Xiaotong's Pokémon are really unique." Seeing the disappearing Gastly, Kakuzu shook his head and continued to drink tea.

"I am not the Pokémon of that little ghost, remember that." Gastly appeared in front of Kakuzu and said.

"Puff~!!!" The sudden appearance of Gastly scared Kakuzu, and all the tea he had just drunk in his mouth sprayed out, directly spraying Gastly. Fortunately, Kakuzu did not have a heart disease or other diseases, and only sprayed the tea out.

The frightened Kakuzu and the sprayed Gastly stared at each other, and then Gastly disappeared silently. Kakuzu picked up the teacup again and continued to sip tea. Both the man and the Pokémon pretended that nothing had happened.

"Come on, Heracross! Keep running, you'll get it soon!!" Wutong ran behind Heracross, holding a horn in his hand and cheering for Heracross.

Beside Wutong, Swampert and Duckbill were also running together, and at the end, Murkrow was also running with difficulty in small steps.

But Murkrow's face was not very good, and he looked depressed.

At this time, a wooden stick was tied to the horn of Heracross, and a fishing line stretched out from the front of the wooden stick. A special ability block made by Wutong was tied to the fishing line, exuding a very strong sweet smell.

The sweet smell has been tempting Heracross. Heracross wants to eat this energy cube very much, and even his eyes turn red because of congestion.

However, the position of this stick is very clever. The energy cube is shaking in front of Heracross, but Heracross's two little paws can't touch the energy cube.

Heracross can only worry and keep running forward.

Wutong followed behind and couldn't help but sigh at the simplicity of Heracross. Whenever it hits the tree, the energy cube will fall down. Maybe this is the persistence of a foodie.

Of course, in order to make Heracross obedient, Wutong did not do nothing. When Heracross lost consciousness, he showed his cooking skills and made a table of desserts. There is no way, insect Pokémon prefer sweet food.

Wutong successfully captured Heracross's heart with a table of desserts. Although Wutong made a table of desserts, the calories of these desserts were negligible under his control.

Heracross, who had just been released, was full of anger, but it disappeared in front of the food. He became Wutong's Pokémon obediently. Therefore, Heracross could only carry out weight loss training with pain and happiness at this time.

After staying at Kakuzu's ranch for three or four days, Wutong confirmed that there was no problem with his formula. The insect Pokémon raised by Kakuzu had recovered their appetite and even started to get a little fat. Wutong decided to continue his journey.

In just a few days, under Wutong's nutritious diet and high-intensity weight loss training, Heracross successfully lost a lot of weight.

The flesh that was originally overflowing has also been restrained a lot. Although it still looks a little fat, it will not have any impact.

Kakuzu is also very happy for Heracross, although he is half the reason for Heracross's weight gain.

With the advent of Rotom Mobile, the Navigation Duck Duckling can finally take a break, and Rotom Mobile takes over the position of the Navigation Duck.

After knowing that he was a road idiot, Wutong followed the mobile phone Rotom obediently.

Wutong, who had nothing to do on the way, took out the Pokémon Encyclopedia and scanned the information of Heracross.

Heracross, a one-horned Pokémon, has strong waist and foot strength, and sharp claws, which can produce the power to hit the opponent far away. He is a strongman who can force his proud horn into the lower abdomen of the opponent, and then lift and throw it out in one breath. Although it is usually very docile, if it is disturbed while sucking nectar, it will use its horn to drive it away.

Skills mastered: Push, Seed Machine Gun, Horn Bump, Stare, Hold On, Swallow Return, Double Return, Random Attack, Missile Needle, Tile Break, Rock Critical Attack

Looking at the skills mastered by Heracross, Wutong once thought that Heracross might have hidden his own Mega Evolution Stone.

After all, half of the skills mastered by Heracross are skills with multiple attacks.

The characteristic of Super Heracross is continuous attack, and the maximum number of attacks can be used each time.

However, Wutong was just thinking about it. Super evolution is still far away for him.

Instead of thinking about super evolution, it is better to think about what the flash power of Heracross will be.

Wutong followed the navigation of Rotom on his mobile phone while thinking.

With a navigation that is more powerful than the navigation god duck duckling, Wutong arrived in Yuhong City in the afternoon.

Because the Pokémon did not fight along the way, Wutong's Pokémon were all in perfect condition.

Wutong did not think much and went directly to the gym in Yuhong City.

A building surrounded by green plants, like a queen flower, looks very abrupt in the entire Yuhong City with tall buildings.

Wutong walked into the gym to challenge, but was told that the gym owner Lijia was not in the gym now.

Wutong's enthusiasm was extinguished. After asking, Wutong learned that today was the day when Lijia went to Yuhong University to teach flower arrangement and perfume classes.

Wutong thought about it and since there was nothing to do, he might as well go to Yuhong University to look for Lijia.

ps: First of all, about the color of the shiny Pokémon that everyone has been talking about.

Because at the beginning, in order to prevent everyone from thinking that it was a random change, Ice Cube chose Pokémon according to the official shiny colors.

At least the Pokémon in the entire Kanto region have been determined.

For strength and fun, Ice Cube chose six macho pink Pokémon for Wutong, because think about it, a boy released six pink Pokémon in a competition, isn't it interesting?

During the update, many readers also said that they didn't mind changing the color of the shiny Pokémon, so Ice Cube considered it and decided that different colors of shiny Pokémon would appear later, but the official colors would still be the main ones.

After all, with the characteristics of the protagonist, it is not easy to encounter shiny Pokémon. If you can always encounter powerful Pokémon with different shiny colors, it is really a bit too much.

Although it is a novel, Bingkuai also tries to write it in a logical way. After all, Bingkuai does not intend to write an invincible and cool novel.

It is not Bingkuai's style to casually capture the legendary beasts and make the female characters fall in love with them with just a few words, because Bingkuai feels that it really makes the legendary beasts and characters lose their original flavor.

The style of the legendary beasts is gone, and the personalities of various characters are also confused. After all, this is a fan work, not an original work, and it also has a certain framework.

So when I met the giant Dragonite in the front, it was also the same, and it was also the Gastly I met later.

With Wutong's current strength, let alone capturing it, if he dares to have any crooked thoughts, the grass on his grave will probably be 30 meters high. Bingkuai does not want to write Wutong like Gou Hao, who is a one-ball superman.

The style of mythical beasts and those special powerful Pokémon still needs to be there, which may be Bingkuai's own obsession.

Then there is the question about Bingkuai's other book "Gray Trails of Elves".

First of all, that book will not end badly, nor will it be abandoned.

That book will not end badly, nor will it be abandoned.

That book will not end badly, nor will it be abandoned.

I will say it three times for important things. As for why I stopped updating for more than a month, it is because Bingkuai felt that there was something wrong with his mentality.

Because Bingkuai himself is a newcomer, writing books is half to make a living and half to satisfy his childhood wishes.

So that book is also Bingkuai's first book, and he wrote 200,000 words before publishing it on Tomato.

The result of publishing 200,000 words a day is to avoid the recommendation algorithm mechanism of Tomato. Simply put, Tomato doesn't know who to recommend this book to.

This led to the success of that book.

The performance can no longer be described as bleak, it is completely dead.

The daily income is only three or four yuan, plus the minimum of 600 yuan for full attendance every month, and the monthly income after tax is less than 700 yuan. To be honest, it is too difficult.

Originally, Bingkuai thought that gold would always shine, but Bingkuai still underestimated the power of the recommendation mechanism.

Books without recommendations are really ignored, even if Bingkuai recommends his own books in the square every day.

In addition, his parents were sick at home, and he was also sick, so Bingkuai's mentality was really broken for a while.

This led to the book being more and more out of the way of what Bingkuai wanted to write, and even began to water the number of words every day for the monthly minimum.

So Bingkuai simply stopped updating, and prepared to adjust his mentality and start again. So Bingkuai gave up the minimum last month.

Although 600 may not be a lot, it is still very important for Bingkuai's current situation. Bingkuai was really distressed in those days.

The reason for opening this book is to adjust my mentality. At the same time, I was originally planning to open a book with a completely anime world view, but it was just a little earlier.

So you can see that this book is a more relaxed and joyful style.

So I hope everyone will give Bingkuai some more time. I will start updating again after Bingkuai adjusts his mentality.

At that time, the two books will be updated together. Thank you everyone.

So I will stop here.

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