The new discovery was made, and the old map was revealed.

With the new discovery, Metz excitedly compared the old and new maps of the Hoenn region.

In the end, Metz concluded that the red dot was located on the current Waterway 134 in the Hoenn region.

"Waterway 134? Is there a hidden relic there? This is really a great discovery!" Metz became more and more excited.

Wutong lost interest after learning that the red dot was located on Waterway 134, because this information was not a secret to him.

The Notice Stone Chamber is hidden in Waterway 134, and if nothing unexpected happens, Devon Company has found the location of the Notice Stone Chamber.

It's just that because of the location of the Notice Stone Chamber, there is no way to enter it.

Since the notice stone chamber has been linked, and the three items placed in the second stone chamber, Wutong is very sure that the ancient rose ruins are related to the three pillars.

But what are the functions of the three items placed there?

Legend has it that Regichikas used rocks, icebergs and lava to create Regilock, Regiace and Regischilu in his own shape.

Could the three things placed here now be the materials left after Regichikas made the three pillars?

Unfortunately, these three things were not discovered by himself privately, so there is no way to take them away for research.

"Waterway 134, Waterway 134, speaking of which, Devon Company seems to be carrying out some development activities in that area. Could it be that they have known about it for a long time? By the way, Wutong, can I ask you for another favor?" Metz asked Wutong.

"Tell me what it is first..." Wutong asked vigilantly.

Recently, he always has a bad premonition, feeling that someone always wants to trick him into working.

"I hope you can help me deliver these three items to Daigo. I still need to continue to study the ruins here, and it is difficult for ordinary trainers to find Daigo, so..." Metz said embarrassedly.

Wutong helped him solve the puzzle of the Ancient Rose Ruins, and now he has to help run errands. Metz is a little embarrassed.

"Run errands? But I don't know where Daigo is, and I'm going to challenge the gym to participate in the Caiyou Conference. It's impossible to keep looking for Daigo outside." Wutong tried to bargain.

"In this case, it's okay to send them to Devon Company. I will write you a letter of introduction. Of course, it would be best if they can be handed over to Daigo directly." Metz said.

"Okay, I know, there is a gym in Kanaz City where Devon Company is located anyway." Wutong happily took over the errand work.

It seems that the itinerary will be slightly disrupted, but it is not impossible to go to Wudou Town from Kanaz City, anyway, Kanaz City also has a port.

"But how do I put them away? Wouldn't it be too dangerous to put them directly in the bag?" Metz said with a bit of difficulty.

"Leave it to me, I'm a professional at running errands." Wutong said and snapped his fingers.

Wutong's shadow instantly spread out and climbed directly onto the stone platform. After swallowing all three items, the shadow returned to its original state.

"This, this is!?" Metz was a little surprised.

"It's just a trick of ghost-type Pokémon, but not all ghost-type Pokémon can do it." Wutong said calmly.

"Really? That's really reassuring. I'll leave it to you then." Metz said seriously.

"I will deliver them safely to Daigo. Without further ado, let's leave first. Xiaogang, let's go." Wutong said to Xiaogang.

"What about those bad guys outside?" Xiaogang asked. At this time, he didn't know about the water fleet.

"Oh, I almost forgot about them. Leave them to me." Wutong said with a warm (greedy) smile.

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