The weather was very good, but the weather was very good.

Beside a small river somewhere in the Orange Forest, the aroma of food filled the air.

Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao looked at the Wutong on display with saliva on their lips.

Unlike Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao who were enduring hunger, Pikachu was happily eating the snacks given by Wutong.

At this time, a very obvious sound of flapping wings appeared.

"Pika!" Pikachu put down the snacks in his hand, jumped onto the rock beside him, and shouted in the direction of the sound.

"Spar~!" Arrogant Swallow, who still hadn't wiped his mouth, appeared and stood on a stone opposite Pikachu, and the two Pokémon just confronted each other.

"Xiaozhi, that should be your guest, go and deal with it." Wutong said without turning his head.

"I know! This Ogre is here to fight Pikachu!" Xiaozhi's fighting spirit offset the hunger buff, and he stood behind Pikachu and said.

Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng also acted as spectators and stood aside.

Maeli quietly poked his head out and watched the battle that was about to begin.

Eevee also opened his eyes lazily, took a look, twisted his body and continued to rest on Maeli.

Yaya stood beside Xiaosheng and jumped excitedly. It liked lively things.

There was a battle to watch, which also attracted Youyou, but it still did not leave Wutong and just watched from a distance.

Under Xiaozhi's command, the battle between Pikachu and Ogre began.

I just don't know what Xiaozhi thought, choosing to let Pikachu fight on the river.

Although the stream was not deep and there were many protruding rocks on it, it still affected Pikachu's movements.

Fortunately, Pikachu had eaten the snacks given by Wutong, and was no longer affected by the hunger buff. Even though the venue was unfavorable, he fought back and forth with the swift.

It must be said that the swift's belief was surprisingly strong. After eating several 100,000 volts and thunders from Pikachu, it still refused to admit defeat and continued to fight with Pikachu.

This unyielding spirit made Wutong a little moved, but unfortunately, it was not easy to find a shining swift with the same personality.

However, it might be recommended that Shinji and Xiaoming also come here to catch a swift, after all, the swifts in that swift group are worthy of the word "proud".

And this personality is also in line with their Spartan training methods.

"This won't work, Xiaozhi, if you want to end this game, you have to capture that Swallow!" Xiaogang was also paying attention to Xiaozhi's situation, and shouted after seeing Swallow who refused to admit defeat.

"Capture, I know! Go! Poké Ball!" Xiaozhi decisively took out an empty Poké Ball and threw it at Swallow.

I don't know whether it was because of the serious injury and unable to break free, or because it recognized Xiaozhi in the battle with Pikachu, Swallow was successfully captured without much struggle.

"Saba~ Saba~!" Swallow, who was released again, stood on a stone, panting with sweat all over his head and body.

The injuries that had been endured were all returned to Swallow the moment Swallow relaxed.

"This Swallow seems to be in pain." Xiaosheng said worriedly.

"You are too messy." Xiaozhi said standing next to Swallow.

"Pika!" Pikachu also shouted in agreement.

"Mo Wu~" Ditto, who was temporarily out of work, came to the group and stretched out his body to give Xiaozhi a bottle of good medicine.

"Thank you, Ditto." Xiaozhi took the good medicine from Ditto and sprayed it on Wugu Yan.

"Spar~!" Wugu Yan screamed from the stimulation of the good medicine.

"It will be fine after it rests for a while. The meal is almost ready. Come and help set the table." Wutong shouted.

"Okay!" ×3 Xiaozhi and the others responded obediently like "good babies".

Two long tables had been taken out and were soon filled with food.

Everyone and the Pokémon finally started lunch.

"It's so delicious. Wutong and Xiaogang's cooking skills are great!" Xiaoyao couldn't help but shed tears of emotion.

"I'm just helping out. It's Xiaotong who's awesome." Xiaogang said modestly.

"Wutong, you're going to travel with us too!" Xiaosheng looked at Wutong expectantly and asked.

"Xiaotong, come travel with us." Xiaozhi also invited.

"No, I'm more used to traveling alone." Wutong immediately

Declined. Although it's nice to follow the protagonist through the story, I still want to be more free.

"Is that so? What a pity." Xiaoyao said regretfully.

"But I will travel with you for a few days before leaving." Wutong said with a smile. After all, there will be a merit to be earned soon.

"Great!" ×3 Xiaozhi and the other two said very happily.

"Pika~!" Pikachu also seemed very happy.

"Oh, by the way, after dinner, I'll leave the dishes to you." Wutong said again.

"Okay~" ×3 Xiaozhi and the other two's voices were obviously weaker.

Xiaogang on the side just looked at the scene in front of him with a smile.

"The destination is Kanaz City. Xiaozhi and his group continue their journey. Now they are fighting with the trainers they met in the forest."

"Wutong, what are you doing?" Xiaosheng asked puzzledly as he looked at Wutong who was holding a small notebook and taking notes beside him.

"Oh, don't mind. I haven't done this for a long time. I'm a little addicted." Wutong put away the small notebook and said.

"Ah?" Xiaosheng was even more confused.

"Just think of it as a quirk of a powerful trainer. You'll get used to it." Xiaogang said to Xiaosheng.

"Beedrill! Double needle attack!" The unknown trainer commanded his Beedrill to attack.

"Buzz~!" Beedrill's two needle-like arms stabbed alternately.

Pikachu was directly beaten back.

"Pikachu! 100,000 volts!" Xiaozhi commanded Pikachu to counterattack.

"Pika!" Pikachu jumped high and hit Beedrill directly with 100,000 volts.

Beedrill was electrocuted and black marks appeared on his body and fell down.

"Beedrill! Stand up!" The unknown trainer tried to encourage his Beedrill to continue fighting.

However, Beedrill's eyes turned into mosquito coils and fell down completely.

"Beedrill loses its ability to fight! Pikachu wins!" Xiaogang announced the result immediately.

"Win, Pikachu!" Xiaozhi said happily.

"Pika~ Pika~!" Pikachu also called back.

After the battle, the two had a brief exchange and shook hands to show that it was a wonderful battle.

"Shake hands tightly after the game, it feels so young~" Xiaoyao sighed as he continued to move towards Kanaz City.

"Battles can enhance friendship, that is, Pokémon battles." Xiaogang said.

"That's right, Pokémon trainers are all friends." Xiaozhi also said.

"Battles are very interesting, and you will like it if you have the opportunity to experience it." Wutong also said.

"Although this is the case, Xiaozhi did a lot of reckless things when fighting." Xiaosheng looked at Xiaozhi and said.

"Ah?" Xiaozhi made a puzzled sound.

"If I had used Lightning Flash just now, I wouldn't have been hit by the double needles." Xiaosheng continued.

"What did you say? He rushed over all of a sudden--" Xiaozhi wanted to refute but was interrupted by Xiaosheng halfway through.

"But there is no way, after all, Xiaozhi is still learning, don't you think so, Wutong." Xiaosheng pushed his glasses and said.

"Huh?" This time it was Wutong's turn to make a puzzled sound. He was just a spectator, why did it come to him.

"Xiaosheng, although what you said makes sense, Pokémon battles are not multiple-choice questions in exams. There is not only one answer to the question. Everyone's fighting style is different, and it is more important to adapt to circumstances than to follow the rules when fighting." Wutong said.

"That's right!" Xiaozhi heard Wutong speak for him and quickly agreed.

"But Xiaozhi's fighting style is indeed very reckless. He is the kind of guy who just rushes without thinking." Wutong continued.

"What?" Xiaozhi found that he was too happy too early.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu suddenly shouted, as if he had discovered something.

Several people looked in the direction Pikachu pointed, and a huge snake-shaped bear rushed out from the grass on the side of the road and ran towards a fork in the road.

"Amazing! There is such a big wild snake-shaped bear!" Xiaosheng said in surprise.

"Why do you say that?" Xiaoyao asked curiously.

"Because the ordinary snake-shaped bear is only 43 cm tall and weighs 17.5 kg." Xiaosheng immediately explained to his sister.

"43 cm? 17.5 kg?" Xiaozhi was also surprised.

"That means it is a well-developed and quite large snake-shaped bear!" Xiaogang exclaimed.

"Oh, is that so? Then let's follow it and see." Wutong, who knew the specific situation, said deliberately because he was very interested in the guy's technique of changing clothes quickly.

Xiaozhi and his friends had no objection and chased after it together.

Chasing the giant snake bear all the way, they came to a place with many snake bears.

"Those ones over there look quite small." Xiaozhi said as he took out the Pokémon Encyclopedia.

"Snake bear, a raccoon Pokémon, has a strong curiosity and is interested in everything. So they move in a zigzag manner."

At this time, the snake bears were attracted by Kairos who was hugging the tree trunk and sucking sap.

"So that's it, the snake bears are curious about Kairos." Xiaozhi said as if he understood.

Wutong ignored the ordinary snake bears, but kept looking at the giant snake bear, trying to find some special device.

"Very good!" The giant snake bear sneaked up to a snake bear and instantly turned into a human.

"Ah! The snake bear turned into a human!" Xiaoyao said in surprise.

Wutong was a little disappointed. It seemed that there was no special device. It was just a simple hand speed, and the doll costume seemed to be easier to wear.

"No, sister, that's a real person." Xiaosheng said to his sister who seemed to have lost her mind.

"So, can the snake bear transform into a human?" Xiaoyao asked sincerely.

"So that's not the snake bear!" Xiaosheng complained speechlessly.

Wutong wanted to laugh a little. Xiaoyao was really a little silly at the beginning.

"How about it, snake bear, are you willing to fight with me! Go, Water Leap..." The trainer shorts boy Archie who was transformed by the snake bear asked with a Poké Ball.

"Look, it's a real person." Xiaosheng and Xiaoyao ran in front of Archie without knowing when, and Xiaosheng said to Xiaoyao.

"Wait a minute, I want to confirm it. Really, although the clothes are weird, but it is indeed a real person~" Xiaoyao said, holding Archie's head with both hands and looking around.

"Have they always been so silly?" Wutong asked, trying to hold back his laughter.

The snake-bear looked at the three strange humans in front of him speechlessly and turned away.

"Hey! Wait a minute! Snake-bear! Don't go!" Seeing the snake-bear leaving, Archie reached out to keep him, but the snake-bear walked away without looking back.

"How can you two prevent others from catching Pokémon? You should apologize." Wutong also came over and said to the two.

Too focused on watching the show, Wutong forgot to stop the two silly siblings.

"Yes, because of you two, this has become a failed catching - it's shorts! Shorts that show the knees, you are also shorts boys, so handsome!" Archie was about to get angry, and saw Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng's outfits and said hurriedly.

"Um, what are you..." Xiaozhi also came over and asked.

"Very good, if you want to know my name, I'll tell you!" Archie said and instantly turned into a huge snake-bear again.

Xiaozhi and others were startled by Archie's sudden change of costume.

Wutong was watching Archie's performance with great interest.

"Sometimes he is a snake-shaped bear running through the forest! Sometimes he is a poisonous jellyfish with many tentacles! Sometimes he is a beautiful flower with gorgeous dancing posture! But! His essence is Archie, who is called the shorts boy!" Archie said after a series of disguises.

"Oh oh oh oh~!" Wutong gave a warm applause to Archie's performance.

"Shorts boy?"


Xiaozhi and his friends were still in a state of confusion.

"A natural trainer who shows his knees and wears natural clothes. Yes, he is your companion. If possible, tell me your name." Archie half-knelt in front of Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng, with his hands on each of their shoulders, as if he had found the organization.

"Eh? My name is Xiaoyao."

"I am Xiaosheng."

Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng subconsciously said their names.

"I'm Xiaozhi from Pallet Town."

"I'm Xiaogang, please take care of me on our first meeting."

"My name is Wutong, and the disguise just now was great! Please teach me if you can." Wutong said.

"Well, no problem, Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng, it's really a very suitable name for shorts boy." Archie was still immersed in the joy of finding the organization.

"Shorts boy? Let me make it clear first, I'm not wearing shorts, I'm wearing leggings." Xiaoyao retorted.

"I'm not a boy either." Xiaosheng also said.

"I know, we are all shorts boys, we don't want to show off~" Archie said as if he understood.

Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng had black lines on their faces and were speechless.

"Okay, anyway, do you two have things to do?" Wutong said.

"Sorry, I'm in the way of your conquest

Pokémon. "×2After hearing what Wutong said, Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng bowed their heads and apologized.

There is no other way, this is the power of Wutong who controls the diet.

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