After the poor Water Leap Fish was beaten again, Archie and Xiaozhi and his group became completely familiar with each other. (Water Leap Fish: You are amazing, you are aloof, you make friends and I get beaten.)

Out of a possible conscience, Wutong helped Archie find the Snake Bear, which was not difficult anyway, after all, in the Orange Forest, there were as many Snake Bears as dogs on the roadside.

After successfully conquering the Snake Bear, Archie had another battle with Xiaozhi. This time, Archie sent the newly conquered Snake Bear, and Xiaozhi chose Arrogant Swallow.

The referee was still Xiaogang, and Wutong fulfilled his promise and explained to Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng the battle between Archie and Xiaozhi.

The battle ended with Xiaozhi winning again.

Having accomplished his goal, Aqi said goodbye to Wutong and Xiaozhi and headed towards the Orange Gym.

"The group heading towards Kanaz City, the first gym in the Hoenn region, is very energetic today..."

"There is no such thing as energy~" Xiaoyao interrupted Wutong's narration and said dejectedly.

"What are you talking about? Didn't you just rest?" Xiaozhi said.

"Pika~!" Pikachu also shouted.

"But I'm really tired." Xiaoyao said as he sat on the ground.

"There's no way, let's rest for a while." Xiaozhi said.

"In that case, let's have afternoon tea after a long absence." Wutong put away the small notebook and said.

"But brother Wutong, it's morning now. Ah, there is a Pokémon Center very close!" Xiaosheng said, looking at the Pokémon Navigator in his hand.

After hearing Xiaosheng's words, a light flashed in Xiaogang's squinting eyes. He moved to Xiaoyao in an instant at a speed that Wutong couldn't see clearly.

After pulling Xiaoyao up, Xiaogang urged: "Hurry, Xiaoyao, let's go! Hurry! Hurry!"

"But, but afternoon tea~" Xiaoyao was startled by Xiaogang.

"No, no, no, it's more important to go to the Pokémon Center to rest! Let's go!" Xiaogang grabbed Xiaoyao and was about to set off.

"Alas, this guy Xiaogang." Wutong shook his head helplessly.

Just watched Xiaogang pulling Xiaoyao, followed by Xiaozhi and Xiaosheng, walking towards the Pokémon Center.

Wutong didn't rush to follow, but looked at the surrounding trees, which had obvious traces of battle, and some tree trunks still had broken props.

"Finally arrived? But what identity should I use to deal with it? It's really tangled." Wutong pulled out a broken prop embedded in the tree trunk, and followed Xiaozhi and the others while talking to himself.

Arriving at the Pokémon Center, Xiaogang saw Miss Joy and rushed over to chat with her.

However, before Xiaogang could say anything, Xiaoyao squeezed Xiaogang aside and said to Miss Joy excitedly: "Miss Joy! You moved here from Gumei Town!"

Sure enough, everyone who started a new journey could not avoid mistaking Miss Joy.

Xiaogang, who seized the opportunity, held Miss Joy's hands and said affectionately: "I know that your bangs are 1 mm longer than any Miss Joy!"

"Awesome, Xiaogang is worthy of it." Xiaozhi exclaimed.

"It's really amazing. If there is a major to study Miss Joy and Miss Junsha, Xiaogang is definitely a doctoral level." Wutong followed.

As soon as he said that, Miss Junsha walked into the Pokémon Center with a Caterpie.

"Hello!" Miss Junsha said.

"Miss Junsha! Your eyebrows are 0.5 mm longer than any other Miss Junsha~!" Xiaogang rushed to Miss Junsha at great speed and said.

"Really?" Miss Junsha said embarrassedly.

"Sure enough, no one stopped Xiaogang from going berserk without Xiaoxia. Xiaosheng, watch out, do this the next time you see Xiaogang being crazy." Wutong said to Xiaosheng.

"How to do it?" Xiaosheng asked curiously.

"Okay, you guys, don't interfere with Miss Junsha's work." Wutong walked behind Xiaogang and learned the skills from Xiaoxia.

"Hey, it hurts~" Xiaogang was directly pulled away by Wutong by the ear.

"Oh~! So it can be like this!" Xiaosheng looked like he had learned something.

"Miss Joy, have any trainers found injured Pokémon recently and sent them here?" Miss Junsha asked.

"No, why do you ask that?" Miss Joy asked curiously


"It seems that there are poachers in this area recently." Miss Junsha said seriously.

"Poachers!?" Miss Joy and Xiaozhi said in surprise.

"Yes, judging from the method, it looks like the Pokémon hunter Aaron. He is a guy who can hurt Pokémon without caring." Miss Junsha took out a wanted poster and said.

"I think I have a clue about the poacher." Wutong said.

"What! Really! Where did you see it?" Miss Junsha asked continuously.

"We saw many tree trunks with signs of damage on the way here, and we also found this kind of thing." Wutong took out something like a dart and handed it to Miss Junsha.

"This is part of the hunting net that poachers often use! Can you take me there!" Miss Junsha said after taking it.

"No problem, I will take you there!" Xiaogang said after resurrection.

Several people took Miss Junsha back to the place where the poaching traces were found. After searching nearby, several people saw tire marks on the ground.

"It seems that Aaron moved by car." Xiaogang analyzed.

"The tire marks are still new, so he should still be nearby!" Miss Junsha said with her professionalism.

"In this case, let's search nearby. Let's search separately, it will be faster." Wutong said.

"No, it's too dangerous to act separately!" Miss Junsha tried to stop Wutong.

"Don't worry, Miss Junsha, I'm still very strong. Come out, fossil pterosaur!" Wutong directly released the fossil pterosaur, turned over and jumped on the back of the fossil pterosaur, and flew out directly.

"Don't worry, Miss Junsha, Xiaotong is a very strong trainer. Let's go find the poacher quickly." Xiaogang said.

After Wutong flew to a high altitude on the fossil pterosaur and was out of the sight of Xiaozhi and others, he started to disguise himself.

Sure enough, it is better to let Xiaotong handle this kind of thing personally.

"Well, okay, Dream Demon, give me the motorcycle." Wutong changed his voice and said after switching to Xiaotong mode.

Wutong's shadow stretched out, and his backpack fell into the shadow. At the same time, the long-lost motorcycle appeared. Wutong got on the motorcycle and took back the fossil pterosaur.

Wutong immediately began to fall from the sky on the motorcycle.

"Come out, Steelix!" Wutong threw a Poké Ball without fear.

"Roar~!" Steelix, whose body was pitch black and had a metallic luster, appeared diagonally below Wutong.

Steelix raised its body and caught Wutong and the motorcycle with its head.

Wutong opened the throttle and rushed back to the ground along Steelix's head.

"Thank you, Steelix." Wutong stretched his arm back and took back Steelix and said at the same time.

"Mou~" Under Wutong's cloak, the hidden Ditto guided Wutong in the direction.

"If you had handed over your Pokémon to me before, you wouldn't have suffered this misfortune." Pokémon hunter Aaron said to the Rocket trio in front of him in a place with a lot of destroyed trees.

Next to Aaron was a hideous-looking Banjiras. Quasi-God Pokémon are really rare in Pokémon.

It should be hard to find, but it seems that many people have them.

"But it's too late now. I'm going to beat you up and then take away your Pokémon." Aaron said.

The Rocket trio, covered in scars and in a very embarrassed state, looked at Arbok, Vastus, and their tribesmen behind them.

Then the three of them looked at each other and nodded as if they had made up their minds.

"Arbok, take your companions and run away!" Musashi stood up and said to Arbok.

"Vastus, you too." Kojiro followed.

"Although we are unwilling, we can't beat that Bankiras." Musashi looked at Arlong and Bankiras and said calmly.

Arbok and Gastly shook their heads unwillingly. They didn't want to leave their trainer.

"That's good. Didn't we say that running away is the wisest thing? We can't leave you cute people to him." Kojiro put his hands on his waist and said softly.

"And Arbok and Gastly need you too." Musashi said.

Arbok and Gastly couldn't help but look back at their tribesmen.

"Okay, leave this to us."

"Just run away, meow~!"

Arbok and Gastly still shook their heads and refused to leave.

"I told you to run away quickly!"

"This is the only way now!"

Musashi and Kojiro couldn't help but emphasize their tone.

"You are...

Can you escape! Bankiras, destroy the death ray! "Aron, who had been offline for a while, came back online and directly commanded Bankiras to launch an attack.

"Crazy scratching Meow!" Meowth jumped up and grabbed Bankiras' head with his claws to stop its attack.

"Ban!" Bankiras was even more angry after being scratched on the face, and blew Meowth away with a burst of destruction and death.

"And my crazy scratching!" Musashi rushed up directly.

"I'm also crazy scratching!" Kojiro also followed.

Seeing their trainers trying so hard to stop each other, Arbok and Vash were struggling in their hearts, and their eyes were filled with tears.

Just when Arbok and Vash were gritting their teeth and preparing to escape with their people, a voice stopped them.

"If you leave like this, it doesn't matter even if you regret it in the future?"

"Kibble~! ”


“Finally caught up. Please help me keep an eye on the motorcycle. I will save your trainer.” Wutong got off the motorcycle, passed by Arbok and Vas, and said while taking out the Poké Ball.

“Iron Warrior, Magic Shine!” Wutong threw the Poké Ball and commanded.

The three members of Team Rocket, who were once again knocked away by Bankiras, struggled to get up and continue to stop Aaron.

At this time, a dazzling colorful light flew over them and hit Bankiras.

“Ban~!” Bankiras was knocked to the ground and roared in pain.

“Who is it!” Aaron couldn’t help shouting.

“Although you asked sincerely, I am not in the mood to tell you. Pokémon Hunter Aaron, I am arresting you for poaching and selling Pokémon. Pointless resistance will only increase your punishment. Just surrender. "Wu Tong stood in front of the Rocket trio and said to Aaron.

"You, you are..."

"You are the Pokémon Investigator who has been hindering the Rocket team's actions..."

"Silver Demon Cat Meow!"

"Don't mention that weird nickname to me!" Wu Tong looked at the Rocket trio with a twitch in his eyes. Was it really unnecessary to save them?

"Yes! Sorry!" ×3 Under the pressure of Wu Tong, the Rocket trio hugged each other and responded obediently.

"No matter whether you are a silver demon cat or a golden demon cat, all those who hinder me will die! Bankiras destroys the death ray!" Aaron commanded angrily.

"Iron Warrior, hold on. So you bad guys can't do anything except destroying the death ray, right?" Wu Tong commanded.

The Iron Warrior crossed his arms in front of him, and a green energy barrier appeared.

Bankiras's destruction death ray was directly blocked by the guard.

"Iron Warrior, Leaf Blade, Chop Tiles. "Wu Tong continued to command.

The sharp blades on the Iron Warrior's arms merged into a double-headed sword, and the emerald green light spread over the entire double-headed sword.

The Iron Warrior rushed directly to Bankiras, and the double-headed sword slashed Bankiras' body from top to bottom.

"Ban~" Bankiras was instantly severely injured and fell to the ground, losing his ability to fight.

"Damn! I remember you." Aaron saw that the situation was not good and wanted to escape.

"Tungsten Steel Snake." Wu Tong said calmly.

The ground shook, and the land behind Aaron bulged, and a black Pokémon broke out of the ground.

"What, what!" Aaron was frightened by the winding and hideous Tungsten Steel Snake and fell to the ground.

The Iron Warrior also came to Aaron's side, and the sharp blade of the double-headed sword was attached to Aaron's neck.

"I, I surrender! "Aaron raised his hands and said in frustration.

"Okay, the poachers are dealt with, and it's your turn next." Wutong said and turned to look at the Rocket trio.

"That, that..."

The Rocket trio looked away guiltily.

"Strange, why don't I seem to have seen this kind of Rocket uniform? It seems that they just look similar. Oh, it's a pity, I thought I could get more credit. "Wutong deliberately said loudly.

"Miss Demon Cat~!" ×3 The Rocket trio looked at Wutong gratefully with tears in their eyes.

"Asshole, I told you not to call me that! Do you really want me to take you away together? I'll give you a task, protect those injured Pokémon and let them live again in a safe place. Also, trainers and Pokémon are one and the same, don't let them escape on their own, which may make them live in regret in the future. "Wu Tong said irritably.

After hearing what Wu Tong said, the three members of Team Rocket turned their heads and looked behind them.

At this time, Arbok and Vash were crying like a waterfall. The two Pokémon rushed directly to them.

, crying and expressing his feelings in front of the trainer.

"Lighter! Lighter! Arbok! I can't breathe!" Musashi was entangled by Arbok tightly, and felt difficulty breathing and couldn't help patting Arbok's body.

"Double-Bomb Gas, my waist hurts, stop it!" Kojiro was not much better, and was constantly pressed by Double-Bomb Gas.

"Really, I can't stand this, meow~" Meowth said with his hands spread out.

Who knew that it was surrounded by a group of Pokémon just after it finished speaking.

Arbok and Gas still remember the scene when Meowth resisted the current on the cage to rescue them.

"Wait, wait a minute, meow! I'm very weak now, meow!" Meowth said fearfully.

However, the excited Arbok and Gas didn't care so much, and a group of Pokémon directly took the Rocket trio away.

"I feel so happy (meow)~" ×3 left an exit line that was different from usual, and the three members of Team Rocket disappeared from Wutong's sight.

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