After the children were born, they were taught in a different way.

Following Du Juan, Wu Tong first found his temporary dormitory, which was fully equipped with basic living utensils. Wu Tong was only a guest teacher for two days, so he didn't need to add anything else.

Next, Du Juan took Wu Tong to visit the school. Because it was lunch time, there were not many people in the Pokémon Trainer School.

The Pokémon Trainer School in Kanaz City also has a lot more subjects than the school that Wu Tong passed by in the Kanto area.

From the most basic and most populous general trainer, to the Pokémon coordination trainer, Pokémon breeder, Pokémon researcher... and so on, the subjects are very rich.

"We have finished touring the school. Wutong, do you have anything else to ask?" Du Juan asked Wutong after touring the Pokémon Trainer School.

"I have some ideas about tomorrow's course..." Wutong remembered what Principal Xun said when he was waiting for Du Juan.

According to Principal Xun, Du Juan is an outstanding graduate of the Pokémon Trainer School, so outstanding that she was directly recommended to become a gym leader after graduation.

However, because of this, Du Juan can be said to be a thorough professional. While she has rich theoretical knowledge, Du Juan has no travel experience or outdoor combat experience.

Although this situation cannot deny Du Juan's excellence and her qualified performance as a gym leader, ordinary students still account for the majority of the Pokémon Trainer School.

Only one or two thousandths of the students are excellent enough to be recommended all the way, and most students will start their own journey after reaching the age.

Although Wutong grew up under the guidance of Aquan and Xingzi, Aquan and Xingzi mainly taught him knowledge about Pokémon breeders, and only taught him the most basic knowledge about Pokémon battles.

In the eyes of Aquan and Xingzi, the best way for Pokémon trainers to grow is through continuous actual combat, research and finding a fighting style that suits them, and accumulating combat experience.

Too much interference will affect their development.

Therefore, Wutong, who became the champion of two regions, grew completely wild. Of course, this is only the situation in the eyes of others. After all, no one in this world knows that Wutong is a reborn person.

"Du Juan, in addition to being a teacher, you are also the owner of the Kanaz Gym, right?" Wutong looked at Du Juan and asked.

"Yes, I am also the owner of the Kanaz Gym. Wutong, you came to the Hoenn region to participate in the Caiyou Conference, so are you ready to challenge the Kanaz Gym?" Du Juan asked back.

"Yes, Kanaz Gym is the first gym I am going to challenge in the Hoenn region. It is the beginning of my journey in the Hoenn region." Wutong said.

"That is really an honor." Du Juan said with a gentle smile.

"So, how about an off-campus practice in my first class as a substitute teacher tomorrow? Students in the introductory class should not have any chance to watch the gym challenge in person, right?" Wutong said.

"Off-campus practice? Actually, when I accept a challenge, I will ask the challenger for permission to record the video and then use it for teaching, but I have never let them watch the game on the spot. If you don't mind, I agree." Du Juan said.

"It seems that we have the same opinion. In this case, I will leave it to you tomorrow morning." Wutong said.

"Of course no problem, I am also looking forward to fighting with you, Wutong." Du Juan said with a gentle smile.

After reaching a consensus with Du Juan, Wutong also said goodbye to Du Juan, after all, the afternoon class was about to start.

Wutong, who had nothing to do for the time being, was going to take a look at the Devon Company building. After all, he still had something to give to Daigo, although he didn't think he would meet Daigo here.

But before going to Devon Company, Wutong planned to take a walk in Kanaz City to see if he could encounter any "side quests".

After leaving the Pokémon Trainer School, Wutong wandered around the street and unknowingly walked to the Big Jaw Ant Shop. At this time, the sign on the door that said "Closed" had been changed to "Open".

"Open?" Wutong muttered and walked over.

After opening the door, accompanied by a crisp bell sound, Wutong saw a man dressed in Hawaiian style.

Hearing someone open the door, the man turned around and looked at Wutong in surprise. Unexpectedly, he just

When he came back and opened the door, someone came in.

Wutong also saw the man's face. He had medium-length black hair tied up at the back of his head. His pupils were dark red. There was a vertical scar on his left eye, and there was another scar across the bridge of his nose. (Note 1)

The two scars were very thin. Although obvious, the handsome face of the man was not ugly, which added a sense of determination.

The man glanced at Wutong's face and said coldly: "Please sit over there and wait."

After that, the man walked to the deeper room.

Wutong was even more curious. A guy who looked like he had facial paralysis and a bit cold personality opened a cafe.

If Shinji opened a cafe, Xiaomao might be the only customer.

Wutong found a seat by the window and sat down while waiting. He looked at the decoration inside the store.

Unlike the conspicuous giant jaw ant shape outside, the design inside the store is a very conspicuous cafe style, but it is much simpler, and there are many strange stone decorations in the store.

Daigo, a stone fanatic, should like the style of this cafe.

But what makes Wutong more curious is that there is a huge rectangular area in the center of the cafe. Although it looks like a counter for making coffee, judging from the direction the boss is going, the kitchen should be in the back.

That area seems very redundant, not only abrupt, but also takes up a lot of space. Wutong, who can't figure it out, can only think that this is the boss's personal preference.

After a while, the boss who changed his clothes came back.

At this time, the boss changed into a black suit, with a black shirt on the upper body and the sleeves carefully rolled up to the middle of the forearm.

The lower body is black trousers and a black apron tied around the waist.

"Unknown customer, what do you want to order?" The boss took a menu and put it in front of Wutong.

Wutong looked at the menu, which had some different kinds of coffee, cold drinks like sundaes, and some simple snacks.

As for the price, it looked no different from an ordinary coffee shop.

After Wutong finished reading one side, he turned the menu over.

Strangely, the menu on the back was almost the same as the front, the only difference was that there was no price on the menu on the back.

Wutong couldn't help but frowned. What was going on? Could it be that he had encountered a Yin-Yang menu that was meant to rip off customers? But wasn't it too bold to put the Yin-Yang menu on both sides?

"Boss, why are there no prices on the back?" Wutong asked directly. If it was really a rip-off, then Wutong, the temporary Pokémon inspector, would have to come out and do justice.

"That's the hidden menu." The boss still said coldly.

"Hidden menu? But are the dishes on the front menu exactly the same?" Wutong asked in confusion.

"Are you interested in the hidden menu?" the boss asked.

"...To be honest, I'm a little interested." Wutong felt that the boss seemed to be ready to rip off customers, so he said deliberately.

After hearing Wutong's answer, the boss took out a remote control and pressed it twice.

The rectangular area that Wutong felt was very abrupt changed. The area around the outer circle that looked like a bar moved outward a little, the central pillars separated up and down, and the upper pillars moved up to reveal only a small part.

The lower pillars went underground, and at the same time a Pokémon battle field rose. Several lights appeared in the upper pillar area.

The lights directly illuminated every corner of the battle field below.

Looking at the battle field that suddenly appeared, Wutong couldn't help but show a surprised expression.

"Defeat me, and you can order from the hidden menu for free." The boss said sparingly.

"This, is this the hidden menu?" Wutong asked.

The boss nodded, and then stared at Wutong silently.

Having long been accustomed to the gloomy face of his best friend, Wutong also read a message from the expression of this paralyzed boss - do you want to come?

"This is really interesting. In that case, here's a hidden menu, boss." Wutong said with a smile on his face.

"A hidden menu." The boss said he received it and walked to the battle field.

Wutong did not hesitate and also came to the battle field and stood on the side opposite the boss.

"I am Wutong from Changpan City. Thank you for your guidance." Wutong introduced himself first out of politeness.

"Brufal, the rule is 1 vs. 1, go, Desert Dragonfly." Brufal also said his name and the rules and sent out his Pokémon first.

"Lai~" Brufal's Desert Dragonfly

The dragonfly appeared in the battle field, and its wings vibrated to make a beautiful sound like a fairy's song, as if welcoming Wutong.

"Desert dragonfly? In that case, Fossil Pterosaur, please." After seeing the Pokémon sent by Brufal, Wutong also made his own choice.

It would be a bit too cruel to let the four little ones face such a powerful opponent now. After all, in Wutong's eyes, the desert dragonfly in front of him was cultivated very well.

After seeing Wutong send out the Fossil Pterosaur, Brufal's expression finally changed. It seemed that Brufal was very interested in the Fossil Pterosaur.

"Roar~" The Fossil Pterosaur habitually roared when it appeared, and then looked at the opponent it had never seen on the opposite side.

Fortunately, there were no other customers in the cafe now, otherwise Wutong might have to apologize for disturbing other customers.

The cafe was high, so the Fossil Pterosaur and the Desert Dragonfly could fly, of course, not too high.

After Brufardo looked at the fossil pterosaur for a few times, he made a gesture of invitation to Wutong.

"Then I won't be polite, fossil pterosaur, follow the wind, move at high speed. Keep your voice down when you roar." Wutong first let the fossil pterosaur accelerate.

"Roar~~" The fossil pterosaur roared obediently, and then the air flow rolled up around it and wrapped around its wings.

"Head-on attack." Brufardo commanded.

"Lai~" The desert dragonfly vibrated its wings and rushed to the fossil pterosaur at a speed beyond Wutong's expectation, then twisted its body and whipped its tail on the head of the fossil pterosaur.

"Fossil pterosaur, bite it!" Wutong reacted quickly and commanded.

"Roar~" The fossil pterosaur was suddenly hit by a big blow at the beginning, and it was also a little angry. Ignoring the pain brought by the head-on attack, it opened its mouth and bit the tail of the desert dragonfly.

"Desert dragonfly, insect bite." Brufal obviously didn't expect Wutong to react so quickly, nor did he expect the fossil pterosaur to have such a strong tolerance.

He was able to ignore the damage caused by the head-on attack and caught the desert dragonfly's attack and bit the desert dragonfly's tail.

However, the desert dragonfly's tail is not the only one that can be used for attack.

"Lai~!" The desert dragonfly bit the wing of the fossil pterosaur.

The two Pokémon formed a strange ring for a while.

"Fossil pterosaur, frozen teeth, bite it." Wutong was not afraid when he saw that Brufal was going to let the desert dragonfly attack.

The strongest attack power of the fossil pterosaur is the upper and lower jaws with super strong bite force. Now that it has bitten the target, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Desert dragonfly, dragon claw." Brufal continued to command.

The cold air in the fossil pterosaur's mouth was rampant, and soon a pair of frozen fangs formed on the outside of the fossil pterosaur's mouth, and then it bit down hard under the control of the fossil pterosaur.

The Desert Dragonfly did not let go, and at the same time, its two claws were covered with blue-purple energy and extended, directly grabbing the body of the Fossil Pterosaur.

Both Pokémon spared no effort to cause damage to each other, but in comparison, the Desert Dragonfly was obviously more damaged.

"Desert Dragonfly, Dragon Dance." Brufal also discovered this situation and decisively commanded.

"Lai~" The Desert Dragonfly let go of its mouth and flew directly upwards, while rotating its body to try to break free from the Fossil Pterosaur's ruthless mouth.

"Fossil Pterosaur, Dragon Dance, with the Desert Dragonfly!" Wutong commanded with a smile on his face.

Dragon Dance, isn't his Fossil Pterosaur also a dragon? Who can't do it?

The Fossil Pterosaur, which received Wutong's command, still did not let go of its mouth, and at the same time, its body rotated with the Desert Dragonfly.

The rare Dragon Double Dance appeared, and the two Pokémon danced from the air to the ground, and the Desert Dragonfly still broke free.

"Fossil Pterosaur, Dragon Breath!" Wutong commanded, and the outcome was almost decided.

"Desert Dragonfly, Dragon Dive." Brufal also made a final struggle.

"Lai~!" The Desert Dragonfly used all its strength to transform into an energy dragon and smashed the Fossil Pterosaur to the ground.

The Fossil Pterosaur blew out its dragon breath with all its strength, cleaning the Desert Dragonfly.

The energy wrapped around the Desert Dragonfly dissipated, and the Desert Dragonfly lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

Although the Fossil Pterosaur was seriously injured by the Dragon Dive of the Desert Dragonfly, it still retained its combat capability.

"It seems that I won, boss." Wutong said.

Note 1: This character was provided by a colleague @喷火龙yyds, who is also an author and has a unique style of writing books. Interested book friends can

Go check it out

Attached is the character design of Brufar provided by @喷火龙yyds

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