The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.

"The shining Heracross? Vine monster, whip!" Lijia only showed a little curiosity and then ordered the vine monster to attack.

"Monga!" The vine monster shook its body, and two vines flew out and entangled Heracross.

"Heracross, missile needle!" Wutong commanded.

"Hera!" Heracross raised his claws, and the white energy needle shot out to block the vine.

"Good luck, the missile needle is so large." Wutong said to himself as he looked at the missile needle released by Heracross.

The missile needle in the game is a random attack of 2-5 times, but in reality it will definitely not come in waves.

Of course, missile needles in reality are also random, but what is random is the scale of the attack. If you are unlucky, only a few scattered energy needles may appear, and if you are lucky, it will be a rain of pear blossoms.

And Heracross seems to have good luck. For convenience, Heracross successfully got almost 4 missile needles randomly.

"Vine monster, swing the vine whip." Seeing that the vine weaving of the vine monster was blocked by a large number of energy needles, Lijia commanded.

"Monga!" The two vine whips stretched out by the vine monster began to swing irregularly, knocking down all the energy needles.

"Heracross, another missile needle!" Wutong planned to continue testing. Could it be that Heracross's flash power is a skill with multiple attacks that always randomly gets a higher number of times?

"Hera!" Heracross used the missile needle again, and dense energy needles shot at the vine monster. It was still a relatively large scale.

Wutong felt that he was almost half sure, but this kind of flash power seemed to be of little use, after all, the characteristic of Super Heracross was to fix the maximum number of attacks.

"Vine Monster, use the vine whip to disperse it, and then use paralysis powder!" Lijia shouted.

"Monga!" The vine monster stirred the vine whip again, and then a stream of red powder flew out along the vine whip.

"Heracross, fly up! Swallow Return!" Wutong shouted immediately when he saw the flying red powder.

"Hera!" Heracross opened his carapace, and his wings vibrated at high speed, and white light covered Heracross's body.

Heracross took off directly and flew behind the vine monster at a very fast speed.

Heracross did not hesitate, and directly hit the vine monster, and then quickly turned back to attack for the second time.

"Vine Monster! Hold on, paralysis powder!" Lijia shouted.

After the vine monster took two consecutive attacks from the swallow, it still climbed up firmly.

The body of the vine monster shook and released red powder smoke in all directions. The red powder smoke directly covered the figure of the vine monster.

"Heracross, keep flying! Missile needles sweep!" Wutong shouted.

"Hera!" Heracross kept flying and began to release missile needles horizontally.

"The scale of this missile needle is really stable." Wutong said as he looked at the missile needles with an objective scale.

Countless energy needles shot into the paralysis powder mist, but with the paralysis powder covering it, Wutong didn't know what the vine monster was like now.

At this time, two thick vine whips rushed out and tied up Heracross directly.

"Is this vine monster so strong?" Wutong was a little speechless. He didn't lose his fighting ability after taking so much damage.

"Vine monster! Super absorption!" Lijia commanded.

"Monga!" A light came out from the vines of the vine monster, and Heracross felt that some of his physical strength was absorbed.

"Heracross! Missile needles!" Wutong shouted when he saw Heracross with only his head exposed.

"Hera!" Heracross roared, and light shone from under the vines wrapped around him.

After the light reached its limit, the vines wrapped around Heracross exploded directly, and countless energy needles flew out and exploded in all directions.

"Damn! Swampert, hold on!" Wutong quickly called out Swampert to block in front of him.

"Numa?" Swampert, who had just been called out, looked puzzled, and then after seeing the missile needle that was about to hit his face, he quickly crossed his claws and wrapped the Swampert with a translucent green energy shield.

"What's going on? How could so many missile needles be released at once?" Wutong poked his head out from behind Swampert, looking at the panting Heracross and the vine monster that was stabbed like a hedgehog on the field and said.

"Come back, vine monster, Stinky Flower, I'll leave it to you." Lijia calmly took back the vine monster, and then called

released another Pokémon of his own.

"Ha~na~" A Pokémon that drooled and looked like Xiaogang was released.

"Heracross, Swallow Return." Wutong decided to attack first after seeing Smelly Flower.

"Hera!" Heracross flashed with white light and rushed directly to Smelly Flower.

"Smelly Flower, sweet fragrance." Lijia commanded.

"Ha~na~" The flower on the top of Smelly Flower shook, and a pink breath spread out.

"Not good!" Wutong felt bad after hearing Lijia's words.

Sure enough, Heracross was attracted by the sweet breath as soon as he came into contact with the fragrance, and stopped Swallow Return directly.

Heracross's eyes turned into the shape of a heart, and his body swayed and flew towards Smelly Flower.

"It's over, this trick is invincible against Heracross, a foodie." Wutong said helplessly, covering his face.

It's not that he didn't want to resist, the problem is that now Heracross has just joined the team, and it's impossible for something to happen. He yelled, and then the bond between humans and Pokémon appeared, and Heracross suddenly woke up.

And Wutong didn't have time to train Heracross, so he could only watch Heracross fly towards Vampire without any defense.

"Vampire, paralysis powder, poison powder." Lijia was obviously used to dealing with this situation. She didn't let Vampire attack, but let Vampire start to release powder.

"Ha~na~" The flower on Vampire's head shook again, and orange-yellow and purple powder flew out, mixed with the sweet fragrance.

"Hera~" Heracross took a big breath of Vampire's sweet breath. Heracross sucked in the paralysis powder and poison powder together.

Then Wutong saw Heracross change from pink to purple, and then he lay on the ground with his feet twitching.

"Hey, come back, Heracross." Wutong put away Heracross helplessly. There was no way, Stinky Flower was the natural enemy of the current Heracross.

"Go, Duckbill Baby." Wutong called out his Duckbill Baby without hesitation.

"You? Are you the young master of a big family?" Lijia asked when she saw Wutong calling out another Shiny Pokémon.

"Hey, luck, luck. My situation is special." Wutong said.

"Really? Everyone has their own secrets, so let's continue our fight." Lijia looked at Wutong seriously and said.

"Yes, yes, everyone has their own secrets." Wutong quickly agreed. Lijia's words were definitely meant to be meaningful.

"Duckbill Baby! Spray flames!" Wutong took the lead in attacking.

"Bubby!" Duckbill Baby sprayed a column of fire at Stinky Flower.

"Stinky Flower, dissolving liquid." Lijia commanded.

"Ha~na~" Stinky Flower sprayed a sticky purple to meet the spray flames.

The jet flame and the dissolving liquid collided with each other, and the dissolving liquid was directly burned and emitted a burst of foul smell.

"Sure enough, there are ways to deal with fire Pokémon, but it's not enough. Duckbill! Jet flame!" Wutong said.

"Bubby!" Duckbill sprayed a column of fire at Smelly Flower again.

"It's useless, Smelly Flower, dissolving liquid!" Lijia planned to continue using dissolving liquid to resist the jet flame.

However, facing the flying dissolving liquid, the jet flame turned a corner and bypassed the dissolving liquid.

"What! Smelly Flower! Get out of the way!" Lijia shouted hurriedly.

"Ha~na~" Smelly Flower, unlike its appearance, was unexpectedly agile and dodged the jet flame.

Unfortunately, Duckbill's strength is still insufficient, and it cannot completely control the flame freely, so it can only turn once.

"Duckbill, charge with the flame wheel!" Wutong directly planned to let Duckbill get close.

"Bubby!" Duckbill rolled forward and flames instantly ignited on his body.

The duckbill baby turned into a flaming wheel and rolled towards the stinky flower.

"Stinky flower, parasitic seeds, photosynthesis." Lijia decided to "pull" to the end.

The stinky flower scattered a few seeds around itself. Then it began to absorb the sunlight.

The Yuhong Gym was obviously specially designed. The ceiling above the king of flowers was all made of glass with good light transmittance.

The sunlight fell down without any hindrance and was absorbed by the stinky flower.

Fortunately, it was already evening and the sunlight was very weak, so the photosynthesis effect of the stinky flower was not so good.

The duckbill baby rushed to the stinky flower with a burning flame. The parasitic seeds around the stinky flower burst instantly, hindering the duckbill baby's progress.

"Duckbill baby! Spray smoke!" Seeing that the duckbill baby's progress was blocked, Wutong directly changed his tactics.

"Bubby!" The duckbill baby sprayed smoke from his mouth.

A stream of hot smoke came out and rolled towards Skank.

"Skank! Poison powder, paralysis powder, hypnotic powder!" Lijia did not let Skank dodge, and directly let Skank release three kinds of powder on the spot.

"Ha~na~" Skank resisted the smoke and released three kinds of powders, orange, purple, and green.

The three-color powder directly enveloped the duckbill baby.

"Duckbill baby! Flame wheel!" Wutong shouted hurriedly.

The duckbill baby ignited a flame to block the erosion of the three kinds of powder.

And Skank could not stand it anymore, and turned into a mosquito-repellent eye and fell to the ground.

"Come back, Skank, go, Tyrannosaurus!" Lijia called out her last Pokémon.

It was not the imagined Stupid Flower, but the evolved Tyrannosaurus of Skank.

"I always feel like I'm being targeted?" Wutong said to himself.

After all, in the anime, when Lijia fought against Xiaozhi, she was not as ruthless as she is now.

Although the skills used by Lijia are not well-known, they are disgusting. It can be said that they have brought the pulling of grass-type Pokémon to the fullest.

Wutong wanted to let Meng Yao come on the field to discuss tactics with Lijia.

Lijia exchanged Pokémon, and the duck-billed baby also retreated to Wutong.

Although there was a blockage by the flame wheel, some of the three powders still stained the duck-billed baby.

At this time, the duck-billed baby felt a little tired, and there was a little numbness on his body, plus the dizziness and nausea seemed to be symptoms of poisoning.

"Duck-billed baby, how is it, can you still fight?" Wutong asked the duck-billed baby.

After all, it was just a gym battle, so there was no need to force the duck-billed baby to fight.

"Bubby!" The duck-billed baby shouted, indicating that he was still okay.

"Duck-billed baby, let's attack first! Go up with the flame wheel!" Wutong shouted.

After all, Wutong didn't think that the Tyrannosaurus might not know what the Stinky Flower could do.

So the best way at present is to get close first and then fight in close combat. Anyway, the attack and special attack racial values ​​of the duckbill baby are similar, and it is a perfect double-blade output hand.

"Chrysanthemum, dodge, sweet fragrance." Lijia was determined not to confront Wutong head-on, and continued to let the queen flower contain him.

After hearing the command, the queen flower turned her body and dodged the flame wheel that hit her, and then the stamens on her head sprayed a burst of pink breath.

Of course, the duckbill baby is not a foodie, so he will not fall for this sweet breath, but after asking about this breath, the duckbill baby felt that his body became a little sluggish.

Coupled with the influence of hypnotic powder, poison powder and paralysis powder, the duckbill baby felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to move.

"Chrysanthemum! Jet flame!" Although the duckbill baby's flame wheel was dodged, it also successfully shortened the distance. Wutong didn't believe that at this distance, the queen flower could dodge the jet flame that could turn.

"Bubby!" The duckbill baby forced himself to be energetic and shot out a pillar of fire.

"Royal Queen, petal dance!" Li Jia knew there was no way to dodge at this distance, so she let Royal Queen attack directly.

Royal Queen's body rotated, and countless petals fluttered, forming a tornado of petals to block the jet flames.

"Tsk, I thought you didn't have attack skills, duckbill baby, spray smoke, burn it all!" Wutong commanded when he saw Royal Queen releasing petals continuously.

"Bubby!" Duckbill baby released hot smoke.

The smoke and petals collided together, and fire rained down from the sky instantly.

Wutong frowned as he looked at the burning petals falling, and he felt that the color of these petals seemed to be wrong.

The biological characteristics of duckbill baby made it not need to dodge these burning petals at all, and it couldn't dodge them.

"No, duckbill baby, don't touch those petals!" Wutong shouted suddenly.

"Bubby?" The duck-billed baby called out in confusion, but it was too late. After a few pieces of the duck-billed baby touched it, a few electric currents flashed through its body, and it fell stiffly to the ground.

"Did you find it? You have good observation skills." Li Jia said.

The petal dance of the queen flower is not an ordinary petal dance. It is the product of the combination with paralysis powder, so there will be orange-yellow powder on the petals.

This is also the reason why Wutong feels that the color of the petals is not right.

"Damn, you are so dirty when playing tactics, duck-billed baby, go back--" Wutong said uncomfortably. At this time, he also felt the feelings of others when fighting his dream demon. Just when he wanted to take back the duck-billed baby, he found that the situation of the duck-billed baby had changed.

"Bubby!" At this time, the duck-billed baby's heart was burning. He had never fought such a frustrating fight since he was a child. Although the duck-billed baby was a sensible child, it was more terrible when a sensible child got angry.

The big fluctuation in mood made Ben

Attracted by the duck-billed baby, the fire energy that was quietly around it began to stir.

When the duck-billed baby's anger reached its peak, the blazing flames burned on the duck-billed baby, which could be said to be a real rage.

Then a dazzling white light came out of the flames.

As the white light faded, a Pokémon with flames on its head, like hair, and a fire symbol on its abdomen, seemed to be on fire all over its body. There were protruding objects on its hands, objects similar to steel on its neck and ankles, and two tumors on its head. A pink Pokémon with a mouth that looked like a duck's beak appeared in the center of the venue.

The restless flames due to the anger of the duck-billed baby provided the duck-billed baby with power, allowing it to successfully evolve into a duck-billed fire beast.

Looking at the burning duck-billed fire beast, Wutong's expression was complicated, because there was one more pink Pokémon in his team.

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