The cave was opened, but the scene was not clear.

Wu Tong looked at the cave entrance in front of him and began to wonder if it matched the plot. After thinking about it, there was only one possibility, that is, the prayer shrine that Team Magma and Team Aqua accidentally discovered when they were looking for the Awakening Temple.

However, because the plot did not clearly explain the specific location of the prayer shrine, Wu Tong was not very interested in it, so he did not look for it.

I didn't expect to find this prayer shrine by accident when I came out for special training with Fujiki.

Wu Tong and Fujiki walked into the cave with Swampert and Iron Palm. There was a natural cave inside. Although it was a cave, it was not dark. I don't know where the light source came from so that the surrounding environment could be seen clearly in the cave.

Walking in the cave, the ground was a little damp, and occasionally a few small puddles could be seen. Swampert seemed very comfortable in this humid environment.

Moving forward casually in the cave, a square stone tower appeared in front of several people.

"It looks like an undiscovered relic." Wutong said.

"Relics? Let's go in and take a look. Maybe we can get something." Fujishu said. Adventure is also one of his favorite things.

"Let's go, but be careful not to cause damage. It's better to contact professionals to conduct research later." Wutong said.

Wutong and Fujishu approached the stone tower. In front of the entrance of the stone tower, there was a stone platform with two circular grooves on it. It seemed that this was originally a place to place something.

Wutong looked at the size of the circular grooves on it and thought to himself, "Could it be that the vermilion and indigo gems are placed? Could this be the original place where Groudon and Kyogre were worshipped?" 】

Seeing Wutong was silent, Tengshu thought Wutong had discovered something, so he asked: "What's wrong, Wutong, do you recognize what ruins are here?"

"It looks like a tower used for ancient sacrifices. This stone platform should be used to place sacrifices." Wutong replied directly.

"Sacrifices, but I didn't bring anything. How about a surfboard? Maybe the god being sacrificed likes surfing." Tengshu took out his surfboard and asked at some point.

( ̄ 'i  ̄;) So where did you get your surfboard from?

"Let me do it." Wutong stopped Tengshu and said, sacrificial surfboards and the like, which brain did Tengshu use to come up with it?

After Wutong finished speaking, the shadow extended some fruits, which were one of the usual snacks of dream demons.

Wutong put the fruits on the stone platform, and sure enough, nothing happened.

"Do I have to make a wish?" Tengshu asked.

"You thought it was a wishing well, where you can make a wish by throwing a coin. Forget it, I hope you can let me be a hero for once." Wutong said casually.

"Not bad, it's a great wish." Tengshu affirmed Wutong's wish.

"But there is no reaction. Let's go. We don't know how long we have been inside. It may be dangerous to go in casually. Let's go out and contact professionals to excavate the ruins." Wutong said.

After seeing the stone tower, Tengshu no longer had any idea of ​​taking risks. After all, the stone tower in front of him was not a place for adventure.

The two left the stone tower directly and walked out of the cave.

After the two left, a purple onion flew out from behind the stone tower and landed near the stone platform. It ate the fruit left on the stone platform without any scruples while looking at the direction where Wutong and Tengshu left.

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