The two of them were in a state of panic, and the battle was over.

Heracross and Beedrill stared at each other, waiting for their trainer's command.

"Heracross! Use Missile Needle!" Wutong and Xiaozhi chose the same skill to attack again.

"Heracross!" Heracross stretched out his claws and shot out a large number of energy needles.

"Buzz~!" Beedrill also stabbed out two needle-like claws, and bursts of energy needles were shot out.

The missile needles met in the middle, causing an explosion.

Looking at the missile needles of similar size on both sides, Wutong felt a little pity. He felt that Heracross had good luck, but he didn't expect Xiaozhi's Beedrill to have good luck.

"Beedrill! Go ahead, double needles!" Xiaozhi saw that he didn't have the advantage and ordered Beedrill to get close.

"Buzz!" A cold light flashed across the two white needles of Beedrill, and Beedrill rushed out with its needles, stabbing Heracross one after the other.

"Heracross! Swallow Return!" At this time, the wide range of attributes covered by Heracross's skill pool was reflected.

"Hera!" Heracross's wings vibrated, bringing a burst of white light to directly avoid Beedrill's double needles, and then made a U-turn and hit Beedrill's back.

Heracross did not stop after the swallow return, and directly made another cross attack, leaving an X-shaped white light residue in the air.

"It actually attacked twice again?" Wutong said in confusion as he looked at Heracross's swallow return.

"Beedrill!" Xiaozhi couldn't help but call out when he saw the Beedrill being beaten back.

"Buzz!" Hearing Xiaozhi's call, Beedrill's wings vibrated faster, and it actually stabilized its body and did not fall to the ground.

"Hera!" Hercules also flew back to Wutong, looking at Beedrill vigilantly.

Wutong found that Hercules' right arm was trembling, and there was a purple scar on it.

"This! Didn't you dodge it just now!?" Wutong was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Heracross, who used Swallow Return, would be hit.

It turned out that just now when Heracross used Swallow Return to dodge the first wave of double needles of Beedrill, and then flew from the right side of Beedrill, Beedrill directly swept and successfully hit Heracross.

"The combat instinct of this Beedrill is unexpectedly sharp." Wutong sighed as he looked at the Beedrill flying in the air opposite.

It seems that because of his intervention, Xiaozhi gained an unexpected main force.

"Heracross, hold on, and do another Swallow Return!" Wutong continued to command.

"Hera!" Hercules rushed towards Beedrill again with a white light.

"Beedrill, we use high-speed movement!" Xiaozhi tried to keep up with Heracross in speed.

Beedrill's speed suddenly increased, and afterimages appeared behind it.

The two Pokémon clashed in the air, and Heracross completed the X attack in the air again.

But I don't know how many scars will be left on Heracross this time.

"Sure enough, twice again." Wutong said to himself as he watched the two Pokémon fighting.

"Heracross, use Missile Needle!" Wutong suddenly commanded.

Heracross turned around after the return of the swallow, and shot many energy needles while flying backwards.

"Beedrill! Missile Needle!" Xiaozhi saw that Heracross used Missile Needle and was not to be outdone, and commanded Beedrill to fight back.

"Heracross, keep using Missile Needle!" Wutong wanted to do a test.

"Hera!" Heracross instantly turned into a machine gun, firing waves of Missile Needles.

The number of missile needles of Heracross was very stable, and it was always full.

"Beedrill! We can't lose either! Use missile needles!" Xiaozhi shouted.

"Buzz!" Beedrill waved the white needles in both arms, releasing energy needles one after another. Although there were occasionally one or two waves of missile needles with a slightly smaller number, most of the time they were about the same as Heracross.

After several waves of continuous bombardment, Heracross suddenly released a rain of energy needles.

The number of energy needles in this wave far exceeded the limit that missile needles could emit at one time.

Facing this large area of ​​missile needles, Beedrill could not block them all no matter how hard he tried, and was still hit by a large area of ​​missile needles.

"Is it really like this?" Wutong said to himself after seeing this area of ​​missile needles.

He found that his previous guess about Heracross's flash force was wrong.

Heracross's flash force does not always choose high levels when using multi-stage attack skills.

It is a double attack. This double attack does not mean the attack power is doubled, but the skill is doubled, just like Yan Fan will attack twice, and the missile needle scale is doubled.

Take the missile needle as an example. Normal missile needles are 2-5 random, while the missile needles used by Wutong's Heracross are 4-10 random.

"That means Heracross is actually a non-African." Wutong suddenly discovered a terrible fact.

If he guessed correctly this time, then his Heracross is a complete non-African.

After all, each missile needle is at the lowest scale, relying entirely on the power of flash to pretend to be a "European emperor".

"The power of flash is very strong, but if it is matched with a non-African, it will have no effect." Wutong said as he looked at the giant bee that was hit by a large number of missile needles and fell to the ground and lost its combat ability.

However, if the super stone of Heracross can be found in the future to make Heracross super-evolve, the power of flash plus continuous attacks are scary to think about.

Every time it is a level 10 attack, it is simply devastating.

"Beedrill, thank you for your hard work. Come back, Beedrill." Xiaozhi took back the unconscious Beedrill.

"You two! What are you doing?" Just as Xiaozhi was about to send out the next Pokémon, a voice sounded.

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang came over with Miss Junsha.

"Are all the lost children really here?" Miss Junsha said after seeing the group of children.

"Yes, Miss Junsha, this is what my friends should do, so Miss Junsha, do you want to have afternoon tea with me?" Xiaogang found the right opportunity and grabbed Miss Junsha's hand and said.

"Okay, okay, don't do this kind of thing all the time." Seeing Xiaogang's actions, Xiaoxia pulled Xiaogang's ears helplessly and dragged him away.

Miss Junsha's arrival ended the battle between Wutong and Xiaozhi in advance, and the four of them helped Miss Junsha send the children back to their parents.

The children's parents expressed their full gratitude to Wutong and Xiaozhi for sending their children back.

The reason for the children's disappearance is the same as in the anime. People who love the Pokémon Club asked Suli to hypnotize themselves because of insomnia.

The long-term hypnosis caused the hypnotic fluctuations to affect the children, causing them to have Pokémon relapse syndrome.

And those club members knew that they had made a mistake without noticing and immediately repented.

The child's disappearance incident was also successfully completed.

After the child's disappearance incident, Wutong and Xiaozhi came to the Pokémon Center to treat the injured Pokémon.

"Hello, Miss Joy, I want to restore my Pokémon." Wutong found Miss Joy and said.

"I want to restore it too." Xiaozhi also said.

"Sorry, please wait a moment, the situation here is also a mess now. The status of our Pokémon here is a bit strange. We can't use the Pokémon recovery equipment for the time being." Miss Joy said apologetically.

"Sorry, can you let us take a look? I am also a Pokémon breeder, maybe I can know what the problem is." Wutong said.

After hearing what Wutong said, Xiaogang's eyes flashed. He didn't expect Wutong to say that. After all, he had never seen Wutong's Pokémon breeding techniques. If he had known, he would have had a good exchange.

"Really? Please!" Miss Joy said excitedly.

Under the leadership of Miss Joy, several people came to the treatment room of the Pokémon Center, and several Pokémon that looked listless were released.

"Kora-Kora and Walker Grass have become like this, and even Magikarp, who is good for nothing except being energetic, has become like this." Miss Joy said while holding a Magikarp.

After hearing what Miss Joy said, the Magikarp placed on the operating table was stunned, and then collapsed on the ground like a salted fish.

Miss Joy in this place seems a bit dark, Wutong thought secretly.

"And that Charmander, the flame on its tail is about to go out. This Psyduck is also in trouble." Miss Joy pointed to the Charmander lying on the side and then took out another Psyduck and said.

Psyduck was holding its head in Miss Joy's arms and tilting its head, but its eyes were always on Xiaoxia.

Has the Duck God appeared? Seeing the Duck God's focused eyes looking at Xiaoxia, is this true love?

"Except for this Psyduck, all other Pokémon are affected by hypnosis." Wutong said.

"Hypnosis? But this Psyduck also looks troubled?" Miss Joy said puzzledly.

"Old ghost, come out to work

. "Wu Tong shouted at the air.

"Hehehe, leave it to me." Gastly suddenly appeared and said.

"This Gastly can actually talk?" Miss Joy was shocked.

Garsly glanced at Miss Joy and said nothing. It seemed that Miss Joy was not its cup of tea.

Garsly's eyes shone with light, and hypnotic waves were emitted.

The Pokémon that were originally listless instantly became energetic.

"This is really amazing." Miss Joy couldn't help but say.

Psyduck suddenly jumped out of Miss Joy's arms and fell on Xiaoxia.

"What's going on!" Xiaoxia was shocked.

Psyduck took out a Poké Ball from Xiaoxia and then captured itself.

It's worthy of being the duck god. It takes the initiative to attack. Wu Tong nodded and looked at Psyduck's operation. It's worth learning.

"Xiaoxia, you captured Psyduck. "Xiaozhi said while watching the fun.

"I don't want to!" Xiaoxia cried out.

"Well, the matter has been resolved, and I will continue my journey." Wutong said.

"What is resolved?" Xiaoxia yelled at Wutong.

"Eh? Xiaotong, you are not traveling with us?" Xiaozhi asked.

"Well, I have something I want to do, so I can't go with you. "Wutong replied.

Wutong decided to go straight to the wild wilderness area near the Light Red City. After all, he only had 5 Pokémon now, even if he counted the homegirl Meng Yao.

It was a dream to challenge the Quartz Conference with five Pokémon. He was not Chi Ye, and even Chi Ye won the championship with a full team of six Pokémon.

Now Wutong has obtained five badges, but it is really unreasonable that he does not even have a full team.

So Wutong urgently wants to find the sixth Pokémon, the place where a large group of Pokémon gather in the wild wilderness area.

If Wutong searches carefully, there is still a great chance to find a shiny Pokémon.

"Okay, see you next time." Xiaozhi said.

"Well, look forward to our next battle. "Wu Tong said and left.

However, Wu Tong, who had just left, came back immediately because his Pokémon had not been treated yet.

Two days later, on the road near the wild wilderness area, Wu Tong led his Pokémon to push forward all the way.

"Swamp Leaper, don't just throw stones, practice close-range skills, you are a front-line warrior, not a slinger! Platypus, control the flames more flexibly, don't just turn. "Wu Tong said.

"Dark Crow, you must practice the tailwind into a passive state, and always keep yourself in the tailwind state, Heracross! Forget it, I'll find you a lucky charm in the future, it's too dark, Dream Demon, you, just be happy. "Wu Tong pointed out the shortcomings of his Pokémon.

Wu Tong and his Pokémon approached the wild wilderness area while training.

After arriving at the wild wilderness area, an old man with a gloomy face looked at Wu Tong vigilantly.

"There is no Pokémon you want here, leave quickly. "The old man said directly.

"Hey, I haven't said anything yet! Give me 30 hunting balls, and I'll enter the wild wilderness area today." Wutong said after paying the entrance fee.

"Humph, I hope you don't do anything bad, otherwise "The old man said, flashing the hunting rifle on the wall.

Wu Tong was a little speechless, too lazy to pay attention to this neurotic old man, took 30 hunting balls and walked into the wild wilderness area.

Isn't it just Dratini and Haxorus? What does that have to do with me?

Walking into the wild wilderness area, Wu Tong walked aimlessly, looking forward to encountering a shining Pokémon as soon as possible.

However, things were not as easy as imagined. Until the evening, Wu Tong did not see a shining Pokémon, and there was not even a shining Pokémon.

There was no way, Wu Tong could only leave first and find a vacant lot nearby to start camping.

For the next few days, Wu Tong came to the wild wilderness area on time every day, and strolled for a whole day.

The old man, the administrator of the wild wilderness area, looked at Wu Tong more and more vigilantly, as if he was sure that Wu Tong came for Dratini and Haxorus.

However, Wu Tong was also helpless. Could it be that he would also be a non-African after his rebirth?

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