The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

While Wutong and Xiaoxiao were staring at each other, a chuckle came from behind Wutong.

Wutong and Xiaoxiao turned their heads at the same time to look in the direction of the laughter. Wutong wanted to see who was so bold to laugh at him.

If there was no suitable reason, Wutong would definitely invite him to have tea.

I saw a girl with a drawing board on her back, wearing a white painter's hat, with the same hairstyle as the red and blue water, wearing a green slim short-sleeved shirt and a white miniskirt, covering her mouth and laughing.

"Sorry, I'm not laughing at you, I just think your interaction with your Pokémon is very interesting. Hello, my name is Kanon." Kanon saw Wutong and Xiaoxiao looking at him and said quickly.

"My name is Xiaotong. Although it's embarrassing to say, I'm a bit directionally challenged. The road conditions here in Odomare are a bit scary for me when I first come here." Wutong let Xiaoxiao sit on his shoulders and spread his hands and said.

"Lalu~" Xiaoxiao hugged Wutong's head, looked at Kanon carefully, and then called out to say hello.

"Do you want to go to the museum in Odomare? I'll take you there." Kanon said.

"Really? Thank you so much!" Wutong said happily.

"But in exchange, can I draw a picture of you and this Pokémon? After all, I got up so early today to sketch." Kanon said.

"Of course no problem, can you just draw me and Xiaoxiao? If necessary, I can also call out other Pokémon." Wutong asked considerately.

Kanon thought for two seconds and nodded and said, "Then I'll trouble you."

For Kanon, who dreams of becoming a painter or Pokémon observer, it is of course a great thing to see more Pokémon.

"There should be enough space around here. Iron Warrior, Steelix, come out!" Wutong looked around and threw out the Poké Ball.

"Roar~" Steelix and Iron Warrior appeared.

Seeing the two Pokémon Wutong had just called out, Kanon opened her eyes wide. Needless to say, Iron Warrior was a must-know, and she couldn't recognize Iron Warrior when she didn't even know Xiaoxiao.

But what's the matter with Steelix? Can Steelix look like this? This colorful black made Kanon swallow his saliva.

Especially when the morning sun shone on Steelix's body, the reflected colorful light dazzled Kanon. It can only be said that this painting was very challenging.

The novel Pokémon and the challenging painting objects directly excited Kanon.

"How do you think we can pose to make it easier for you to paint?" Wutong asked.

Kanon took two steps back and tried to find a suitable angle of view, but Steelix was too big. If he wanted to fully show the full appearance of Steelix, he had to draw Wutong and the other two Pokémon very small.

After thinking for a moment, Kanon decided to only let Steelix appear in part of the picture.

Under Kanon's command, Steelix coiled up, and Wutong sat casually on the coiled body of Steelix, with Xiaoxiao sitting on his shoulder.

Iron Warrior stood behind Wutong like a competent bodyguard, and Steelix's big head stretched over Wutong and the others' heads.

Kanon looked at it and nodded with satisfaction and began to paint on the spot.

Kanon painted very seriously. Wutong felt a little uncomfortable sitting on Steelix, and Xiaoxiao tried hard not to move and looked a little stupid.

Iron Warrior was very professional. He didn't move from beginning to end. There was no way, after all, it was a robot.

One guy was not happy, and he secretly poked out half of his body from the other side of the tungsten steel snake, trying to blend into the painting.

Canon was painting when he suddenly found something wrong. What happened? It seemed that there was something extra, and it looked very familiar.

After taking a closer look, Canon almost cried out after seeing a certain red plane.

"What's wrong?" Wutong asked.

"Ahem, no, nothing, sorry, I feel a little dizzy, can I paint this painting later? I'll take you to the museum first." Canon found an excuse and said.

"Are you feeling unwell? Then you need to rest quickly, then paint later." Wutong said very kindly.

Putting away the tungsten steel snake and the iron warrior, Wutong still sat on Xiaoxiao's shoulder and Canon began to move towards the museum.

But Canon didn't know why he always looked back, which made Wutong feel very confused, and he also looked back.

I looked but saw nothing.

Red Plane seemed to think it was a game. When Canon turned around, Red Plane would show its face, and Wutong would put on the protective color again.

The group came to the vicinity of the museum.

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