Everyone acted according to Wutong's plan. Wutong hid in the cabinet of Ben Gray's workshop and secretly watched everything in the workshop.

Xiaozhi and Kanon took the gondola to leave the courtyard and return to the Pokémon Center.

After returning to the Pokémon Center, Xiaozhi did not hide anything and directly explained the current situation to Xiaoxia and Xiaogang.

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang said that they would act together to stop the thief sisters.

Kanon went around and returned to the vicinity of the courtyard. No matter what, she was still worried about Latias and Latios.

Ben Gray calmly repaired the gondola in the workshop, waiting for the arrival of the thief sisters Sana and Lian.

In the courtyard, Latias and Latios were tired from playing, so they lay on the tree branches and fell asleep.

For some reason, little Latias turned into a small-sized pupil and wandered around the courtyard.

Sana and Lian also sneaked into the courtyard at night. It was no different from the plot of the movie. Sana sent Solei into Ben Gray's workshop.

Ben Gray saw Solei and asked, "Whose child are you? Why are you here?"

Solei's gem-like eyes glowed in response.

Ben Gray felt dizzy for a while, but he immediately regained his clarity.

[Pretend to faint. ]

Ben Gray heard the voice in his mind and fell to the ground.

"Well done, Solei." Sana walked in and praised Ben Gray who was lying on the ground.

Lian leaned against the door and was also very satisfied with Solei's actions.

"Iron Warrior, Shadow Sneak Attack!" A voice that Sana and Lian did not want to hear the most appeared.

It was the familiar robot holding the double-headed sword again, and the shadow half that suddenly appeared behind him.

This time, the Iron Warrior showed no mercy. The sharp blade of the shadow half pressed against Sana and Lian's necks, and the sharp front part pierced into their necks a little, and drops of blood began to seep out.

Sana and Lian did not dare to move. Seeing that their trainer was actually threatened, the Sun Eevee mobilized his mental power again to stop the Iron Warrior.

"Xiao Xiao, help me." Wutong came out of the cabinet holding Xiao Xiao.

Wutong's superpower was activated, and with the help of Xiao Xiao, a semicircular energy barrier appeared to block the mental attack of the Sun Eevee.

Although it was only intercepted for less than two seconds, it was enough for the Iron Warrior to respond. The double-headed sword was inserted into the ground to maintain the shadow sneak attack.

The Iron Warrior stretched his hands forward, and the magic flash was activated, directly knocking the Sun Eevee out.

Ben Gray also climbed up in the chaos and stood beside Wutong, looking at the thief sisters.

"Just catch them, right?" Ben Gray asked.

"If nothing unexpected happens, it should be like this, Mr. Ben Gray, there should be a rope in your workshop, right?" Wutong asked.

"Of course." Ben Gray said and began to look for the rope.

Sana and Lian stared at Wutong with gritted teeth. At this time, they dared not move or talk casually. Who knows if the shadow behind them will directly cut the sharp blade because of their actions.

It would be bad to say goodbye to this beautiful world directly at that time.

"Tungsten Metal Steelix, stop the Sun Eevee, don't let it in." Wutong was very cautious this time and threw the Poké Ball of Tungsten Metal Steelix directly out of the door.

The huge body of Tungsten Metal Steelix blocked the door and completely cut off Sana and Lian's retreat.

Wutong and Ben Gray tied up Sana and Lian tightly with ropes, and the Sun Eevee was also wrapped in the tail of Steelix and could not move.

"Well, your career as a thief should be over." Wutong said to Sana and Lian.

At this time, there was a pile of props found from Sana and Lian beside Wutong. You can see the sunglasses of Latias and Latios that can be invisible and phantom. When thrown out, they will become energy nets, and throwing props with damage and control.

And Lian's computer that records various data, and various other useful small props.

Although Sana and Lian's physical fitness is not weak, they have no hope of escaping after being tied up tightly.

"If it weren't for you, Xiaotong, their actions would definitely be successful. Thank you so much." Ben Gray said to Wutong.

"It doesn't matter. This is what I should do as a Pokémon investigator. Since the person has been caught, I will go first.

Take them away. "In order to avoid more trouble at night, Wutong said to Ben Gray.

For this kind of work of receiving prisoners, Wutong does not need to contact Adu, just contact the recovery team directly.

And Wutong does not want to flap his wings too many times in this timeline, otherwise it will be very troublesome if the future changes.

After taking the Sol Eevee's Poké Ball from Sana, putting Sol Eevee back into the Poké Ball, and locking all the Poké Balls of Sana and Lian, Wutong grabbed Sana and Lian and sat directly on the Steelix. 's head.

Riding on the Steelix, Wutong found a shore and contacted the Johto regional headquarters of the Pokémon Investigator.

Sana and Lian didn't speak along the way, as if they had accepted their fate, which made Wutong a little strange. After all, with Sana and Lian's personalities, they should have quarreled endlessly even if they were caught.

The reason why Sana and Lian were so silent was also known after Wutong contacted his colleagues, because little Latias flew to Wutong anxiously, wanting to take him somewhere.

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