The old man was very happy.

On the balcony of the banquet hall of the Kingdom of Mirazu, Wutong appeared again, of course, in his original form.

The incident of Odomare was over, and Xiaozhi and his party had formed a friendship with the brothers and sisters Latias and Latios.

The Heart Drop that had returned to normal was put back into the courtyard by Ben Gray, and when the Heart Drop was put back, something unexpected happened to Wutong.

That was that Xiaoxiao, who was released by Wutong for treatment, accidentally came into contact with the Heart Drop, and after that, Xiaoxiao's body showed slight changes, but because the Heart Drop was quickly put back to its original position by Ben Gray, the slight changes that Xiaoxiao showed were like an illusion.

But with Wutong's current insight, he certainly didn't miss it and discovered it directly. This might be the direction of the small flash of power.

However, because there was no time to study it carefully, Wutong could only put it aside for the time being.

Gilluta and Sanalian sisters were also taken away by their late colleagues, but it was indeed not their fault for coming slowly.

After all, because of the sea monster, the surrounding environment had changed, which directly hindered the actions of the Pokémon searchers.

In short, after all the work was completed, Celebi, who had been downgraded to emergency food, appeared again.

After Wutong returned to his original appearance and made sure that nothing was missed, Wutong followed Celebi back to the original time.

Turning his head to look at the still lively banquet hall, and then looking at the moon hanging high in the sky, Wutong knew that he should only be away for a few minutes this time.

Thinking of this, Wutong began to look around for Celebi's figure, and the next second, Wutong looked at an eye full of world-weariness with deep affection.

"A shining unknown totem!? Wait a minute, I remember that purple onion head seemed to say that it found a shining unknown totem." Wutong suddenly remembered what Celebi said when he just returned to the past.

The unknown totem looked at Wutong with its world-weary eyes, and then directly drilled into Wutong's palm, and a B unknown totem pattern appeared slightly off the N unknown totem.

After Wutong found that this unknown totem was also attached to his palm, he didn't know what to say for a moment, after all, it was a bit too easy.

But it may be because there are too many unknown totems on his body, so this new B unknown totem was so active to possess him.

However, one N and one B, isn't it a bit too ostentatious? He is a very low-key person.

[See, I told you that I prepared a big gift~] Celebi suddenly appeared in front of Wutong, with two little paws on his waist and said proudly.

"Yes, yes, thank you for letting me be a hero and giving me a big gift." Wutong immediately agreed.

[Okay, I've done what I promised. Next, I'm going to go find Meimei~] Celebi said, waving to Wutong and disappeared in front of Wutong.

"Who is Meimei?" Wutong said a little puzzled.

[I almost forgot! Here, this is proof that we are friends! Goodbye~] Celebi suddenly leaned out half of his body again, put a fluorescent leaf in Wutong's hand, and then disappeared again.

Wutong was full of questions, so, what's going on, what happened, is Celebi's whole family so crazy?

Wutong looked at the leaf in his hand, and there was still the Infinity Flute given to him by Little Latias on his waist, and there was an unknown totem pattern of the letter B on his palm.

He seemed to have suddenly become rich for no reason.

Wutong put away all the items and looked around vigilantly. As the saying goes, a blessing in disguise, Wutong was really afraid that he would have some big troubles if he suddenly got so many things.

Walking back into the banquet hall, Xiaoyao was still immersed in the temptation of food, and Xiaoxia also joined the audience of Xiaozhi's battle.

Although Xiaosheng became a babysitter, everyone who came could feel Xiaosheng's happiness.

Everything was the same as before he traveled through time, but for some reason, Wutong always had a feeling of emptiness.

This feeling of emptiness often appeared after he had finished a whole season of anime, read a comic, or completed a game.

The feeling of coming to an end, obviously there are still many things to do, but inexplicably not motivated but very empty.

Wutong shook his head, it seems that traveling through time and space still has some sequelae.


Decided to go back and rest first, leaving the little guys to Xiaosheng for the time being, and the other main Pokémon are still being treated and maintained.

After returning to the guest room prepared for him by the Queen of Mirazu, Wutong looked around and called Xiaoxiao.

"Lalu~" Xiaoxiao appeared and called Wutong intimately.

"Dream Demon, you come out too." Wutong rubbed Xiaoxiao's head and called softly.

"Dream~" Dream Demon floated from Wutong's shadow. Because it was night, Dream Demon looked very energetic.

"Dream Demon, get some ghost energy." Wutong said.

"Dream?" Dream Demon tilted his head in confusion, and then a shadow ball was thrown at Wutong's face.

"It's a decisive attack, but why is the target me!" Because Dream Demon controlled the strength well, Wutong was not injured at all.

"Dream~ (I thought you awakened some special hobby~)" Dream Demon replied.

"Well, it seems that the things you watch recently have changed their style. No, don't watch that kind of things all the time! Your brain will rot." Wutong said.

The Dream Demon shook his head left and right to show that he was a ghost and had no brain in the physical sense.

"Lalu?" Xiaoxiao tilted his head and looked at the small theater performed by Wutong and Dream Demon with a puzzled look on his face. Obviously, the young boy didn't understand what Wutong and Dream Demon were talking about.

Wutong sighed helplessly. It was really unreasonable to talk to the ghost-type Pokémon. But is there anything that can help store the ghost-type energy of Dream Demon?

Hmm? Wait a minute! It seems that there is really something!

Wutong quickly took his backpack and searched inside. Soon, a string of five-bead bracelets was found by Wutong.

"That's it! Come on, Dream Demon, send some ghost-type energy into it." Wutong said to Dream Demon while holding the five-bead bracelet.

The dream demon approached the five-bead bracelet and tried to output a little energy to it. The bead in the center of the five-bead bracelet changed.

Soon, the bead in the center emitted a purple-black glow.

"Very good, now it's time to witness a miracle!" Wutong held Xiaoxiao in his arms and put the five-bead bracelet on Xiaoxiao's wrist.

"Lalu?" Xiaoxiao tilted her head in confusion.

"Xiaoxiao, try to absorb the energy in the beads." Wutong said.

"Lalu~" Xiaoxiao nodded and tried.

The next second, Xiaoxiao's body changed, and the purple-black light enveloped Xiaoxiao.

"This is really... interesting." Wutong smiled at Xiaoxiao who had completed the transformation.

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