After deciding the ownership of Cocodora, Wutong and the other four fell into a state of doing nothing again.

Seeing that it was getting late, the four simply had dinner early and started the long-awaited night tea party in advance.

"Let's talk about your recent gains. I have already got four badges." Wutong said after taking a sip of hot cocoa.

"Aren't you afraid of being bored after walking so fast? Fuyan Town is the third gym I want to challenge." Xiaomao still looked like a playboy, with one hand on the back of the chair, crossed his legs, and took a sip of coffee in one hand and said.

"That's because you stayed too long with Dr. Odamaki and Dr. Metz." Wutong complained directly.

"I'm also going to challenge the Kamahene Gym, but I'm a little slower than Xiaomao. Kamahene Town is the second gym I'm going to challenge." Xiaoming said after finishing a whole cup of hot milk in one breath.

"Why do you always drink it in one breath? I was originally going to Kanaz City, which is my fourth challenge target." Shinji said after holding the cup with both hands and taking a sip of hot tea.

"Milk should be drunk in one gulp, so Wutong is the fastest? It's Wutong, as fast as ever." Xiaoming said.

"I suspect you are driving and implying me at the same time." Wutong said after glancing at Xiaoming.

The four chatted casually until a meteor streaked across the sky, and Wutong suddenly remembered something.

Speaking of which, according to Xiaozhi and the others' current progress, it should be time for the Millennium Comet to appear.

"Do you know the legend about the Millennium Comet in the Hoenn region?" Wutong suddenly asked.

"Millennium Comet?" ×2 Shinji and Xiaoming both said they didn't know.

"You mean the Millennium Comet that appears once every thousand years and stays for seven days? It seems that the day of the Millennium Comet's appearance is coming soon." Xiaomao answered calmly.

Xiaomao looked at Wutong after he finished speaking, and Shinji and Xiaoming also cast their eyes on Wutong.

"Hehe, that's right, when the Millennium Comet appears, a celebration will be held, so do you want to join in the fun?" Wutong asked.

"But we don't know where to observe the Millennium Comet." Shinji said calmly.

"Can't we see it everywhere?" Xiaoming asked.

"I have a guide to watching the Millennium Comet here, which lists the location and the location of the celebration when the Millennium Comet appears." Xiaomao took out a thin booklet and put it on the table.

"You are worthy of being Mr. Mao! Mr. Mao, you are my god!" Wutong said exaggeratedly.

"Get lost!" Xiao Mao said disgustedly.


The four of them discussed and planned to go to see the Millennium Comet tomorrow after Xiao Mao and Xiao Ming challenged the Kamahene Gym.

On the building near the table where the four were sitting, a Pokémon looked at the four for a long time.

The next day, in the battle field of the Kamahene Gym, Yasha looked at the four people in front of her with a dull face (≖╻≖;).

Four familiar loose T-shirts with words on them, and a pair of sunglasses on their faces. The four guys gathered together did not look like good people.

If Wutong and Shinji were not inside, Yasha would have wanted to summon Miss Junsha.

"Hello~ Yasha, my two little brothers are going to challenge the Kamahene Gym." Wutong said to Yasha like a gangster leader.

Yasha looked at Wutong and narrowed her eyes. Very good, she remembered that she would definitely report him to Mr. Daigo in the future.

Although the outfits of the four Wutongs were strange, Yasha still accepted the challenge of Xiaomao and Xiaoming dutifully.

Of course, the ending was that Yasha was taught by Xiaomao and Xiaoming in shifts. There was no way. Yasha was still a little immature now, unlike the old hands like Wutong who had traveled to three regions.

The four Wutongs who successfully won the victory left the Kamahene Gym. Yasha looked at the backs of the four people leaving, with tears in her eyes and a handkerchief in her mouth, looking unconvinced.

She swore that she must become stronger as soon as possible and let these four guys know how powerful she is.

After leaving the Kamahene Gym, the four Wutongs walked out of Kamahene Town and fell into thought while looking at the road in front of them.

"So, how should we go?" Xiaoming asked.

If they were in the Kanto region, they could take Xiaomao's car, but now they have crossed the sea to the Hoenn region, and Xiaomao can't

I plan to continue being a playboy, so naturally I don't have a car to drive.

Although I can fly directly on a flying Pokémon, the four of them plan to have fun after all, so it's a bit too rushed to fly on a flying Pokémon.

Moreover, the guide only gives an approximate range. If you go directly in the air, you may miss some details.

"Xiao Mao, can you ride a motorcycle?" Wutong asked Xiao Mao.

"Yes, but we don't have a motorcycle--" Xiao Mao said with his hands spread out. Halfway through, Xiao Mao looked at Wutong's shadow and thought of something.

"Hey, leave it to me." Wutong snapped his fingers.

The next second, Wutong's shadow stretched flat and stretched, and two motorcycles floated out.

One of them was a special motorcycle modified by the mechanical king Aguan, and the other was assembled by Kiryu with parts replaced from Wutong's old motorcycle.

Looking at the two motorcycles in front of him, Xiao Mao became interested.

"Let's take one each, shall we?" Wutong said to Xiaomao after he put on his helmet and got on the special motorcycle to propel the pioneer.

"Interesting, it looks like a good motorcycle." Xiaomao got on another motorcycle assembled by Kiryu - the Mechanical Creator, and then took the helmet hanging on the handlebars and put it on his head.

Shinji and Xiaoming looked at each other and sighed at the same time. It seemed that they couldn't escape.

Xiaoming sat behind Xiaomao, and Shinji sat behind Wutong. The two motorcycles sped away directly.

On the cliff nearby, a Pokémon jumped and chased after the two motorcycles.

Wutong and the other four followed the instructions in the guide and headed towards the north of Fuyan Town and the southwest of Chimney Mountain.

There is a place called Fans there. During the seven days when the Millennium Comet appears, a celebration will be held, and there will be an amusement park for people to play.

Because most of the roads near Chimney Mountain are rugged mountain roads, Wutong and Xiaomao did not ride too fast.

They set out in the morning, and it was not until the evening that they arrived near Fawns.

After passing through a stone forest, Wutong and his four companions saw a vast open space, which looked like a good place to watch the Millennium Comet.

"Didn't you see the circus and the amusement park? Isn't it empty?" Xiao Ming looked around and said.

"The Millennium Comet will not appear until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and the celebration will not start until the Millennium Comet appears. The circus and the amusement park should not have come yet." Xiao Mao said.

"Hey, then don't we have nothing to do now?" Xiao Ming said.

"Not really, it's getting dark, let's find a place to prepare for camping." Wutong said.

"That cliff looks good, with a wide view and a good location." Shinji looked around and pointed to the cliff not far away.

Wutong and his companions also thought it was pretty good there.

The four of them came to the cliff, and the large open space and stone forest below were in full view, desolate but with a sense of vicissitudes of beauty.

However, for Wutong and his friends, it was more important to quickly set up the tent and prepare dinner.

They immediately started to work together. Xiaomao and Shinji, two guys who had no cooking skills, went to set up the tent honestly.

Although Xiaomao also started hiking, he naturally didn't like to sleep directly in the wild after being a young master for so long, so he brought a tent in his bag.

And Wutong, not to mention, had shadows in his bag, whether useful, useless, potentially useful or not useful at all, everything was available.

Although there were only two tents, fortunately they were large enough for two people to sleep in one.

Wutong and Xiaoming naturally started to take charge of dinner. As a half-Pokémon breeder, Xiaoming naturally had a good cooking skill. Although he was far inferior to Wutong, it was still easy to be a kitchen helper.

The four of them also released their own Pokémon, and a large group of Pokémon directly occupied a lot of space.

There was no way, Wutong's habit was to eat with Pokémon. Originally, Shinji and his two friends didn't have this habit, but under the influence of Wutong, the three of them began to release their Pokémon together when they ate, and ate and slept together. On Wutong's side, Swampert, Heracross, Onion Swarmer, Shiro, Fluffy, Fang, Eevee, Yoyo, and Iron Dumbbell. Shinji's Tortoise, Sol, Snake, Slither, and Kokoro. Although Snake and Slither still threatened each other when they met, under Shinji's training and the supervision of a group of Pokémon, the two genetic enemies only quarreled verbally and didn't fight directly. Xiaomao's Blastoise, Mantis

, Umbreon and Pidgeot also seem to be much stronger.

Xiao Ming's Sandslash, Infernape, Ogre and Magnemite are still full of self-discipline and started training as soon as they were released.

However, Sandslash was pulled away by Swampert, Blastoise and Tortoise just as he was about to start. As the trump cards of their respective owners, they are very familiar with each other.

In addition, several Pokémon have good personalities, so when they are not fighting, they have a good relationship.

This long-awaited reunion naturally gathered together to start communicating.

Infernape shed tears of envy when watching the four Pokémon gathered together to communicate. Obviously, the picture will be more harmonious if he joins in.

Everyone is an initial Pokémon, why do I always feel like I am being excluded?

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