After defeating the bicycle gang, Wutong finally had no more obstacles and successfully rode to Sunshine Town in the evening.

After coming to the Pokémon Center to restore Pokémon, Miss Joy saw Wutong coming over with a tired face.

"You look very tired. I recommend you to take a hot spring bath. Although our hot springs are not particularly famous, they are also very good." Miss Joy recommended.

"Really? There are hot springs in Sunshine Town?" Wutong asked curiously.

"That's right. It's in the center of the town. Yangquan Restaurant is the best hot spring hotel in our Sunshine Town~" Miss Joy said.

"Yangquan Restaurant? Is the chef there called Jidi? Or Liu Maoxing?" Wutong couldn't help asking after hearing the name of the hotel.

"What are you talking about?" Miss Joy asked curiously.

"Nothing, nothing, I remembered it wrong." Seeing Miss Joy's look, Wutong replied, thinking that he could see Xiao Danjia eating glowing food.

Wutong felt that what Miss Joy said made sense. After retrieving the recovered Pokémon, Wutong came to Yangquan Restaurant.

"So there is only a name?" Wutong said as he looked at the modern hotel in front of him.

"Forget it, I came here for the hot springs anyway. By the way, old ghost." Wutong was about to go in, but suddenly stopped and called Gastly.

"Hehehe, what's wrong, little ghost." Gastly did not appear directly, but the voice came from the air.

"You will definitely go to peek, right?" Wutong asked calmly.

"Hehehe, what's wrong, little ghost, do you want to join us?" Gastly asked.

"You think too much, I just hope you don't run to me if you are found." Wutong replied with a cold face, he would not want to take the blame for Gastly.

"Really, kid, how can you look at me like that?" Gastly said angrily.

Wutong raised his eyebrows. Could it be that this old ghost has realized it?

"Hehehe, even if you told me specifically, I would still go to you." Gastly said as a matter of course.

Wutong felt a headache when he heard it, but Gastly had no sound and seemed to have gone in.

"Alas, I hope this old ghost won't go too far." Wutong could only pray for the people in the hot spring.

Walking into Yangquan Restaurant, a man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes and a resolute face came up. He looked like the boss.

"Hello, welcome to Yangquan Restaurant, do you have an appointment?" The man came over and asked politely.

"I don't have an appointment. I came here because I heard Miss Joey talking about this place." Wutong replied.

"So that's the case. I'm really sorry. We don't have any private rooms here anymore." The man said apologetically.

"What do you mean by no private rooms?" Wutong asked puzzledly.

"It's like this, because sometimes there are single guests who come here specifically for hot springs, and our store mainly receives group tourists, so there are relatively few single suites, so someone came up with an idea and prepared two larger suites for single travelers to share rooms, but don't worry, men and women are separated, and it will be cheaper to share rooms." The man explained.

"Is that so? Are there any vacant beds?" Wutong thought about it and didn't mind. Isn't this a bit like a youth hostel?

Although they are in a large room, they all have their own bedrooms, which is not unacceptable.

"Of course, if you don't mind, I will check you in now." The man checked Wutong in.

And Wutong also learned that the man in front of him was indeed the owner of this Yangquan Restaurant, but this owner was not called Jidi or Liu Maoxing, but Alu.

This made Wutong feel a little regretful, after all, Alu looked very much like Master Jidi.

When he came to the suite, only one door was closed, and the other doors were open, which looked like no one was staying there.

The facilities in the house are also complete, but in addition to their own small rooms, the kitchen, dining room, bathroom, washroom, etc. are all shared.

"It looks very good." Wutong nodded with satisfaction, and then entered a room that looked more pleasing to the eye.

After closing the door, Wutong looked at the layout of the room. It was not small, but it was not big either.

Fortunately, Wutong's Pokémon had not grown to a large size yet, so Wutong easily released all his Pokémon.


(Where is this?)" The most curious Crow Head looked around.

"Bubba! ? (The little crow evolved!?)" The Platy-billed Salamander was very surprised to see the suddenly changed appearance of the Crow Head.

"Numa~ (Yes, yes, it has become much bigger, but it is still pink~)" Swamp Leap nodded and then touched the Crow Head.

The Platy-billed Salamander also touched it curiously when he saw it.

The Crow Head looked at his eldest and second brothers in confusion. The two guys messed up the hair he had just tidied, and he didn't dare to resist. Isn't this bullying the bird?

"Hera (I think it looks better before evolution~)" Heracross held an energy cube and chewed it. It witnessed the evolution of the Crow Head.

After being released, the Hornworm still looked lazy, and then suddenly looked at the Salamander, crawled to the Salamander at its fastest speed, and twisted its body to wrap around it.

"Bubba! (What is this!?)” Infernape was startled.

Speaking of which, after catching the Unicorn Beetle, the other Pokémon and the Unicorn Beetle have not been officially introduced.

“This is Unicorn Beetle, our new companion and you are your new little brother, remember not to bully it.” Wutong introduced it briefly.

“Hera~!” Heracross, who got rid of his status as the youngest, patted his chest and shouted.

Crow Head and Swamp Jumper also looked at the Unicorn Beetle wrapped around Infernape curiously.

Infernape looked troubled, and the new little brother seemed to like him very much.

“Okay, I called you out to ask you if you want to take a hot spring bath. I asked the boss here, and there are hot springs where people and Pokémon bathe together.” Wutong said the purpose of calling them out.



“Ga! ”


“If I don’t go, Loto~ my body will be damaged~” Rotom shook his phone and said.

Swampjumper, Incarnate and Crowhead all expressed their desire to go, while Heracross was just joining in the fun.

The unicorn was still wrapped around Incarnate, but it looked like it could go or not.

“Incarnate, are you sure it’s okay for you to take a hot spring bath?” Wutong looked at Incarnate in confusion. After all, it was a fire-type Pokémon. It was okay to put out fires normally, but would it really be okay to soak in the water?

Incarnate thought about it and said it was okay.

After changing clothes in the room, Wutong came to the hot spring where humans and Pokémon could bathe together. This was an open-air hot spring surrounded by unknown stones. There was also an area surrounded by stone slabs next to it, with only one entrance and exit. Judging from the hot steam rising from above, it should be a hot spring with a very high temperature.

“Everyone, come out! "Wutong released all the Pokémon.

The released Pokémon were very excited to see the hot spring and rushed in directly.

The Horned Hornet directly entangled the Platypus, and the Platypus stood beside Wutong with a tangled face.

"Swamp! Don't swim in the hot spring! Crow Head! Don't splash the water so hard! Heracross! Don't eat! The food residue has fallen into the hot spring!" Wutong couldn't help shouting as he watched his Pokémon move.

He felt like he was taking a group of children to the bathhouse to take a bath.

"How is it? Platypus, if you can't adapt, you should go back to the Poké Ball." Wutong asked the Platypus who was tangled beside him.

"Bubba! "The Platy-billed Infernape shook its head. It felt that the enclosed area had fire energy.

The Platy-billed Infernape went straight to the area surrounded by stone slabs. Wutong followed it.

After entering from the entrance, what caught my eye was a red color. This was not a hot spring at all, but a magma pool. The magma looked very lively and kept bubbling.

"This? This is too magical. How did they put the magma next to the hot spring?" Wutong said in surprise.

Next to the magma pool stood a sign that said it was a special hot spring for fire Pokémon. The temperature was extremely high. Fire Pokémon should also try it carefully.

"It seems that this is a special "hot spring" for you, Platy-billed Infernape. Go and try it. "Wutong said to Incarnate.

As for whether Incarnate can withstand such high temperature, Wutong is not worried.

After all, Incarnate's body temperature can reach up to 1200 degrees. Since this magma pool is regarded as a special hot spring for fire Pokémon, the temperature will not be particularly high. It should be within the tolerance range of Incarnate.

"Bubba~!" Incarnate nodded and walked directly into the magma pool.

"I seem to have forgotten something?" Wutong touched his head and watched Incarnate walk into the pool.

Magma pool.

It was not until Wutong saw a black horn slowly sinking into the magma as the duck-billed fire beast entered the magma pool that Wutong realized what he had forgotten.

"Duck-billed fire beast! The unicorn is still on you!" Wutong shouted hurriedly.

"Bubba!?" The duck-billed fire beast also remembered the new little brother who seemed to like him very much at this time.

The duck-billed fire beast hurriedly jumped out of the magma pool, bringing up a piece of magma, which scared Wutong to dodge everywhere.

After Wutong saw that the duck-billed fire beast had completely come out, he hurriedly checked the status of the unicorn.

As a result, the unicorn seemed to be fine, but I don't know if it was an illusion, the silver tip of the black horn on the top of the unicorn's head seemed to have expanded a little.

"It's really scary, unicorn! No matter how lazy you are, you can't follow the duck-billed fire beast into the magma pool! Aren't you afraid that you will become a scum?" Wutong said to the unicorn with a serious face.

Seeing that Wutong seemed a little angry, the unicorn did not keep its lazy look, but crawled to Wutong's side and rubbed his legs to show that it knew.

"Oh, really, but you are not hurt at all? How strange." Wutong looked at the unicorn thoughtfully.

Normally, the unicorn should be very afraid of fire, why did it seem to have no reaction after entering.

"Forget it, Platypus, let it continue to soak if it wants to, but pay more attention to it, and be sure to fish it out as soon as possible if there is a problem." Wutong thought about it and said to Platypus.

Wutong had an idea that he wanted to verify.

"Bubba~!" Platypus nodded to show that he understood, and then took the unicorn back to the magma pool to enjoy the hot spring.

Wutong looked at the two comfortable Pokémon and did not stay for long, and walked out to enjoy his hot spring trip.

After walking out of the range of the magma pool, Wutong found that the mixed bath outside became much more lively with the presence of many Pokémon.

There were Turtle, Nidorino, Gyarados, Pidgeot, and a pitiful Growlithe beside the hot spring pool, looking at the hot spring but not daring to go in.

"Is this the Pokémon configuration?" Wutong looked at these familiar Pokémon and began to look for the familiar figure.

Soon, between Turtle and Gyarados, Wutong found a boy with purple hair and sharp eyes.

"Hey! Isn't this my best friend? We can meet here. Is this really God's arrangement?" Wutong walked towards Shinji and said pretentiously.

However, Wutong fell into entanglement as soon as he finished speaking. It seemed a bit second-year. Is this the reason why A Xing wanted to worship him as a teacher? Did she see through his nature at first sight? What a terrible woman!

Shinji looked at Wutong who was in entanglement with a calm face.

When he first saw this pink Pokémon, he roughly guessed that Wutong was also here.

"I don't know if it was God's arrangement, but the bad fate should be true." Shinji replied as if he had given up.

Shinji has gotten used to meeting this guy at strange times, and even started to consider traveling with Wutong.

After all, this guy is not only stupid and idiotic, but also has good cooking skills, Pokémon cultivation techniques, fighting methods, tactics, etc. He is a good travel partner.

However, with his personality, it should be difficult for him to take the initiative to talk about this kind of thing.

"Bad fate? Humph, that's not bad. It seems that we are destined to be opponents, Naruto!" Wutong said after hearing what Shinji said.

"Are you sick again?" Shinji suddenly felt a little headache, and the idea just now disappeared in an instant.

He felt that traveling with Wutong would easily affect his IQ, so forget it.

"Oh, by the way, there is a special hot spring for fire Pokémon inside. You can let Growlithe go there. My Platyblade is also there." Wutong said when he saw the pitiful Growlithe by the hot spring pool.

"Really? Growlithe, go ahead." Shinji said to Growlithe beside him after hearing what Wutong said.

"Woof~!" Growlithe happily ran deeper after hearing what his trainer said.

"By the way, why are you here?" Wutong sat next to Shinji and asked.

"I'm going to the wild wilderness area near Crimson City to complete my team, and then challenge the Crimson Gym. What about you?" Shinji replied.

"Me? I just challenged the Crimson Gym and was about to go to Red Lotus Town. I happened to pass by here and heard that the hot springs in Sunshine Town are effective for recovering from fatigue, so I came to experience it." Wutong said while enjoying the hot springs.


"Crow leader! Don't bully Pidgeot!" Wutong saw that his crow leader was about to take advantage of his evolution to avenge the previous big bastard and stopped him.

"Is that so? It seems that we can't go together." Shinji said with regret, but there was no regret in his tone.

"Oh? It seems that you are very regretful. I don't mind taking a detour to accompany you." Seeing Shinji's look, Wutong said deliberately.

"You guy." Shinji looked at Wutong and said calmly.

"Really, it's just a joke, why are you so serious? By the way, when you go to the Light Red Gym, remember to tell the gym owner Aju that I recommended you to go there, otherwise that guy likes to let you go." Wutong remembered something and said with a smirk.

"Let you go? I know. "Poor Shinji was so focused on the water that he didn't see Wutong's smirk.

Wutong saw Shinji's serious look and suddenly looked forward to Shinji being forced by Aju to go on a blind date with Axing.

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