After knowing that Wutong was Xiaotong, Brufar was still calm. After all, it was not something that was completely incomprehensible.

Rather, Brufar was surprised by Wutong's camouflage ability. After all, Brufar had seen both Wutong and Xiaotong, but Brufar did not find any similarities.

"So, do you have any plans?" Brufar asked directly.

"Yes, you know, the underground forces in the Fengyuan region have been basically divided up by the Water Fleet and the Magma Team. But the two organizations are constantly in friction, and the organizational goals are completely opposite." Wutong said.

Brufar nodded and said nothing. Of course, he was very familiar with the Water Fleet and the Magma Team. After all, he still had a grudge with the Water Fleet that had not been resolved.

"You should have some understanding of the situation of these two organizations. The two organizations want to revive the ancient Pokémon in the legend of the Hoenn region, Groudon and Kyogre." Wutong continued.

"Ancient Pokémon! Groudon and Kyogre? They sound so cool." Hong Yongzhi interrupted.

"They are very cool. Xiaozhi, you have also seen them. They are the two monsters you saw in Faunus. Their prototypes are Groudon and Kyogre." Wutong said.

"Faunus?" Brufar asked, after all, Wutong said something very extraordinary.

Wutong nodded and roughly described what he had encountered before.

"How did you solve it in that situation? To be honest, I really can't imagine it." Brufar frowned and said.

"This is related to what I am going to say next. You should also know that in the legend of the Hoenn region, in addition to Groudon who opened up the land and Kyogre who created the ocean, there is also a sky overlord Rayquaza who balances the two." Wutong narrated calmly.

Then, under Brufar's searching gaze, Wutong took out the Emerald.

As a stone fanatic like Daigo, Brufar saw the extraordinaryness of the Emerald at a glance. Then he connected it with the sky overlord Rayquaza that Wutong mentioned.

"You can't be?" Brufar said uncertainly.

"Let me introduce myself again. I am Wutong, the spokesperson of Rayquaza. If necessary, I can call out Rayquaza at any time." Wutong said with a hearty smile.

Brufar's calm face changed involuntarily. He certainly understood the value of the title of Rayquaza spokesperson, especially the second half of Wutong's sentence, calling out Rayquaza at any time, this trump card is too terrible.

You should know that from the establishment of the Aqua Fleet and the Magma Team to the current split of Hoenn, they are still at the stage of looking for Groudon and Kyogre.

As Brufal thought about it, he suddenly seemed to understand something. He looked at Wutong and asked, "Are you planning to establish an organization to balance the Aqua Fleet and the Magma Team?"

"Yes, I have discussed it with Mr. Daigo. Of course, it is still an underground organization in name only, so it cannot be put on the surface, and it cannot get the help of the alliance. We have to start from scratch." Wutong replied.

"...This is not that easy. In order to establish an organization, in addition to a large amount of funds, we also need a way to recruit people, high-end forces are also necessary, and a large-scale Pokémon breeding base is also needed..." Brufal said seriously.

"I already have a Pokémon breeding base. I plan to use Blue Cotton Bird and Giant Mandible Ant as the standard Pokémon configuration. I also have several candidates for logistics and scientific research personnel. As for the high-end forces, the organization will be established with my team as the core, and the high-end forces are us." Wutong replied calmly.

"How many of us?" Brufal asked.

"Now our team has three people, me, you and another guy with good potential. According to the regulations, I can recruit two more people. This is our future high-end force." Wutong said seriously.

"Are you sure you can deal with Shui Wutong and Chiyansong like this? And their subordinates 3S and Sanbahuo are all troublesome guys." Brufar obviously didn't believe that Wutong's team could do this.

If it were so easy, the alliance would have destroyed all the organizations that were causing trouble.

"Of course I know that they are not easy to deal with. Now I am not the opponent of Shui Wutong or Chiyansong, but if we really fight, I have many ways to deal with them." Wutong replied. What if I can't compete with them in terms of hard power now? There are many people I can shake.


How do you plan to deal with the lower-level personnel? How should we recruit them? "Brufal thought that Wutong was already the spokesperson for Rayquaza, and he didn't plan to delve into whether he could deal with Water Wutong and Red Flame Pine.

"So I need to ask you, Mr. Brufal, the vice-captain of the Rayquaza team." Wutong smiled and said.

Brufal was also stunned when he heard Wutong's words. He didn't expect that this guy would hand over the task to him so naturally.

"It's really a difficult task. By the way, the funds are also handed over to me. It just so happens that my brother has been urging me to go back and help him recently." Brufal thought about it and agreed.

Brufal compared going back to help his brother manage the company and helping Wutong create the Rayquaza team to cause trouble for the Water Fleet and the Magma Team, and decisively chose the latter.

"But I can't act with my original identity. I don't want Cleifer to be in danger because of this. "Brufal looked at Wutong seriously and said.

"Of course, if you don't mind, come with me to the building of Dewen Company later. There is another teammate waiting for us there." Wutong said preparedly.

Hong Yongzhi and Pikachu were still eating, because he couldn't get into the conversation between Wutong and Brufal at all.

Wutong and Brufal discussed the details of the formation of the Rayquaza team.

Finally, it was decided that the headquarters of the Rayquaza team, the breeding base of standard Pokémon, the recruitment of high-end forces and logistical scientific research personnel would be left to Wutong.

The remaining funds, the recruitment of grassroots personnel and various details would be left to Brufal to solve.

After confirming most of the things, Brufal temporarily closed the battle cafe, Following Wutong, we came to the Devon Company building.

As for Hong Yongzhi, he couldn't fit in with the work exchanges between Wutong and Brufar, so he just found something to do.

The two of them walked into Devon Company, introduced themselves to the front desk, and then took the elevator to the top floor of Devon Company.

That is the office of Zfuchi Mujin, the president of Devon Company.

Walking into Zfuchi Mujin's office, Xia Hai and Zfuchi Mujin were chatting.

Compared with Zfuchi Mujin's leisure, Xia Hai seemed very restrained.

"President Zfuchi, excuse me." Wutong greeted.

"Uncle Mujin, long time no see." Brufar followed and greeted.

"Oh, it's Wutong and Xiaofaer, we've been waiting for you." Zfuchi Mujin said kindly.

"Master!" Xia Hai saw Wutong coming as if he had seen a savior.

"Okay, Xia Hai, don't be so excited. "Wutong said helplessly.

"Xia Hai? Golden Mad Dog?" Brufar asked after hearing what Wutong said.

"You are? The team member that Master is looking for?" Xia Hai also looked at Brufar and asked back.

This is the first meeting between the future vice-captain of the Rayquaza team and the leader of the four generals of the cadre.

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