After the fight, the two sides of the battle were in chaos.

After knocking Yamato and Kosaburo away, Wutong picked up the iron shell pupa. It felt a little cold like metal, but it was not as heavy as he imagined.

"Is it light metal?" Wutong knocked on the iron shell pupa and said to himself.

The iron shell pupa, which was suddenly hit on the head, shook it unsatisfactorily.

"Sorry, sorry, it was just a convenience." Wutong said and handed the iron shell pupa to the swamp jumper beside him.

Since the iron shell pupa has evolved, we can go to the next city with confidence.

If we want the iron shell pupa to evolve further, we can only go to Honglian Town.

"Numa~?" Swamp jumper held the iron shell pupa in one hand and waved it, feeling inexplicably convenient.

"Hey! Do you want to throw your new little brother like a stone?" Wutong hurriedly stopped him. Sometimes he was really curious about who this child looked like, and there were always strange ideas in his mind.

"Wutong, I have something to ask of you!" Gastly suddenly floated out and said to Wutong with a serious face.

"What's wrong, old ghost? This serious expression doesn't suit you." Wutong couldn't help but say when he saw Gastly's look.

However, although he said so, Wutong knew that Gastly must have something important to do, after all, it was the first time that Gastly called his full name.

"There is a very sad aura on those two guys, not from them, but from a certain ghost." Gastly said as he looked at the direction where Amado and Kosaburo flew away.

"Ghost? Sad aura?" Wutong was very puzzled, but thinking of the girl ghost at the port of Maiden Gorge, Wutong could probably understand what Gastly wanted to do.

"Okay, then what do you need me to do?" Wutong asked.

"Become a ghost, I have a hunch that this ghost needs your help even more." Gastly said to Wutong.

"Huh!?" Wutong was shocked and puzzled.

The scene came to a base of the Rocket Team, where Amado and Xiao Saburo were standing in front of a vending machine.

"Damn it! I was beaten by that kid again!" Amado said angrily.

"But it seems that all the Pokémon of that kid are shiny Pokémon, which are very rare." Xiao Saburo said while drinking canned coffee.

"Yes, that kid's family must be very rich. We must catch him next time!" Amado said, crushing the can in his hand.

"But it's a good thing we were sent out to help, otherwise Dr. Rambo would have asked us to write a letter of repentance again." Xiao Saburo said soberly.

As soon as Xiao Saburo finished speaking, the contact phone next to him rang.

Amado and Xiao Saburo swallowed their saliva when they saw the phone that suddenly came to mind.

Xiao Saburo carefully picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

"It's Nanbo! Nanbo!" A roar came from the phone, and then he hung up the phone.

"How did this guy know?" Yamato couldn't help but say as he watched Xiao Sanlang hang up the phone.

"I want to know, too." Xiao Sanlang rubbed his ears and complained.

"Old ghost, are you sure this is okay?" Wutong leaned half of his body down from the ceiling and asked Gastly beside him with concern.

"Hehehe, don't worry, little ghost, as long as no one messes with your body, nothing will happen." Gastly told Wutong not to worry.

"Alas, I hope the Swamp Leapers won't mess around and can take good care of my body." Wutong sighed and floated out from the ceiling.

At this time, Wutong's whole body was light blue and translucent, and he looked like a ghost, but he couldn't be seen at all from the perspective of normal people.

"Let's go, old ghost, it's time to do business. I don't want to stay like this forever." Wutong said to Gastly.

"Don't worry, little ghost, if you really can't change back, I will definitely treat you as my own son, hehe." Gastly's words were as uncomfortable as ever. After saying that, Gastly began to look for the sad ghost.

Wutong followed Gastly helplessly. This old pervert really likes to take advantage of others with his mouth.

After Gastly asked Wutong, Wutong still agreed reluctantly. After all, you can't get a tiger cub without going into the tiger's den. Even if you can't command Gastly to fight, it's good to improve his favorability and trick him into being your bodyguard.

So Wutong asked Gastly to pull out his soul.

But before that, Wutong had returned to the suite of Yangquan Restaurant and released all his Pokémon, letting them protect their bodies well.

Originally, the dream demon wanted to follow, but the dream demon hypnotized

Since the skill is not good enough, there is a high possibility of being discovered, so Wutong stayed to prevent Wutong's body from being taken over by passing ghosts.

Then the most critical step is to make Wutong lose consciousness first. After all, although Gastly can pull the soul out of the body, it must be unconscious.

Otherwise, Gastly will be invincible. Who can beat you by pulling your soul out of the body directly when they meet?

After everything was done, Wutong's soul left his body and followed Gastly all the way to an island to chase Amado and Kozaburo.

There is a building like a European castle on this island. Because of Gastly's urging, Wutong didn't have time to take a closer look, but felt a little familiar.

Following Gastly around in the Rocket Team base, Wutong can be said to be rampant because it is a soul-out mode.

There is no need to turn at all, just go through the wall wherever you want to go.

"Where is this? Who am I? Why am I here?" Wutong and Gastly came all the way to the depths of the base.

A slightly childish voice came from behind a tightly closed door.

No, it shouldn't be a voice, but an emotional fluctuation similar to telepathy.

Gastly and Wutong looked at each other and flew through the wall together.

Wutong was shocked by everything he saw.

Behind the door was a laboratory with complete equipment, various sophisticated computer instruments and many people in white coats.

In the middle of the laboratory, there were five giant cylindrical petri dishes, three of which contained the three great petri dishes of the Kanto region, Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle.

However, they all had strange patterns on their bodies, which were different from the three great petri dishes in general.

There was also a ball of orange and red intertwined light in another petri dish.

And what was floating in the last petri dish was what shocked Wutong.

Its head looked like a kitten, and its whole body was a very light pink, so light that it was a little whitish, with a long tail, curled up and floating in an unknown solution in the petri dish.

"Mewtwo!?" Wutong couldn't help but mutter to himself.

The kitten-like creature in front of him is Mewtwo, but it should be a young Mewtwo, and it looks very similar to Mew.

"Is this a new island?" At this time, Wutong also remembered why he felt familiar with this building from the outside.

"What's wrong, kid, do you know this place?" Gastly asked when he saw that Wutong was not in a good state.

"No, I'm just a little surprised." Wutong chose to lie, after all, some things can't be solved or explained.

"This one is the same as the other replicas, why can't it wake up?" A relatively young male researcher with a mushroom head came to the petri dish where Mewtwo was and said.

"Theoretically, there should be no problem, it should be able to be born." On the other side, a thin middle-aged man who looks like he is good at playing cards said.

This man is the main person in charge of the Mewtwo project, Dr. Fuji.

(ps: There are many versions of Mewtwo's creator, such as Mr. Fuji in the game, Xia Bo in the comics, and Dr. Fuji in the movie, etc. Ice cubes here choose Dr. Fuji's version. But no matter what version it is, Mewtwo is a product of Team Rocket.)

"It seems that someone is talking about me, but what is he talking about?" The young Mewtwo, who heard the voice, once again made a sound that ordinary people could not hear.

"That is called "language", which is human~ It is similar to you." A girl's voice sounded.

In the perspective of Wutong and Gastly, the soul of the young Mewtwo has been floating above the petri dish, and there is darkness near the young Mewtwo.

The young Mewtwo floated there alone, and after the girl's voice appeared, the darkness near the young Mewtwo shattered like a mirror.

A little girl in a princess dress appeared next to the young Mewtwo.

The moment he saw this little girl, Gastly knew that he had found the ghost he was looking for.

"Am I also a human?" The young Mewtwo asked the little girl in confusion.

"Because you can talk, maybe you are a human~" The little girl floated in front of the young Mewtwo and said with a smile.

"But it could also be my Pokémon~" Wutong came to the little girl and the young Mewtwo and said in a joking tone.

"Human? Pokémon? What is that? Which one am I? Who are you?" The young Mewtwo did not show fear when Wutong suddenly appeared, but asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter which one it is, you and I are the same thing, everyone here is the same~" Wutong was about to answer, but was beaten by the little girl.

But the little girl used a light

The words spoken in a relaxed and cheerful tone hurt Wutong's heart.

"Things?" Wutong looked at the girl with a bright smile on her face with a complicated expression.

He who possessed the power of Evergreen could only understand the emotions of Pokémon. Perhaps it was because of his soul leaving his body, or it might be that Wutong did not know enough about the power of Evergreen.

Wutong could feel the sadness behind the girl's bright smile.

"Gass, why do you think she is so sad?" Wutong asked Gastly beside him.

"I don't know, that's why I asked you to help." Gastly shook his body and replied.

After the little girl finished speaking, three new figures appeared around the young Mewtwo.

They were the three great Pokémon in the Kanto region.

The researchers in the laboratory also found something unusual.

"What is this?"

"It's Mewtwo communicating with Xiao Ai No. 2. The other replicas are also responding."

"Psychological induction?"

"Although I can't be sure, the possibility is very high."

Listening to the conversation between the researchers in the laboratory, Wutong frowned. He felt that he knew a small part of the reason why "Xiao Ai No. 2" was sad.

"We are all replicas, so it's not No. 1, but No. 2. I am Xiao Ai No. 2~" Xiao Ai said the cruel words easily and happily.

"Why?" Wutong couldn't help but ask.

"Big brother? Are you No. 2 too?" Xiao Ai asked Wutong with a smile.

"Am I No. 2 too?" Mewtwo said in confusion.

The three starters on the side also shouted, as if they agreed with what Xiao Ai said.

Wutong looked at Xiao Ai and young Mewtwo who were happily spinning in circles, and a feeling of fear and heartache emerged.

Seeing Xiao Ai, young Mewtwo and the three great beasts flying outside, Wutong and Gastly followed them immediately.

As soon as the group flew out of the base, they found that the outside had turned into an unknown city.

"This is where Xiao Ai was born and grew up in my memory, but I am Xiao Ai No. 2 and have no feelings for this place." Xiao Ai said as he looked at the city in front of him.

"Old Ghost!" Wutong frowned and called Gastly.

"Don't worry, little ghost, this should be an illusion caused by the thoughts of that poor girl." Gastly said.

At this time, the dark clouds dispersed and the sun came out.

"What is this?" Young Mewtwo asked curiously.

"This is the sun, which gives us light and heat, and is also a symbol of hope and life." Wutong floated to the side of young Mewtwo and said.

For some reason, Wutong didn't want Xiao Ai to continue talking.

Next, Wutong told Mewtwo what wind, rain, morning and sunset are, until night fell and a full moon hung in the sky.

During this time, Wutong had been trying to make Xiaoai talk as little as possible, as if he wanted her to save the energy to speak.

"What is that?" asked the curious baby Mewtwo when he saw the full moon appear.

"Those are the stars and the moon, to make the dark night less lonely, and to tell you that you are not alone." Wutong looked at Xiaoai and said.

Perhaps Xiaoai noticed something, and smiled at Wutong.

However, what was coming still came, and Charmander's figure suddenly began to become illusory.

Then Bulbasaur and Squirtle began to become looming.

Xiaoai followed closely, and dots of fluorescence flew out from Xiaoai and the three starters.

"Sure enough, because I am number 2?" Xiaoai couldn't help but say as she looked at her illusory hand.

"Such a noise! ​​Number 2, number 2, number 2! Why do you keep saying you are number 2! Are you willing to be number 2 all the time? Even if you know that the person you are looking forward to is not you! Even if you are very sad, why do you still keep laughing?" Wutong suddenly shouted.

He didn't understand why Xiao Ai and the three great beasts were willing to be number 2. They were all very sad, so why did they keep laughing.

"Xiao Ai! Everyone, what's wrong?" The young Mewtwo asked in panic as he watched everyone slowly disappear.

"We are going to disappear." Xiao Ai still said with a smile.

"Disappear?" The young Mewtwo repeated in confusion.

"That's right, it's death. We will go to a very, very far place." Xiao Ai continued.

"Death! Why! This strange feeling, why!" The young Mewtwo was very puzzled, tears appeared in his eyes, and sadness enveloped his heart.

"Damn it, you have to ask me if I agree or not!" Wutong said angrily, with a dazzling green light on his body.

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