The two of them were in the desert area near Route 111 in the north of Zijin City.

Wutong wore anti-sand goggles on his face and was covered by a large cloak.

Beside Wutong, Youyou held a piece of gem metal ore in his hand, chewing it while following Wutong in the desert.

Wutong was holding the map Harry drew for him and looking at it expressionlessly.

Wutong looked at the map, then looked at the almost identical environment nearby, and the expression on his face became more and more peaceful.

Then, under Youyou's calm gaze, Wutong threw the map to the ground with force.

Youyou chewed his "snacks" and calmly stepped on the map.

This was the seventh time Wutong had dropped the map since entering the desert.

Youyou ate the last bite of the gem and metal ore, then picked up the map and walked to the only landmark nearby, a huge rock half buried deep in the desert.

There were six conspicuous scratches on the rock at this time, and Youyou calmly left the seventh scratch with her claws.

After leaving the mark, Youyou returned to Wutong with the map and handed it to Wutong.

After Wutong took the map, he looked at Youyou and his eyes twitched.

Youyou's eyes meant very clearly, do you want to continue strolling?

Wutong sighed, he was helpless, there was nothing he could do, the situation in the desert was worse than he had imagined.

The entire desert was full of identical places, and the only reference was a few huge rocks that were seen occasionally.

Of course, if it was an ordinary person, they could also try to identify the direction based on the position of the sun, but was Wutong an ordinary person? He is a man favored by the God of Lost.

Wutong, who was blessed by the God of Lost, had no ability to distinguish directions at all.

At this time, Rotom Mobile was needed, but the interference of magnetic field and weather in this desert area made Rotom Mobile unable to play a role at all.

When the chief navigation tool lost its function, the second method was needed, that is, the navigation duck!

But as mentioned before, the environment in the desert area is much worse than Wutong thought.

If it is not a rock-type, steel-type or ground-type Pokémon, it is difficult to move in the desert area for a long time.

But Wutong, whose physical fitness is much worse than Pokémon, can move forward in this desert. I have to sigh that human beings' adaptability is really terrible.

Of course, Wutong also communicated with Platypus, and it concluded that the mayfly energy in this area is basically occupied by the energy of rock-type, steel-type and ground-type.

The energy of other attributes is too thin, which will increase the burden of the actions of Pokémon other than these three types. This is why their physical fitness is stronger than Wutong, but they can't move as long as Wutong in the desert area.

Without the help of the navigation duck, Wutong can only try to find the Phantom Tower by himself, and for safety reasons, Wutong called out Yoyo to bring him with him.

In fact, as a bodyguard, Wutong's trump card, Swampert, is better, but although Swampert is a ground-type Pokémon, it still can't adapt to the environment here.

Because before Swampert was a ground-type, it was a water-type Pokémon, and the biological characteristics of Swampert require it to keep its body moist.

In the desert area, where there is constant wind and sand, Swampert's skin will probably be dry and cracked in a few minutes.

The only solution is to keep throwing mud on the body, but frequent use of mud throwing also consumes energy, so Swampert is directly excluded.

Other Pokémon that can move freely in the desert also have their own shortcomings, and in the end, only Yoyo can do it.

Just when Wutong was at a loss, three figures gradually approached him. After seeing the faces of the three people, Wutong showed an expression as if he had been saved.

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