After the crow flew away, Jigglypuff wandered around in despair, but not long after he left, another pink color appeared in front of Jigglypuff.

"Puzzle!" Jigglypuff was startled and looked at the pink Pokémon in front of him warily.

"Hera?" Heracross looked at Jigglypuff who suddenly appeared with a puzzled look. However, seeing Jigglypuff's miserable appearance, Heracross actually felt pity for him, and then made up his mind to hand one of the fruit in his hand to Jigglypuff.

"Puzzle? - Puzzle!!!!" Jigglypuff looked at the fruit in front of him and started crying.

The grievances just now burst out all of a sudden, and the exaggerated eye makeup painted by the crow leader was also ruined, making Jigglypuff look a little scary.

Seeing Jigglypuff suddenly start crying, Heracross was also stunned, wondering why the Jigglypuff in front of him started crying.

Heracross didn't know what to do either. After thinking about it, he took a few more fruits and handed them to Jigglypuff.

Jigglypuff looked at the pink guy in front of him, and Jigglypuff felt that he had finally met a good Pokémon.

It wiped its tears and decided to sing a song for this kind Pokémon!

"Pu Li Pu Li!" Jigglypuff called Heracross firmly twice.

"Hera?" Heracross was a little confused and didn't know why this Jigglypuff suddenly wanted to sing for him, but he nodded.

"Pu~Pu Pu Lu~Pu~Pu Li Pu~" Jigglypuff adjusted his state and sang again.

Heracross was chewing on the fruit and listening to Jigglypuff's singing. It was pretty good, but for some reason, Heracross felt more and more sleepy the more he listened, and fell asleep directly, but his claws were still unconsciously sending the fruit to his mouth.

"Pull!!!!!!" Seeing Heracross's appearance, Jigglypuff shouted angrily, and his whole body swelled several times.

Angry Jigglypuff decided to "wake up" Heracross, but with the experience of the previous three Pokémon, Jigglypuff was very cautious when approaching Heracross.

After coming to Heracross, he found that Heracross had no reaction, Jigglypuff breathed a sigh of relief, and then showed his palm.

However, just as Jigglypuff raised his palm, the fruit in Heracross's hand fell down, and a snoring sounded.

Jigglypuff was hit by another wave of sound waves and was blown away. This is not over yet. Heracross may be dreaming and thinks Jigglypuff is a bad guy who robbed its food.

Heracross leaped up with an unbelievable dexterity, and rushed towards Jigglypuff in midair with a burst of white light.

A huge X was left in the air, and Jigglypuff was at the center of the X. This was the dream version of Yan Fan.

After doing everything, Heracross was suddenly attracted by something and landed directly on a tree, and began to absorb the tree nectar skillfully. Only the faint snoring showed that it had not woken up yet.

"Pull!!!!!!!" Jigglypuff, who fell to the ground, burst into tears. Demons, all of them are demons. The pinker the color, the more fierce they hit people!

Jigglypuff struggled to get up and ran while crying.

At this time, it was like a headless fly, running aimlessly without purpose, just wanting to vent the grievances in its heart.

"Bang!" Jigglypuff suddenly bumped into a soft and hard object.

"Is this Jigglypuff? Why is he crying here?" Wutong looked at Jigglypuff who came out of nowhere and bumped into his arms and said puzzledly.

"Pu Li!?" Jigglypuff was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and saw a boy who looked very gentle, and he exuded an aura that made Pokémon involuntarily close to him.

A feeling of grievance broke out instantly, and Jigglypuff buried himself in Wutong's arms and began to cry.

"What's going on? But I'm wearing new clothes!" Wutong said troubledly as he looked at Jigglypuff who was holding him in pain.

"From the posture, it should be a situation where a love-struck girl meets a scumbag who abandoned her and wants to save her love. Loto~" Mobile Rotom said floating on the side.

"Hey! Don't follow the dream demon to read some weird books! What kind of dog-blood plot is this! Doesn't House know that he is a dog-licker!" Wutong couldn't help but say to Mobile Rotom.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, what happened?" Wutong tried to comfort Jigglypuff.

"Pu Li~Pu Li Pu Li!" Jigglypuff sobbed and began to tell Wutong about his experience, although it didn't know if Wutong could understand it.

It has nothing to say, but it needs to find a creature to talk to.

"Emmmmmm, are those pink demons you mentioned like this?" Wutong said, pointing to the direction behind Jigglypuff.





Jiggle in Wutong's arms felt that the sky seemed to have suddenly darkened, and then heard a few familiar calls, and then turned around stiffly.

Four familiar pink Pokémon came into Jigglypuff's eyes. Tears instantly filled Jigglypuff's eyes and were about to burst out.

At this time, Swampert, Platypus, Crowhead and Heracross had completed their training and came to Wutong, looking at Jigglypuff in Wutong's arms curiously.

"What's wrong? Is there no Pokémon that can fight nearby?" Wutong asked.

After hearing Wutong's words, Jigglypuff froze directly, and then it found that the human in front of it, who looked very gentle, was actually carrying a pink backpack.

Could he also be a member of the pink demon! ? No, could he be the master of this group of pink demons?

Jigglypuff felt like a lamb in a wolf's den.

"By the way, could this Jigglypuff be?" Wutong thought for a moment as he looked at the Jigglypuff with a big painted face in his arms. He seemed to know which Jigglypuff this was.

It was evening.

Standing at the entrance of a slightly dilapidated and desolate town, Wutong began to think as he looked at the half-fallen plaque at the entrance.

Could this place be a bandit's den or something like that?

"Dark, City? Dark City? Are you here?" Wutong said after carefully identifying the words on the plaque.

After seeing that it was Dark City, Wutong walked in with confidence. After all, his Pokémon needed to recover after fighting for a day.

After Wutong walked into Dark City, Jigglypuff suddenly appeared.

During the day, Jigglypuff thought he had entered a wolf's den, but Wutong did not embarrass him. He not only treated his injuries (all caused by Wutong's Pokémon).

He also gave it some throat care food (the throat was hoarse from singing to Wutong's Pokémon continuously.), and even gave it a portable microphone in the end! (Wutong thought it would be fun to let Jigglypuff get the microphone in advance and then meet Xiaozhi and the others.)

So Jigglypuff thought that he must have misunderstood Wutong at the beginning, and he must be a good person, so Jigglypuff wanted to sing a song for the good person.

However, Wutong left directly after arranging Jigglypuff, without giving Jigglypuff a chance to sing.

However, Jigglypuff didn't want to give up this opportunity. He thought that Wutong, a good person, would definitely stay up all night listening to him sing, so Jigglypuff followed Wutong all the way to Dark City.

After seeing Wutong walk into Dark City, Jigglypuff followed him in without hesitation.

In the anime, because of the Yas Gym and the Kaz Gym, the residents of Dark City dared not go out at will.

Perhaps it was because of the evening, the Yas Gym and the Kaz Gym were not fighting. Of course, it could also be that the battle was over, making the already dilapidated Dark City look even more desolate.

Arriving at the entrance of the Pokémon Center, Wutong found that the Pokémon Center was actually closed.

"What should I do?" Wutong couldn't help but say as he looked at the closed Pokémon Center.

Although he could also treat Pokémon himself, he would fall asleep if he used the power of Evergreen to treat them, and he now had to keep the three little ones alive, so he didn't have much spare power to treat his Pokémon.

"Alas, it seems that I can only find a place to live first." Wutong sighed and said helplessly.

Walking on the street, Wutong quickly found a restaurant that looked like it could be accommodated, and Wutong, who didn't have many choices, walked in.

"Boss, can I stay here?" Wutong asked directly after entering the door.

"Are you a new traveler? You must be very upset that the Pokémon Center is closed. We can provide accommodation here." The boss came out and saw Wutong and said.

As soon as the boss finished speaking, a person who was drinking coffee next to him suddenly coughed.

Wutong looked over and found a strange person who wrapped himself up very tightly. It was still hot outside, but he was wearing a long windbreaker with the buttons buttoned tightly. He wore a round hat on his head, a thick mask and a pair of big sunglasses on his face. He looked very suspicious.

Wutong looked at this suspicious person speechlessly. If nothing unexpected happened, this person was Joey, the Pokémon inspector who was inspecting the Yas Gym and the Kaz Gym. He should also be the head of the local Pokémon Center in Dark City.

Wutong really wanted to tell this Joey that if he had time to observe here, he might as well go to

Let the Pokémon Center operate normally, and this look is too suspicious, is there really no one in charge? Also, why do you have to wear a mask to drink coffee? Is it filtering?

Wutong shook his head, too lazy to expose this happy Joey. After asking the boss uncle in front of him for a room, he decided to leave this place of trouble as soon as possible after a night of rest.

It should be hopeless to rely on the Pokémon Center to treat your Pokémon, so you can only do it slowly.

In the room, Wutong first treated his Pokémon with medicine to relieve his pressure for a while, and then began to treat the pink four people. After the treatment of Heracross, Wutong fell directly on the bed and fell asleep.

Outside the window, Jigglypuff looked at Wutong who suddenly fell asleep and looked at the microphone in his hand in confusion. He hadn't sung yet, so why did Wutong fall asleep?

The next day, Wutong got up early, and the first thing he did after getting up was to look in the mirror to see if he was normal.

After all, I left all four of those naughty kids outside yesterday. There's no guarantee that they and the dream demon won't cause trouble again.

After seeing that there was nothing wrong with himself in the mirror, Wutong breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his naughty kids weren't naughty every day.

Stretching, Wutong took the Swampert back into the Poké Ball and decided to continue on his way. After all, if he stayed here all the time, he might get involved in some strange incidents.

When he came downstairs, Wutong saw Miss Joy, who was dressed well, at a glance. She was still near the door, still wearing a thick mask and drinking coffee. Wutong's eyes twitched, and he simply pretended not to see it.

"Little brother, don't go out!" Just as Wutong was about to leave, the boss uncle said.

"What's wrong, boss? Did I forget to pay?" Wutong scratched his head and asked. He remembered that he seemed to have paid the bill.

"It's not that! Today is the day when the Yas Gym and the Kaz Gym fight. If you go out, you will easily be involved, so don't leave yet." The boss uncle said worriedly.

"Is that so? Don't worry, uncle, I'm very strong." Wutong waved his hand indifferently and walked out.


"Electric Beast!"

As soon as Wutong walked out of the door, he saw a Spygoss and an Electic Beast fighting together.

"It's really scary." Wutong couldn't help but sighed as he looked at the melee in front of him.

At this time, a Goli didn't know whether he was red-eyed or obsessed with Wutong's appearance, and he actually rushed over to attack Wutong.

"Swampfish!" Wutong released Swampfish without hesitation.

"Numa!" Swampfish appeared and directly resisted Goli.

Goli found that he, who was proud of his strength, was actually suppressed in strength.

Swampfish's arms bulged with muscles, and Goli was thrown out directly.

"Kid! Are you hired by that guy Kaz? If so, Scyther! Get rid of that kid first!" Yas said directly when he saw Wutong attacking his people.

"Scare!" Scyther opened his arms and chopped directly at the Swamp Leaper.

"Heracross! Swallow Return!" Wutong was too lazy to answer and released Heracross directly. Flying insects should be dealt with by flying insects.

Heracross appeared and directly brought a burst of white light and crashed into Scyther.

Scyther was hit directly by Heracross's Swallow Return before he could dodge.

"Boy, you are very strong. Do you want to join my Kaz gym?" Kaz saw this scene and tried to win him over.

"Kaz, haven't you stopped thinking yet? Sorry, I'm off topic. Ahem, let's do it again, but I refuse!" Wutong said while looking at Kaz sideways.

"What? Brat! Electabuzz!" After hearing Wutong's inexplicable words, Kaz felt that he was being fooled.

"Swamp! Earthquake!" Wutong was going to give Electabuzz a hard time.

Swamp was like an angry gorilla, clenching his fists and smashing them on the ground.

The ground began to shake, and Electabuzz fell to the ground directly due to the impact of the earthquake.

"Damn it!"

"It seems that we have to join forces temporarily!"

Yas and Kaz said angrily.

At this time, a round pink Pokémon holding a microphone fell from the sky and landed in the middle of the crowd.

After seeing Jigglypuff, Wutong, who was still worried about how to escape, had a good idea.

"Hey, you two, it was all a misunderstanding just now. How about we listen to a song? Jigglypuff, please!" Wutong said hurriedly.

"Pu Li?" Jigglypuff looked at Wutong in confusion, but still clenched the microphone and sang.


"Pu~Pulipu~" A burst of singing came out, and the people in the Yas Gym and Kaz Gym who had not yet reacted all became drowsy and fell asleep.

"Puli!" Seeing the people sleeping, Jigglypuff was furious.

Wutong saw Jigglypuff start to slap these people, and took off his earplugs calmly.

"I'll leave them to you, Jigglypuff, see you again~" Wutong waved his hand, took back the sleeping Swampert and Heracross, and then ran away.

Jigglepuff, who was still addicted to slapping, responded subconsciously, and then continued to slap.

In this way, Dark City ushered in a long-lost day of peace, and at the same time, the legend of a traveler with a pink backpack and his pink devil was passed down.

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