The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.

"I can still see Nibe City!" Xiaoxia walked into Nibe City, tears streaming down her face unconsciously.

"In order to become the world's number one trainer, Xiaozhi finally walked out of the Evergreen Forest and came to Nibe City!" Wutong said with a small notebook that he didn't know where to take out.

"How dare you say that! I will never listen to your directions again!" Xiaoxia turned around and roared at Wutong.

"That's right, you should just listen to me." Xiaozhi on the side also complained.

"Shut up too! You two are the same!" Xiaoxia said after hearing Xiaozhi's words.

"Pika! Pika!" Pikachu stood aside and nodded and shouted.

"Gurgle?" Shuiyueyu tilted his head and didn't understand why Xiaoxia was so excited.

After educating the samurai boy, Wutong, Xiaozhi, and Xiaoxia began their lost journey in the Evergreen Forest.

With Xiaozhi and Wutong taking turns to lead the way, the group walked in the Evergreen Forest for two weeks.

In the end, perhaps with the mercy of God, the three finally walked out of the Evergreen Forest and came to Nibi City.

"I thought we would be wandering in the forest for the rest of our lives." Xiaozhi sat cross-legged on a stone and said.

"Nibi represents gray, the color of stone. This city has been famous for stone since ancient times." A voice came.

"Who is this uncle? Xiaoxia, Xiaotong, do you know him?" Xiaozhi turned around and asked curiously.

"Although I don't know who he is, Xiaozhi, you should have sat on this uncle's product." Wutong jumped down and said.

"Ah? Sorry." After hearing Wutong's words, Xiaozhi looked around and quickly jumped off the stone.

"My name is Wu Neng, and I sell stones." Wu Neng said.

"Want a stone to press kimchi? But it looks like you can't." Wu Neng said.

"Of course, I want to be the world's number one Pokémon trainer!" Xiaozhi pointed at himself and said confidently.

After chatting for a few more words, Wu Neng took the few people to the Pokémon Center in Nibi City.

"Quartz Conference? Good! I want to participate in the competition!" After sending his Pokémon to Miss Joy for treatment, Xiaozhi saw the poster on the wall.

"Okay, I also want to participate in the Quartz Conference, so we are opponents, but the qualification to participate in the Quartz Conference requires the collection of eight gym badges. Xiaozhi, can you do it?" Wutong teased.

"Of course I have no problem! Wait for me to meet in the competition, Xiaotong!" Xiaozhi replied.

"I'll wait for you, but you should first learn about the attribute restraint of Pokémon, at least as a trainer, you should know what you should know." Wutong tried to persuade.

"Eh? Isn't it enough to just charge with perseverance in a Pokémon battle?" Xiaozhi asked doubtfully.

"Ah." ×2 Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Wutong and Xiaoxia both covered their faces and sighed. Xiaozhi's road to becoming the world's number one Pokémon trainer is still a long way to go.

"Are you going to challenge the Nibi Gym?" Wu Neng suddenly appeared and asked at this time.

"That's right!" Xiaozhi said subconsciously.

"Just you? Not yet." Wu Neng shook his head and walked away.

"What did you say!?" Xiaozhi couldn't help but shout when he heard Wu Neng's words.

Wutong and Xiaoxia quickly pulled Xiaozhi, who was shouting, away.

The three of them took back the recovered Pokémon and ate at the restaurant in the Pokémon Center.

"That uncle underestimated me!" Xiaozhi said vaguely while shoveling rice into his mouth.

"Do you really think you can win?" Xiaoxia asked helplessly.

"Gym trainers and trainers you meet on the road are completely different." Wutong also said.

"And the gym in Nibe City is mainly rock-type, and many rock-type Pokémon also have ground-type attributes, so your Pikachu has no advantage at all." Wutong tried to change Xiaozhi's reckless concept and said.

"Yes, if you ask me, I can lend you my Pokémon." Xiaoxia said.

"I don't need it." Xiaozhi refused without hesitation.

"Really? Then it's up to you!" Xiaoxia stood up and said, then walked away angrily.

"Wait a minute! You haven't paid for the meal yet!" Xiaozhi shouted immediately when he saw Xiaoxia leaving.

"Forget it, forget it, I'll treat you to this meal." Wutong said helplessly, covering his forehead.

Xiaozhi, a novice on the road, is really

It's very frustrating in every aspect.

"Really? Xiaotong, you're so nice!" Xiaozhi said happily.

After finishing their meal, the two came to the Nibi Gym.

From the front, the entire Nibi Gym looks like a huge stone hollowed out and built, which is really characteristic of Nibi City.

Wutong and Xiaozhi walked into the gym, which was dark inside.

"Who is it?" With a question, a beam of light shone down, and Xiaogang sat cross-legged there.

"Since you asked sincerely!" Wutong shouted subconsciously.

"Xiaotong, what are you doing?" Xiaozhi looked puzzled.

"Sorry, it seems that something unclean just now has taken over my body." Wutong scratched his head and said.

"A-choo!!!" ×3 Three sneezes sounded at the same time.

In a deep pit, Team Rocket's three teams were sitting inside.

"Why did you sneeze suddenly?" Musashi said puzzledly.

"Someone must have missed us!" Kojiro said.

"It must be Boss Sakaki, meow!" Meow said with mysterious confidence.

"But how do we get up there? It feels so bad!" The thoughts of the three members of Team Rocket ×3 quickly returned to reality, and they looked up at the cave entrance and shouted.

Back at the Nibi Gym, Xiaozhi looked at Xiaogang.

"Are you Xiaogang, the gym leader of the Nibi Gym?" Xiaozhi asked.

"I'm Xiaozhi from Pallet Town! Come and duel with me!" Xiaozhi said.

"The gym competition is very different from the small battles on the roadside. This is a formal competition of the Pokémon League, and there are rules." Xiaogang said slowly.

Wutong looked at Xiaogang, who was full of style at this time, and couldn't help but sigh. Humans are really complicated creatures.

"It's a bit beyond expectations." Xiaozhi said to himself when he saw Xiaogang's serious look.

"What's beyond expectations? Didn't I tell you before I came?" Wutong said helplessly.

"Huh? Really?" Xiaozhi smiled awkwardly.

"Looks like a complete newbie. The rule of the Nibee Gym is to use two Pokémon, did you know that?" Brock said.

"No problem!" Ash said confidently.

"How long have you been with that Pokémon?" Brock suddenly asked.

"About two weeks." Ash replied.

"That's when it was really cute." Brock nodded.

"Pikachu~" Pikachu also called out in cooperation.

"Don't compete!" Brock suddenly said.

Pikachu staggered when he heard what Brock said.

Wutong watched Pikachu act cute silently on the side.

"You don't need to worry about our affairs!" Ash replied in a strange tone.

"Okay, Ash, let me go first today." Wutong suddenly stopped him.

"Xiaotong? Okay." Ash saw that Wutong wanted to go first, but he agreed even though it was strange.

"Are you going to challenge the gym too? How long have you been with your Pokémon?" Brock asked when he saw that Wutong was also going to challenge the gym.

"Same as Xiaozhi. But don't worry, my situation is special, so you don't need to persuade me." Wutong said in advance.

"Since this is the case, there is no other way. As the gym leader, I must also fulfill my obligations." Xiaogang said.

Xiaogang snapped his fingers after speaking, and the gym instantly lit up, the walls on both sides opened, and the two halves of the venue began to close in the middle.

Wutong, who had been prepared, directly pulled Xiaozhi to the other side of the venue.

"Then! Let's start the game!" Seeing that the venue was closed, Xiaogang jumped into the venue and shouted with a Poké Ball.

"I'm ready!" Wutong also took out a Poké Ball and responded.

Wutong's first gym challenge is about to begin!

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