The sea was full of water, but the water was still flowing.

Wu Tong followed Ju Zi and walked slowly along the coast. He was still thinking about what Ju Zi wanted him to do.

"Are you finally here?" Ju Zi suddenly stopped and looked at the sea.

"Who's coming?" Wu Tong also looked at the sea following Ju Zi's line of sight.

On the sea, a man stirred up waves and swam towards Ju Zi and Wu Tong at a very fast speed.

Soon, the figure swam to the shore where Ju Zi and Wu Tong were.

"Wow!" The sound of breaking water sounded, and a strong man brought waves of water and fell in front of Ju Zi and Wu Tong.

Following the muscular man, a muscular swimmer seemed to be protecting the muscular man from being attacked by wild Pokémon while swimming.

"It's rare that you would contact me, Kikuko." The muscular man said to Kikuko with his arms folded across his chest.

"Well, I have something to ask of you this time, but you are still the same, never missing any opportunity to exercise. I didn't expect you to swim over, Hiba." Kikuko said to Hiba.

"It appears, a wild big Xiaogang!" Wutong said as he looked at the half-naked muscular man in front of him with squinting eyes.

"Who is this little guy?" Hiba looked at Wutong and asked.

"His name is Wutong, my descendant, and he is half my grandson." Kikuko introduced.

"Wutong? Could he be the grandson of Mr. Aquan and Ms. Xingzi?" Hiba said after thinking for a moment.

"Hello, King Hiba, I am Wutong, and Aquan and Xingzi are my grandparents." Wutong said.

Wutong felt that he was probably already famous among the champions, but he was just the grandson of Aquan and Xingzi.

Just like Xiaomao, as the grandson of Professor Oak, he became famous as soon as he debuted.

"Okay, it's time to tell you what I want to ask you." Kikuko said calmly.

"At the beginning, I, Xingzi, Aquan, Gangtie, Liu Bo and that guy Oak Xuecheng were very close, but first Liu Bo's incident happened, and Oak gave up the path of a trainer and betrayed us." After Kikuko mentioned Professor Oak, her tone became cold.

Wutong listened on the side without interrupting. He really couldn't say anything about the emotional issues of the older generation.

"Now that guy's grandson has started traveling. The biggest regret in my life is that I couldn't officially defeat him. Now his grandson has started traveling, but I can't do anything to his grandson." Kikuko continued.

Wutong also roughly guessed Kikuko's purpose at this time. But shouldn't your real regret be that you didn't become a couple with Professor Oak?

"I have been alone for many years, and I have no grandchildren to fulfill this wish for me. I thought there was no hope, but then Xingzi's grandson, you, appeared." Kikuko looked at Wutong and said.

"Wait a minute, what does this have to do with me? Do you want me to bully a kid who just debuted?" Xiba suddenly asked.

"No, Grandma Kikuko, you should want me to defeat Xiaomao for you, right?" Wutong asked.

"That's right, if you can't qualify for the Quartz Conference, I won't let you help me with this. After all, Xingzi also asked me to take care of you. But I saw your fight with Xia Bo. You are very talented and it also gave me hope." Kikuko looked at Wutong kindly and said.

"What!? That Kikuko, can actually show such an expression?" Xiba looked at the kind Kikuko with a look of shock, and his squinting eyes almost opened.

Wutong looked at Xiba, didn't expect that the fighting king would be such a person in private?

"Do you want to have a full-scale battle with me?" Kikuko said coldly to Hiba.

Hiba immediately became honest after hearing Kikuko's words. Although Hiba was a fighting maniac, fighting with Kikuko was too torturous.

"I contacted you this time because I hope you can help me train Xiaotong." Kikuko said to Hiba.

"Eh? It's great to have a superstar as a teacher, but I only have Heracross who is a fighting type, and it's not going in the direction of fighting specialization." Wutong said tangled after hearing Kikuko's words.

"Did I say that I want Hiba to guide your Pokémon?" Kikuko asked Wutong back.

"You can see at a glance that this little guy has good physical fitness, but he hasn't made good use of it. Leave it to me, I will make him a tough guy." Hiba looked at Wutong and said.

"I'll leave it to you. I don't know what's going on with Xingzi and Aquan. Even if you want a granddaughter, you can't let a boy carry a pink backpack and catch a bunch of pink Pokémon. I hope you can reawaken his masculinity." Kikuko said to Hiba.

"Eh? Am I the one who's going to be trained?!" Wutong was stunned when he heard the conversation between Hiba and Kikuko.

Although he agreed with Kikuko's words, it wasn't his wish. Why did he suddenly have to be specially trained?

And it's very dangerous to train with Hiba, okay!

"Don't worry, Hiba won't let you get hurt. Boys should behave like boys, and you also need to have a better physical fitness. The higher the level of the battle, the greater the burden on the trainer. This is also for your future." Kikuko said to Wutong, without any intention of regretting.

"Then leave this little guy to me. Honglian Island is a good place for special training. There are mountains and water, and hot springs can relieve physical fatigue. You really chose a good place." Hiba said, grabbing Wutong's collar and lifting him up.

"Wait a minute~!" Wutong was suddenly lifted up and said a little panicked.

"Don't worry, I will let Gengar help you send your Pokémon over after it recovers. Come on, Xiaotong, you must be a tough guy." Kikuko waved her hand and walked towards the Pokémon Center.

It seems that she is going to help Wutong pick up the Pokémon that was sent to recover.

"Grandma Kikuko! No! I don't want to be with this perverted naked squinty-eyed man!" Wutong shouted hurriedly as Kikuko walked further and further away.

"Oh? Perverted naked squinty-eyed man? Little guy, you are very brave. I hope you can still be so lively after today's training." After hearing Wutong's words, Xiba said calmly.

"It's over! I accidentally said what was in my heart!" Wutong said fearfully as he looked at Xiba, who was very calm but exuded a sinister aura.

"Then, let's go to Xia Bo's battle field first, let me see how your foundation is." Xiba grabbed Wutong's neck and carried Wutong all the way to Xia Bo's battle field.

"Haha, boy, you're back so soon? Long time no see, Xiba." Back in Xia Bo's battle field, Xia Bo seemed to have expected it and was waiting here to watch the show.

"It's been a long time since we last met. I have to borrow the place this time, Xia Bo." Xiba said to Xia Bo.

"Haha, no problem, it's rare for me to be so lively here." Xia Bo said indifferently.

Wutong looked at Xia Bo. I didn't expect that you, a guy, belonged to the wild animal. Why do you like to watch the excitement so much?

"Then, let's start. Let me see how your foundation is now. Don't worry, I will show mercy." Xiba put Wutong down and walked to the other side of the battle field.

Of course, Xiba did not call out his Pokémon. Wutong looked at Xiba standing there, thinking about the possibility of survival if he called out his Pokémon to attack him.

However, when he saw Xia Bo, who looked like he was looking forward to Wutong's resistance, Wutong knew that he absolutely could not do that.

"Ha, Uncle Xiba, you must be merciful. Everyone come out and go train on your own." Wutong sighed, and then released all his Pokémon.

Not to attack Xiba, but to let them start training. After all, even if he is a fighting king, he must have some research on other attributes. After all, he is a king-level figure.

Then if he is in a good mood and gives some pointers, Wutong's Pokémon will be improved to some extent.

"Uncle!? I have reached the age of being called uncle?" After hearing Wutong's words, Xiba was a little disappointed.

Wutong keenly discovered that this was a good opportunity and rushed up immediately.

Rushing in front of Xiba, Wutong directly used inertia to do a 360-degree spinning kick straight to Xiba's face.

"The attack is not bad, but a man should be upright, sneak attacks are not good!" The imagined kick over Xiba did not happen. Xiba directly grabbed Wutong's ankle, then used his arm to lift Wutong upside down and threw him out casually.

"Damn it, what kind of monster is this!" Wutong climbed up from the ground, rubbed the place where he fell and couldn't help saying.

"Ga?" The crow leader looked at Wutong who was fighting with Xiba thoughtfully.

Then he flew directly behind Wutong, where the trainer should stand.

"Ga! (Wutong! Use impact!)" The crow leader stood there, imitated Wutong's habit, and waved his hand and shouted.

Hearing the shouting behind him, Wutong's expression was complicated

He looked back and thought about the crow leader. This rebellious son seems to want to rebel.

Isn't this novel a Pokémon fanfiction? Why is there a fight between trainers!

"What? Don't you want to continue? Then I have to take action." Xiba ignored the crow leader and said to Wutong.

"Damn it, I will remember this grudge! Wait, playboy Xiaomao!" Wutong said viciously.

Then he suddenly slammed into Xiba, and Wutong used the impact!

As for why he only remembered Xiaomao, it was because Kikuko and her grandmother were good friends and couldn't remember it. The opposite Xiba couldn't beat him at all now, so it was useless to remember it.

But how could he not remember such a big grudge? Then there was only the source of everything, Playboy Xiaomao! Wait, I must make him look good at the Quartz Conference!

"The momentum is good, but it's too easy to see through." Xiba looked at Wutong who was colliding with him and turned to the side to avoid Wutong's impact.

"Gah! (Come on, Wutong! Use a roundhouse kick!)" the crow leader continued to shout.

Wutong's collision missed, and he turned around again and kicked Xiba in the back of the head. He didn't believe that attacking from behind would fail.

"How many times do you think I've been attacked from behind?" Xiba said, grabbing Wutong's ankle again and throwing him out.

"Damn it, do you have eyes behind your back?" Wutong said in pain.

"Gah! (Use a flying knee kick!)" the crow leader continued to shout.

Wutong's unyielding temper also rose up, and he climbed up directly and hit Xiba with a Thai boxing flying knee kick.

"Very deterrent, but too brainless." Xiba put his hands together and directly blocked Wutong's flying knee kick. After all, he didn't intend to hurt Wutong.

"Gah! (Use a bursting fist!)" the crow leader saw the opportunity and shouted.

Wutong subconsciously swung his fist and hit Xiba in the face.

Seeing that Wutong successfully hit Xiba under his command, the crow leader nodded with satisfaction. It seems that he is still very talented as a trainer.

"The strength is good, but it is still not enough." Xiba said calmly.

He deliberately did not move, after all, it was still a test.

Wutong immediately jumped back. He now had a bad premonition that Xiba was going to start.

"Then, it's my turn." Xiba said calmly, and then rushed directly to Wutong.

The following scene is too violent, so I won't go into details to prevent it from teaching children bad lessons.

"I can barely give you 30 points for physical fitness. Although the current battle is enough, it is far from enough to fight at a higher level. Don't worry, I will let you pass within half a month." Xiba looked at Wutong who collapsed on the ground and said slowly.

At this time, Wutong had no strength to respond to Xiba. Xiba was much more cruel than Bisquiz.

"Although you two are very focused in training, boy, your iron shell pupa seems to have fallen into the magma pool." Xia Bo suddenly said.

"What!" After hearing Xia Bo's words, Wutong jumped up immediately.

"Does this little guy still have strength left?" Xiba couldn't help but said when he saw Wutong suddenly jump up.

Wutong immediately ran to the edge of the battlefield and looked down anxiously.

I saw an iron shell pupa with black stripes on a silver background floating in the magma pool.




Crow Head and Heracross were not too worried, after all, they had seen the iron shell pupa and the platy-billed fire beast soaking in the magma before.

The fossil pterosaur was puzzled. Are the Pokémon of his trainer so wild? A bug-type Pokémon soaking in the magma pool! ?

"Xia Bo, please help me pick it up." Wutong saw that the iron shell pupa was fine for the time being and said to Xia Bo.

Although the iron-shelled pupa had been soaked in the magma pool before, it was in the state of four times weak fire after all. Even if it had been soaked in the magma pool before, there should be special reasons. Moreover, the temperature of magma is different from magma to magma. Wutong didn't know what would happen to the iron-shelled pupa if it exceeded the temperature limit.

"Although I wanted to let the duck-billed fire beast bring it up directly at first, according to my observation, your iron-shelled pupa is going to evolve. And it should be evolved because of the magma." Xia Bo said.

"Evolution!?" Wutong was a little surprised, and then looked carefully at the iron-shelled pupa in the magma.

At this time, the iron-shelled pupa looked a little painful, but it was still trying to endure. The black lines on its silver body were slowly fading, just like the impurities of metal ore with insufficient purity slowly faded in the flames.

Slowly, the iron-shelled pupa sank into the magma pool.

At this time, Wutong activated the power of Changpan and connected it to the iron-shelled pupa. While helping it to heal, he also determined its state.


Wutong could sense that the iron-shelled pupa did not want to go up, which was a necessary step for it to complete its transformation.

Wutong could only choose to believe the iron-shelled pupa at this time.

Xiba stood aside with his arms folded in front of his chest, looking at the magma pool. He was also curious about what would happen to the iron-shelled pupa.

As time went by, Wutong became more and more worried. Just when he was about to forcibly bring the iron-shelled pupa up.

A white light emanated from the magma pool.

"Roar, roar, I didn't expect that there would be two evolutions in the magma today." Xia Bo said with a smile.

A figure rushed out of the magma with white light and came to Wutong.

A Pokémon with a metallic silver body, dark red lines like magma, and needle-like arms flashing with a terrifying cold light appeared in front of Wutong.

The iron-shelled pupa successfully evolved into a giant bee.

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