The sun was shining brightly, and the sun was shining brightly.

On a sunny day, on Route 5 between Cerulean City and Golden City.

A former breeding house is located here.

In the yard behind the house, Wutong sat there massaging the fossil pterosaur, although it was a fossil Pokémon.

But the body was still soft, so it was not difficult to massage.

"Crow leader, don't bully Pidgeot!" Wutong looked at the Pokémons that were free nearby and shouted.

"Gah!!!????" Crow leader, who was pressed under Pidgeot and kept struggling, looked confused after hearing Wutong's shout.

Crow leader: Do you think I'm bullying it?

"Strange, why does this state feel so familiar?" Wutong murmured while kneading the fossil pterosaur.

"Hoo~ (Try harder, didn't you eat?)" The fossil pterosaur felt that Wutong had a split, and turned back and shouted.

"Uoohoo? You are very brave~" Wutong said and used the power of Changpan.

"Hoo~!!!" The fossil pterosaur instantly felt severe pain, and the sourness after the pain.

"Nido~? (Your beloved dragon is suffering, don't you go to rescue it?)" Nidoking, who was waiting for a massage, shouted to the giant swampert beside him.

"La Ge, La Ge La Ge~ (You think too much, it's because it's too comfortable.)" The giant swampert on the side shouted nonchalantly.

Nidoking looked back strangely and found that the fossil pterosaur that had just roared was now lying there softly, and there was no sign of stone hardness.

"Okay, next one! Do you two want to feel it too? It just so happens that today's condition is good." Wutong looked at Swampert and Nidoking and said.

"Nido Nido~!"


Nidoking and Swampert shook their heads vigorously. They didn't want to become a puddle.

"Toto, there are still too many unnecessary movements when using the Leaf Blade. Go faster." Shinji looked at Toto and said.



The Arcanine and Platypus standing in front of Toto used jet flames at the same time.

Arcanine opened its mouth and shot out a column of fire. Platypus raised an arm like a cannon barrel and also shot out a column of fire.

The two columns of fire swept across and burned all the Leaf Blades shot by Toto.

"Is it still too difficult to cut through the flames?" Shinji frowned and said.

On the other side, Heracross and Beedrill were fighting 2v2 with Bulbasaur and Gyarados.

"Hera!" Heracross raised his hands and fired a missile needle. Seeing this, Beedrill also stabbed his needle-like arms and released a wave of missile needles.

Seeing the overwhelming energy needles flying, Gyarados and Bulbasaur were both sad.

Next time, I will never play 2v2 with these two guys again. It's too bullying.

"Hey, I'm here to eat~!" Xiao Ming came to the backyard with a shout.

"You guys, just live here too, come early every day, and then go back after dinner." Wutong looked at Xiao Ming and said speechlessly.

Five days have passed since the day of challenging the Tokiwa Gym.

Wutong, Shinji and their Pokémon moved in after cleaning the breeding house.

Wutong's daily routine is to make breakfast, train in the morning, make lunch, take care of Pokémon in the afternoon, make dinner, train in the evening, make supper and then go to bed.

Wait, Xiaogang is actually me? Wutong fell into deep thought.

And Shinji's daily routine is to get up for morning exercises, clean up the dishes, train in the morning, clean up the dishes, study tactics in the afternoon, clean up the dishes, train in the evening, clean up the dishes, and then go to bed.

Apart from anything else, Shinji feels that his ability to wash dishes has improved significantly now.

Wait, is it training Pokémon or training myself? Shinji also fell into deep thought.

"Hey, what's wrong with you two?" Xiao Ming looked puzzled.

On the second day after returning home, Xiao Ming, who was making training equipment for Wutong and Shinji's Pokémon, had some details that he wanted to ask the two of them.

Remembering that Wutong said their destination was also Hualan City, it was estimated that it would not be far away.

Xiao Ming simply asked Wutong's address and came up himself.

Then I found that this place was much better than my informal gym. Not only was the venue large enough, the equipment was complete, and there were excellent opponents.

The most important thing was that the meals were provided, so Xiao Ming simply came here every day to eat. Xiao Ming also tried to fall into contemplation, but Xiao Ming failed.

"So, how do we train today?

"A ring, or a melee?" Wutong asked.

"Melee." Shinji said.

"Ring!" Xiao Ming chose another way.

"Melee can better train command and response capabilities, and the effect of the ring is obviously not as good as a melee." Shinji said.

"What you said makes sense, but the problem is that every melee will end up with two of you fighting me alone!" Xiao Ming roared.

"Eh? It's your illusion." Wutong touched his head and said.

"Anyway, I won't participate in a melee!" Xiao Ming refused very firmly.

"You are really troublesome, then the two of us will start first!" Shinji said and called his Pokémon back to his side.

Toto, Nidoking, Gyarados, Pidgeot, Windy Dog, and Marion. Six huge Pokémon stood behind Shinji with great momentum.

"What, are you trying to scare me? Come out! "Xiao Ming said unyieldingly when he saw what happened to Shinji and his Pokémon.

After a roar, Sandslash, Toucan, Rhydon, Stinger, Beedrill, and Arbok all appeared behind Xiao Ming.

With the help of Wutong, Xiao Ming's Rhydon completed the communication exchange and evolved into Rhydon.

"Compared to this, Xiao Ming's Pokémon looks much weaker." Wutong said.

"Damn, you rich people! I will never lose!" Xiao Ming roared.

"Humph, you talk too much nonsense." Shinji snorted.

"You two fight first, I'm going to cook. "Wutong saw the two people and started to say helplessly again.

Wutong came to the kitchen and cooked while thinking about when Mewtwo would come to find him.

Five days have passed, but there is still no news from Mewtwo and Gastly.

Wutong was also a little panicked.

"Forget it, what is coming will come, today I will change the taste of Swampert and make Pofen." Wutong said "self-abandoned" and took out a thick jar.

On the other side, on the new island that has become a ruin, the gifts for Mewtwo and Gastly are still being prepared.

I just don't know whether this gift will become a surprise or a shock in the end.

After three or four days of this daily routine, Wutong and the other two are ready to challenge the Tokiwa Gym again.

After locking the door of the breeding house, the three of them flew to Tokiwa City on their respective flying Pokémon.

Arrived at the Tokiwa Gym At this time, the Tokiwa Gym has been rebuilt, and Wutong can't help but sigh at the speed of the construction team in this world.

"It was built so quickly. "Xiao Ming said in amazement.

"Indeed, I was worried that we were too early." Wutong nodded and said.

Shinji was too lazy to talk nonsense and walked in directly.

This time, the two strong men guarding the door did not show up, so the three of them walked in together.

Entering the gym, it was still dark as usual. The three of them walked all the way and came to the previous battle field according to their memory.

After the three of them arrived at the battle field, the lights suddenly lit up and the entire battle field was lit up.

The two strong men who were originally guarding the door stood in front of the gate where Mewtwo appeared.

Without waiting for the three of them to speak, the gate opened directly.

A woman with short hair, OL clothes and frameless glasses walked out.

"I am Mantori, the acting gym leader of Tokiwa Gym. Are you here to challenge the gym?" Mantori adjusted his glasses and said.

Wutong was speechless. Why did they fight the secretary after beating the boss?

"Yes, we are here to challenge Tokiwa Gym." Wutong replied.

"We? In that case, who of you three will go first?" Mana asked.

Wutong and the other two looked at each other, and Wutong came out first this time.

"I was the last one last time, so I'll go first this time." He walked out and said.

"The battle rules of the Tokiwa Gym are that each person chooses three Pokémon, and they can be exchanged at will. The side that loses all combat ability first loses." The two strong men walked to the middle of the battle field and said.

"Go, Nidoqueen!" Mana was the first to call out the Pokémon.

"Nidoqueen? Go, Swampert!" Wutong raised his eyebrows after seeing Nidoqueen and chose Swampert to fight.

"It shouldn't be Sakaki's Nidoqueen, and even if it is, it shouldn't be the main force, otherwise there will be no fight." Wutong whispered to himself.

"I haven't seen a Pokémon before, Nidoqueen, brute force!" Mana commanded.

"Nido~! "A light red mist rose from Nidoqueen's body, and then he rushed towards Swampert.

"A contest of strength? Swampert! Hammer!" Wutong shouted.

"Lager~!" Swampert's muscles bulged, and he swung his powerful and heavy fist to meet Nidoqueen.

After a muffled sound, both Pokémon retreated.

. However, compared to Swampert's stability, Nidoqueen staggered a little.

"Swampert, Water Wave!" Wutong saw the right time to command Swampert to continue attacking.

"Lag~!" Swampert opened his mouth and a ring of water gushed out.

Water Wave hit Nidoqueen directly.

"Nidoqueen! Double return!" Mana continued to command.

After hearing Mana's command, Wutong raised his eyebrows. It turned out that she was a professional secretary, but her command ability was really not good. Is this what it means to have a specialty?

"Swampert, don't worry about it, continue Water Wave." Wutong commanded.

"Lag!" Swampert increased its strength and continued to use Water Wave.

"Nido~!" Nidoqueen was attacked by the continuous Water Wave and lost her combat ability.

"This acting gym owner doesn't seem to be very good, but the Pokémon is well cultivated." Xiao Ming said standing on the sidelines.

"It should be that the gym owner's Pokémon was temporarily borrowed by her, but unfortunately, she doesn't know how to command, no, she doesn't know how to fight." Shinji said coldly.

"Come back, Nidoqueen, go, Rhydon!" Managi obviously didn't hear the conversation between Xiao Ming and Shinji, and exchanged Pokémon with a frown.

Although this Nidoqueen is only the reserve Pokémon of Lord Sakaki, it doesn't make sense to be solved so easily.

"Rhydon, turn round, roll." Managi launched another attack.

Rhydon shrank directly into a ball, and then rolled and hit Swampert.

"Really, is there no novelty? Swampert, earthquake!" Wutong said helplessly.

"La Ge!" Swampert clenched its claws together and hammered them hard on the ground.

Rhydon, who turned into a ball and rolled quickly, bounced up and actually avoided the earthquake.

"Coincidence? But now it has become a target, right? Swampert, rock collapse!" Wutong commanded.

"Lag!" Swampert yelled, and threw a huge rock, hitting Rhydon in mid-air.

Rhydon was smashed down directly.

"Rhydon! Hit with your life!" Mantori decided to attack to the end and continued to command Rhydon to attack.

"Rumble~!" Rhydon adjusted his posture, white light appeared on his body, and he hit Swampert with amazing momentum.

"Swampert, hit!" Wutong didn't care at all. Swampert was least afraid of a head-on attack.

"Lag!" Swampert's muscles tightened and his limbs kicked the ground, shooting out like a cannonball.

With a bang, the two Pokémon collided with each other.

"Rhydon! Self-explode!" Mantori said coldly.

"Swampert! Hold on!" Wutong didn't expect the opponent to be so unethical, and shouted hurriedly.

A violent explosion occurred, and the venue was instantly covered by smoke.

"This woman is so scary." Xiao Ming swallowed his saliva and said.

Shinji nodded seriously. This crazy fighting style is also very powerful in a sense.

When the smoke dissipated, Rhydon lay on the ground with circular eyes and lost its fighting ability.

Next to Rhydon, Swampert also lay on his back, his eyes spinning in circles, and white smoke still coming out of his mouth.

"Is this a failure to defend?" Wutong said as he looked at Swampert, who had also lost his fighting ability.

"Wutong's luck is a bit bad." Xiaoming said standing aside.

"This may be "evil will be punished with evil." Shinji said faintly.

"Indeed." Xiaoming was stunned after hearing what Shinji said, and then nodded in agreement.

"Hey! You two, please keep me out of my sight if you say bad things about me!" Wutong shouted.

"Go, Diglett!" Manbird directly called out the next Pokémon.

"Go, Crowhead!" Wutong also directly called out the second Pokémon.

"Pink again, do you like pink? It doesn't look like a boy at all." Zhenniao couldn't help but say when she saw Wutong's second Pokémon.

"Pink is the color of a tough guy, okay! Crow Head! Tailwind! Wind up!" Wutong shouted.

"Ga~!" The airflow wrapped around Crow Head, and then Crow Head's wings vibrated, and a storm swept towards the three rats.

"Three rats! Triple attack!" Zhenniao commanded.

However, facing the extremely fast Crow Head, the three rats' triple attack couldn't hit at all.

And Zhenniao's command ability was very worrying, and the situation on the field was completely one-sided.

"Wutong, finish it quickly, this is not a battle at all." Xiao Ming urged.

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