The first time, the last time, the last time.

All Wutong's Pokémon gathered around curiously, looking at the new look of their big sister.

The Dream Demon proudly turned around among a group of Pokémon, showing off her appearance.

"Then, let's see tomorrow." Wutong said with a smile as he watched his Pokémon playing together.

The next day, at the same time, all the trainers who received the invitation took out the invitation on time.

The invitation was automatically activated, and a projection of a person wearing black armor and a cloak behind him, whose face could not be seen clearly, appeared.

The figure informed the trainers of the venue of the ceremony.

All of a sudden, a large number of trainers began to rush to their destination, and many trainers suddenly poured into the port city near the new island.

In the breeding house, Xiao Ming and Shinji stood there.

"The destination is out, let's go too." Xiao Ming put away the invitation in his hand and said.

"Well, let's go and rescue that idiot." Shinji said calmly.

In Pallet Town, at Xiaozhi's home, Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang gathered together and looked at the invitation in their hands.

"Okay! Let's go too!" Xiaozhi said excitedly.

"Pika~Pika!" Pikachu also shouted passionately.

"But I feel very strange." Xiaoxia questioned.

"It's useless, Xiaoxia, Xiaozhi can't stop it now." Xiaogang looked at Xiaozhi and Pikachu who were burning and said helplessly.

On a beach, Xiaomao, who was dressed in holiday clothes and wearing sunglasses, put away the invitation.

"It's really interesting. Okay, my dear girls, let's go. No matter what competition it is, the first place must belong to my uncle Xiaomao!" Xiaomao said confidently.

"Xiao Mao Xiao Mao is the best! Xiao Mao Xiao Mao will win!" ×6 The six girls shouted slogans in coordination and followed Xiao Mao to the new island.

In the castle hall of the new island, Wutong has changed into a black armor and sat on the throne in the center of the hall.

He played with a black half-face mask in his hand. Mewtwo and Dream Demon stood on both sides of Wutong, waiting for the trainers to arrive.

"Although you look handsome now, those trainers will not arrive until a day later at the earliest. Don't forget that they not only have to rush to the port city of the new island, but also have to pass the storm." Gastly said with a complicated expression.

"Ahem, sorry, I'm too into the role. Isn't it time to try it on first to see if the clothes fit?" Wutong said, touching his head.

This black armor is much lighter than expected. It seems that it is not made of ordinary metal.

Then what needs to be done next is to wait.

In the port city of the new island, Miss Junsha and Miss Joy are maintaining law and order together.

Since yesterday, there has been a sudden violent storm, and today a group of Pokémon trainers have entered the city.

These Pokémon trainers have to go to the new island at this time, and now Miss Junsha and Miss Joey are really a little anxious.

"There are more people than expected." Xiao Ming said as he looked at the crowd in the port hall.

"With so many people, the playboy who likes to show off must be here too." Shinji said as he looked at the bustling crowd.

As soon as Shinji finished speaking, a car horn sounded.

The crowd unconsciously made way for a road, and a red convertible sports car drove in.

There were six beautiful girls with different styles in the car, and a snotty boy wearing sunglasses enjoyed the attention of the audience and drove the car slowly.

"How did this guy drive the car in?" Xiao Ming looked puzzled.

"Humph, playboy." Shinji snorted coldly.

"Xiao Mao! Come to fight with me!" An untimely voice appeared.

Xiaozhi appeared in front of the convertible sports car, blocking Xiaomao's way forward and said.

"This guy is really a jerk!" Xiaoxia chased after him with Togepi in her arms.

"Every time I see Xiaomao, I feel so envious." Xiaogang looked at the six beautiful girls with different styles in Xiaomao's car, and tears kept flowing into his heart.

"Isn't this the last one in Pallet Town? But it's a pity that I don't have time to play with you now." Xiaomao jumped out of the car and waved his hand.

"What!" Xiaozhi shouted angrily with his fists clenched.

"Pika!" Pikachu also shouted to defend Xiaozhi.

"This storm suddenly appeared yesterday, but this city has never had a storm since it was built.

"I have never seen a storm of this magnitude before, so it is obvious that this storm is not naturally formed, then the answer is very simple, this is a test!" Xiao Mao said confidently.

"What!? Test?" Xiao Zhi said in surprise.

"It seems that this game is more interesting than I thought. My girls, it is not a gentleman's behavior to put girls in danger, so you can cheer for me here." Xiao Mao flicked his hair and said to the six girls.

"Come on, Xiao Mao! Xiao Mao Xiao Mao is the best!" ×6

"He is indeed a playboy, but it is also a bit enviable." Xiao Ming looked at Xiao Mao and his cheerleaders and said.

"Boring, let's go too." Shinji said and walked towards the port.

"Are you going to Xindao in the storm?" Xiao Ming followed and said.

"Although that playboy likes to show off, he won't say anything nonsense. This storm is likely to be a test." Shinji said calmly.

"Really? But my Toucan is not around, it seems that I can only rely on the Stinging Jellyfish. "Xiao Ming said to himself.

"Pidgeot, get ready!" Shinji did not choose to go by water, and directly called out Pidgeot.

"Pidgeot~!" As soon as Pidgeot came out, he began to look for the figure of Crow Head, but it was a pity that he didn't see it.

"Pidgeot, fly above the dark clouds!" Shinji turned over and rode on Pidgeot and said to me.

"Pidgeot~!" Pidgeot called out, and with a flap of his wings, he rushed straight up with Shinji and rushed into the dark clouds.

"Tsk, you are so calm when you speak, but you are still anxious when you act. Stinging Jellyfish, let's go too, we finally met a good boss. "Xiao Ming called out the stinging jellyfish and jumped onto it and said.

In the hall, with Xiao Mao's words, all the Pokémon trainers present couldn't help it, and ran out to hand over their Pokémon and go to the new island in their own way.

"You, stop now! If you don't stop, I will arrest you!" Miss Junsha and Miss Joey chased out.

"Please arrest me, I am willing to be trapped in the cage of your love forever." Xiaogang came out of nowhere and grabbed Miss Junsha's hand and said.

"Okay, okay, we have to go too." Xiaoxia grabbed Xiaogang's ear and dragged him away.

"What's going on here?" Xiaogang came and went quickly, and Miss Junsha didn't react for a while.

"Forget it, they are all Pokémon trainers and adventurers, we can't stop them. "Miss Joy said.

Wutong sat on the throne and waited boredly.

The evolved Dream Demon felt that he was good enough and used hypnosis on Mewtwo.

Mewtwo was hypnotized.

Dream Demon got carried away and used "Provocation"

Mewtwo woke up and used telekinesis

Dream Demon typed gg

Wutong looked at Dream Demon and his eyes twitched. What's going on? Although Dream Demon liked to play pranks before it evolved, it would not commit suicide.

Who influenced it?

Wutong thought for a moment and decided to let Dream Demon play less with Crow Head in the future. (Crow Head:???)

On the other side, Gastly started to receive guests and waited for the arrival of Pokémon trainers.

After an unknown amount of time, the first "guest" arrived.

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