After the game, Wutong returned to the waiting room of the players in the Quartz Stadium.

"Boss, you are really merciless~" Xiao Ming teased when he saw Wutong coming back.

Xiao Ming and Shinji hadn't started the game yet, so they saw Wutong's battle in its entirety.

Although they were all battles in the water venue, the order of the three was different.

"This is a competition, and besides, it can only be said that the opponent was unlucky." Wutong said indifferently.

"I thought you could reveal something, but I didn't expect you to be so lucky." Shinji looked at Wutong and said.

"Tsk, luck is also part of strength~" Wutong said indifferently.

After all, the Quartz Conference has just started, and Wutong has always felt that the first four games in different venues are for a screening.

Of course, a Pokémon trainer must be able to deal with battles in various environments.

The four attribute venues at the beginning are a threshold. If you can't even pass these four levels, what kind of trainer is it (wrong)!

After all, those gym leaders who specialize in one system, kings, champions, etc., do you really think that they will have no way out when they encounter opponents who restrain their own attributes?

Believe it or not, you can transform into a master of reverse attributes in a minute.

After the three chatted for a while, it was Shinji and Xiaoming's turn.

There was no surprise. Shinji and Xiaoming also successfully passed the first battle.

"You can't make it to the end just by luck." Xiaomao said to Wutong while drinking coffee in the restaurant of the players' village.

"What's wrong with this person? Do you know him? Did you sit in the wrong seat?" Wutong said to Shinji and Xiaoming.

"I haven't seen him, but he looks like a narcissistic playboy." Shinji said mercilessly.

"It looks like he was abandoned by his girlfriend and came to seek comfort." Xiaoming said after taking a sip of coffee, imitating Xiaomao's appearance.

"That's enough for the three of you!" Xiao Mao choked on his coffee.

"So where are your girlfriends?" Wu Tong asked.

"They went shopping." Xiao Mao apologized with a complicated look.

"By the way, did you watch Xiao Zhi's first battle?" Wu Tong asked.

"I did, but that last-place battle is really not worth referring to." Xiao Mao said, thinking of Xiao Zhi's three-in-a-row giant crab.

Shinji also thought of Xiao Zhi. For some reason, he always felt that Xiao Zhi and him were at odds.

"Hahaha, Xiao Zhi does always do something unexpected." Xiao Ming said with a smile.

The four of them spent the night together.

The next morning, Wu Tong stood on the field of the Quartz Stadium again.

But this time the battle field was not a pool, but a field covered with solid ice and many ice cubes.

"The third battle of the Ice Arena is about to begin! The two sides are Wutong from Viridian City and Atu from Yuhong City." The host said.

"Swampert, go ahead, I leave it to you!" Wutong called out Swampert without hesitation.

"Lagu~!" Swampert, who appeared, shouted and began to show his muscles.

"Is it really this Pokémon? Go, Venusaur!" Opposite Wutong, a boy in a casual suit sent out his Pokémon.

"There is no advantage in attributes, Swampert, Rock Slide!" Wutong commanded.

"Lagu~!" Swampert raised his arms and a huge rock appeared.

"Venusaur, Leaf Blade!" Atu chose to confront head-on.

Venusaur swung the two leaves on its body, and waves of rotating leaves shot at Swampert.

Swampert's arms bulged with muscles, and he suddenly exerted force and threw the boulders out.

The boulder hit Venusaur with the flying rotating leaves.

"Venusflower, get out of the way!" Atu shouted when he saw that the Flying Leaf Knife failed to cut the boulder.

Venusflower twisted its body and jumped to the side, but its speed was average, and it barely avoided the rockfall.

"Swampert, charge! Arm hammer!" Wutong continued to command.

"Venusflower! Vine whip!" Atu wanted to stop Swampert from approaching, so he commanded.

Venusflower stretched out vine whips on both sides of its body and tied them directly to Swampert.

Swampert had no intention of dodging at all, and its arms flashed with light in front of it.

Venusflower directly controlled the vine whip to entangle Swampert's two arms and tried to lift it up.

"Too naive, Swampert! Let it see what power is!" Wutong said.

Swampert directly grabbed the vine whip with his backhand, and then

Then he started to use force.

At first, Atu thought that the entangled Swampert should be thrown away.

As a result, he found that the scene on the field was not quite what he imagined.

Swampert waved his arms, and Venusaur was thrown up directly.

"Venusaur! Leaf Blade!" Atu wanted to break the situation.

However, Venusaur, which had been thrown out of the afterimage, had no energy to use skills and could only be slaughtered.

Atu saw that his Pokémon did not react and knew that things were not good, so he wanted to take Venusaur back.

As a result, the Venusaur that was thrown around could not be locked at all, and Atu had no way to take it back to the Poké Ball.

As Swampert swung faster and faster, Venusaur spun in circles at high speed.

Then Swampert seemed to be tired of it and smashed it down with force.

With a bang, ice chips flew, Venusaur directly smashed a piece of ice, and its eyes turned into circles and it was paralyzed there, losing its ability to fight.

"What a terrible strange power, Atu's Venusaur can be said to have pitted himself." The host was amazed.

The first battle at the Wutong Ice Field was easily won.

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