Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 17. Who Doesn't Want To Own A Pancham? (25 Ask For A Flower Evaluation Ticket!)

At this time, the general manager had just entered the trading market, and the employees rushed over and said:

"General Manager, you are here."

"What's the situation?! Why are such people here? What are they going to do?"

"They didn't mean anything, but they said they wanted to buy Pancham."

"Unhatched Pokémon eggs or hatched Pokémon will work!"

Pancham? Why snap up Pancham?

The general manager was puzzled.

And some trainers have recognized the general manager's appearance, and immediately rushed to the front of the general manager.

"General manager, quickly sell me the Pancham in your market!"

"I want me too! Pokémon eggs or Pokémon will do!"

"I've been looking all over! I haven't found it yet, do you still have any warehouses!"


When you said something to me, the general manager was completely stunned and asked quickly:

"Everyone, be quiet, be quiet."

"I'll ask the staff to search our database later."

"Look how many Panchams are left."

"Don't worry everyone, we can't do business in such a mess."

"Also, with so many of you, our stock is definitely not enough."

"Why is everyone suddenly snapping up Pancham, an ordinary Pokémon?"

When the general manager asked questions, he found that all the trainers were throwing a look at him.

That is, look at the eyes of a fool.

"No, General Manager, did you go to bed too early last night?"

"Uh... I drank a little wine last night, and I did go to bed early."

"Then you can take out your mobile phone and take a look at the scarf, Douyin, and even the news."


"You see it right..."

The general manager took out his mobile phone in confusion and clicked on the scarf.

Immediately, the trainer named ROY.

And the battle scene of that terrifying Pancham.

That fighting-type skill that has never appeared in this world.

That terrifying one-wearing three-strength.

The general manager was already dumbfounded.

He is also a trainer for several years, and he is still at the level of ordinary 2 stars.

"Now you know why."

"Hurry up and see how many more are there."

"The big deal is the auction, the one with the highest price wins."

"That's right, don't waste everyone's time."

At this time, the general manager reacted from the shock and said to the employees:

"Give me one too."

Staff:? ? ? ?

Trainers: ? ? ? ? ?


Not only Aoki City, but every city in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

Everyone is rushing to buy Pancham, which is not a lot.

Pancham's Pokémon eggs, or the Pokémon themselves.

Prices skyrocketed.

It is close to the price of super power and even some dragon-type Pokémon.

Everyone is looking forward to being like the national hero last night.

Develop that terrifying mysterious Fighting skill.

Become the man who can wear three in a row for 20 consecutive games!

Even more exaggerated, it was only in the afternoon.

Many Panchams with bandages on their hands appear on the streets of every city in the Dragon Kingdom.

Most trainers think so.

Just bandage your Pancham.

Let them watch the video of last night's ROY game over and over again and start training.

In the near future, my own Pancham will also realize these new skills.

Pancham of the Dragon Kingdom: ? ? ? ?

more than this.....

A small island in the south of the Dragon Kingdom.

A certain Fighting Elite trainer.

Slowly wrap a bandage on your newly purchased Pancham.

"Ah ooh? Ah ooh?"

"Pancham, starting today, I will train you strictly!"


"Come on, watch this video first and feel it."



At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Huai, who had been tired all day yesterday, woke up slowly.

Pancham, who was beside him, was sleeping all over the place.

Yesterday's Soaring in the sky Stadium battle also made his spirits very tired.

Jiang Huai didn't wake it up either, let this little guy sleep longer.

Just pick up your phone and want to read the news or something.

Jiang Huai was taken aback when he just turned on the screen.

99+ credits!

38 missed calls!

58 text messages! !

"What the hell? I'm bombarded with spam?"

"I have an anti-bombing app in my phone!"

Jiang Huai unlocked it in confusion and opened his own Weixin.

Dozens of classmates sent him messages.

Good relationship, bad relationship.

Even only added a Weixin but did not speak.

"Jiang Huai, I remember the day you claimed Earl Dervish Pokémon, you got a Pancham right!"

"Old Jiang, how is your Pancham training?"

"Student Jiang Huai, how many skills does your Pancham have now?"

"Brother, big brother, good big brother, I want to exchange Pokémon with you, see if you can..."

"Brother Jiang, I'm XXX, I came up with 20W Huaxia coins to buy your Pancham."


In the class at this time, there are also a lot of Aite Jiang Huai.

The same is also about the training situation of Pancham of Jiang Huai.

Jiang Huai, who just woke up, saw so much information bombardment, and sent a sentence in the group:

Jiang Huai: What the hell? Why is everyone asking about my Pancham?

Seeing Jiang Huai replying the message, the news of the class group came in an instant.

Zhao XX: Your kid has found a treasure, so you can have fun!

Wang X: Did you go to bed early last night? You don't even know what happened.

Li XX: Brother, don't you know the name of the god ROY?

Qian XX: Jiang Huai, your Pancham is also 7 or 8 days old. Have you learned any new skills?

Looking at the news in the group, Jiang Huai reacted.

So Jiang Huai opened the scarf.

Sure enough, the hot search, as well as the popular news section.

It's all about the famous scene where he wore three in a row for 20 consecutive games yesterday.

The search volume for the ID "ROY" has reached the boiling Contest Condition.

At the same time, Jiang Huai also saw that now the entire Dragon Kingdom, and even the whole world, is vying to buy Pancham.

On the scarf, you can also see many pictures of Pancham with bandages on his hands and his own Trainer.

Some time ago the Winter Olympics, a mascot doll.

The cute shape makes people love it.

At that time, the hot search for scarves was still, who didn't want to own a Bing Dun Dun.

Today, it has become:

Who doesn't want to own a Pancham?

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