Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 26. In The Morning, What Are You Doing Without Eating? (15 Ask For Flower Evaluation Ticket)

Ten minutes later, Jiang Huai and Pancham had just finished dinner.

Jiang Huai asked Pancham to have a good rest tonight, so that the exhaustion after a day of fighting would disappear.

Then take out the blue Pokémon egg and wipe it gently with a clean cloth.

I can find time in the past few days to identify what Pokémon this is.

After wiping, Jiang Huai placed the Pokémon eggs.

Came to the comic stack to see what happened to Ralts.

Looking at the Contest Condition where Ralts was still training in the comic world, Jiang Huai sat quietly and waited.

After a few minutes, the red horn light on Ralts' head dissipated.

And Ralts also closed that "Pirate. Boyahan Cook Biography".

"Oh, you're done, Ralts."

Jiang Huai laughed.


Ralts, who had been in the comics world for months, is now back in the real world.

Seeing Jiang Huai, whom he had missed for a long time, he suddenly rushed up and hugged Jiang Huai tightly.

"Lalu... Lalu..."

Ralts kept rubbing his head against Jiang Huai's chest, expressing his thoughts.

Jiang Huai believes this is Ralts' way of expressing intimacy with himself.

He smiled and patted Ralts' head, and said:

"Did you just enter the world of comics to practice? How is your practice?"

"Lalu... Lalu..."

Ralts nodded, indicating that he had indeed entered the world of comics.

"Hey, that's not right..."

Jiang Huai was a little puzzled.

Because I just looked at the data of Ralts:

【Ralts (Psychic, Fairy)】

[Strength: LV12 (novice)]

[Ability: Copy (Copy Rival's Ability, become the same Ability)]

[Character: Timid (+ Agility, - Physical Attack)]

[Skills: Disarming Voice, Growl, Double Team, Confusion, Hypnosis. Draining Kiss】

[Potential: Quasi-Elite]

There is no change in level.

Didn't learn any skills.

It's not like when Pancham entered the world of comics, he learned eight Dunjia and gained a lot of experience points.

The system also gave itself the skill of data exploration.

But Ralts, who just returned from the comic world, didn't get anything.

Could it be that this "Pirate. Boyahan Cook Biography" is still not suitable for Ralts?

But Jiang Huai didn't care too much.

After all, there are so many types of Pokémon in the Pokémon world.

Does every Pokémon fit one comic?

It still depends on fate.

Maybe I will create other series of comics in the future, and I will be able to adapt to Ralts.

The upper limit of the talent of the little guy is so high, even without the enhancement of the system comic world.

Jiang Huai is just as confident in training Ralts as a powerful Pokémon.

Then Jiang Huai touched Ralts' head and said:

"You, who just returned to reality, have worked hard too. Rest early."

After talking, Jiang Huai took out the Poké Ball and wanted to put Ralts back in the Poké Ball to rest.

Unexpectedly, Ralts resisted returning to the Poké Ball.

Instead, he clings to Jiang Huai.

"Hahaha, well, I can't help you."

Jiang Huai couldn't help laughing, then let Ralts hang on his body and returned to his room.

At this time, Pancham was already sleeping soundly on Jiang Huai's bed, looking very naive.

Pancham happened to be sleeping in the middle of the bed, Jiang Huai put Ralts beside Pancham.

He himself slept on the other side of Pancham.

But Jiang Huai, who just lay down, didn't expect that Ralts would get angry.

"Lalu! Lalu!"

He seemed to be venting his dissatisfaction.

"What's wrong? Ralts, didn't they put you back in the Poké Ball?"

Jiang Huai asked in confusion.

I saw that the red horn on Ralts' head suddenly glowed, and a burst of energy instantly enveloped Pancham's body.


Jiang Huai was surprised, what is Ralts doing?

Pancham, who was asleep, had no idea that his body had been moved by Ralts to his position just now.

And now the center can be next to Jiang Huai, occupied by Ralts.

Then Ralts hugged Jiang Huai's arm, rubbed it affectionately, and closed his eyes.

"This little guy, I'm embarrassed to do it for me."

Jiang Huai laughed.

Then Jiang Huai and his two Pokémon fell asleep.

noon the next day.

The exhaustion of the day yesterday made Jiang Huai and Pancham sleep surprisingly well.

"Ding dong, ding dong..."

In a daze, Jiang Huai heard a crisp sound from outside the room.

Like the sound of pots and pans.

"There will be no burglars in the house!"

Confused Jiang Huai in Contest Condition reacted and jumped up from the bed instantly.

He rushed out of the room and headed for the kitchen.

Unexpectedly, it was Ralts who had woken up who made these sounds.

At this time, I saw Ralts using Confusion, cleaning the tableware that Jiang Huai didn't have time to clean up last night.

After a while, the dishes were cleaned.


Jiang Huai was surprised.

Ralts, who just came out of the uncharted forest yesterday, will be doing housework today?

Could it be after entering the world of pirate comics yesterday.

Didn't learn any skills, didn't get any experience.

Instead, he cultivated the ability to do housework?

Jiang Huai shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly at this time, this cute little guy didn't learn what he should learn most.

Instead, learn how to do housework?

But think about it, there will be Ralts to do housework in the future.

Wouldn't it be more relaxing.

Seeing Jiang Huai waking up, Ralts used Confusion to organize the tableware.

He rushed over excitedly and hugged Jiang Huai.

"Lalu... Lalu..."

It seems to be telling Jiang Huai, Master, you are awake.

See if I'm doing a great job.

Jiang Huai smiled and patted Ralts' head, and said:

"Ralts, I didn't expect you to learn the important skill of doing housework."

"The host is very pleased! You are great."

His own Pokémon, of course, must be spoiled, although Ralts did not learn any combat skills and improve experience.

But Jiang Huai still gave Ralts encouragement.

"Lalu!! Lalu!!!"

Ralts, who was encouraged by Jiang Huai, was very excited and jumped out of Jiang Huai's arms.

Started using Confusion again, controlling the broom and sweeping the floors of the house.

It seems to say:

"The concubine is very happy to be recognized by the master..."

Not only that, when Jiang Huai wanted to prepare lunch.

Ralts actually stuck to Jiang Huai and pointed to himself, indicating that he could help Jiang Huai.

With the help of Ralts Confusion, Jiang Huai handled all the ingredients quickly.

When cooking, Ralts also uses Confusion to precisely control the heat.

Make the cooked dishes more delicious.

Jiang Huai laughed:

"Ralts, your Confusion is for battle!"

But Ralts, who heard the word "fight", showed great resistance.

Shaking his head frantically, he buried his head in Jiang Huai's arms.

"This little guy, how can he be so scared when he hears the word "fight"..."

Jiang Huai thought, but didn't say it.

Pancham, who woke up at this time, called Yawn and slowly walked out of the room.

The smell of lunch draws it to the kitchen.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, he saw Jiang Huai holding Ralts in his arms.

The round head tilted to the left.

His brows furrowed slightly.

The bamboo leaves in his mouth trembled slightly.


(What are these two doing in the morning without eating?)

Then Pancham saw that there was already prepared lunch on the table, kicked his legs and started cooking.

What happened, what scene.

Don't delay cooking.

The dry man, the dry soul.

No energy if you don't eat.

If you don't have the energy, you can't train.

If you don't train, how will your youth burn?

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