Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 369. What are you doing?? Violent therapy??

I saw the drum of the tree stump before the body of the Bang Lei King Kong orangutan.

After condensing energy, it blasts out a venom at Pangoro, who has opened the eight doors.

It was hitting Pangoro.

Pangoro has no means of defense.

Immediately entered the Toxic Contest Condition.

At this time, a thick, dark purple poisonous mist began to appear on Pangoro's lustrous green body.

Starts to eat away Pangoro's HP.

Pangoro's breathing started to get short.

A sharp pain started to appear all over the body.

Pangoro couldn't help crying out:


(Wow little monkey, you really don't hold back!!)

Booming King Kong said helplessly:


(Brother Panda, I just gently touched you with venom!!)

After a long minute when Pangoro carried Toxic in pain.

Jiang Huai suddenly ordered:

"Booming King Kong Gorilla, try if "Nine Six Three" can use your ability to remove the Toxic on Pangoro.

The King Kong Gorilla heard Jiang Huai's instructions.

First stunned.

Entering the Toxic Contest Condition can control its own powerful venom though.

Let Rival enter the Toxic Contest Condition.

But he has never tried to help other Pokémon remove the Toxic he had placed.


is it okay?

At this point Pangoro's expression became more and more painful.

Bang Lei King Kong gorilla gritted his teeth.

Try to stimulate the venom around you.

Roll up towards Pangoro in a covering manner.

In an instant, the body of the King Kong orangutan covered with venom seemed like a fluid Normal.

Wrap Pangoro's entire body.

At the same time, the King Kong gorilla began to try to stimulate the energy.

Control toxins in Pangoro's body.

After a few tries.

Booming King Kong gorilla found.

I really seem to be able to control the toxins in Pangoro's body.

Immediately activate the energy.

Successfully lifted the Toxic Contest Condition of Pangoro.


Pangoro let out a rescued gasp.

It seemed that he was glad that he seemed to be alive again.


Booming King Kong Gorilla was also overjoyed at this time.

Unexpectedly, the self under the Venom Contest Condition also has the ability to control the toxins in Pokémon.

see this result.

Jiang Huai also clapped his hands excitedly.


The Toxic Contest Condition of the King Kong Gorilla was learned from Magellan, the pirate king.

Since it can use poison.

It's definitely controllable.

His conjecture turned out to be correct.

At this moment Jiang Huai walked to Pangoro's side.

Immediately take out the advanced recovery medicine and energy block to restore Pangoro.

And patted Pangoro on the shoulder and said:

"Thank you, Pangoro.""

"You really did me a big favor."5


Seeing Jiang Huai caring about himself.

Pangoro scratched his head in embarrassment.


(Why is the host so polite~)


(should should be~)

Jiang Huai turned his head with a smile and said:

"Booming King Kong, well done!

Booming King Kong gorilla was praised, and he was also very happy beating his stump drum:

"Guri!! 99

(I'm really happy to get a compliment from the owner for no reason!!)

"Guri!! 35

(Sorry, Brother Panda!!)

At this time, Gardevoir, who was still using Confusion, said angrily:

"Shanai!!! 99

(little monkey!!!)


(Don't lift your venom Contest Condition!!! Look at your dripping venom!!)


(Sister, my Confusion is almost exhausted!!)

At this moment, Jiang Huai had a wicked smile on his face.

To the remaining Pokémon:

"Now I'm going out and buying some poison sprays for Pokémon capture.

"Who will be the next lucky one later and try the poison.

"Then let the King Kong gorilla detoxify you. 35

"You have to believe in the strength of the King Kong Ape!"5

The Pokémon were shocked.




Onion Ranger:?!!

The next morning.

Alyssa got up early.

After a wash.

Place several Poké Balls on the ball holder around your waist.

Today is another set date for the treatment of Gengar and Dusknoir.

Yesterday my Gengar got sick again.

First, they rushed into the Twisting Moon City in chaos, and were chased and blocked by the guards.

He even shot and injured several Pokémon of the escort team.

Luckily my Decidueye arrived just in time.

Use your own ghost ball to close it back.

The original treatment cost was sky-high.

Another big wave of fines was paid last night.

Alicia's face was dignified at this time, and it was very painful.

When Alyssa is ready to open the gate of the gym and want to go to the hospital.

I found that there was already a handsome and tall oriental boy standing at the gate..0

It was Jiang Huai.

Alyssa wondered:

"Why are you here again??"

"I told you all, I will not participate in your actions!!

"I have no money!!!"

"I don't have time to talk to you, it's time, it's time..."

Before Eliza could finish speaking, Jiang Huai was the first to interrupt:

"Master Alyssa. Luo

"I may be able to detoxify your Gengar and Dusknoir from the toxins."5

"Can you let me try it first?"

"If I can't solve it, I won't bother you in the future."

Alicia was slightly surprised:

"How did you know??"

"That old guy Pete told you??"

Jiang Huai laughed:

"You don't have to worry about that.

"Let me try, okay?

Alisha glared at Jiang Huai angrily:

“The Pokémon Hospital in our beautiful country has such a cutting-edge medical level. 99

"None of them cured my Gengar and Dusknoir symptoms."

"I know your Pokémon can fight, and have many skills that don't exist in this world. 99

"But I don't believe you when you say you can heal Pokémon.

"Children, don't waste adults' time.

Jiang Huai's expression became firm and serious at this time, and said:

"If I try and fail."

"The cost of your future treatment will be paid by me.

Alicia was taken aback by the aura suddenly displayed by the young man in front of her.

With a sigh he said:

"Oh, let's do it, let's do it."

"Don't be too serious.

"I'll let you try it.


Then the two entered the treatment room of the gymnasium.

Alyssa frees Gengar and Dusknoir.

The two Pokémon's health Contest Condition is still normal at this time.

But Jiang Huai could see it.

Dusknoir's movements were slow, his breathing was weak, and he looked very painful.

Compared to yesterday's vibrant Gengar.

At the moment, he is in a taciturn and tired Contest Condition.

This is what Gengar normally looks like when he doesn't get sick.

Alisha looked at Jiang Huai and said:

"What are you going to do with my Pokémon??

Jiang Huai didn't answer Alisha.

Instead, take a Poké Ball from your waist.

Unleash your own pounding gorilla.

Alyssa was slightly taken aback and asked:


"You're going to fight? Violent therapy??

Jiang Huai laughed:

"Let me try."

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