Pokemon: Something's Not Right With My Pokemon

Chapter 81. This is the strength of the Dragon Country's top gym! (Subscribe!)

"Ah, little Jiang, hello."

At this moment, Su Zhanfei nodded at Jiang Huai and said.

Su Zhanfei, who was relieved of his old father's heart, suddenly reacted at this time.

Qingqing just said.

This freshman is also in the special training class?

The World Pokémon University Championships, which all universities in the Dragon Country take seriously, are held every ten years.

Pokémon University, one of the top universities in the Dragon Kingdom, selects the school's top talents to form a special training class every time, and then conducts internal selection.

Only the eight people who stand out can represent the university again in the domestic selection.

In the magic capital Pokémon University, where geniuses gather, every time the students who enter the special training class are senior students who have been in the university for three years and four years.

Just like Qingqing.

And this Jiang Huai, who just entered the school, can be selected into the special training class?

This means that he has not experienced studying and training in top Pokémon universities.

The strength is far beyond those of the senior students.

What's so special about this handsome young man?

Su Zhanfei couldn't help but be curious.

At this time, Su Muqing said:

"Dad, can you release your Pokémon.

"Demonstrate the MEGA evolution of Dragon Pokémon to Dratini of Jiang Huai, and show the strength of MEGA after evolution. 35

"Dratini may really inspire his training and fighting spirit after seeing such a powerful strength in his 20s!

"If it doesn't work....just let Jiang Huai foster it here, and let your father train it yourself!"

"Just use your most brutal training method..."

After hearing this, Su Zhanfei readily agreed and said:

"no problem."

In the world of Pokémon.

Every Pokémon of varying strength has a fighting instinct within it.

Most Pokémons see a stronger Pokémon in front of them.

Normal will stimulate the fighting spirit in oneself to become stronger.

Pokémon are not like humans.

There are status, wealth, and power to divide a person's worth.

What Pokémon has is only its own strength as its own value.

Of course there are very rare exceptions.

for example.


This method was exactly what Su Zhanfei taught Su Muqing.

After Su Muqing just got her Earl Dervish Pokémon, Su Zhanfei gave her the most potential Gible in the gym at that time.

Later, the Pokémon that Su Muqing conquered followed the powerful Gible as an example.

Su Muqing's own training talent, and Breeder's own Pokémon that uses the training methods taught by her father.

Created the strength of the first genius of Pokémon University in the magic capital of Su Muqing today.

Seeing Su Zhanfei's very straightforward answer, Jiang Huai said:

"Trouble Uncle Su."

Looking at the humble and polite Jiang Huai, Su Zhanfei's affection for Jiang Huai also skyrocketed:

"Small meaning, come with me. 99

Then Su Zhanfei brought Su Muqing and Jiang Huai to the battlefield in the gym.

Because MEGA evolution can only be shown during the battle.

Su Zhanfei called Uncle Li, who was in charge of reception in the hall just now, as a sparring partner.

At this time, Su Zhanfei said:

"Little Jiang, let go of all your Pokémon and let's see together.""

"Maybe there is an opportunity to use this to inspire their determination to become stronger.

Jiang Huai nodded and said:

"Okay, Uncle Su."

Then he took out the four Poké Balls from his waist and released all his Pokémon.

"Come out.

"Pangoro, Gardevoir, Marowak, Dratini."

Four Pokémons of different sizes and shapes of Jiang Huai were released.





Elite-level trainer Su Zhanfei, who knows every Pokémon evolution level well.

When I saw Jiang Huai's Pokémon, my eyes flashed.

A freshman who just entered college.

You can have Pangoro at level 32 and above.

Gardevoir level 30+, Marowak level 28+.

There is also a newly born dragon-type Pokémon Dratini.

Except for Dratini, whichever is his Earl Dervish Pokémon.

His Breeder strength and training talent are really strong.

And Uncle Li was even more surprised.

At present, Pangoro, which is very popular in Longguo, has a high price.

The extremely rare Gardevoir is a sky-high Pokémon.

There is also a dragon-type Dratini that is also very valuable.


Well, it's ok.

Is this boy also a rich second-generation young master from a wealthy family like Miss Normal?

Uncle Li released his Pokémon after a brief shock.

A boar-shaped Pokémon with long, thick body hair, a red nose, and two tusks with eyes covered in body hair appears on the field.

Jiang Huai immediately recognized that this was the Ice and Ground dual-series Pokémon, Piloswine.

When Jiang Huai read the Piloswine data, he was even more surprised:

【Piloswine (ice, Ground)】

[Strength: LV58 (Hall Master)]

[Ability: Snow Hidden (In Hail weather, the evasion rate will increase)]

[Character: Lotte (+ Physical Defense, - Special Defense)]

[Skills: Ice Fang, Ancient Power, Flail, Mud Slap, Tackle, Poweder Snow, Ice Shard, Mist, Endure, Icy Wind, Amnesia, Take Down, Earthquake, Blizzard. 】

[Potential: Quasi Elite]

An old employee who was in charge of reception in the lobby.

The strength is so strong???

Is this the equipment of the top gymnasium in the Dragon Kingdom?

If it's your own Pangoro, challenge Piloswine, who only increases physical defense, with the Contest Condition.

Even if Pangoro wins in the end, it is estimated that it will take a long time to fight.

In the 7-minute time limit with all four doors open, it is estimated that after fighting with Piloswine, Pangoro almost entered the exhaustion Contest Condition.

"Little Jiang, take a good look. 837"

At this time, Su Zhanfei released his own Pokémon.

A dragon-shaped Pokémon with two Contest blood-red wings and a long tail appears.

Its body is dark blue in color, the inside of its head, neck, limbs, and tail are blood red, and its lower jaw and abdomen are covered by three shells, which are similar in shape and color to Shelgon's shell.

There are two blood-red bumps above the eyes, and three small triangular wings on each side of the head.

Seeing this Pokémon, even Jiang Huai couldn't help being a little shocked.

This is Salamence!

A quasi-god with Species Strength up to 600!

【Salamence(Dragon, Flying)】

[Strength: LV78 (Elite)]

[Ability: Intimidate (intimidate Rival when it comes out, make it retreat, reduce Rival's attack)]

[Character: Stubborn (+ Physical Attack, - Special Attack)]

[Skills: Fly, Protect, Dragon Tail, Ember, Leer, Bite, Dragon Breath, Headbutt, Scary Face, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Mind Headbutt, Focus Energy, Flamethrower, Outrage, Double Edge. Hyper Beam, Rock Tomb, Giga Impact. 】

[Potential: Champion]

Salamence of level 78 strength!

Three skills learned using extremely expensive skill-learning machines also emerged:

Hyper Beam, Rock Tomb, Giga Impact.

All are powerful physical attack skills.

Salamence, who was released and flew into the air, roared, and the entire venue seemed to tremble.

This is the strength of an Elite-level trainer!

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