The next day, there are two rounds of competition. The rules are the same as before, but everyone needs to draw a new number plate.

"I'm No. 127," said Kurokawa.

"I'm No. 7," said Qingshui Kui.

"I'm still No. 66," said Ning Hao.

"I'm No. 14," said Nancy.

"Fortunately, we didn't meet each other." Kurokawa was relieved after hearing everyone's numbers.

Qingshui Kui and Nancy's game was in the first half, while Kurokawa and Ning Hao's game was in the second half.

The opponent Qingshui Kui met was a trainer specializing in ground attributes. Qingshui Kui easily won with the advantage of water attributes.

As for Nancy, she lost because she met a trainer who specialized in bug attributes. However, compared with Kurokawa, Aoi and Ning Hao, Nancy has not been a trainer for long.


In the second half of the game, Ning Hao and Kurokawa both met trainers from Yuju City in the Johto region.

Unfortunately, this trainer from Yuju City was a trainer who specialized in ghost attributes and was easily taken away by Absol, which made the audience boil.

"This player's Absol is too strong. He has won two rounds of the game without any injury."

"Let's capture an Absol when the time comes."

The audience in the audience started to discuss, and the children who came to watch also wanted to have an Absol as their initial Pokémon, which once caused the Quartz Alliance to fall into a craze for catching Absol.


"First of all, congratulations to these players for entering the top 64. Let's proceed to the third round." The host said.

"The next game will follow the same rules, with players drawing number plates."


"I'm number 3, how about you guys?" Qing Shui Kui asked.

"I'm number 5." Heichuan Ze replied.

"I'm number 32." Ning Hao said.

"It was close, we almost collided." Qing Shui Kui patted her chest and said.

"But Xiao Hao, your opponent seems to be the Scyther that I noticed before. Just now you were fighting, and he was also fighting in another venue. His Windy Dog is also well trained. He is indeed a player worth paying attention to." Qing Shui Kui said. When Ning Hao and Heichuan Ze were fighting just now, her game had already ended.

"I'll pay attention." Ning Hao replied.

"But Xiao Kui, it seems that you are facing the trainer who had Jolteon before. With your water attribute team, I'm afraid it will be a hard battle." Heichuan Ze said worriedly.

"I hope she only has one electric Pokémon, Jolteon." Qing Shui Kui said solemnly. Her team level is around level 54. If she is restrained in attributes, she will regret leaving the field.

Since there is enough space, the games are held simultaneously.

"Hello, my name is Xiaolu, from the Johto region." Xiaolu, the trainer who has Scyther, said.

"My name is Ning Hao, from the Kanto region."

"I watched your game, your Absol is very strong." Xiaolu said.

"Thank you, your Scyther is also very strong, and it suppresses my Absol in attributes." Ning Hao also praised it.

"Then let's start the game." Ning Hao continued.

"Go, Scyther."

"Go, Absol."

In the first round of the game, Ning Hao learned the data of Scyther, level 57, gym-level qualification.

"Scyther uses Sword Dance."

"Absol uses Sword Dance."

The two of them chose the amplification skill of Sword Dance very tacitly.

"Spymantis uses Silver Cyclone."

"Absol uses Death Song."

Spymantis's Silver Cyclone hits Absol, but Spymantis also displays the Death Song state, forcing Green to change Pokémon.

"Come back, Spymantis. Go, Argent."

"Argent uses Big Explosion."

"Absol uses Shadow Ball."

The two attacks collided, but Shadow Ball was slightly better and hurt Argent.

"Argent uses Slam."

"Absol uses Rush."

As a first move, Rush allowed Absol to hit Argent first. With the blessing of Sword Dance and Absol's own powerful attack, Argent almost lost its combat effectiveness. However, Absol, who had already been hit by Silver Cyclone, almost lost its combat effectiveness after receiving damage from Slam.

However, after the counter-injury of Slam, Argent still lost its combat effectiveness.

"Come back, Windspeed."


Ning Hao couldn't help but sigh. In the previous battles, Absol had always defeated three people with absolute advantage. When facing Xiaolu, he was about to lose his fighting power after defeating only one Pokémon.

"You are very strong. You are the only one who can hurt Absol." Ning Hao said to Xiaolu seriously.

"Come out, Scyther, use the combo."

"Absol, come on again."

Absol's raid caused a lot of damage to Scyther, but unfortunately it was taken away by Scyther's combo.

"You are very strong. You are the first trainer who really let me use the second Pokémon." Ning Hao said to Xiaolu seriously.

"You are also very strong. I originally wanted to get a good result in the Quartz Conference, but unfortunately I met you. I am afraid I will stop at the top 32." Xiaolu smiled bitterly.

"Keep going."

"Go, Gyarados."

Since the water attribute venue was drawn in the previous venue selection, Ning Hao sent out Gyarados.

"Gyarados uses Blizzard."

"Scyther uses Protect."

Although it used Protect, the gap between the King level and the gym level was too big, and it was vulnerable to the blizzard.

"How is it possible? The Protect skill is invalid? Is Gyarados a King level?" Xiaolu was stunned. He knew Ning Hao was very strong before, and even guessed that Ning Hao would have one or even two King level Pokémon, but he never expected Ning Hao to send them out so quickly.

"Come back Scyther."

"Go, Charmeleon."

"This is my strongest Pokémon." Xiaolu said seriously.

"I will do my best." Ning Hao also said seriously.

"Pokémon: Infernape, gender: male, qualification: King, level: 60 (already at the critical point of breakthrough, just let Gyarados release all its momentum to break through), personality: introverted, characteristics: fierce fire, attribute: fire, carried props: none. Skills: ??"

"Gyarados releases all its momentum."

The huge pressure suppressed Infernape, as long as Infernape can withstand this pressure, it can break through.

Seeing Infernape begin to tremble, Xiaolu shouted, "Come on, Infernape."

Perhaps it is the bond between the trainer and Pokémon, Infernape slowly stopped trembling. Brave enough to face Gyarados.

As a terrifying momentum came from Infernape, Ning Hao and Xiaolu both felt that it had broken through.

"Thank you." Xiaolu said excitedly.

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