Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 19 VS Vegetable Seeds

The new arrival has little impact on Mingzheng.

The relevant rules and regulations and elf training are personally taught by the captain Yusaku.

After teaching Rika how to upload information, he became even more thorough as a hands-off shopkeeper.

As for whether the two newcomers will rebel, that is captain Yusaku's business and has nothing to do with him.

Mingzheng devoted more attention to improving his strength, and then an uninvited guest appeared.

"Let's have another battle with me... suck!"

Seeing the ramen being sucked into the ramen by the storm in front of him, Mingzheng began to recall the several encounters between the two.

I probably...seemed...should...haven't offended her, right?

The temporary alliance on the field at that time could only reflect his calmness and resourcefulness in times of crisis.

As for letting you stay in this small town with no opponents for half a month?

Oh no...I am the opponent.

Two minutes later, Naizhong put down the ramen bowl and drank all the soup, then took out a small notebook and made a check with satisfaction.

No.32 Chicken White Soup Ramen get√

Ming Zheng blinked and silently calculated. If he had two meals a day, could it be that Caizhong had been eating ramen for half a month?

And they also change the flavor every day!

"Ah~~~ I've finished the last ramen, and you just came back. What a fateful encounter!"

Caizhong held her smooth belly and sighed happily, and her fiery eyes almost set Mingzheng on fire the next second.

"So, let's fight!"

"...1V1, I don't have any other elves suitable for the battle."

If he wants to fight, he will fight. Mingzheng squeezes the magic ball of Caracalla in his hand, and he is also curious about his own strength.

There isn't much else in the town, just open fields everywhere.

The two found a deserted place and sent out the elves at the same time in a tacit agreement.

Caracalla came on stage, and with a slight throw of the bone stick in his hand, a bone-colored white flower appeared. His proficiency was visible to the naked eye.

Next to Cai Zhong, a grass turtle with short legs was digging wildly at the ground, full of fighting spirit.

Looking at Caracalla with calm eyes across from him, he suddenly became even more angry.

Needless to say, the battle is about to begin!

The sapling turtle, which has not yet evolved into a cannon fodder turtle, is extremely fast. It takes extremely arrogant steps on its four short legs and rushes in front of Caracalla with a roar.


Needless to say, the Caracara bone stick was placed horizontally and he chose to resist it head-on.


The two small elves collided head-on, but the aura generated was not weak at all. An invisible whirlwind spread out, slightly suppressing the surrounding grass.

"Turtle, parasitic seed!"

"shoot down!"

The orders sounded at the same time, and Mingzheng and Caizhong looked at each other subconsciously.

At the same time, the small sapling on the glans of the grass shoots out a small seed, hitting Caracara in front of him.

The distance between the two was very close, and the parasitic seed arrived in front of Caracalla in almost the blink of an eye.

But before the parasitic seed could spread its blood-sucking vines wantonly, a bone stick as big as a sandbag suddenly hit the parasitic seed.


A precise strike!

Wherever the parasitic seeds come from, they are directly reflected on the glans of the grass seedlings.

In an instant, the vines danced wildly and tied up the grass seedlings and turtles that were caught off guard!

A red light flashed, and a lot of physical strength was absorbed by the turtle's screams, but in the blink of an eye, the same amount of physical strength was sent back.

It hurt and felt good, and the little turtle didn't know what expression to show.

"Iron head!"

Mingzheng's voice at this moment seemed so cold and ruthless, and when paired with Caracalla's silvery iron head, it added another level of determination.

Amidst Caizhong's shouts of "break away", the turtle was knocked out so hard that it couldn't get up for a while.

"Guigui, Feiye sharp knife cuts off the vines!"

Caizhong quickly regained his composure after being shocked and gave the most correct instruction.

"Stomp hard!"

Mingzheng's voice came out, which put great pressure on the struggling grass turtle. After barely standing up, he immediately used the Flying Leaf Knife and successfully blocked the second self-sucking of blood.

However, what arrived at the same time was Caracalla's stomp attack!

The shock wave caused by the heavy step made the grass turtle that had just stood up almost fall down again. Fortunately, it landed on all fours and finally managed to hold on.

But looking at the unharmed Caracalla and himself in such a state of embarrassment, Cao Miaogui's eyes were filled with fear.

So just now... I was so suppressed that I couldn't even fight back!

At this time, Cai Zhong was thinking the same thing.

In terms of elf combat power, the Turtle is definitely not inferior to Caracalla, not to mention it has attribute restraint.

But with just one move, Mingzheng successfully predicted her tactics, and then she was subjected to continuous attacks as airtight as the sea.

"The battle is not over yet, Turtle, use photosynthesis!"

Cai Zhong shouted loudly, his words of encouragement eliminated the fear in Cao Miaogui's heart, and he raised his neck to actively welcome the sunshine.

"Caracara, Iron Head interrupts it!"


Caracalla had seen the photosynthesis of the turtle, and immediately rushed out after hearing the order. The skull on his head flashed with metallic light, and the turtle that was halfway through photosynthesis was knocked away.

"shoot down!"


The bone stick was swung, and the rocks condensed from the rock energy flew out and hit the grass turtle in mid-air.


Caizhong shouted worriedly, subconsciously wanting to run over and catch the turtle.


The sapling turtle fell to the ground and rolled around again. The sapling on its head was drooping, and its eyes were circled and it had lost its ability to fight.


It also won very beautifully!

Mingzheng was a little dazed, and turned around to find that Caracalla was also looking at him.

Ming Zheng subconsciously showed a smile, and then gradually widened it!

Although he had simulated fighting with a turtle before, being able to defeat him so smoothly did not prove Caracalla's rapid growth during this period.

"Well done, let's keep up the good work!"

Leaning over and half-kneeling, Mingzheng gently wiped away the dust on Caracalla's skull.

Unlike the white and flawless skull at the beginning, Caracalla's skull now has many cracks and fine seams.

These are all proof of growth and strength!

"Let's take good care of it when we go back."


Caracalla didn't quite understand what maintenance meant, but he still nodded seriously.

On the other side, Cao Miaogui had woken up after simply dealing with his injuries, but he couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes.

"My turtle is not bad at all, but my trainer is not good enough. We must work harder in the future!"

The direct encouragement of vegetable seeds brings huge energy to the grass seedling turtles.

The sapling above the head stood upright again, and the turtle nodded seriously.

We must work harder and harder!

Then, help Caizhong defeat all the opponents in front of her!

The next moment, a mysterious light blue light flashed, completely surrounding the grass seedling turtle.

After being surprised, Cai Zhong was immediately ecstatic. He took two steps back and left some space for Cao Miaogui.

Mingzheng and Caracalla were also attracted to the attention, staring blankly at the grass turtle covered in blue light!

This is...evolution!

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