Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 28 This Pachirisu is really a tiger

Leave Tieyan Town and head south.

Mingzheng calculated the distance and it would take about two days to reach Huayuan Town.

But in order to have a certain experience effect, he did not choose to take the road that the alliance had already opened up, but went directly into the forest.

Gara Gara was right beside him, following him step by step, and his eyes under his skull were always scanning the surroundings.

Half curious, half vigilant.

One person and one pet walked until noon, and after making sure that there was no one around, they released the iron dumbbell that had been held back for many days.


The iron dumbbell was still a little confused when it first appeared. It hadn't seen such a big sun for many days.

But after a while, the iron dumbbell began to play around happily, as if it had never seen anything.

"Watch the iron dumbbell, don't let it run too far."

Mingzheng instructed, then set up the table and chairs and started preparing lunch.

The first day of the trip naturally requires a sense of ritual, and it can't be dealt with casually.

Although Gara Gara is not much bigger than the iron dumbbell, it is an elf that has seen big winds and waves after all.

Especially now that it has evolved, Iron Dumbbell is more obedient in front of Galagala.

Mingzheng observed silently for a while, then ignored it and concentrated on preparing lunch.

Soon, the sumptuous lunch was ready.

Iron Dumbbell, who had had enough fun, also flew back and stared at Mingzheng without blinking...

On the food in his hand.

"This is yours, eat slowly, you will be full!"

Mingzheng distributed the nutritious special elf food to Galagala and Iron Dumbbell, and sat down at the dining table.

Recalling the busy hour just now, he secretly decided to do it only once, and keep it simple in the future.

"Then, let's start!"

One person and two pets began to feast, accompanied by the breeze and dense forest, which was indeed a unique flavor.


There was a sudden movement in the bushes not far away, and Mingzheng and Karakala's eyes were immediately attracted.

As for Iron Dumbbell?

Oh...it's still eating and stuffing, with no sense of vigilance at all.


Mingzheng gave a look and Galala immediately picked up the thick bone stick beside him, ready to attack at any time.

The bushes were still shaking, and the newcomer didn't seem to have any intention of hiding.

Finally, a head popped out.

A round white head with two big sky-blue ears, yellow circles on both cheeks, and a face full of intoxication with a twitching nose.

It's Pachirisu!

Mingzheng was delighted. He didn't expect to meet this elf.

Pachirisu, the electric squirrel Pokémon, combines beauty and cuteness. It is a pet that all the ladies want to keep. It is also relatively rare in the wild.

Of course, the move "Look at me" gave it the title of "white devil".

In short, it's very valuable!

"Would you like to eat some?"

Mingzheng smiled, separated a portion of food and placed it in the distance, and slowly retreated.

The Pachirisu in front of him was quite courageous and actually moved over little by little.

When it was still one meter away, it ran to the food and started eating with a grunt.

It seemed that it had been hungry for a long time.

Mingzheng did not disturb it, but quietly prepared the next portion and placed it closer.

After all, the first portion was just a little bit, just enough for Pachirisu to taste.

Sure enough, as soon as Mingzheng put the second portion, Pachirisu ran over.

Vigilance, what is that?

It can't be eaten!

For the third portion, Mingzheng simply placed it next to Galagala and the iron dumbbell.

Pachirisu, who was not full, raised his head, with some crumbs on his mouth.

His round little eyes blinked, and then he continued to think about the third bowl!

Mingzheng was happy, this Pachirisu is a real tiger.

If it stays in the forest, it may not be able to adapt to this dangerous world.

So, let me find a human to support you!

Mingzheng thought happily, and then signaled Galagala with his eyes.

Gara Gara pulled the corner of his mouth, but still walked behind Pachirisu helplessly.

Silently watched Pachirisu finish the last bite of food.

Then, he raised the thick bone stick and tapped it gently.


Pachirisu paused, and a big bump suddenly appeared on his head.

The next second, Pachirisu's eyes circled and fell straight down.

"It's a pity that the three of us are not good lobbyists, otherwise we wouldn't have to be so violent."

Mingzheng regretted, then took out the Poké Ball to subdue Pachirisu.

Gara Gara rolled his eyes and continued to eat its meal.

As for Iron Dumbbell?

Oh, it's still eating.

Mingzheng's already good mood suddenly became better after receiving a Pachirisu that came to his door.

Looking at the Iron Dumbbell lying dead after eating too much, Mingzheng kicked it.

"Old Iron, if an enemy appears next, it will be left to you!"


A big question mark appeared on the bald head of Iron Dumbbell.

Who is Old Iron?

I'm new, new and shiny (())!

However, the fight with Iron Dumbbell is not in vain.

This place is deep in the forest, and the possibility of encountering humans is extremely low, which is suitable for training with Iron Dumbbell.

After all, even if it is a rare shining quasi-god larva, it can't really become stronger without the baptism of battle and hiding it all the time.

It seems that we have really entered the depths of the dense forest, and the number and types of elves have also increased.

Unlike Gara Gara, who doesn't offend others if they don't offend me, Iron Dumbbell relies entirely on recklessness.

The beginning of a battle often only requires one sentence.

"What are you worried about?"

Seeing that Tie Yaling had once again knocked a confused raccoon away, Mingzheng felt it necessary to instruct Tie Yaling on how to choose his opponent.

"Tiezi, come here."


Tie Yaling blinked his big eyes, thinking that calling Tiezi was better than calling Laotie.

It made him look younger!

Looking at Tie Yaling, who suddenly jumped up and down for some reason, Mingzheng decided to let him out more often in the future.

Look at the child who was holding it in, he was almost going crazy.

Let's get back to the point.

Mingzheng pointed to Jiecao'er who was huddled in a corner not far away.

Tie Yaling understood immediately and rushed out immediately.

"Come back!"


"Tiezi, look carefully, is this Jiecao'er weak?"

Tie Yaling blinked his eyes. After evolving, he would have superpowers and his observation ability was actually very good.

Then, Tie Yaling nodded.

"Then if you beat it, can you become stronger?"

Iron Dumbbell blinked again, subconsciously trying to nod, but then shook his head.

"Bei~ (Yes, but not much)"

Miraculously, Mingzheng actually understood what Iron Dumbbell wanted to express, and said along the way.

"It's not that it's not much, it's basically impossible to become stronger!"


Looking at Iron Dumbbell's face full of curiosity, Mingzheng organized his words and continued to explain.

And I don't know when, Galagala, who was just watching, also quietly came over and pricked up his ears.

"There are many ways to become stronger, but there are three that are suitable for you at present."

Eat, eat high-quality and nutritious food!

Practice, do targeted and planned training!

Fight, fight against strong opponents who put you under pressure!

And weak opponents will never make you stronger!

If you like, welcome to collect~

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