Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 38 Death Wind Spirit

The sky was dark, the grass was broken, and even the tree behind him looked like a dead tree.

The opposite sticky Pokémon was still there, but it was no longer cute.

The strange red eyes, the broken right antenna, and the grinning black lips.

Mingzheng seemed to have walked into a haunted house, and even if the sticky Pokémon died, it would not look so creepy.

‘Ghost-type Pokémon? ’

Mingzheng guessed in his heart, and then ordered loudly: “Gallagala, piercing sound!”

Gallagala was also protected by the aromatherapy and saw the surroundings clearly. He immediately obeyed the order and began to scratch his skull.

The sharp sound came out, and it was even somewhat suitable for the current scene.

The opposite sticky Pokémon was obviously affected, and the red light in his eyes dimmed, and then immediately lit up.

‘It’s being controlled! ’

Mingzheng was certain in his heart, and he believed more and more that it was the ghost-type Pokémon that was causing trouble.

If the shuttlecock flower had not released the aromatherapy in time to eliminate the negative state,

Mingzheng didn't dare to think too much...

Then, the sticky treasure of Death Wind moved, and it opened its mouth and sprayed a water gun, attacking Mingzheng directly.

The water of the water gun was not blue, but a black water gun full of stench.

Before the attack arrived, the stench had already broken through the smell blockade of the aromatherapy, making Mingzheng feel sick and want to vomit.

"Gala gala, shoot down! Shuttlecock flower, green grass field!"

Mingzheng covered his mouth, not afraid of the stench, but afraid of being controlled again.

Shoot down and hit, the rock energy bomb dispersed the stinky water gun, and hit the sticky treasure with great force!

The sticky treasure was beaten back and couldn't stand up for a long time. It was obvious that its strength was not strong.

Shuttlecock flower also fell to the ground, and the green light on its body spread around.

Soon, the green grass field was generated, and Mingzheng and Gala gala benefited from it. Both physically and mentally, they felt much more comfortable.

The iron dumbbell was also inserted vertically and stood on the ground, enjoying the increase of the green grass field.

But this vibrant place with a diameter of only three meters is out of tune with the surroundings.


A frog croaked, and a bad frog suddenly walked out slowly beside the Death Wind Sticky Treasure.

The same red eyes, the same incomplete body, and the same ugliness!




The first frog croak was like a signal, and strange sounds rang out one after another, and various Death Wind elves appeared one after another, which made Mingzheng's back cold.

Where did he come to? Why is the style of painting different from the normal elf world!

And what are those things that look like humans!

Then, the Death Wind elves launched attacks one after another. Although they moved slowly, they could not withstand the large number!

"Heavy Stomp! Iron Head! Shuttlecock Flower, Three Powder Attack!"

Gala Gala took the lead. The range attack of heavy stomp was very effective against group attacks, and Mingzheng found that they would not take the initiative to dodge.

Iron Dumbbell went deep into the enemy group, specifically dealing with enemies who tried to use long-range attacks to cause direct damage to Mingzheng, greatly reducing Mingzheng's pressure.

And the shuttlecock flower rotated the yellow crown on its head, and hypnotic powder, poison powder, and paralysis powder spread rapidly like a waterspout.

But soon, Mingzheng found that the three powders had little effect.

In addition to the paralysis effect of the paralysis powder, which slowed down their movements a little, none of them fell into a poisoned sleep state.

Mingzheng was more and more certain that the group of elves in front of him might not be alive!

And if the real master behind it is not found, it is unknown how long this siege will last.

And the way to crack it...

"Shuttlecock flower, parasitic seeds, iron dumbbell, come back!"

The tactics changed, and the three powders were ineffective, so they switched to parasitic seeds. Simple binding also had a good effect on this group of dead things.

The iron dumbbell that knocked away countless enemies also flew back, and the noble silver on its body was also stained messily.

"Iron Dumbbell, although you like to act recklessly, you must not forget that you have superpowers."

Iron Dumbbell blinked his eyes, not daring to say that he really didn't remember this.

"Now, your superpowers are needed!"


"Don't be nervous, dodge!"

Mingzheng was about to continue guiding, and a sharp air blade fell from the sky, and Mingzheng could only dodge in a panic.


Gala Gala in front screamed, shocked and angry, and quickly shot down the Mook bird in the air.

"Gala Gala, I'm fine, continue to guard the front, and be careful not to leave the range of the green grass field."

Gala Gala nodded in response, feeling extremely guilty, and more focused on resisting the attack.

"Iron Dumbbell, now is the time to need you.

Mobilize the superpowers in your body, use your natural keen perception, and find the enemies hidden around!

Only by defeating the enemies in the dark can these chickens and dogs collapse!"

Hearing the seriousness in Mingzheng's tone, coupled with the dangerous dodge just now

Iron Dumbbell didn't dare to act recklessly anymore, but tried to follow Mingzheng's instructions.

A greener and brighter beam of light shone from bottom to top on Mingzheng.

It was the Shuttlecock Flower that mobilized the energy of the green grass field and carried out targeted recovery on Mingzheng.

Mingzheng felt an itch in his arm, and then he realized that he had not completely avoided the air blade.

But because he was too focused, he didn't even notice that his arm was bleeding.

"Fa Fa~"

"I'm fine, help Gala Gala guard the surroundings, we will be able to get out soon!" Mingzheng comforted.

Galala is calm and composed, and can remain calm on the surface no matter how big the situation is.

Tieyaling is bold and reckless, and will not be frightened by the battle in front of him.

On the contrary, Jianzihua, who just joined, has been training and fighting during this period, and has not even relaxed properly.

Mingzheng is quite worried about its condition.

"Fa Fa!"

Jianzihua nodded obediently. It can only try its best to release parasitic seeds without attacking skills.

And it just found that although parasitic seeds cannot absorb the physical strength of this group of strange enemies.

But after contacting the green grass field, it can also get energy replenishment, so as to continue to bind the enemy, and the effect is not bad.

At this time, Galagala is alone, and Jianzihua assists from the side and blocks all attacks.

Mingzheng and Tieyaling are in the back, and Tieyaling's red eye is slightly blue, which is a sign that he is mobilizing superpowers.

Tieyaling keeps looking around, trying to find something.

Mingzheng, the weakest chicken at the scene, can only try to reduce his presence and not cause trouble to the elves.

Time passed like a year, and Gara Gara kept stomping and shooting down, repelling one death wind elf after another.

If it weren't for the green grass field that continued to recover and the aromatherapy that maintained the state, he would have given up long ago.

Iron Dumbbell had already looked around three times, and his one eye with red and blue was about to burst into tears, but he still didn't find the enemy in the dark.

Mingzheng's brain was working rapidly, silently recalling the whole thing.

And when Mingzheng was unconscious, his eyes actually glowed slightly.

Pink and purple light!

"Iron Dumbbell, we still have a chance. Once you find the enemy next, take action immediately and don't worry!"


"Gara Gara, a harsh sound!"

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