Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 40 Dong Shi Miao entrusts her son to others

Although the store is small, it has a wide variety of items.

The store girl and her friends stood by the checkout counter the whole time, but they kept looking at Mingzheng.

To be precise, it was the shuttlecock flowers floating around him.

Mingzheng carefully selected for a long time and finally replenished the supplies.

Walking towards the checkout counter, everyone except the store girl ran away with a cheer.

"Bill, please."

"Okay...Okay, let me do the math."

"There's no rush, just take your time and figure it out."

Seeing the girl's nervousness, Mingzheng did not urge her, but turned his head and shook the shuttlecock on his shoulder.

"Have you gained weight recently?"


Shuttlecock Flower was shocked, and quickly turned around to look at herself, and then she really thought she was fat.

After all, it is indeed much mellower during the shuttlecock flower period than during the shuttlecock grass period.


Shuttlecock Flower was so sad that she took out a jar of sweetness from behind her back.


The fragrance of the flowers melted from her mouth, and Shuttlecock Flower's sadness was dispelled, and she no longer felt uncomfortable.

Mingzheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"You know how to use sweetness!"

Zhuanzihua couldn't hear Mingzheng's teasing, but nodded in agreement.

"Master... Master, let's make it clear."

The store girl interrupted in a low voice, with awe and deep envy in her eyes.

"I'm not a master, I'm just an ordinary trainer. This is my partner Shuttlecock Flower. How much does it cost?"

Mingzheng said, taking out his wallet.

"It's really a shuttlecock! Ah... that 678 elf coins, just give me 670."

"Well, take the money as well."

After paying the bill, Ming Zheng nodded to the store girl, turned around and walked out of the store.

But at this moment, a pink figure rushed past Mingzheng, and then two aunts in aprons chased him with spatulas.

He shouted, "Stop, thief!"

"Ah, it's being chased again!"

Behind him, the store girl suddenly shouted worriedly, and then chased after her without even paying attention to the store.

Mingzheng watched the whole process, but became curious about the pink figure.

I didn't pay much attention just now, and I didn't even see what elf it was.

"Want to take a look?"

Ming Zheng asked Shuttlecock Flower.


The shuttlecock was in a good mood and nodded immediately. It loved to watch the excitement.

"Then it's up to you to lead me to catch up with them."


The shuttlecock patted its chest confidently, and then flew forward first, its little nose still twitching.

Ming Zheng trotted to follow and soon met the two aunts.

"It's that annoying thief again. It ate all the dried fruits I just dried!"

"What I was fed was beef jerky, which was much more expensive than yours!"

"Okay, you go chase him first, I'll take a break."

Mingzheng almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Is this the friendship of middle-aged plastic sisters?

Then he hurried past, for fear of being left behind by the next joke.

Mingzheng had good physical strength and soon caught up with the store girl without blushing or out of breath.

To Mingzheng's expectation, the shop girl seemed to be quite familiar with the thief.

I saw them squatting in the corner of the alley, and the girl was counting something.

"When you're hungry, come to my place. Don't steal things from the aunts anymore, or they won't like you."


Next to the girl, a petite Blue was holding a pile of dried fruits and dried meat. No matter how hard the girl in the store pulled her, she would not let go.

As if he noticed Mingzheng's approach, or was driven into panic, Blue suddenly yelled at the girl.


The girl was so frightened that she let go, and Blue turned around and jumped into the alley, disappearing.

Mingzheng approached and helped the petrified shop girl up.


The shuttlecock empathetically releases aromatherapy, which relieves the girl's frightened state.

After she recovered, Mingzheng asked aloud.

"Are you ok?"

When the girl heard this, her eyes suddenly turned red.

"It has never been vicious to me before. I thought it and I were already friends."

Ming Zheng blinked. She was such a sentimental and full of emotions girl.

Just cry.

“The Blue clan looks fierce, but in fact they are very timid.

I should have used the skill to roar just now to scare you. "

"So, it still yelled at me."


Too lazy to deal with the naughty kid, Mingzheng stood up and looked down, pointing in the direction he came from.

"Your store is still open."

"Ah! It's not closed!"

Any sadness or discomfort was suddenly gone.

The store girl rushed back faster than when she came.

Ming Zheng guessed with interest how many times she would be spanked, and then turned to look at the place where Blue disappeared.

As he said, the Blues are extremely timid.

Stealing food can happen, but it does seem weird to grab something and run away.

"Shuttlecock flower, can you still smell it?"


"Okay, let's go take a look."


Ten minutes later, Mingzheng stood in front of a half-collapsed house.

"Let's have some aromatherapy first."

The shuttlecock nodded, spinning its corolla to release its fragrance, reducing the hostility of the elves in the room.

After a while, Mingzheng got in with Shuttlecock Hua.

As soon as he entered the room, Mingzheng saw the fierce Blue blocking them, but his trembling legs revealed his fear.


Suddenly, a cat's cry came from behind Blue.

The little Blue's tiger face paused, and then silently retreated.

Mingzheng and Jianzihua looked at each other, and then went deeper again.

After turning the corner and entering another house, Mingzheng saw the source of the cat's cry.

A Dongshi cat with loose skin and no beard was lying on the cushion, obviously not young.

And around Dongshi cat's mouth, there were dried fruits and beef jerky scattered.

So, Blue stole things just to give to the Dongshi cat in front of him.

Seeing Mingzheng, Dongshi cat was not alert, because it was old and had no strength to resist.

Now it is still alive, but it is worried about the silly Blue.


Dongshi cat called again.

I saw Blue outside the door walking along the wall and ran to Dongshi cat.

Then, the cat trembled and stood up. Under Blue's incredible gaze, it was pushed to Mingzheng with its head.

Is this... entrusting an orphan to someone else?

Mingzheng frowned. Although he felt reluctant, he still had no intention of taming Blue.

Blue was not weak. The evolved Blue King had a rich skill pool and good attack power.

Although it was still a long time before the league officially announced the attributes of the fairy, Blue's cute appearance made its value not low.

However, these were not what Mingzheng cared about.

The main thing was that he couldn't afford it.

He had no big background, so it was better for him to go the elite route.

Blue was not within his consideration.

"If necessary, I can help it find a good trainer. It's not difficult to live a worry-free life."

Mingzheng said tactfully.

But the cat's eyes dimmed and it lay back down again.

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