Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 45: Sandstorm Contest, Start!

Because all the games have to be completed within one day, only one Pokémon can be used throughout the whole process.

Therefore, trainers have nothing to hide about their Pokémon.

Hokubiki, Kodora, Rhydon, etc. are very common.

Occasionally, two Rhynos and Treebeast appear, which are also rare species.

Mingzheng's Garagara is also relatively rare, so it also attracted a lot of attention.

But soon, the appearance of several Pokémon immediately attracted the attention of all the players.

Dragon + Ground Dragonfly!

Kodora's final evolution, Boskodora!

Max oppression, Steelix + Ground!

Mingzheng only felt that he was feasting his eyes, and he was secretly looking forward to the mighty and domineering of his own Iron Dumbbell after evolution!

"Quasi-God, it's a Quasi-God!"

Suddenly, a cry came from the crowd, and everyone's attention was attracted again.

Mingzheng was no exception, and he even guessed in his heart.

Is it Bangjiras, Garchomp, or Metagross? !

"Oh~ Metal Monster, it hasn't evolved yet."

The crowd started talking again, and the players breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it's just Metal Monster.

Everyone thought so in their hearts, but they all kept a straight face, not wanting to show it so obviously.

Mingzheng didn't care. He ignored the scrutiny of the crowd and walked straight towards the Metal Monster.

He just wanted to see what an ordinary Metal Monster looked like.

Then, Mingzheng was attracted by the Metal Monster...

The trainer next to him.

Zifuchi Daigo!

How could he be here!

Mingzheng couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and even wanted to turn around immediately!

At the critical moment, a pink-purple light lit up in Mingzheng's spiritual world, which quickly helped him calm down.

It seemed that Mingzheng's gaze was more direct than anyone else's.

Daigo noticed it, and turned his head.

Mingzheng had calmed down at this time, and nodded with a smile.

Daigo stared at Mingzheng for two seconds, then looked at Gara Gara, then nodded and turned his head away.

The first meeting of the two in the century passed by so calmly.

In order to appear normal, Mingzheng did not move and just stood there quietly waiting.

Seeing that nothing happened between the two, everyone could only look back in disappointment.

However, his eyes would occasionally glance at the metal monster.

Without a quasi-god, it is good to have a look. I should have been thick-skinned and learned from the one standing there!

Finally, the preliminary round began!

The broadcast began to call out numbers loudly, and the order of calling numbers was completely disrupted, and the frequency was very fast.

Soon, Daigo was called first.

Mingzheng remembered his competition number.


It was really a number that matched his identity!

Three minutes later, Mingzheng was called.

No. 233.

... Suddenly I didn't want to participate very much.

After the broadcast urged him for the second time, Mingzheng hurried to the competition channel.

Coincidentally, he just met Daigo who had returned victoriously in the competition channel.

Mingzheng nodded subconsciously and maintained a nodding acquaintance between the two.

Who knew that Daigo actually stopped in front of Mingzheng.


"The metal monster said that it smelled the breath of its own kind."


Mingzheng was shocked. He could not calm down even though the purple light in his spiritual world kept flashing.

"Let's exchange cultivation experiences when we have a chance."

Fortunately, Daigo continued to speak, revealing a friendly attitude in his words.

Mingzheng breathed a sigh of relief, but did not dare to say more.

"Okay, I'll go to the game first."

After that, Mingzheng walked quickly to the stadium.

When he stood on the command platform, he had completely regained his composure.

No matter how to deal with Daigo later, the most important thing now is the game.

Don't let down Galagala who has been working hard!

On the field, the sky was full of sand.

Galagala walked in calmly with a bone stick.

On the opposite side, a one-horned rhino, who was angry for some reason, was digging its hooves and wanted to hit it immediately.

"The game begins!" The referee shouted loudly without nonsense.

The next second, the Rhino rushed over, and the raging sand could not weaken its attack in the slightest.

Mingzheng crossed his arms and said nothing.

Gara Gara just stood there and waited quietly.

Until the Rhino ran across half the court.



The ground-type ripples surged, and the Rhino was pushed to a stop, unable to touch Gara Gara at all.

The next moment, the white bone stick whistled over, and the track was difficult to follow under the cover of the sandstorm.

Bang! Bang!

The bone boomerangs hit continuously, and the Rhino was knocked down directly!

Perhaps because the sound of the sandstorm was too loud, Mingzheng could hardly hear what the opposing trainer shouted.

Anyway, it didn't matter.

When the bone boomerang was thrown out, Gara Gara had already taken the initiative to move forward and approach the Rhino.

Accumulate power, jump up, and catch the bone stick.

The next moment, Gara Gara held the stick with both hands, added rich ground-type energy to the bone stick, and hit it hard.

Bang! ! !

Dust rose up and was quickly blown away by the sandstorm.

The one-horned rhino fell to the ground with his eyes rolled back, and there was a big hole on his head.

Gala Gala carried the bone stick, turned around and left without even looking at the opponent.

"The one-horned rhino lost its ability to fight, Gala Gala won, and No. 233 advanced!"


So, why not call the name.

Galagala defeated his opponent three times in a row and won the first game.

Unfortunately, there were no spectators in the preliminary round, and only the referee looked at him twice in surprise.

Mingzheng dragged his feet and left the field with Galagala, still thinking about how to deal with Daigo.

He was not short of money and had a friendly attitude. The purpose of approaching him was probably what he said.

To exchange experiences.

But the flashing iron dumbbells cannot be bought with money!

If it were Mingzheng, he would definitely be tempted.

Otherwise, he would not have gone to Yanshan again and again.

Would Daigo be a gentleman?

Even if he was, Mingzheng would not dare to bet!

‘I have to find an excuse, a reason! ’

Ten minutes later, Mingzheng walked out of the passage and returned to the waiting area, and inevitably met Daigo's eyes.

Both sides continued to nod to each other, and neither of them had the idea of ​​communicating on the spot.

Mingzheng exhaled, and it would be better to delay it for a while.

The frequency of the preliminary round was very fast, and the contestants came and went, and soon half of them were gone.

The time was only half past eight, and the preliminary round was over.

At this time, there were basically no elves in their initial form in the waiting room.

It seemed that the so-called random 1V1 was also carefully matched by the organizer.

Half an hour later

The gymnasium gradually became lively.

The players could hear the noisy sound in the training room, and they were all ready to fight.

The host outside was passionately organizing the opening ceremony.

Mingzheng could even faintly hear the words Miss Joy, the owner Donggang, the librarian Andrew, etc.

Obviously, there were many celebrities!

Finally, the broadcast in the waiting room sounded again, and No. 88 Daigo was the first to be called!

Everyone gave a salute, either envious or jealous, but they had to sigh that the organizer was cunning.

The first game had a quasi-god elf, who wouldn't be excited!

Fortunately, there was also a broadcast screen in the waiting room, which allowed the players to see the scene.

Soon, amid the thunderous applause, the first game of the sandstorm confrontation.

It officially began!

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