Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 487: On the eve of the finals, flames shot up into the sky

"The Soul Eye has lost the ability to fight. Since all the elves of player Juliang have fallen, the winner is the Sinnoh representative team - Mingzheng!"

The final result resounded throughout the audience, followed by thundering cheers and applause.

Ju Liang withdrew his fainted eyes, his pale face unable to conceal his disappointment.

Lost again.

Even after passing the special training of King Juzi and gathering the power of the entire clan to collect the super evolution stones of Gengar and Soul Eye, he still failed to defeat Ming Zheng.

Then wouldn't it be ridiculous for him to give up his persistence?

The sound of footsteps sounded. Juliang opened his eyes and saw Mingzheng walking towards him step by step, extending his right hand.

Ju Liang subconsciously shook hands and opened his mouth, but in the end only two words came out.



Mingzheng stopped, turned and left.

At this point, only the last final of the 4V4 doubles circuit has yet to be played.

The two sides are...

Sinnoh Sirona!

Sinnoh Mingzheng!

Regardless of the result, the Sinnoh team has become the biggest winner.

That night, the two of them tacitly agreed not to participate in the team's preparation training, and no one came to disturb them.

Team leader Lila was a little confused, because in addition to the doubles finals, the two of them had competitions on two other tracks.

If they could let each other go and not take the initiative to expose more of their trump cards, would the overall performance of the representative team be better?

But then I thought about it, no one could relax at all after fighting until now.

The honor of the team is the honor.

Personal honor is also an honor!

In this way, Lila can only hope that Mingzheng and Sirona have enough cards to be invincible in competitions on other tracks.

It's night, and the hot city of Hau'ole is gradually getting quieter.

The towering Aether Hotel is still brightly lit, and many people are still preparing for the next game.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, a violent roar echoed through Hauale City. Countless people subconsciously walked to the window and stretched their necks to find the source of the explosion.

Mingzheng, who was thinking about the final lineup, was also awakened by the sound and turned to look at the floor-to-ceiling window.

A strong red light came into view, and Mingzheng's pupils suddenly dilated, and he found that the explosive flames were outside the window!

Someone attacked the building? !

Which force dared to cause trouble at this time? Mingzheng's first feeling was incredible.

You must know that each representative team has at least 1 or 2 king-level trainers as team leaders. The fully assembled strength cannot stop even two or three champions.

Beep beep beep——!

At this time, the hotel's alarm sounded, and red lights flashed in the corridors.

Sai Fuhao and Shuttlecock Mian also immediately came to Mingzheng to be on guard. They were kept outside and did not get the elf ball.


A faint sound of air flow came from the vents, which was not obvious, but Ming Zheng, who was very perceptive, noticed something was wrong immediately.

"Aromatherapy! Saifuhao, you go..."

Ming Zheng whispered a few words quickly, and Sai Fuhao immediately dived into the floor.

The fragrant floral fragrance spread, and there was an obvious sluggishness when approaching the vent, and there were even more faint sounds of popping popping.

Someone put poison through the vents!

Mingzheng made a judgment instantly, and then looked out the window again. The firelight had disappeared at this moment.

"Metrogross, broken window!"

The red light lit up, and the silver giant golden monster Shining appeared. Ming Zheng jumped on its back and gave instructions.

Upon seeing this, Metagross's four steel arms immediately flashed with metallic luster, and suddenly broke through the bulletproof floor-to-ceiling window and flew into the air.

At the same time, more than one person discovered an abnormal situation, but because of the cover of the alarm, most people did not hear the abnormal exhaust sound from the vents.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Several more sounds of shattering glass were heard, and trainers were seen riding elves flying out of the hotel on every floor of the hotel.

In the peripheral vision, a familiar figure suddenly jumped from a high altitude. When Mingzheng was frightened and wanted to rescue him, a red light flashed around the latter, and a Muke eagle flew out to catch it.

"Daye... As expected of you."

Mingzheng's mouth twitched, and he immediately looked around, trying to find the hidden enemy.

I saw thick smoke rising from the middle floor of the towering Ether Hotel, which was obviously where the explosion first occurred.

Mingzheng didn't know the floors of the other teams, but at least the Sinnoh team wasn't there.

"Mingzheng! You're out too!"

A big-billed gull flew from the side, and standing on its back was the still handsome Mi Keli.

Mingzheng nodded to the latter, "Be careful. Have you found anything else?"

Mikri shook his head, "The enemy is in darkness and we are in the clear. I don't even dare to rescue him."

This was indeed the case. First, they were covered by the sound of explosions and sirens, and then used the vents to release poisonous gas into the entire hotel. The other party was obviously well prepared.

"But since poison gas is used, the opponent's current combat power is definitely not that exaggerated."

Mingzheng was thinking quickly. He hoped to escape several team leaders, so that king-level trainers would be in charge, which would make people feel at ease.

"Everyone gather here!"

Mi Keli shouted from the side, asking the people who ran out to come closer. Assembling in advance can also prevent them from being defeated one by one.

But Mingzheng looked at the many players flying over, but there was not even a team leader among them, and his heart sank.

After thinking about it, he silently let the Metagross fly to the side and handed over the task of calling everyone to Mi Keli.

At this time, there was another sound of glass breaking, and it was Shirona riding Pokkiss.

However, their condition was not good. Pokkiss was flying shakily, and Shirona's pajamas were also scratched with several holes.

'Metallic monster! '

Mingzheng called out in his heart, and Metagross understood immediately and flew towards Shirona.

The shuttlecock cotton beside him was faster and arrived in advance to release the aromatherapy.

"Thank you!"

Shirona tightened her arms, a little embarrassed, it was rare to see herself in such a mess.

Mingzheng put his coat on the other person and asked without looking away: "Did you encounter the enemy? Where are the team leaders?"

Shirona put on her coat without hesitation and immediately became serious. "A Pokémon attacked my room, but I didn't see any trainers.

The key is that the team leaders received a notice to go to a meeting half an hour ago, and Lila left me a message before leaving."

"It seems that the problem is big!"

The enemy can call away all the king-level trainers of each representative team, and they have not appeared until now. There must be more people in the organization.

"Mingzheng, let's organize a rescue first. Many people haven't come out."

"Well, tell Mikoli and the others..."

Boom! ! !

Another explosion sounded, and the people in the air looked in the direction of the sound and found that the main entrance of the Aether Hotel had been blown up.

In the thick fog, another silver Metagross and Dragonite flew out, and on their backs were Hoenn Daigo and Kanto Yuryuto.

"They have already encountered the enemy!"

"You and Mikoli organize the rescue, I'll go and take a look!"

Mingzheng said, and had already commanded the giant golden monster to dive down. Shirona hesitated for a moment and moved closer to Mikoli and the others.

She was indeed injured, and the poison gas before was very wrong!

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