Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 53 The First Gym Badge

Question: If the gym owner cannot change Pokémon, is it against the rules to force the challenger to change Pokémon?

The referee was in a dilemma.

This hesitation made Garagara sit on the field in a daze.

Stand up, turn around, and look puzzled?

"Then, it's up to you next!"

Mingzheng thought about it and decided not to provoke Donggang anymore.

The gym owner was forced to use the roar. Even if he had to face Garagara, who restrained it four times, he was unwilling to fight with Shuttlecock Flower again.

In other words, it was a disguised recognition of Shuttlecock Flower... right?


Garagara nodded. It was never afraid of fighting!

"Finally... finally... Boskodora, use Rock Slide!"

Donggang was so excited that he burst into tears and didn't even dare to recall what he had just experienced.

"Bone stick attack, rush out!"

A large number of rocks fell from the sky and smashed towards Garagara.

Garagara moved sideways, waving the bone stick in his hand, and no falling rock could get close to him.

"Boskodora, charge over and use the iron tail!"

"Right now, stomp!"

Boskodora's steps were heavy, and the entire battlefield shook with every step he took.

The moment when Gara Gara avoided the range of the rockfall, he followed Mingzheng's order and performed the stomp without hesitation.

The ground energy wave spread out with Gara Gara as the center, and soon confronted the rushing Boskodora.

Under the four-fold restraint, even if Boskodora was strong, he staggered and stopped for a while!


"Don't give up, charge at the cost of your life!"

The screeching sounded, and Boskodora was immediately controlled by the screeching sound as soon as he stood up, and his blue eyes showed signs of redness.

But Boskodora was not far away from Gara Gara after all.

Accumulate strength, jump up!

Boskodora, weighing nearly 400 kilograms, just left the ground, and then rushed over fiercely with a pure white airflow!

"Gargalla, bone stick attack!"

It's impossible to dodge, so let's have a head-on collision!

Mingzheng couldn't help but raise his voice, after all, he was affected by the passionate Donggang on the opposite side!

Bang! ! !

Self-sacrificing collision VS Qi gathering + bone stick attack!

At the moment of contact, Gargalla was pressed back by the force.

In terms of strength, the natural advantage of a large Pokémon like Boskodora is too strong, and Gargalla has not broken through this limit after all.

But looking closely, Gargalla's bone stick attack completely avoided Boskodora's hardest metal skull and hit it hard on its relatively fragile face.

The two Pokémon slid from the midfield to the outfield, and only stopped when they hit the wall.

Mingzheng clenched his fists and stared at the outside of the field.

Boskodora remained in a prone position, motionless.

And Gargalla, who was knocked into the wall, could not be seen.

Finally, Boskodora moved!

It tilted its head slightly, but a panting Garagara squeezed out.

Boskodora had already lost consciousness!

Swish, the referee immediately raised the flag and announced:

"Boskodora has lost its ability to fight, Garagara won, and since the two Pokémon of the gym leader Donggang have lost their ability to fight, the winner of this gym challenge is...



Mingzheng clenched his fists, ecstatic!

On the other side, Donggang silently took Boskodora back and breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally... it's over!

Mingzheng released Jianzihua again, walked across the half court with the two little ones, and came to Donggang.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Donggang seemed to subconsciously take a half step back after seeing Jianzihua approaching?

Well, it should be an illusion... right.

"You are very good. I look forward to seeing your wonderful performance in the league competition!"

The owner of the Donggang gym smiled professionally, said something against his will, and took out the badge that he was reluctant to give.

"This is yours!"

"Thank you, owner. I will continue to work hard!"

Mingzheng was polite and couldn't wait to reach out for the badge.

Eh? It's a bit tight.

I pulled!

Pull again!

Finally, the badge came to Mingzheng's hand.

Touching the gym badge with excellent quality, workmanship and feel, Mingzheng was very happy and gave it to Gala Gala and Shuttlecock Flower.

"This also belongs to you!"


"Fa Fa!"

Looking at the happy appearance of one person and two pets, Donggang was not so entangled.

Forget it, let this kid take the badge and continue to challenge other gyms!

Such a dirty routine, how can I feel it alone?

Jixian, Melissa, Acro... just wait!


Mingzheng looked up, looking at Donggang who suddenly laughed in surprise.

"Well... I suddenly remembered that I have something to do, so I'm leaving first!"

Just as Mingzheng left the gym, the communicator in his pocket rang.

Dr. Yamanashi!

Mingzheng quickly answered the call, thinking that he might have already produced some results.

Calculating the time, it's only been five days!

"Hello, Doctor!"

"Mingzheng, thank you for the information you provided, which has made our research a breakthrough. I also want to discuss some other matters with you. Is it convenient for us to meet?"

Yamanashi Bosch got straight to the point, but what he said made Mingzheng's heart beat.

"Of course, I just finished the Black Gold Gym and am about to continue my journey!"

After Mingzheng finished speaking, he could vaguely hear what Dr. Yamanashi said to someone else on the other end of the phone.

"I just happened to be going back to the research institute, can you come to Masaga Town?"

"Okay, I'll go there as soon as possible!"

After hanging up the phone, Mingzheng calmed down his excitement and went to the Pokémon Center.

After handing over the shuttlecock flower and the gala gala to Miss Joy, Mingzheng took the time to go to the mall to replenish the supplies.

If it wasn't time for dinner, Mingzheng even wanted to leave that day!

No words that night...

The next day, Mingzheng packed his bags and did not leave directly, but came to the bus station in Black Gold City.

That's right, Mingzheng was not going to walk there slowly.

It wouldn't be too late to continue hiking after finishing Dr. Yamanashi's business.

Ten minutes later, Mingzheng got on the large bus and released the shuttlecock flower, the only one that met the carrying requirements.

It was also the first time for the shuttlecock flower to take a bus, and her round little eyes were full of curiosity.

But it soon lost interest, and even chose to return to the Poké Ball because it didn't like the smell of gasoline.

Mingzheng didn't force it, because it was rare for him to have time to think quietly by himself.

Mingzheng currently has three Pokémon.

The training method of Garagara comes from Team Rocket.

With the invisible endorsement of Daichi Sakaki, Mingzheng will definitely exchange for a higher-level training manual in the future, and this road is a direct path.

The Shuttlecock Flower itself is extremely talented, and the existing poison defense substitution tactics have been enough for it to think about and use for a long time.

Mingzheng took the line of Dr. Yamanashi, in addition to wanting to obtain the three major families, he also wanted Dr. Yamanashi to help see if there were other reasons why the Shuttlecock Flower could not use attack skills.

Now that Dr. Yamanashi can invite Mingzheng to his research institute, this line is basically successful.

With Mingzheng's foresight, Dr. Yamanashi will only treat him more as a treasure in the future!

As for the iron dumbbell that has been growing wildly, Mingzheng also found a way out for him.

In the entire elf world, who else can understand the Iron Dumbbell Clan better than Zfuchi Daigo?

I think it won’t be long before Daigo will send back some news!

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