Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 6 Finding a Master for You

Being in the wild, Mingzheng didn't have much time to think. As he went deeper into the rock mountain, Caracalla's challenge had just begun.

Rumble Stone, the evolution of the Small Fist Stone.

The original pair of fists did not disappear, and even an extra pair of hands and two legs appeared, and they became larger and rounder.

The standard weight has also skyrocketed from the original 20 kilograms to the current 100 kilograms!

Looking at Longlong Shi with a smirk on his face, Mingzheng and Caracalla looked at each other.


Seeing that Caracalla was not afraid of its appearance and even wanted to challenge himself, Longlong Stone became furious.


Longlong Stone stamped his feet angrily, wrapped his big hands around himself and turned into a huge stone ball.

After a burst of red light, the rumble stone rolled down from top to bottom towards them!

Round + Roll!

The most classic combination move, which directly doubles the starting power of the roll, is not weaker than Caracalla's bone club attack.

How to block? !


Ming Zheng suddenly shouted loudly, looking at each other in tacit understanding.

Just use that trick!


Caracalla suddenly lowered his body, white energy rising all over his body, and stared at the rolling rocks without blinking.

Gather your energy!

A move that Caracara came to understand naturally when he learned the Bone Boomerang.

In the state of gathering Qi, Caracalla's concentration was raised to the extreme, and the world around him seemed to have disappeared, leaving only the rumbling stone that suddenly slowed down a lot and stumbled towards him.


I saw Caracalla throw out the bone club without hesitation, and the bone club whirled, directly smashing the standing rocks on the side.

The rocks flew, and the largest one just happened to fall on the path where the rumble stone was about to roll.

Longlong Stone found the obstacle and quickly controlled his body to forcefully twist it.

But before it could be proud, the bone boomerang from behind had already flown back, and its path happened to perfectly intersect with the twisted rumble stone!

state! ! !

A duller knocking sound sounded, and Longlong Stone staggered violently, flying directly off the ground, unable to maintain its rolling posture.

At the same time, Caracalla jogged two steps to the left and caught the thick bone stick flying back.

"Again, Bone Boomerang!"

Mingzheng's voice came, and Caracalla didn't think much. He saw the position of the rumble stone and threw the bone club decisively again!

state! state!

Two consecutive hits, all hits!

Longlongshi's head was directly smashed into a big crater, and he lay motionless on the ground.

Caracalla wins!

A parabola flew past, and the red and white elf ball accurately hit the rumble stone and absorbed it.

Caracalla returned to Mingzheng and looked at the shaking elf ball with a serious face.

But Longlongshi, who had lost his fighting ability, was unable to resist.

After a "bang" sound, the elf ball quickly became quiet.

Picking up the elf ball and locking it, Mingzheng turned to look at Caracalla, who was panting slightly.


Caracalla folded his arms and nodded calmly, indicating normal operation.

But the next moment, Caracalla turned his attention to the elf ball.

Mingzheng understood and explained: "I found a teacher for you. It has two skills that are very suitable for you."

Caracalla did not speak, but there was a little disbelief in his eyes.

Do you want me to learn to roll?

I'm not round either, I can't roll...

Perhaps this area is the territory of Rumbling Stone, so no other elves came to disturb them after the battle.

Mingzheng simply took Caracara here to rest for a while, and then released the rumble stone.

At this time, Longlongshi was already awake, but the big hole on his head was still obvious.

It looked at Caracalla with some dissatisfaction, but felt the pain coming from its head, and still languished.

He was defeated head-on one-on-one, so Long Longshi had nothing to be dissatisfied with.

At this time, a hand stretched out in front of the rumble stone, with several ground energy cubes placed on it.

The rich fragrance wafted out, making Longlongshi stare blankly without moving his eyes.

"Eat it and see if it suits your taste."

Mingzheng's gentle voice made Longlongshi, who usually likes to yell, quite uncomfortable.

It turns out that my voice can still be used in this way.

He carefully picked up an energy cube and put it into his mouth. The rich fragrance and abundant energy instantly conquered the rumble stone in front of him.

The big crater on its head is also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Longlongshi was in a good mood, and his eyes looking at Mingzheng softened a lot.

Mingzheng took the opportunity to ask: "Longlongshi, can you use the two skills of knocking down and stomping?"

With that said, Mingzheng handed over two more energy cubes.

Longlongshi took it subconsciously, and then thought that Mingzheng was asking it questions.

Even though Longlongshi was quite thick-skinned, he couldn't help but blush.

We are definitely not here for these two energy cubes, we simply want to show off our own strength.

Eat the energy cube.

Longlong Stone turned around, closed his big hands and opened them, and a sharp stone was generated out of thin air.

Then, Longlong Stone held the sharp stone in his right hand, aimed at a protruding stone on the rock mountain, and then swung it violently.


The sharp stone collided with the stone, and the two shattered and fell down with a huff.

Skill, shoot down!

It wasn't over yet. I saw the rumble stone running into the distance again. I stepped on it hard with my big foot, and ripples on the ground visible to the naked eye began to spread around it. There were fine cracks wherever the ripples passed.

Mingzheng's eyes lit up. This was a hard rock mountain. Being able to stomp on it and create cracks, this skill was not weak.

Stomp and Shoot Down were both very suitable skills for Caracara to learn.

Especially Shoot Down, which was very threatening to the air elves!

Caracara also saw Rumble's performance at this time, and the desire in his eyes was not concealed.

"Awesome Rumble!"

Mingzheng first praised it, and then said: "I would like to ask you to teach Caracara to learn these two moves. The reward is that there will be enough energy blocks during this period. After Korakora learns it, I will let you go free."

Rumble was happy. Although the energy blocks were delicious, it preferred to bask in the sun on the rock mountain without worries, and bully the Geodudes when it was bored. It was free and happy.


Without hesitation, Rumble nodded and agreed.

Mingzheng grinned. When Korakora learned to stomp and shoot down, there would be more places to go than just the rock mountain, and more enemies to fight than just Geodudes.

After temporarily conquering Rumble Stone and successfully building up Caracara's confidence in fighting, Mingzheng's training mission for today was successfully completed.

As for why it was only a temporary conquest, it was mainly because Mingzheng did not have enough money and could not train too many elves at one time.

In his heart, he always had expectations for Shiny Metagross.

Seeing that it was still early, Mingzheng saw that the environment of Yanshan was more suitable for Caracara's training, so he simply let Rumble Stone start teaching, and he also had time to eat lunch.

Considering takeout, today I finally didn't eat ramen.

But... squid ink seafood noodles!


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