Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 61 Taboo of the Sea of ​​Flowers

"Desolate Trail?"

On the other end of the communicator, Daigo frowned, vaguely feeling that he had heard of this place before.

"You should have heard of the place that was forcibly renamed by Kikuno Tenno."

"Are there any good things there?"

Mingzheng thought to himself that as expected, the business of the Zifuchi family is mainly in the Hoenn region, followed by the Sinnoh region.

Even if they didn't get a share of the pie back then, the inside story is probably very clear.

"There must be good things, but do you still dare to develop it?"

Mingzheng said with a hint of meaning.

Daigo understood immediately and said, "The Devon Group has never done anything to drain the pond, and Kikuno Tenno is our distinguished black diamond member.

"Okay, I'll give you the address as before, and you can see it for yourself. "

Mingzheng didn't want to say more. He hung up the phone, sent the detailed address, and didn't care about it anymore.

After finding a hidden clear stream, Mingzheng took the three elves to wash themselves, and then headed back to Huayuan Town.

After walking through the deserted path for another three days, the dense forest around him began to thin out, and the flowers of various shapes and colors gradually increased. Various insect elves also began to appear in groups.

Mingzheng took the shuttlecock flower, which looked very friendly, to carefully avoid the insect swarms, trying to avoid misunderstandings as much as possible.

Soon, when Mingzheng passed the last big tree, he saw a sea of ​​flowers that had no end in sight!

Some are delicate, some are elegant, some are shy, and some are blooming...

All kinds of flowers are trying to grow upwards, showing their own Beauty attracts insects to suck nectar and collect pollen.

Above the sea of ​​flowers, bees, gentleman moths, hunting swallowtails, poisonous butterflies, etc. can be seen everywhere, all living in harmony and friendship.

Under the sea of ​​flowers, wingless knotweeds, stinging insects, and round magicians gather in groups, picking low flowers to suck nectar.

Facing Mingzheng and the shuttlecock flower that suddenly appeared, the elves just looked at them and then stopped paying attention.

In a trance, Mingzheng wondered if he was hypnotized by some hallucination again.

Although the journey was not very difficult, the elves encountered either attacked actively or ran away immediately in fear, and never ignored them.

Could it be that there are too many flowers here, and there is no fighting under the abundance of food and clothing?

"Shuttlecock flower, aromatherapy."

"Fa Fa? "

Although the shuttlecock flower was puzzled, it still released aromatherapy to Mingzheng.

'Yes, it's true.'

After Mingzheng confirmed again and again that there was no problem, he slowly walked into the sea of ​​flowers.

But the flowers grew too densely, and Mingzheng stepped on a small dwarf flower unconsciously.

"Ji! ! ! "

A scream sounded, and Mingzheng was immediately alert and subconsciously took two steps back.

But he saw a round wizard looking at Mingzheng angrily, pointing at the flower that Mingzheng stepped on with his round little hand, as if questioning him.

Before Mingzheng could react to what was going on, all kinds of insect-type elves surrounded him, all with anger in their eyes.

At this moment, Mingzheng wished that they could always ignore him like they did just now.

How could he feel that something was wrong.

"Fa Fa! "

At the critical moment, Shuttlecock Flower, who understood why Jiecao'er was angry, stood up and took the initiative to release the green grass field.

As soon as the green grass field opened, the originally broken dwarf flowers miraculously stood up again, and even bloomed more beautifully.

And all the flowers within the green grass field began to grow wildly, and each one became delicate and beautiful, with extremely strong vitality.

Suddenly, all the hostile eyes disappeared and turned into hot.

The eyes looking at Shuttlecock Flower were extremely hot!

"Shuttlecock Flower, take it back!"

Seeing this, Mingzheng hurriedly whispered.

Shuttlecock Flower was also startled and hurriedly took back the green grass field.

The flowers that were previously induced to grow were still delicate and beautiful, but they did not grow terribly anymore.

"Shuttlecock Flower, what's wrong with you!"

Suddenly, Mingzheng shouted in surprise and hugged Shuttlecock Flower, who was confused.

"Pretend to faint! "

After giving the instructions quickly and quietly, Mingzheng continued to shout.

"Jianzihua, you are not well yet, how can you force your vitality to these flowers? Are you going to die!"

Jianzihua blinked in confusion, closed her eyes with sudden realization, and pretended to be weak.

Mingzheng continued to shout, and her voice was so loud that the bug-type Pokémons took two steps back.

Seeing the fiery eyes gradually disappear, Mingzheng quickly put Jianzihua into the Poké Ball.

"Everyone, do you know if there is a town or a wild Pokémon center there? My partner needs urgent treatment!"

The bug-type Pokémons looked at each other, and they didn't know the situation very well for a while.

But Jiecaoer, who screamed before, suddenly stood up and pointed in the direction of the sea of ​​flowers.

Mingzheng pulled the corner of his mouth, how can I go there.

"I wonder if anyone can take us there? "

Mingzheng took the initiative and asked deliberately.

At this moment, the insect elves hurriedly flew away, unwilling to look at Mingzheng again.

Jiecaoer was a little hesitant, but he looked at his arms and legs...

Oh, it hasn't grown arms and legs yet.

Jiecaoer shook his head and followed his friends away helplessly.

Mingzheng was relieved until all the insect elves returned to the ignore state.

The insect elves here don't allow outsiders to hurt any flowers.

No, maybe even they can only collect honey and cannot destroy flowers.

And facing the enemy who destroys flowers, all insect elves are united in hatred regardless of race. No matter how strong Mingzheng is, he can't defeat all the elves in the sea of ​​flowers.

Perhaps this is the reason why the sea of ​​flowers can be formed, but it also completely blocks Mingzheng's way forward.

After leaving the forest, all you can see is the sea of ​​flowers, and it is extremely difficult to take a detour.

Moreover, the Flower Garden Town itself is in the sea of ​​flowers, so the only way to take a detour is to bypass the Flower Garden Town directly.

But we spent too much time on the deserted path before, and the supplies have been exhausted. If we take a detour, the supplies are not enough.

What to do?

At this moment, a chubby Mukle suddenly flew into the sea of ​​flowers, caught a fat stinging worm with great accuracy, and turned around and flew away without hurting any flowers.

Although the surrounding insect elves were scared and scattered, no elf chased after them to save their companions after they reacted.

Seeing this scene, Mingzheng suddenly thought about something.

Only flowers are taboo in the sea of ​​flowers.

But insect elves are not!

As long as he doesn't hurt the flowers, Mingzheng won't be attacked by the group no matter what method he uses.

Then, maybe there is indeed a way.

"Metal Monster, there is a skill that we may need to practice carefully."


The metal monster blinked, thinking that he had mastered every skill well.

"This skill is... take me flying!"

"... Bei?"

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