Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 63 The Queen Bee's Army!

I don’t know if he cheated the metal monster, but he certainly didn’t hurt himself.

Thinking of the delicious taste of the indigo tungsten ore, the metal monster finally ate it.

You can be strong and handsome at the same time.

After dinner, Mingzheng took the elves to sit on the grass to enjoy the rare sunset over the sea of ​​flowers.

The busy insect elves went home one after another, and only a few naughty hunting swallowtail butterflies were still playing and fighting in the sunset.

Mingzheng looked at the three elves around him.

Gala Gala was concentrating on coiling the bone stick, which was ten thousand times more beautiful than the sunset in his eyes.

The corolla of the shuttlecock flower gently rotated, and its body floated up and down, watching very attentively.

The metal monster stayed aside in a daze, staring at the sea of ​​flowers with blood-red eyes, and I don’t know what he was thinking in his head.

Maybe not every partner can understand his behavior of appreciating the sunset, but Mingzheng was also very satisfied to have them accompany him at this moment.

No words were spoken all night.

The next day, Mingzheng continued to ride the metal monster on his way.

Flying is always faster than walking, so Mingzheng saw the second water source marked on the map before noon.

"Take a rest there!"


Knowing that he had to fly for a whole day, Metal Monster didn't show off and landed obediently by the pool.

And in the time of yesterday afternoon and this morning, Metal Monster found that his control over telekinesis had improved significantly.

Being able to get stronger while traveling, Metal Monster was more willing.

Mingzheng prepared lunch with Gala Gala as usual, and Metal Monster and Shuttlecock Flower got together to chat.

But before the meal was ready, there was a sudden commotion in the peaceful sea of ​​flowers, and many insect-type elves flew away.

Gala Gala immediately alerted, holding the bone stick in his hand tightly and staring at the sky.

Metal Monster and Shuttlecock Flower also flew back to Mingzheng and looked around.

When the elves around fled, a dense and huge group of three bees came whistling like locusts passing through!

Seeing that they would definitely pass the pond in the direction they were flying, Mingzheng did not dare to stay, and even did not collect the tables and chairs, and rode the metal monster to escape.

"Fa Fa!"

But at this moment, the shuttlecock flower suddenly shouted and pointed to the other side.

Mingzheng looked and immediately said "Fuck!"

Why is there another group? !

This group is not three bees, but composed of gentleman moths and knot grass ladies.

And the slower knot grass ladies are all carried on the back of gentleman moths, forming an air riding combination.

When Mingzheng took back the gala, sat on the metal monster and dragged the shuttlecock flower away from the original place.

The three bees had already collided head-on with the gentleman moth group and started fighting!

Looking at the flowers below them that were affected, Mingzheng secretly despised them in his heart.

Why are they not united against the enemy now?

Immediately, Mingzheng patted the metal monster again, indicating that he should retreat a little, and then flew low and hid in the sea of ​​flowers.

In the wild, wars between elf populations are not uncommon, especially when resources are scarce.

But the sea of ​​flowers is an inexhaustible resource for these insect-type elves, so why would they fight?

Just as Mingzheng was thinking secretly, the two tribes in the melee had already suffered considerable casualties.

The individual strength of the three bees is very weak, but their number is several times that of the gentleman moths, and they cooperate with each other very well.

For a time, the two sides were in a state of equal strength.

But soon, a giant gentleman moth, which was five times the size of an ordinary gentleman moth, rushed out, and its powerful momentum instantly shocked the three bees on the field.

For a time, a large number of three bees were shot down, and many flowers were smashed.

Seeing this, Mingzheng asked the metal monster to retreat again.

But the metal monster's eyes lit up, looking at the giant gentleman moth and couldn't wait to fight.

"You can't go, that big guy won't fight with you, he will only send his younger brother to fight you in a round-robin battle," Mingzheng persuaded.

The metal monster was not stupid, the fighting spirit in his eyes dissipated, and he was quite depressed.

Mingzheng patted the metal monster in a comforting way, but he was wondering in his heart why the leader of the three bees didn't come.

Just as he was thinking about it, the real leader appeared.

A giant queen bee that was also several times larger than the ordinary queen bee slowly appeared from the back of the colony.

In an instant, all three bees seemed to have found their backbone, and their fighting spirit instantly increased several times.

"What do they eat to grow so big!"

On the other side, Mingzheng said secretly, with another idea in his mind.

Could they be... Overlord elves?

On the battlefield, the queen bee raised her hand lightly, and all three bees flew back and appeared in unison beside the queen bee.

The giant gentleman moth also made a long cry, and the gentleman moth also flew back with the grass-knotting lady, but their actions and movements seemed too scattered.

The three bees have been organized into three large square formations, surrounding the queen bee.

The queen bee was seen with red light flashing around her body. With a light finger of her right hand, one of the three bee squares immediately flew out and launched a wind attack on the gentleman moth group in unison!

The wind of a single three-bee is very weak.

But the wind of a group of three-bee army can even directly create a giant tornado!

"Metal Monster, Shuttlecock Flower, let's retreat again!"

Mingzheng ordered hurriedly, fortunately they were far away.

But the gentleman moths who faced the tornado head-on were in a bad situation.

It was okay for the lady with the knot grass on her back to defend herself, but those gentleman moths who were alone were almost caught in the tornado in the blink of an eye, and their bodies were torn apart one after another, which shocked Mingzheng!

Even the giant gentleman moth took the initiative to retreat a long distance, and then used mental power to resist the tornado.

"Yin Yin!"

While resisting, the giant gentleman moth gave a long cry to issue instructions.

The gentleman moths that were not affected immediately launched a counterattack, aiming directly at the queen bee!

Psychic power, wind, fantasy light...

Various skills whistled in, but the queen bee did not dodge at all. With a wave of her left hand, a large group of three bees in a defensive formation flew over and took all the attacks.

Then, the queen bee waved her hands again, and another group of three bees appeared, replacing the wounded in an orderly manner and treating them on the spot.

"Hiss~~~ Group battles are invincible!" Mingzheng couldn't help but sigh.

The metal monster nodded.

As soon as the queen bee appeared, the gentleman moth fell into a disadvantage, and her companions fell every moment.

On the other hand, due to the proper command of the queen bee, even the injured three bees returned to the battlefield one after another.

As one side gains, the other loses. If the gentleman moth does not have strong support, it will surely lose.

So why does the giant gentleman moth insist on fighting?

At this moment, Jianzihua suddenly pulled Mingzheng's sleeve.

"Fa Fa~"

Jianzihua gently pointed to the back of the three bee colonies, and then took a deep breath.

"What's wrong, is there anything there?"

Jianzihua nodded frantically, looked at the battlefield that was still entangled, and pointed to the back again.

Mingzheng couldn't help but pat Jianzihua's little head.

Such a well-behaved Jianzihua, who taught you these things? If I knew, I would definitely break his legs!

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